Show t : PAGES 18 ( ' -r nim? IJULjlf Greatest Newspaperand Utah’s Advertising Silver ) 6138c $558 Copper cathodes Lead $4:75 Spelter ) METALS ( WEATHER No 32 IS DEEATED UNVEILING O SHAT WITNESSED BY 5000 IN MM MM 'AiY V CAUCUS 1 OGDENGIRLIS I t 'I ? IS ''' a VJ 00 Prosecution New' X s ' Defense Monday ' A v ' for Request S Until AX ' V ' ' Respite Refused Is Miss ’ p ' ? ' - ' s Out of bers Bill Tariff L ' '’ -' Brewer Beatrice Is Majority by Mem- airest ’wX V - SSs "-X" MRS Monarchs air SULZER Senate in AND GOVERNOR ' of 's s s a TO ON PREVENT TAKE TO STAND X arrer ' A A of Miss Constitutionalist Second Honors Gets - s RETREAT Acclaimed O Many COLLECTOR INTERRUPTED Salena s ' J Left utures GOES Ordered to Throw Up Hands Motormah Obeys and Tram Under Power 'Runs Out of Range of Three Holdups AIR of Trial in Executive— s Taxing Cotton BURNBRIDGES ' - x v Rests York 'X-' s - CAR LET EQ P Bl "A t A '' ' '’ s Herald eV " A Sp 'V !- ' ? TROLLEY "'J1’ JI ’ X- - "'J ' v' on - Lake CONDUCTORAS 1 Substitute ROB J of Administration air Salt s V & b 1' ' V 's A ' riday IVE CENTS PRICE 47 PRESIDENT and Thursday r - Vol Medium f I 163c Republican Tnter-MountaJn i Y WHEN ARES AT LEMON Conductor 266 Salt Lake crossing V U Peyotes Against Held Last Victorious Marching Butters Army for ederals to On at Stand Border ourth Soiith left North 315 at the car No railway ourth South and Third West shortly before 11 o'clock last night to signal his motorman ho was suckinga As he lemon turned to the motorman to three E Oct The as LB ANY — sembly board of managers-rested UNCTIONS ARE MANY INHABITANTS LEEING '' their case today in the trial of the A J-' k ' LASTS SEVERAL HOURS ' impeachment of HELD IN THEIR HONOR Governor William ACROSS THE RONTIER high Sulzer The court then until tomorrow afternoon to Determine of inal Secret Session Exhibits Now Nearly wave when counsel for the governor will Judging proceed Piedras Negras Threatened highwaymen thrust revolvers at his submit several preliminary motions of Provisions New Completed and Will End Today abdomen and told him to throw up for tho courtto With Destruction by Rebels decide before opening his the He with little for the defense hands obeyed case in at Law Held and Measure May Crowds Are but orce hesitation Plan Is Abandoned When and in he raised These disposed of one hand counsel probably the lemon wiU ask Pass the air U S Senate Today permission to take Governor’sDay Today Officials Make Protest adjournment before calling One of the highwaymen turned from the their first witness This witnessit is conductor standingin the railway 'V 'C '"I: ® '3 crossing and trained his revolver upon j said Oct will be Louis A VV7 ASHINGTON 1— Dfeaf-fection Sarecky the H 863 E Sixth E5H1D Motorman Pearson HAS NEGRAS Oct Mcx governors campaign secretary whom ! South Though the car was still under 1 L Abe city of Piedras among Democratic senators Troops Are To Be light Negras a — counsel for the impeachment managers power the motorman threw up will not be which prevented today final his his destroyed and hands Unable to touch the speed dissi-‘ failed to put ie wed every action on the tariff bill was on the stand Tod ay lever with will be afforded e YYv-'' UY: VJ Rev his hands the protection Ya: 'YA - Y 4 motorman he property under subpena Sarecky the car to pated under the influence of a heated was had to permit continue owned by Americans and other The the car indorsed many of the checks airj ahead predicamentof icaucuB discussion and this evening The biggest open air event of hostilities during any that -YYso the amused the highwaymen given Sulzerin his campaign which I week will take place this afternoon and motormah approved the bill as ap-! that they burst into laughter caucus may arise between the constitutionalists by the of not in his o’clock proved were reported at when the troons of the and the federal caucus committee sworn earing one of the highwaymen had This army ort Doug-j boarded the car House and Senate But six Demo-crats statement of campaign contributions Twentiethinfantry from Motorman Pearson assurance was given American military continued to hold his until ''£? '' Sulzer are las and the state militia will be up hands voted against approving the YYy The governor and Mrs authoritieslate this afternoon the car was about to turn the sharp Y viewed by Gov 1’eport A Y William Spry and y '' g expectedto take the stand before the curve at ourth West and Rio Grande by representative of Gen C 'V his staff in the enclosure of Jesus the y defense closes The governor will then had The caucus decided to abandon its Carranza avenue The car begun constitutionalistcommander race track his failure to velopinj speed and the the in the report the numerous motor position on proposition Tills is the feature of Governor’sjman feeling he was taking his life in following vigorous protests bill in the to tax dealings campaign contributions on the cotton futures day and is in of Col James his hands turned to see if there really made by