Show THE THE HERALD Barker Luck -REPUBLICAN The Inter-Mountain (Est Republican eb 12 1&C61 1 Has More Hard Again Is Injured LAKE LVKE CITY UTAH — — — —— -r — a 4 — I — Woodhead Commercial I Talk to RESIGNS DIED Clubmen AS SUPERINTENDENT O seen a ’one Brunswick Bldg New York Citr Advertising Bldg Chicago Gumble Bldg Kansas City Ill Mo Hee Press Bldg Detroit Mich V?' 0 S 68 — At the family residence Main — street 1913 October Porter born October 31 1860 services Saturdayat o'clock rioon from the funeral chapel Joseph William Taylor 21 West riends are invited to Temple street attend Intermentin City cemetery IIWill A because of the scarcityof farm labor according to D Collett secretary of the manufacturers’association Mr Collettrecently returned from Rexburg - II A? - S Give Duties to Whole Chief as escing ' Attention Clerk in bishop's Officer 4 S AVILORD E COAL -uneral 4 gradMain - specialist South irst consul-free Wasut 1 N N Carmi Utah in 12 of - 4 i His S J Ou PORTER 112 crops ' L 1 V interne’ WANT: MEN— Idaho farmers have experienced considerable difficultyin handling their 1913 MXWM" ' DR Was' de p L DIRECTORY CHIROPODIST ELIZABETH bldgWISMER 1 2 illE 7 AZvV IW BUSINESS AA ADE family residence rear 439 — At the Third East October 1913 ot heart disease Clara Anna of daughter Mr and Mrs born Solomon Wade uneral 16 1901 in January England services riday at m from the Ninth ward chapel riends are invited to attend in City Interment ceme tery S t" Examinations to EXAMINATIONS— teachers for re service in the Philippine islands have been announced by the United States civil service commission for December Salaries range from $1000 to $3000 The government is also in search of medical for service in the government hospital for the insajie at Washington I) C Examinations trill be held October 22 S WELLS fol 30-31 Manager eastern advertising REPRESENTATIVES: Ijorenzen & Woodman 1913 2 Ik j Publishing iuoma treasurer OCTOBER THURSDAY 1 CITY BREVITIES — — — — —4 j 6 £e'M-RPUb1ican P'®ae0T Jenkins secretary CaUister General H 1 JOHN i The Salt Lake Herald CEtit June 1870 50 MAIN STREET romUmIhP?rb AdoinhrC4ntld: hrAMA Anderson Aaopn 16 SALT HERALD-REPUBLICAN : LAKE SALT 9oLR 99ag AND is Alliance 4 UEL "JUSTRIGHT” 11 Main U Cual Co st repairing hospital this SOLES30c — At 1913local city October of ’was appendicitis Rubber heels up Viola AVilford wife of 48 S‘ate' Willord Harold born April 23 1891 in Salt Lake who has been superinof Mr and Mrs John daughter Watson $80 the L D hospital in this The remains are at the funeral parlors advancol-in $200 it year was dedicated nearly nine of West Joseph William Taylor 25 $150 sir montlrn 75 cen7slnadrance-° year and who lias seen many Temple street Notice of funeral later and gents’ suits Erenchdrv and additions cleaned and hand SOLDIERS— men were acmade to it pressed $1 ’s’ must’i5cr wIsb ias of cepted for enlistmentby the local recruiting has resigned that he city October ternational Tailors ’visin' paper changed sta249 must give former as well tion of may give his — In this Greenwood lain" address the United’ States navy during Sep-j 1913 George Bardwell in attention to the duties of chief Was 1961 recelvJrtPmSrfar° c°nt!nuelasuntilpresent tember One hundred explicitorder is and five applications his 40th year He was of were clerk in the presiding a member received The army recruitingstation accepted bishop's office AU ragas must be Albert Pike Lodge No 14 & L A M & COeighteen men from list position DYEING best of applla which Mr has held Milford Utah work Wells uneral services will delivery 265 4 cants for prompt State fifteen vears TVftllR will be conductedby Wasatch Lodge at the 5235 1939 at S1It Wasatch Hyland Ci Will succeeded as supervisingtrustee by Masonic Temple riday at ARRELL TO TALK G arrell secp m retary of the Salt Lake — Commercial club will A David Smith of the board of Interment City cemetery address the local branch of the United trustees x Zi of the hospital SfcKH Travelers at tin Eagles ball Saturday Air Wells’s night tenresignationwas dered life most several weeks cm mysterious through spirit “Technical World” The funeral services of ON October UTAH ATTRACTION— that it be A call will repay accepted Mr Wells pointed Henry friends you 40’’ contains most interestingartiC Rode —who Photographedin his dive yesterday for died in this city September E Second South to the growth of the duties and de entitled "Half Million Mile” s4 27 just before striking which 1913 will be held at O’Donnell the tank’s edge neais witn the wonderful engineering features of the two positions he chapel 225 and 227 West reading on love and Temple businessa truthful The picture of the Bingham & Garfield railroad The storv