Show !CAN HERALD-REPTJBI THE ’ SADT ‘ LA'KK ' LAKE ’ AT — I SHAT’S JUST CORD ATER LIN — PULLED WAS — ' NVEI 0 to Birds Dedicated Solemn Ceremony Large ' o’ X J of ®re°“kfs T famo!rs“ui“ T?IXlm“iTe’lToilet o£ 'Soap willbe given away TREE at jar of PahnOlive Cream sold tit 0 iSoap The c with Pans?’ this very special - every price of Display : Utah’s Greatest- Ready-to-Wear of Whet Store Stones -JsSwlKShatH Premiums Given Cut Glass-ware Clocks Pictures Wool Blank Linen Sets Portieres Comforters Electric Reading Lamps ets Department ? Information i Twixt Main and State on Broadway l" t Week air Attractions Millinery Trimmed Beautiful Hats $495 : $395 $295 ? c Display occupied on the speakers’ stand The cords attached to the coveringof the beautiful marble shaft were pulled at II o’clock by Mrs B XVells who was escorted Emmeline from the speakers’ stand to the monument by Mahonri Young Mrs XVells said in Part “f feel very grateful for the opportunity to be present at the exercises today to commemorate tliis beautiful monument our distinguished designed by brother XVhat Mahonri Young a poetic it is that a bird coincidence should be the emblem of the miraculous of the people of the Latter-day deliverance Saints in this valley recall very Vividly the struggles of the early days fought when heroic men and with remarkablefortitude women for existence to survive what to be a hopeloss fight against seemed the ravages of the crickets Our fields were covered with crickets and the total destruction of crops was imminent when hundreds of seagulls came down in answer to our prayers to rescue us from our peril was a at the time and young woman remember very distinctly the distress of the people in the valley If the of our crops had been accomplished 1 by 'the crickets that year our 1— BHI plight would have been pitiable XX’e were hundreds of miles from the base of the nearest food supply and of us would have beforemany food Scene in Mrs B officiating at perished Temple when Emmeline Wells was square could be shipped to the valley XX’hat of Monument to seagulls blessing it was to see those seagulls! What a reward for our prayers to God!” President Smith Speaks follow our and fly tiers would became disheartenedduring the wagons Joseph Smith said he the remember an incident appalling destruction his team into the valley September around camps drove Indian was arrested for when an 23 1848 “The original letter is on file at the killing a gull told the When we been historian’s office “In the spring of 1849” he said “the that our lives had saved in bv decricKcts began their ravages Mrs Snow’s Diary manner by these gulls vouring Millions our grain and destroyingour atheymiraculous too learned to respect them the “Eliza R Snow whoin arosRufl crops of them flooded the “It is a distinct pleasure to be here plains and Capt land mountains Joseph traveling from east to west They today to pay tribute to the seagull by B Noble's In the fall of 1847 devoured everything green in their unveiling this beautiful company that and who monument spent the winter of 1847 and course We adopted every conceivablewas designed by Mahonri Young 1848 and the following in the valley to to years methodbut known us exterminate grandsonof our distinguished Brigham kept a daily journal of her journey them it was of no avail There Young May it stand for ages to tell and of her early were too and it was futile for us its in the valley mute experience many story of the early struggles of from to successful them which we cull the following a war on our pioneers in this valley” written Days wage and nights were spent in prayer under date of Sunday May 28 1848: asking God to send relief from the History Quotes situations that us frost confronted then historical This morning’s in unison President Smith produced were more than 1800 in the with the There of the crickets evidence that time and reports had been concerningthe crickets in for a few-days ravages past produces from President Young that he 1848 explainingthat he did so to throw sighs and occasions some long many faces traveling west from the Mississippi was light upon the ‘‘cricket war’’ with those that for the He with a band of 2500 souls There we more forget that they are saintsmoment were without provisionsand our crops said: date of threatened with complete destruction “In order to throw more light upon 1848 “Under Saturday June 10 Sister Snow records: the air was filled with when suddenly conditions In the Great Lake valley in seagulls that came to the fields and The crickets continue their 1848 tlie following the crickets with voracious letter from Thomas ap petites Callister is here introduced: Patty “Mrs Sessions