Show FOURTH OF JULY RATES RESTORED I Special fares tares will 1 bo be In I effect via Denver n Rio o Grande I atar Western Vestern r from Ogden d to all eta sta stations Minimum fare SO FiO O cents I Tickets on sale July 3 and 4 at aL atI I I t nion station ima final return limit July 7 j 2116 UIl 1 I FOURTH OF JULY A Y picnic But Dut you vou want vant a avery aYery avery very good dinner loo too lave Have both Take along a 3 liberal supply or of- of MG POTATO 4 FLAKES L The best chef chet In ln the world could not make them better belter You'll all be hungry and these are very tery tantalizing So take 4 6 or 8 boxes See that they are M It G. G At all good I Another sure hit for tor a aI J. J I picnic dinner dinner- I SPUD DIES String Shoe String e-String potatoes Colorado Potato Flake Flike Manufacturing Co t Denver Colo Cob I r rJ J NEW NEVY UTAH POTATOES 12 Lbs For SOc Worth Delivered Free Large Size Fresh Every Day High Patent Hard Wheat FLOUR Per Sack DELIVERED FREE Phone Farmers Feed Co 2008 Wash Ave I THESE PRICES AT ALL STORES TORES S ALL DAY FRIDAY Wiggly Stores Will Be Clos Cbs ed All Day Saturday July Sliced I This Item Would Be a Good Goodat P 2 21 2 1 r- r Value at 2 22 z 2 Can V VC I r Extra Quality C L H Fl E E E L Full Cream Cream I j b J 2 3 C I Pure Sweet B U Q 1 Oquirrh n b 4 2 tr Creamery za U Brand Y I Shredded j I I Extra Fine S n 10 Pound Found U Granulated g Q Cloth Bag C orn 0 r n F a akes k Post Kellogg's Kelloggs of o li or 9 C Creme Oil OH Soap So 10 Bars ars Potato Chips small LIBBY'S CANNED MEATS Medium lOc Large Potted Meats No Sc Angelus A I us Marshmallows Marshmallows- M ars h ma II Potted Meats No yz 2 gc I II IIA Veal Loaf Medium 15 C Size S. S Ize lOc 10 c 35 c Size S. S Ize 2 I Corned C orne d Beef B ee f No N o. o 1 25 c Mayonnaise Gold Medal 8 oz Vienna Sausage No l 2 I L Roast Beef No 1 I Geisha Crab rao Meat No INO 21 2 2 can f. Lunch Tongue No i 7 I Dunbar's Shrimp No 1 can 21 c Beef Steak and Onions No 1 1 Full Sweet of and Flavor c Cantaloupes an t a I Standards 1211 I II Lemons Lemons- Lemons Graded All Bunch Vegetables 3 for Raspberries Cup lOc Utah Cabbage Ib lb I New String Beans Wax Green Pound 12 12 I c y Tomatoes 2 lbs i Cauliflower Snow SnowWhite J SunKist Oranges White lb Ib 71 7 joe Dozen fI f I NEW N E I Potatoes 25 Watermelons Every One Ripe Ib lb 31 I Lettuce Each 71 L I 2 J c r J i i 1 THOSE EATS I Everybody will want t spending di m money for or the FOURTH FRT Buy your EATS at a United store and that will help solve your lem I em I UNTIL NOON FRIDAY i Watch Out For Two Days' Days Rations Our Stores Closed All Day Saturday CHOICE BEEF POT ROASTS Ib lb lOc ROLLED PRIME RIB BEEF ROASTS lb Ib 17 CHOICE BOILING BEEF Ib lb BEST FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER BUTIER lb Ib 2 WELL JELL-WELL any flavor fl vor Saving Fourth Suggestions LUNCH GOODS BECCO 5 Libby's Deviled Meat Meat What Is the Fourth without 3 Vienna Sausage Becco Note our low prices 2 Sliced Beef 12 small Becco 1 15 2 Libby's Corned Beef 3 small Becco 2 Veal Loaf 1 I small Becco lOc Tall Red Salmon can can 12 large Becco 2 tall Pink Salmon 6 large Becco Large Flat Maple Leaf 3 large Becco 2 small Maple Leaf 1 large Becco lIc 2 small Glenwood Red Refund on returned bottles 2 small Sport Red In dozen lots 2 Booths Booth's Sardines bottle Grape Juice 2 Dunbar Shrimps 1 dozen Soda Water Wata Curtis Pure White Tuna SUGAR 2 large Pork and Beans Ibs lbs Extra Fine Sugar 2 medium Pork and Beans 23 2325 25 lbs Ihs Extra Fine Sugar 3 small Pork and Beans 10 Ihs lbs Extra Fine Sugar 1 Ib lb School Boy Peanut SARATOGA CHIPS Butter Fresh and crisp Just from the 2 Ibs lbs School Boy Peanut kettle Butter 1 lb Ib Fresh Bulk Chips FULL LINE FRESH N. N B. B C. C CRACKERS FINE ASSORTMENT MELONS BERRIES FRESH VEGETABLES ETC OUR MARKETS WELL I SUPPLIED WITH CHOICE LUNCH MEATS i I UNITED CARRY STORES H Two Good Busy Stores 2212 Wash Ave 2584 Wash Ave I 1 1 P- P C. C rl cU t tr r Lr j t ALL DAY FRIDAY p mi A MC 3 F For r PORK F BEANS Limit i i 2 0 C CHARD HARD WHEAT FLOUR pound 48 Limit i d sack 2 10 1 0 CI I Libby Rc Rese e. e SALMON dale Medium Tall Red Can 2 0 G Crystal rY P. P and O. O