has been holding shovo with absolute and said that the to Mrs AV at cioeK this under go is from the rederick Strattom street atternoon pen of George the auspices of ond South the position of his body nervousstrain w’as great Maxwell-McKean Hyland 2335-J when and describes both the railroad and the great “I have been unable to give post No he struck copper mines at Bingham Interment Mount Olivet IN the presiding bishop's office mv work cemetery riends invited TO L E Titus formerly as much Walter Barker apparentlysaved by GOES in the LOGAN health— department left yesterday 8kV?r as should have liked” said U Air Wells in Private funeral services for Logan to enter the agricultural the — OO the narrowest of chances from death college He discussing C H D and matter over the body of severed his connection with the health department the constant Edgar L Johnson Original Chinese LUN herbalist and founder 'a demands on my time aged 31 years will be held Saturdayat Tuesday night shavedthe edge of eternity clerk Tuesday afternoon His place as office at both places have been' too much of the Chinese Herb My Institute Denver 2:30 p from closely yesterday afternoon and is being filled by Clarence Key presence here is required m the funeral chapel of his herb as of the curing the sick much treatment day and at the Joseph Taylor 21 West Temple by SOCIALISTS WANT Three Socialist same time it was William Salt Lake branch escaped with practically injuries candidates thousands 118 no for me street In City ceme for office at the’ coming election to go to the hospital Interment Main street upstairs over Hirschman save badly sprained and bruised muscles filed their often as petitionswith the citv recorder four times shoe store many as during tery Phone Wasatch 6930 afternoon A the H Kempton and William day and the night Special Barker is the man who contractedM Without the appointmentsat Hotel Sunday? Utah Knerr are seeking nomination for commissioners William Woodhead business manager duties of the hospital to slide down an inclined plane said to of Sunset shall be able Hours:Daily a m to m and John W magazine and a Sowers would be auditor figure in conspicuous to the more here and the strain 10 a m to p m Still Kempton has 166 signers Knerr 153 and Sowers world will willaccomplish evening to advertising H Believes ‘Honest be 120 feet in height at the state fair be one of the not be as Duncombe and family desire o’clock has 242 at great” speakers meetingof to and then dive into a tank the Commercial Wells was appointed superintendent thank their many friends for their containing ALLEGES club tonight DESERTION— Alleging desertion “Greater of the hospital in sympathy and many floral offerings in ellow’ Could about six feet of water The slide is Humphrey in Merchandising” January their Perkins filed suit Efficiency vesterday in the 1905 He came to Utah in 1889 from sad in the loss o£ will be the subject of Mr Woodhead’s bereavement made district court for divorce from on roller skates anny Perkins he had been their dear wife and address Mr England where converted mother Him AVoodheadwill HOLIDAY TOMORROW — All the the gospel CECIL & CECIL graduate chiropractors On Tuesday night Barker made his schools public to show and entered' the employ members of the club to of the city will observe holiday of the Z C troubles slide but did not how business M Lewis N King forand family desire a specialty “Incurable”and female dive When men remaining'thereposi-for to return make thethe as school day at the state fair may obtain the best few It results In 1S90 he took a position thanks and consultationfree Room hei reached the edge of months platformis the custom of the schoolseach ‘exhibits through efficient advertising 235 Main vear to at the presiding bishop’s a office condolencesextendedto sympathy them in their 403 from he was to leap to the tank the advertising men’s VV which one day to inspection of the At convention at for the last fifteen also for the lovely floral HARRIS a Nebraska his skates slipped in in in June Mr wherechief clerk years he has bereavement of the the fair as matter of education Baltimore Woodhead been groove tributes still believes was elected president of the ranchman that had planking and shot forward Going at Associated LAWYER rederick L Brimi N — Clubs of KING AND AMILY he listened to speed estimated to be in of formerly of the state of Washington Advertising America man who told him of excess but now sixty miles studio his body of Helper Utah was admitted to practicein MISS fortunes an hour was as gained off the race track he 77 E Third South suitable for the supreme court of Utah yesterday China burled forward the incline of gifts prizes class and private