state charge department that they and to leave the entire were personal favors subject for ground A Irons of the was a on the car States highwayman There through United Consul Twentieth infantry! later legislative it is expected and he quickly shut off the action Both the was none a crowd! current and applied the brakes of There Blocker amendment Senator Clarke of cPrjrY'A' Will Tell Storj- of Her Loans the state troops The largest It had been reported that were no passengerson the car with the Mrs Sulzer will defend the of the week is expected Arkansas writteninto the bill in the evacuationof the city by the constl-been nor's alleged transactions Take Conductor to Hedge 1 T1i nctordou tvoc Senate and the less drastic admini larfire being: in excess ot 20000 ae-1 Watching the car pass down the tutionalists plans had made to tho z they were with testimonyto show-that stration substituteadopted by to estimates of fair officials grade on ourth to Rio Grande dynamite the town to : cording West prevent anyfor her She r transacted account is House will be thrown out by the who believed that a the marched thing of value falling into the hands conservative avenue highwaymen to telljthe story of the loan flp'UTA Thft it An v ConductorButters to a hedge in Pioneer of the federals in case their Senate Democrats nA xyncitnrdn she is said to the usual ourth West and Third advance have with was un to Senator contracted avsrase for a? South park not After the caucus Simmons Butters had commenced developing was checked by the momentarily the Carnegie Trust and seek Wednesday company expected said he was confident that the Senate interest in the welfare of the L to prove that for the sole purposeof engagement south of here loan the car knowing that the motorman had of the Martial Law in orce would completeits consideration Y payingthe governorborrowed Pr his hands in the air and as he hesitated from the stock firm In the tariff bill money exchange communication to Consul County day at the State tomorrow lie said a mention the of Harris & uller on securities owned one of highwaymen thrust Blocker and the military authorities fair would be made first to agree to by her and did not speculate with the was marked by Weber the barrel of a revolver in his back General Carranza expressed the hope the conference report an-d that then that nothing would occur to firm county’s victory when Miss Beatrice with much force warrant pain from the jab of the the he would to disagree to the Un the long 'missing rederick Suffering soldiers crossing the ’(' Hi Whether of selected the American move Ogden was as L Colwell the governor’s alleged agent Brewer revolver was line It was intimated tin Conductor Butters beautiful of the fifteen derwood cotton tax amendment and 'k£ A A o X2 in his Wall street transactionswill most queens marched into the hedge where the it might become necessary to destroy r also to recede from the Senate amend-With be called 'was a subject of The decision search was of $25 of the variouscounties began He his robbed some buildings much speculation from owned box said ment the bill thus disposed of tonight His whereaboutshave federal adherents but that foreign not made until the judges had of his own money $10 change ’4 was to contain his trip been the about watch the House probably known' to governor’s owned property would receive by the Senate Miss deliberatedfor nearly an hour book astickpin and papers fair drop tas but the have declined to produce to the cotton treatmentthis would agree of Provo Utah him unless it stipulated Salena Earrer conn-second was Still Holds ollowing provision for the present and send the Lemon assurance that he and tariff bill to the President would not be placed under ty’s queen was adjudged Still Conductor Butters held the with the residents of of Piedras Negras arrest for refusing to obey the American subpena Miss of in one hand assistance or Solid ront Tirzah Korupkat Logan lemon suspended in the Looks of the committee rawley investigating air a neutral gov chief representativethird Perhaps the excitement under authorities and organized Senator Simmons expressed This counsel for the impeachment Cache’s martial law he labored a dry feeling ernment prae-men which caused now said tonight they tically is in force dence that there would be no were of the fifty-four of honor iii his throat managers our maids at any rate he attempted were tions from the Democrats who Y A to prevent to 7 5 powerless’ The to the guard propertyon reports m "YVc were also picked by the judges draw lemon to wet his lips in that for tho bill on its original L M Joseph-thal had passage WsCst Lieutenant Commander of his assailants again jabbed organized bands begun to successful Miss Ivy and one AdAfcwmaids were Magleby him with the barrel of tho revolver sack the Senate when the measure appears al who :paid a debt of $26752 abandoned residencesand busito by the Bonner of had robbedihlm tomorrow A resolution proposing governor with Harris of Sevier county