Show I I L I OWEN CARROLL GREAT PITCHING PROSPECT T J IJ I A k c A 7 L THURSDAY THURSDAY- SATURDAY G-ETS G DIPLOMA t MAKES MAJOR L DEBUT r m 1 By r BILLY EANS I S A 1 MORE Jl than 20 years ears ago Christy LVA Mathewson was a crack pitch pitch- pitcher er at Bucknell college He Ho Joined the New York Giants and made good from the tho start Many Man experts consider Mathew Mathew- on toon the greatest pitcher that ever lived If It he wasn't the greatest he certainly was one of the great great- est eat Ten years ears ago abO George great I fresh tresh from the University or lr Michigan joined the St St. StLouis Louis Browns As a college twirler Sli- Sli ler was the sensation of ot the coun coun- country try He delivered from rom his debut After achieving greatness as one on of ot the leading pitchers of ot the tho th American league he turned his at at- attention attention attention to first base His Ills ability to hit and field Ild coupled with his great speed made It desirable that thai he play regularly instead of ot every fourth day Today Toda Sister SillIer Is generally general re regarded ro- ro regarded as the th greatest first ba I bae base base- baseman c- c man manot of all time lie HP- H has won double fame as a big leaguer I DEBUT AGAINST BOSTON Making his his debut against the j Boston Red Sox on June it c Boston Owen Carroll highly hIghl hl hl joun jois d t-d Holy Cross twirler r made first bid to win in a place alongside of Christy Mathewson and Georgo Georg SI I Unquestionably there here was wall more drama connected with Carrolls Carroll's do- do but hut than that of ot either cither Matty Iatt or Sieler Two Iwo days das after he had received his A A. B. B and B. B B. B B. B from Holy Cro Cross Cros s Bachelor of Arts arid and Base Base- Baseball ball Carroll made his major league leagus It agu start dart against a the hard hitting Boa Bos Boston ton Red Sox before a crowd of Some idea of Carrolls Carroll's popular popularity ity It In New England can be bt gleaned from the fact tact that the Boston management estimated that he personally personal drew at least ot the big Saturday crowd RATHER ROUGH VOYAGE The Tite debut of the Holy Hol Cross star was far tar from smooth sailing As a matter of ot fact it was a rath rath- rather er Cr rough voyage Boston made I eight tuns runs and forced him to cover I In six Innings However live five or ot orthe orthe the run runs resulted from faulty tault sup support support port Twice the Tyger Infield failed to complete easy double plays that would have got Car Car- Carroll Carroll Carroll roll out of the trouble that fol tOI- fol- fol lowed lowd It so happened that I umpired George debut as a big league pitcher It was my good fortune to 10 officiate In Carrolls Carroll's first start Here are my impressions of Car Car- Carroll Carroll roll the most talked about cot- cot lege Ige pla er to break Into the tho big show In the last 10 years ears Carroll showed me a good curve It lt is not wide but fast breaking making for tor deception His Hi change of o pace c was excel excel- x 1 wo warl arl lent le His efow w ball however o er was of no particular use to him be be- because because because cause he couldn't control it itin it in Jn HAS THE TIlE POISE Carroll conclusively proved to tome tome me that he had poise He lie made every overy play in let tho the field perfectly end watched his after the manner of a Ii veteran The only doubt in my mind rel ret relative the to his pitching Is the loal- loal possibilities possibilities of ot his fast tut ball bali He rarely used it 11 In his dehut debut Jack Jaek Barr Barry his coach at nt Holy Cross assure me that it Is up to major league standards Despite D the fact that Carroll lasted only six innings and Wilts was scored on eight times In his debut Ht at I Boston I would call the start tarl tarlan an auspicious one and I consider the Holy Hol Croes Cron star a great pitch pitCh- pitching pitching I ing prospect n I P I 1 j e i 1 45 J 1 1 J t f j. j t 3 0 Mo 1 iJ ee t j Owen Oten Carroll close up and In InOn notion action |