lessons earth along the against might have doubled his fortune of side of the tank He DIVORCE CASE ILED — Alleging desertion have a choice selection of new was driven into the top boards of the and nonsupport Vida Eccles Davis filed suit $5000 The is now safely in the and second-hand furniture money tank with such force that the board yesterday in the district court for divorcefrom rugs heating bank George H stoves beds and Harris has cashier's check Davis ranges was broken and forced out of place Marie mattresses El Paso Oct price Rutfell expert Zuniga an springs dressers at half also for $5000 for the darA-divi th® WANTSdue $75185— Suit to collect$75185 alleged American-Mexican — cement worker ortunately girl from outfit to be Douglas complete restaurant 352 Harvard ave in front of the tank was wet and on promissory note was filed in Ariz Michigan Call Hy 530-R in Salt Lake earth was arrested in Juarez this morning urniture Co 430 State Arriving’ Tuesday court slippery His body struck almost parallel the district yesterday by W E errebee Was 5145 Harris by the federal authorities on a went for a stroll against Charles C Alexander and others He with it and he shot over the edge charge of being a rebel She had eight years says he met most affable man who UMES spv JONES auctioneer of the taqk and into the water Had SMELTER Alleging damage — just arrived here to work for a with K A and saidhe from smelter fumes toAGAIN Andrews Residence 1230 springs repaired was W he not slipped both limbs their crops Hans R Wymer of Min L Mattress probably Peterson and others as operatorsof the companytripand went to Juarez on Stringham avenue Phone Hyland 1614 Was 3299 Mfg Co nesota Wymer soon pointed out to would have been fractured close to the farm filed suit yesterdav in the a sightseeing She was arrested him a man hips he said had won fortune Had he landed six inches further at the Mexican side of the international court against the United States Smelting C E auctioneer of $8i)000 on fast horses up his spine probablywould have bridge and was company for damages in the sum of $529225 officials assert that 'or householdfurniture Harris Mexican Phone been 2324-W broken picked she was carrying from two-step three-step Introducedto the newcomer who conSAY THEY HAD complaint the Residence'634 S Main taught DRUGS — In messages Barker was up and was able rebels to in four lessons sented apparently most reluctantly to to stand in Sonora sympathizers in Juarez uoujiiy attorney yesterday AA’oodwardAcademy few seconds He called iBideu Thomas Lyis uie She is 32 bet $1 of Harris's charged with having morphine in detained at private Main on fast to his wife a money possessionunlawfully In another complaint One of the Interesting features of house being Annette Barker who was bis horse The stranger left with the dolwhich the federal soldiers are to dive from the fair is found on a ramble about guardingS D lar and tower on the Sam Hing is charged with having yen sbee in the guarding D EVANS Undertaker soon returned to hand Harris other side of the tank Embalmer She was almost his possession the big exhibit chapel 4S in the early Edwards American consul Mortuary S State Automobile $2 for the $1 Harris later too grounds the to stand from the shock and $300 ROM Claim for damages at Juarez service if desired $40 SUIT asked weak WANTS CITY— Then the stated tonight he for $20 a $20 suit tor withoutadditional $10 stranger to bet the $2 and the stranurged by her husband President G in the sum of $300 for personal injuries evening thousandsof heads making every effort to secure her was it yourself under the alleged to have livestock are being- fed expense Wasatch 364 How? Make with $4 of the fair association been sustained as resultof of stables ger returned McDonald and direction of expert teachers 600 samples spectators did not dive railing over defective part of the afreet at cleaned and the "I employeesin G dress goods ready happen to know just how the many South Temple ana A ransom of 15000 pesos has been E O’DONNELL undertaker and your of inspection new fall for In the feeventn n est this department are many hobbling was filed having one of the demanded A’isit us horses will run tomorrow” added eveningstood on strained with by the rebels of for embalmer has moved to new location at our new the the city commission yesterday by Sarah busiest hours of the day Sonora the the 225-227 5th East stranger muscles Barker near tank Charles release of three Catholic priests West Temple Realty bldg home and Broadway Hyl 74 If you have any material trip takes the visitors along the while his wife This 580 in clothing to athers Portola Soto — Phone garbed was $1000 exhibits of and amount