Miss Eva tiie (Continued on Page 11 Col 5j highwaymen bind the Democrats by' tonight caucus & uller accordingto the attorney Wasatch county"Miss Merle Ashton of When his valuables he was told to run of all was offered by Senator is expected to be anotherwitness He the Lewis of Miss He says Katherine toward the street car rasvwww reached CANAL but was withdrawn with the Albany today from New York Uintah county and laughedas he ran that the binding nature of where he arrived today from Europe Gillespie of Tooele county The queens highwaymen Leaving the car at ourth West and Seagull monument photographed just after its dedicationyesterday His testimony it is said will be highly and former tariff caucuses applied to maids received prizes given by Rio Grande avenue Motorman Pearson favorable to the of the of Salt the D & R G depot and consideration conference governor rushed to that flooded the fields and destroyed commercial establishments bill ZONE IS SHAKEN Hespile Refused by Court Lake Patrolman W E Carey The to While Senator Simmons expects to Monument Birds Dedicated the crops upon which they were latter telephonedpolice’ headquarters Attorney Harvey D Hinman will finish the bill for sustenance Judges in the contests were p entered tomorrow the desire of and upon a vigorous search make the address opening the governor’s Moran of Salt Lake II G HayWith Solemn Ceremony Before Mayor the holdups He was reinforced by Republican and Progressive senators The monument was unveiled by Mrs It chiefly Mr for case was because to discuss the provisions of the conference Wells of Emmeline distinguished Logan R D Young of RichDetectivesMoroni Gillespie and H D OR LOCKS Hinman who has conducted most of ball report may delay final action Large Crowd oT One of the expeditions to Utah field the had become Moroni Skeen of Ogden and Lyons but no trace could be found of in the latter forties Today’s caucus extended into the Mrs that Judge D Cady Peterson of Provo The the robbers Wells was Herrick Preston G girls his and long over as ‘‘a just were seated on the Butters says one of evening battled loud introduced chief counsel for the defense asked competing Conductor young woman in the bill past twenty-one who will tell of conditions the coliseum and as their assailantswas tall and thin while the various provisions that adjournment be taken until stage in arranged by the conferencecommittee Among PRESIDENT SMITH SPEAKS in those perilous days as she saw' called the shorter and of medium This request was denied by were cjueens first other two were Monday names along the short men these was the elimination of the tax of them” Among those who attended the the parsed the front of the stage build He says one of court in an executive session Disturbance Most Serious exercises President took great pains to $110 brandy used to fortify were the and then before the judges who were wore a mask and on grape Joseph The close of the case of against Senator President H Lund President the south of the of conceal his face The other two he which SmithC Anthon today marked the on assemblage Since United States Took sweet wines managers '"P HE Seagull Presiding indifferent to his of Ohio voiced monument designed W Penrose elapse of two since the trial of passed as Pomerene strenuous Bishop weeks beauties The maids honor says appeared by Mahonri Young a grandson of Page 5) their features tests the betw'een wire on Page 1) (Continued on Column on Page 1) Possession (Continued Column (Continued Column seeing wire in rope and completed cables Brigliam Young was dedicated fixed by the which as conference soleriin morning with ceremonies — MM of Senators Reed aroused the opposition I in the of Missouri and presence of 5000 persons ANAMA Oct Hughes of theNew Jersey AIR — Two earthquake THEIR O and the arrangement of gathered to pay tribute to the of an intensity much more paragraph severe including cast iron pipe bird that exterminated the crickets than any disturbancesince the Americans Six Vote in Utah took possession of the canal zone Against Report the days of the pioneer during late tonight occurred They felt Reed and Salt were Senators Pomerene formed Lake settlements resolution directing that the conference from Panama City to Colon a sMavUyiMt clear sky the services Under were report be sent back to the The first shock as experiencedtn held in Temple block where the monument the capital was slight and was quickly committee with instructions to stands Musical and vocal one or longer duration loniowea Dy alter these provisions Senator Simmons were furnished by Held’s band which shook buildings to their foundations in charge of the bill as the Tabernacle choir and soloists President moved The churchbells were set to that the conference report a substitute and other speak-ers Joseph with Smith ringing doors were thrown wide open be accepted His motion was carried narrated graphic detail the J vand residents jOk were to Senators brought tumbling by a vote of 86 Reed experiencesof Utah’s