Show J 9 M TIIE THE GREEDY BABIES ADIES By Thornton W. W Burgess Who ho gobbles more mOIo than he may mayy need A fair example Is of greed Old Old Mother Iother Nature There was as a lot of t talk In the tho th theOld Old Orchard Yes Ye-s sir there was wasa a lot of ot talk You see sec by b this time lime all the feathered folk In the tho theOld Old Orchard knew that little Mrs hippy Chippy the Chipping Sparrow was wu bringing up one o or of the children of ot Sally Sly Sh the Cowbird and that Mrs Sunshine the Yellow Yellow- Warbler was bringing up another of ut Sally Sly's children What they didn't know was that a third of those Cowbird babies was in the nest of ot Little Friend the Song Sparrow down by b the tho Smiling Pool Tool Had they known that their tongues would ha e wagged even faster Caster than they did In the tho nest of Mr Ir and Mrs Mrs- Chippy were four tour of ot their own babies besides Sally Sally- Sail Sly's SIs great grea big baby Lab The latter was so 80 much bigger than the others that In spite of ot all Chippy ChipI and Mrs Chippy could do he managed to get more than his fair share of the tho food tood He would snatch it I out of ot their bills as they were trying to to give It to one of ot the th others Having more food than the others he grew faster and the faster he ho grew the easier it was wa for COl him to grab more than lila his hl share of ot food So Mr and anI Mrs Chippy were working themselves to skin and feathers trying to o supply enough food for Cor their big family The Tho same thing was hap hap- happening happening pening at the home of ot Mr 11 and Mrs Sunshine the Yellow Warblers War War- ar bleis It Is a a. shame exclaimed Mrs Goldie Goldic the Oriole It is simply outrageous If It I 1 were Little Mrs hd Chippy Id I'd let that greedy Cow- Cow Cowbird Cowbird Cowbird bird starve I wouldn't give It a a. mouthful of ot food In that case you e u would lit 1st l t your our own babies starve declared Kitty the Catbird Mr 1 and Mrs Chippy cant can't help them them- themselves themselves themselves selves and that's all there is to 0 it Ive I've watched them and Ive I've seen that greedy greed young joung rascal snatch worms from Crom their bills In spite of oC all they could do They The never should have hate hatched that egg out It would have been bet bet- better b better t- t ter tel to have left their nest and anI eggs and built a a. new nest some some- somewhere somewhere somewhere where else Mrs Goldie tossed her held head Well Yell she declared If It I couldn't Keep him tint from getting food I would Just throw V him out of ot the nest That's what Id I'd do She even went to Mrs Chippy with this suggestion Little Mrs Chippy shook her rus rus- set capped head liea No you wouldn't said she You wouldn't wouldn t treat a helpless Innocent Lab bab like that It Isn't that baby's babs bab's Nil 6 r I 1 f 0 IQ v t 11 a a a rIts Its n a shame c Goldie Goldic the Oriole fault It isn't right to blame the tho baby for tor what its' its mother did I cant can't let the poor thing starve star No Xo danger exclaimed Mrs Mr r Goldic as the greedy greed little Cow- Cow Cowbird Cowbird Cowbird bird snatched a 0 worm from Crom the tho bill of little Mrs Chippy a worm she was trying to give to one of her own babies You lou are too tuo tender lender You and Chippy are altogether ether joo loo tender heart tenderhearted ed Little Mrs Chippy sighed It lt ItIs Is all very well for you ou to talk Mrs Irs Goldie said she but If Ir you I were In ht my m place you OU would do Just what I am doing If It h it-i it 1 didn't have such an appetite it I wouldn't be so hard But he is I growing so fast that perhaps he hI wilt will soon be able to leave lea ye the tho nest and look out for Cor himself Then Chippy and I can give all allour allour our care to our own babies be lucky If It you ou have any on babies left alive by that tha time lime retorted Mrs Irs Never In my m life have I 1 seen such a a. greedy greed ugly youngster ex ex- excepting excepting the one over in the home of oC Mr Ir and anI Mrs rs Sunshine They arc aro Just as silly as you and Mr Ir Chippy Their own ono youngsters look half halt starved while that little Imposter impostor of ot Sally Sail SIs Sl's is so fat at that hes he's actually beginning to crowd the others Never ever in my life liCe have I seen such greedy youngsters as those little Cow- Cow birds Copyright 1925 by T T. W. W Bur Bur- gess eThe rf e The next story The Ugly Or Or- Orphan Orphan phan |