of money GETS iamthe bi institutions who Garibay— you w hich iiKniea paper attached — Judgment for commercial suits dresses alIn the of are under arrest at gowns ages sum $1000 was rendered esterthe Hermosillo dived from the tower into the tank day which cater to farmer Sonora accordingto advices a specialty morning by jury in Judge C received W HALL undertakerand 505 teratlon repairs Morse’s Here are threshers hay rakes Tells today at the 164 West About His $5000 union was covered with flaminggaso-Tuosdaycourt in favor of Joseph TarkovichVVagainst the wagons Temple Was guaranteed Gates & Co Apt 5work engines Mexican consulate steam and and gas and tractors 155J E 'Tro got $5000 in Bingham Coal & Lumber company The case Broadway downtown bank” Barker’s other necessities for the said Harris separators night axscident was was personalinjury one 'modern farm "Tell you what to do — have it transferred caused by a board Ha fell dressmaking breaking James Pappas accused of work PAPPAS GUILTY — TLereare a number of such exhibits to at the foot of the earth about the tank 62 W an Ogden bank” said Wymer assaultwith deadly weapon upon Joseph Rizos on the fair A guaranteed prices reasonable LORAL CO "and we'll go up and get it and would have grounds One of the most A Third been seriously burned was found guilty by jury in Judge C ‘JOY RIDE’ NoE S Main with Willes-Horne North Wasatch 19 tomorrow by interesting is that of Drug and make a small his the Utah he not Loofbonrow’s court yesterday October 18 was & Eight Power Co fortune” flaming garmentsin had time Leading florists on funeral attracts both the American Harris had his money transferred to regained set as the date for passing sentence company which cutting consciousness consciousness to the farm and garment ti city dweller One Wasatch 374 and AVasatch 291 The simplest Commercial National bank of Ogden into the tank tank part York Oct and best plunge from NO MORE The antlgam-tlie this exhibit Hermann Oelrichs system which GAMBLING— w or consists of a Worthington — 410 E He left Salt Lake yesterday forenoon would-be ordinance designed to ci Broadway rescuers were trying to hold police electric Columbia law student and son of the W KING choice cut flowers raises with the two men He received better to control gambling in pump which late Hermann Oelrichs him severe burns on the ninatown was shipping a specialty 214 E height of about thirty feetwater merchant SecondSouth at the Ogden bank throat and face passed by the city commission yesterday morning to a and and alterations Appearing was arrested by order of Deputy AVasatch 37 then lets it fall rates work forenoon with the two strangers and will become effective today down an inclined plane Police guaranteed Hv is Dougherty 2895-W Harris asked for his $5000 The cashier which it equipped with trenches traversing late tonight Commissioner BUY At meeting on a charge of felonious WILL URNITURE — in iiccame suspicious such a manner as to catch and called Detectives of the special furniturecommittee of ‘the assault as the result of a story told to board tex??ater and it foam The Burke and Hobson of the Ogden of education which was appointed to make noise the police by Lucille Singleton police department select furniture for the or this descent draws the attention of they arrived new high school the Bryn When Mawr student daughter the cashier gave Harris furniturefor several rooms was decided upon almost every person who TITLE B $5000 in bills enters the of a Texas mine 240 Main street The rooms for which the furniturewas picked The other feature of the Tel Good set teeth $5 vrroands Wasatch 6628 Miss Singleton owner told detectives Take Train for Salt Lake cafeteria shooting gallery cadet rooms exhibit is an “electric house” are SAVINGS & TRUST wherein to Dougherty that she had been furnish abstracts model kitchen dining room auditorium and sort?’ of Accompanied by the two strangers a title insurance is located in his cooking and other household stabbed by a now left the Ogden bank classrooms The committee will meet again man whom inshe called attend to all detailsand Harris The Og-fol utensils are shown The other nighc in and beautiful new offices at 260 her transferring Alain st den lowed today to resume its work On the committee are the officials of "Creighton” companion an automobile Harris and the Commercial club Capital $300000 that was wrecked last night by mortgaging land title lis Arnold G Giauque Supt D H Christensen including Secretary Will companions took train for Salt 325 Main G arrell and into a tree The Prof George A Eaton Architect L Chesse-bro running girl’s companion Lake and upon the call of Ogden police his assistants W C Stark and G C fled