early settlers in out of their beds their futile war against the crickets (Continuedon Page 11 Col 3) The first movement lasted about five seconds It occurred about 11:20 o’clock The second movement was of WILL TRY TO CHECK CONCLUDED ten seconds’ duration The people at midnight were gathered in the streets Jamaicans who went through the disaster at Kingston DUCKS GAS CASE ' v DISCUSSION - ' WARM IS 1 -N -Y 41 S z " X ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' r adjourned another I -J' J I I I a ' I although t i ' W I j t tad ' YYW Y foreigners i i 4 1 j I p'a'' ' I f V v z $ I re-j - i I I r ' ? ' a j 2 defend -Collis de-high - I l ’ ' I I I ! rl A a TJ- 1 A r-iA a l-r i ' gover-speculative j i a Xt’dMMLa-- rYfc j expected i a ! I r ! I 1 WEBER - 1 international ' 5 : y y ’ : : ’ t -j-x -x -J "i 4 i : 4’ V " d f ' u T I byknown 1 attorney’s j' remaining a ' ' confi-deser-voted ifty-ernployed 1' ' -SY - SrVVA-z' r vSutjiii v -SXAzriia -rf a--- s r j - - — T contracted - s i PANAMA Illinois understanding ’ ’ theentire informed dependent' j ALARM survivor -B cross-examination exhausted today assembly rl prodifferential 9 7 8 yesterday 4 M STATE WINNING i QUEENS a AND M HONOR MAIDS 1 p ’ conference 5 selections 6 ARGUMENTS MALADY ON AMONG GREAT KANSAS SALT LAKE Utah Power Case Congressman Department in Study Howell of & and Light Probably Company Will were f tsawaeMEMEaMB Colp Oct Denver 1— The Kansas I Natural Gas company case was taken under advisementby the United States Disease 4 21 Y f Agriculture of Y ’ ' Ya- J x Ht’ S' A ' Special to The Herald-Republican circuit court of 1 1 today made by appeals 'I ' a Y ' z - - shortly before closing argument former ederal ' The Judge Y:: to ' ' MSw'Y TJj ft M y-' j MK xHBk - eeH i J the canal is so Panic far reported in Colon Y 'Y remained 'Y-MHr ” houses earthquake was the heaviest within slighter memory at A11:40second shock occurred o’clock “The Gatun locks” was on everybody’s lipsbut it was impossible to learn whether any damage had - rTMir i —lit vi i- H- ii x u— mmimtimii— r-v---v-rj chi tonight been bu:x 'JWiAjaBiMl J Wl WIW iTlmiMEY'Y 1 : Tri i cTCi?UMiWihi4wVKlR jjiir j ' - 4-T- county -Wasatch Miss of "Uintah Merle Ashton Z 2 — - - - r-f - county 4 - -Winning ' “ ‘ " ? "'2'- S “ Miss v Tirzah Korupkat of Logan there disturbancebegan with a slow movement which gradually became more marked Houses swayed clocks stopped and articles of oscillatory 2 -- (left to right)—Miss 'Ivy Magleby of Sevier county'Miss Eva Bonner of ri no Cllllocm'n ui mTnhdtf couxiiy xxawieiuit: uiuespie jivueie rAitntvnnntr mnU maias ot nonoiv Lower row— (left to right)—Miss Salenaairer ofProvo Miss Beatrice' Brewer of Ogden Upper-row— done The Wm -'-W -'AX 1 I gen-from The 'rva-v: - Jr ’ A' ' the most Importantset for hearing this session of the court probably be reached tomorrow The Colon Oct A severe earthquake occurred here at — 11:20 o'clock tonight the disturbancewas of nearly minute's a duration Houses were rocked and the entire populationwas aroused Thousands filled the streets and there in fear of the collapse of their ' at will similar 1 company of had ' Causes -the earnest efforts of Mr Howell in having this station established will be felt all over the intermountaincountry unnoticed ' Philips of Kansas City representing will include in the agricultural appro-an the receivers appointedfor priatlon bill item for the establish-beginning ment at the of next season Kansas NaturalGas company by United station in the of a Utah to States District Judge John C Pol determine and remedy of the malady which cause lock The receivers appealed from an has been prevalent among the ducks along the shores of Great Salt lake for order of UnitedStates District Judge four years John A Marshall of Utah requiring Experts of the departmenthave fajled them to turn over the property of the to determinethe source of the disease to receivers appointedby the was believed to be which at first district court of but is now thoughtto be mineral Montgomery county IsIrOr poisoningarising from the smelters Kansas Salt lake is in the line of flight of The case of the United States against the ducks from surroundingstates and the Utah Power & Light the vast benefits to be derived from the company one bacterial have " ' ' noon Washingtonof Oct — Upon recom-J oseph mendation of Congressman was the secretary of Howell agricultureJohn who eral movement appeared to be east west to Those familiar with earthquakes said the movement of more an upheaval than a vibration from side to side has been no There severe damage to buildings and no damage Be Reached Today Interests Italians in their home experiences country weiv paruuuiany aiarmea According to the seismographthere two biisnier shocks but these weie practically Miss furniture throwri to the floor wqre the residents Many became half and women rushed from the homes with children in their arms So far no of any serious nature has been reported of panic-stricken tlai-nagc winning queens I |