White or orA e SOAP A B Naptha 10 os HARS 37 G H Limit NEW POTATOES 10 LBS I ALL DAY DA MEAT PRICES 2000 lbs Ibs Choice Beef Pot Roast best cuts lb Ib 9 Milk fed Veal Loin or Leg Roast lb Ib II Plate PIa te Rib Boil 3 lbs Ibs Choice Rump Roast of Beef lb Ib I Potato Chops Chop package lOc Raspberries Red RedS 3 for Tor ISo I Lemons Lemon dozen He Black Caps Cap 3 for Betto Becco 3 large bottles bottle Cherries lb Ib bc Becco Detto 3 small bottles bottle Large Laroe Cucumbers Cucumber Cut umbers I Oranges Orange dozen Radishes 2 bunches bunche Sc Mammoth Head Lettuce bc Green Onions OnIon 3 bunches Sc 4 lbs Ibs Green Peas Wax or Green Beans 2 lbs Ibs Iso 1 SELF SERVICE MARKET j TWENTY-FOURTH TWENTY STREET r r Tn r I I Ir rr r II L r. r 1 I dY 1 We are closed O d all I day Saturday a r We e have plenty e Y of good fresh vegetables for the holiday trade 2000 Pounds GREEN PEAS These peas will be picked Thursday afternoon and I i Friday morning so they are nice and green and I extra sweet Buy all you want at this low price GREEN PEAS Per Pound Sc Golden Wax Beans the finest on the market Per Pound fcc 12 12 c j Cabbage per pound I Cauliflower per pound 7 c II Green Onions 6 bunches lOc E Radishes 5 bunches mc Cucumbers 2 for i I c Summer 5 Squash S h each h. h v. v lOc I Potatoes 12 pounds Blood Red Beets just the thing for your picnic I lunches about 60 to the bunch I Carrots Turnips Beets 4 bunches lOc Raspberries Black Caps 3 for Nice Big Black Cherries per pound lOc I PEOPLES PEOPLE'S PRODUCE H 1 2124 WASH AVE PHONE 1 p- p j Ji 9 7 I c t T- T WASHINGTON MARKET FREE DELIVERY AY PHONE 2800 2472 Wash Ave We Will Be Closed All Day IDay JULY FOURTH r Fresh Dressed Springers Milk Fed F cd Ib lh Cold Roast Pork Beef Veal Pressed Veal Corn Beef Chicken Boiled Ham Ham Bologna Chip Chip- Chipped Chipped ped Beef Pickled Pigs Feet Liver Sausage Sum Sum- Summer Summer mer Sausage Kippered Salmon and Codfish I Brooms Value Each Watermelons Ice Cold lb Ib 31 Dunbar Shrimps Can i Jap Crab Meat Can ol Bulk and Package Spud Chips Green and Ripe Olives Sweet Dill and Sour Pickles Millers Miller's Thousand Island Mayonnaise and Sandwich Fill Fill- Filler er Mothers Mother's Friend Bread and nd Full Line of Pas Pas- Pastries Pastries tries and Cakes Raspberries Dewberries Red Currants Straw- Straw Strawberries Strawberries Strawberries berries Cherries Gooseberries Cantaloupe Oranges Lemons Black Raspberries Bananas Tomatoes Cucumbers Cauliflower Cabbage Bunch Carrots Beets Turnips Radishes Parsley Green Onions Lettuce Pie Plant PI nt Artichokes Green and Wax Beans Green Peas ORDER EARLY EARLY CLOSED CLOSED ALL DAY JULY 4 4 FREE DELIVERY Blue I j L of Spring We have a large supply of extra choice spring chickens for the FOURTH These fryers have been fed special for this day They are without any doubt the best on the market We also have havea ave avea a large supply of young fat hens Frankfurters per p r lb Ib j Milk Fed Spring Chickens per Ib lb Young Fat Hens per Ib lb Sausage and Hamburger 2 2 Ibs lbs for Veal Stew per Ib lb lOc lOcc c Shoulder Veal Roast per Ib lb Cooking Compound 2 Ibs lbs for Lean Rib Boil per Ib lb lOc Steer Beef Pot Roasts per Ib b. b 15 We have an extra good line of cold meats Do your buying tomorrow as all stores will close all day Saturday Libby Deviled Meat Libby's Vienna Sausage 2 for Large Libby's Vienna Sausage Campbells Campbell's Soups all kinds lOc Small Pierces Pierce's Pork for Medium Pierces Pierce's Pork Beans 2 for Large Pierces Pierce's Pork Beans 2 for Gold Medal Thousand Island Gold Medal Mayonnaise Large White King Powder Dewberries Raspberries Watermelons Canta Canta- Cantaloupes Cantaloupes loupes Bing Cherries White Cherries Green Peas Cucumbers Fresh Tomatoes These prices will be good for all day Friday MODERN J MARKET ARIET P FREE DELIVERY Phone 2200 2432 Washington Ave BlUe ij Q fJ i PEANUTS NUTS For Your of July Treat Give Cl I e the th children peanuts Th They y ar are Sr wholesome and nourishing wh when n fresh roasted In our shop hop Look for our roaster router In the window Fancy Virginia Jumbos Jumbos Friday Friday Lb Pacific Coffee Store 2350 Washington Avenue f I o r |