after the accident and Clerk L Judd but the DetectivesGeorge B Cleveland and B Detroit Oct discussion — Technical Cowing were in the “electric found repaired cleaned is being made by entertained car was to be Oelrichs’s and he Seagct met Harris at the O L GRIPforLOSTgrip— Search the house remodeled — occupied today’s session of the American police by the management of the prices left at police headquarters was arrested tonight after he called on expert furriers Hudson depot in Salt lake exhibit summer Bay Co The subjects ranged days ago by William Pierceof Price When and gents’ high class hand ur 122 Main W 1161 congress miss smgieton and agreed to give her pressing “You want to take care of that money from Road Pierce appeared at police headquarters yesterday One small building is given to $400 to "settle the case” the selection of road material to guaranteed W Second and keep me two men away iron: you forenoon and called for the grip It could not b‘e demonstratorsof various foods over household South repaired and stored in Wasatch 2077 Geneva met Ogden' said Detective Cleve- the financial side of the question found He left it at police headquarters while C Hicks Co 68 Sixth East land preparations automobiles and W 3707 in Salt Lake enjoying “spree” other goods The discussion was interrupted this There are nearly twenty right — they've put me Charged with having booths In this building- which are by the entrance inwayHarris thf: said afternoon of a picked thePICKPOCKET— by making meet money” pockets of Parley Clinger of of Georee TO Tin ing to them at who shouted: Provo of $13 and James Petersonof Castle Dalo Washingtondemonstrators INC 152 coffee Jello the Merrill-Keser ASSAY curtains done by place and West ”1 of $5 at the state fair grounds W Hutchinson and 154 AVest P O Box laundry PostoffJce Temple and am the hobo kinc nf America lines the Temple hand and merchandise called for delivered pretty soon I'll bo a rich man" yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Needle Kenney 1446 Was 6102 who is more interested tn good roads CwasC arrested Phone Exchange 185 Carstensen According to the shower a polish the Which is it? What do YOU think? Cleveland and Seager fol-11 patrolman Detectives than the hoboes? ask to be seated in both Clinger and Peterson identifiedHutchinson Economy fruit jar and by the exhibits close on the heels of Harris Does a nagging wife drive a husband J lowed this Wbox CURRIE 70 W Third South congress as delegate” assailant Hutchinson will be charged or the Salt Lake til he stopped as their Automobile company to drink? O at Postoffice place P 565 Salt Lake City The speaker was C Jeff Davis president with grand larcenyin complaint to be drawn the Utah Bill Posting the Or — Teinnle They observed of companv I you are a particular person one of the International Itinerant by the office of the county attorney today Beesley Music the you Utah State Does a go across the street company drinkinghusbanddrive a wife 160 BIRD-COWAN CO want your householdgoods stored only the two suspects Workers’ union and he was given a MISSION Loan NOTTINGHAM REUNION—A Buildingand Sales association the to him reachnagging? West best place a clean place—clean towards However before reaching seat in the convention and proper of the Nottingham conferenceof the Mors Temple Salt Lake City infromthedirt the Cana-d Harris the detectives say he turned William Slaughter countyprobation and In mon church will take place at o’clocktonight 1ar? Raci£ic railroadcompany virmin a safe place glass blowers an officer was a specially invited respect is ran “I’ve just in the blind baggage at the Nineteenth ward meeting house ourth exhibn of speaker every our warehouse the ana on before the induced North between Center and irst West a preparation of the best for furniture Harris was then to accomfrom Indianapolis” annual conventionheld storage explained Davis handled by Aan Come Paddenburg and De in detectives to police headquarters The funeral of Miss Burlingtoncounty W C T U Episcopal pany the “I am interested In good roads as BOSSARD UNERALwho vries and a demonstration & around and we will quickly show you — of Kellogg’s the Delanco N LEE RICH After long argument Harris Ruth Daisy Bossard died Methodist why is every hobo Don't confuse September 28 602-8 hoboes various Boston bldg Was 107 the local with yesterday afternoon at preparedfoods church says the New York CO to put his money in who disgrace was held o'clockat World IREPROO STORAGE tramps our profession bank taking cashier’s receipt the family residence 618 Downington avenue In telling of his experienceswith 159 Main The hobo Phone 555 work and is idle wants YEAR Last prisons and prisoners he & MORRIS stiu nave taitn in one of those night began the 803-6 through no fault of his own remarked: McIntyre bldg fellows There are celebrationof NEW the Jewish— new year offenders think he can put me next 300000 or the “Many tofirst owe their our financial standing in this country and horse that will hoboes we of Rneh Hasbona The celebrationwill downfall the fact & to a me that insurance rate and with make money” want good roads so it will be easier for continuefor ten days closingwith Yom Kippur nagging 511 Walker Bank bldg warehouse said Harris leaving the bank “He was w’lves make their any other The superiority of the us to find work” or the day of atonement Appropriate services homes so unhappy an honest that they seek to all others is well appearing fellow” will be held in the synagogues duringthe period IS drown their grief in Keyser storage over liquor’’ known Keyser ireproof Storage Co HENRY George WANTED — delegate Mitchell of MITCHELL 13 Bishop street A jumped up and Wasatch 2823 Portsea Portsmouth woman Salt Lake Cabinet & ixture Co England is seeking Information shouted: "It's my view that drinking IN of his free estimates 27 CITY brother Henry Mitchell who farmerly lived Richardsst W 3210 TQ ANT PAR'D husbands drive their wives to despera SHIP HH GOODSCut in Bingham of the United States rates Kini-ball even to AT nagging! There was AIR tion of Van & Storage Co 75 Main chorus 200 sister approval from Undue Influence Alleged to Have Been Centralia Pa Oct of workers 225' Because NG — heated WLI PARLORj Used in There was a heavy rainstormtoday threatened Dutchess County to argument Both Main Prizes each which sides offered to cite cases for ladies had week loosen surface rock which high scores to extraordinary Defeat their AV AVILLIAMS & Indictment come but the AV SON 166 N st under observation efforts were made tonight at the of the meeting refused to Bell 1545 chairs Causes of typhoid and other diseases president Upholstering Y Continentalcolliery to liberate Thomas Albany N Oct advisability that So the matter is still new work a specialty and methods for their Minneapolis Minn Oct John B special session of the preventionwere here Toshesky the miner who was imprisoned A’ork of given in New Henning of Chicago arrested— here literature distributed by the finest us for good work A by fall of coal last riday morning jury to in the city county grand consider Utah state board massage 3536 62 E 149 E 2d So charged with being a fugitive from of health at the state Velvetina Hyland 3345-R hut it is doubtful if he can be developmentsin the Thaw case was justice System Was left tonight for fair yesterday Efforts will be ourth South riday discussed today Chicagoto reached before by made Acting Governor stand trial for conspiracy having vfsit? stilte association Toshesky conversedwith his would-be Glynn Attorney General Carmody Wil to TO waived extradition illustrated lecture O rescuers several times tonight and liam ravers Jerome and District At-An general Henning sued Clarence unk then KINDS le health board exhibit this Done in your own torney International week home Call complainedof being cold A bottle of Conger of Dutchess county manager of the first-class carpenter work call order Harvester damages Just exactly the thing women have J A Evington Wasatch 3536 sent down the tube After convening the grand jury and company for $50000 picture reel 149 E 2d South eggnog was the capHyland for alleged alienation of the been designatingthe attorney Trail ?f the under looking for has arrived at the 3245-R drinkingthis the imprisonedminer general to is one of Mrs A jury In nf of the Henning the dailyGerm” from an opportunity to talk with his take charge is es of psychological moment view the proceedings for unk June 20 program Chicago found 1912 taBGatth board and is wife The picture is pre-show now on at the Commercial He told her not to and out specializes In shirt waists? worry as he pected from Acting Governor Glynn warrant charging the at with need of Museum Philadelphia cloth dresses strictly by hand soon would be with her again morrow Henningswore perjury 126 W Second Hennings leanlmess in the imperative to the Philippine prevent ormerly C A cafeteria lunch room South been received by the whereaboutssince was unknown until Y XVreading rest Wasatch 3955 Reports have breeding places for home thin for use anywhere 'except for A B 0 R state today germs board states inwas thetootropics and room wom-fancy officials it was said today that thl’? tho health but that women an’s exchange for all sorts of attorney now American influence Meanwhile Henning’s Daniel than have COAL undue had been used in an one thousand infants skirt adopted the diaphanous work and Ton and two of his witnesses were womenit becomes home cooking floor Donahue °5 effort to prevent the Dutchess one year die as dress building CO?? TTtu annually appropriate Continental for Bank SecondSo county Indicted toin defaane Chicagounk’s on chargesof n9 that deaths and several & jury could be material local department st Paul Elder art books 343 from returning many Agents AV grandagainst an indictment character P t?d by I)roper Second South care and manage-t? stores have ordered large consignments Wasatch 592 It is claimed by unk that Henning's Thaw chargingbribery in VitnAPPeal Sis made to tho mother of the fabric rancisco Oct San suit was inspired in for the — Complete reconnectionwith his escape It is more revenge methods of child diaphanousthan the thinnest Will be pleased to meet his friends at tu ms from the and former’s county testimony adverse to Senator Impure is given as one water of voile more pellucid than the his lunch No Second inary that new room W — Lorimerbefore the Senate investigating for Phoid and the most clinging crepe de chine and more REX I’ SI BUSINESS South was a tor Pure 100 elegantly furnished not than the filmiest of crepe in the police judge the largest vote of any AYalker had accompaniedhis wife on committee waterin homes transparent rooms protected by municipal business district It absolutely fireproof candidate for an excursion to the realms of bargains water plants is and meteor can be doubledseveral times Cafe’ reopened New management lie ornce and in the °n the visitors to the health still be transparentIn one layer it modern inM Marriott every detail 50 with been by four aitnougn of building REID IS 222J State Meals 25c roomsState had the six enormoushad with its bath opposed and IV has thickness prop 253 daily by the no more than a cob Allied many departments become that newspapers aiPJC'ar tuberculosis from his better half pulmonary Women's clubs of tho city can be web Judge "bv 100 rooms 50 with Shortall an hour he Special to The communicated It is called Pina cloth becauseit is was ent lorsed by the labor remained lounging off fr°m a previous minute private bathJAMES throughout junction case” made of half silk and half pineapple newly furnished elevator Unions impatientlyatlifts the stairs of The body of Mrs the health board many Manti Oct Jane DEAL coal block wood kindling ways prepared data to show fibre It colors and in E P 165 absolutely respectable leader where tired and tluit it comes in all labor passages McEwan Reid —was brought here from pan be prevented E 4th South met and then stripes of all designs It Was 1238 Stevenson prop 167 S Main cast for any and angry he can be bought tboJhMUh'i of tJ13s and the funeral a of for 25 cents a yard in the Philippines an irreproachable Orangeville services the health board said member supervisorialcandidate shopwalker hot is more ST CECILE and cold water "Sir?” he said to the frock-coatcd were held in the tabernacleyesterdav but will sell for 50 cents and than tlie nothing general bath well ventilated Special suave attendant in tones of righteous afternoon apathy here probably Bishop Niels R Peterson towaici HOLD scourge that destrovs 150 000 233 State "I've lost presided The corsets one year guarantee rates indignation my wife!” speakers were David lives annually jn State the UnitedStates’’ The Utahwill Home Economics E Mrs M 3d North Back came the reply with stunning Shand JamesCox Hoggan Edward eid Hayes 60 W hold its W annual meetings force: rancis M and 2580-J ROOMS 58 Second Bishop Petersoru riday night at lock and Saturday Wasatch South Rates 50c up new "Third floor over the bridge for the Mrs Clara Johnson sang a solo management and afternoon at 10 o'clock mourning morning department”'—New Orleans Mrs Reid was one of the first and white fox terrier and o’clock at the Lafayette school States — Blaxik RUG HOUSE 68 E 1st So 250 of this city and was the widow with red dye on hind quarters rates 35c rms 50c Mod baths 15c of the late WilliamT Reid who acted to Co American Express take carpet clean Reward restore DON’T colors upOil and as bishop of ward for Manti North In testing grease or stain twenty-seven She was steel car with a' view A brindle cow years born in outa very fat with 9x12 50 rank Martin 56 to $5 week 23 Scotland to its indestructibility horns that — moved $3o0 per E Broadway Edinburgh July 1833 and proving by fire turn into her head Was 2266 Branded W 1st South HERALD-REPUBLICAN railroad “double bar” B came to this in 1862 She had a place in on left hip Please country one of this type twocompany been failing in health for two years hundred pounds of hav-i any information to Wasatch 963 Carpets C 209 State and died at the home of her era steam Rates 50c up witn oil iia Reward cleaned Superior work — insures satisfaction wwwo smmraiea Jane Cox in tirA Orangeville ald al1OWed the mas’s to specialty remodeling Hy following children survive: itself out The John burn The paint and uphols-were noon gold pin Reid Reid and Mrs Jane Cox? terv destroyed vith initials “U AV" Henry but no O’ damage all ot and Mrs Call engraved Orangeville Eliza Aroor-hces none to th keepsake & Carpet cnr ns Wasatch House made from E Reid 43r' combings for 30 consecutively Edward and AVilliam At present 2872 steel Reward 9x12 one dollar numbered coupons together with a small cash whole Harmony Millinery Parlor 558 State Reid of this city passenger vacuum cleaning have your choice of our julendid householdpremiums clear payment you nuiy cars are in service on this one system 215 Wasatch 5618 Small folded and house bldg Avas 4256 iro uamplcMMt Herald-Kepubllcan office and th is is about one-half of the total thin paper containing Templeton The Herald-Republican beimperfect red stonePlease Shop: in'shop of sb-el passenger cars in service in made into switches fore in the stores to block or the United States 539AtIas phone In The Herald-Republican Ladies Shop bring them to li Velvetina parReward you shop in the stores tors ork guaranteed 62 E 4th So 'A CRy? hS’ UUb UbHcan daly n!'spaper V Lake in Salt increase of INSURANCE INCREASE— An ?44j865is shown in the report of Willard Done Insurance commissioner covering the fees collectedby the department for the first nine months of the year The collectionsfor the first nine months of 1913 amount to $6834350 while the total amount for the corresponding period of last year was $6392985 J W S X a 1 °o1Ke?OP' state SUXDAY-Oue month 75 cents John ’ MORE "'ft ells tendent of city since years ago S CLEANING LADIES’ S improvements orty-five undivided 1 AND DYEING GREENWOOD -5 I CLEANING fa - a sixty-seven - I S Mr - ndsmrte810"106 B j 2 ' CLAIRVOYANT 7fMlE'"jrRAirw i i - 5 '-At Commercial ' ' - t UNERALS ! ' WALTER RANCHER’S BARKER a RODE I a $5000 X ’ a a responsibilities s OR S 4 accuracy 2 BA o V’ ' YET 'vfr ? SAE J W BANK g ' : - JOHNSON ' j i s 4 BUT DOUBLED HERBS ' V s NOT CHINESE YEE in-spector S OICE— necessary WILLIAM yesterday S WOODHEAD I 9 6 p 3 Harris Appearing Have Made a 7 3 Mr Mr CHIROPRACTORS Rich endeavor a tomorrow Mr I a devote pEORGE kJ a S a ANOTHER a CHINA DECORATING BERTHA WAGNER’S - a Girl AGRICULTURALIST LEWIS AUCTION Arrested SALES WE a CEMENT 1 INDS I a PLENTY TO WORKS RED a afternoon CUSH MATTRESSES JOHN a J SEE Winchester AT telegraph THE AIR S cfc ' district OSTERLOH a DANCING WALTZ Merchandise a L UNERAL a a ACADEMY DIRECTORS 60-foot DRESSMAKING Thomas A J release being a a S I canwealthy” make DAMAGES EVENING EBER a embalmer S 9 a a GIRL STABBED TAKING a a LORISTS WHILE ASHIONABLE LAMBOURNE 8 14-J designs New e -bling LEARN' 1 W designs DRESSMAKING yes-lerday ‘HOBO KING’ SEATED a BUSINESS yesterday a IN ROADS DIRECTORY JSXPERTDENTISTRY KEYSOR 19-year-old CONGRESS according ABSTRACTS UTAH INSURANCE DR COMPANY several reasonable J DR DOUGLAS S d URRIERS i a J P I ALTERATIONS 1 H S AND REPAIRS I URS ' a several LADIES’ ! DOES a man ALLEGED NAGGING WIE DRIVE ONE occupied 3 URS DRINK? UNION ASSAYERS OICE S S JnLYLAUNDRY AMILY O-Cedar 1 : IREPROO n -and a iWest STORAGE a reunion However Intermountain S credentials 8 ATTORNEYS Art-Granite c-ome ‘ BOOTH BADGER PARKE STEWART BOWMAN HANCOCK BARNES J consented 1 THEWf z ‘ON a HEBREW i I MINER TALKS THROUGH TUBE ENTOMBED WITH ofThe advent WIE GERM’ INDICT THAW MAY NEW MOVIE DRAMA BANK AND OICE REDMAN COMPARE IXTURES YORK SHOWN HENNING 1 a CAPTURED ATER LONG WE STATE " a BO WLING ALLEYS WINDSORBO S URNITURE REPAIRING SEARCH allow recaned -AV BEAUIYARDORS l-The unsettled 1 a THE today a COBWEB S 1 IT’S NEXT haveatitend 1 t GOWN ARRIVES NOTHING PHONE CARPENTERS OR J HAIR AND JOBBERS Ev-ington DRESSING BEAUTY WORK ALL affections HAND CAPITOL requested Philippines ex-to- a LAUNDRIES X-rav “CANDID ATES GET HIGHEST L mt-TatYire HAY VOTE GRAIN AND HARVEY i conspiracy “ o a GALLAGHER 1 life-saving pri-show 6 — STRIUTIT — Edward re-elected NEW ur-’med HOTEL b MRS MIDWAY BURIED J 1 1 X XX S "separated COAL 1-or Herald-Republican AND KINDLING HOTEL U 1 J approached CORSETS tn?-9e!enSlble TO ANNUAL MEETINGS a 8 IRE ' LOST TEST APPLJED TO LATEST STEEL settlers 2 CAR AND telephones S SPIRELLA association 2 COLONIAL OUND LOST Return CARPET AND CLEANING J LINCOLN I HOUSEHOLD COUPON No AVEIDEN HOTEL reJi LOST 5 1344 telephone daughterMrs n n vn "I th- gl z- x HOTEL S A’ 1 -N BELMONT GROENDYKE ‘ w i - a LOST— HAIR SWITCHES -Wednesday Y?-oCdrat a NATIONAL n Clr-aning GOODS x 1 — COMBINGS return AVa-satch -you be-iw 89-A A $ |