of to relate these gulls mother “Strange would Salt Lake City eb 13 1869 to their capacity and PeregrineSessions captain of one of gorge themselves the companies of Saints then the President George A Smith Historian's which arrived go to where they streams the in Great Salt Lake yalley in the fall of Office drank and then disgorged crickets 184 also kept a daily journal and in I give you incident piles as big as my fists and then an which under in this valley in the date of their work of exter-fields Tuesday May 30 1848 she look up again summer of 1848 follows: until journalized as mination eventuallythe when the crickets were cleaned and the crops no longer upon Sessions has gone to the farm everything green in being destroyed All the nursery trees had been to keep the crickets off the danger of loved crops-they those seagulls! and of the grain we After much and are taking all before them time they a became very tame and tne inevitable destruction ot everythat they come to The frost killed thing was good deal apparentto all a President John Young second aJHindeXldate of June counselor to President John 184S John I Smith Smith Charles C Rich president of the stake and John came to him who Young constituted the presidency and in the most emphatic manner in the Great Salt Lake valley at said: it is that “ather Smith your time to duty to send an express to Brother wrote President Brigham A loung and the Council will be of the Twelve “let Brigham and tell him not to bring no Apostles the following: the people here for if he does they will all starve to enT1616 has been a large amount of in death” that distress spring crops put in and they were ather Smith lookedand thoughtful well till within for a few replied: doing few days moments a the crickets "Brother John have done after eating until you Young the Lord led consider-daJ?ae here and he has not led us here both to us wheat and to starve” h?VnViWhlC?has disc°uraged first some help the Plenty left if So dark were the circumstances we can that the hearts a few da’sof the strongest The sea-frnm elders were faint ®t ?ome In large flocks rr?rP Jne Lake John Neff who and the Eldermill was building thl they sweep go it a on Mill creek came to to hand of the Lord is in seems health and ather Smith and said our favor “ather Smith have stopped building my Riter Speaks mill there will be no grain to grind or this work TV Riter said: and Brother John Young tells me have met that on this occasion to fnL weshall have to leave here fatth n a mod0St wa the unveil-the and advises me to stop wasting my of the gull ather monument the money” Smith replied bird that played so “Brother Neff go on with your mill important a part in the of the lives of preservation the and as far as have property will of 1847 and 1848 P’oae£s It is exprfs? fitting that the guaranteesuccess and had sufficient workmanship or art should this bird would secure you be againstmeans the handiwork of any loss we are not going a son of the great to be broken up and entreat you leader Brigham Young is particularly who led these anl to ?nr&£-°neers go ahead with yopr mill and if nto thls then sterile you do so you shall be blessed and forbidding doubt if there country It brings it shall be an endless source of joy are any present to back this event has whom than a greater significance proiit to you to ana me was only a boy of 10 In a very short time after this appetite aids digestion years when the event occurred the gulls from the lake made their which we now and Eep to devoured the commemorate well remember keeps the bowels appearance the open crickets gloom almostdespair that fell nn'the crickets came down As ever your brother in the Goshealth in from the hills m such and Pel THOS CALLISTER myriads that the W1as covered with them 111 Trv a “The reading of this letter is by no ?£ld attacked with voracious appetites general bottle Hl the then to bring any kind of too scanty fields of means intended grain had been reproach upon President John which planted with toilsome Young hands You will I who was as brave as anybody but to pardon me If give show that even the bravest of y?u s2ni° the setown remembrances in regard to this event for they are the ones most deeply imbedded in my memory unequaled ’ Dolls Sweats REE Away Imported Aluminum WHET STONES will be given away Todayin outi Housekeeping Supply These stones are for knives sharpening kitchen utensils and keen edged tOAlfi Iflriv vici iwr Today whether buying partment not will receive a or WHET STONE — REE 5000- Tapestry Couch Covers Large etc Given Away as Premiat “The urns REE of CHARGE Clerks at Baris” AskDeskthe See or the Premium 4a Ma-honri- z ni Olive See Our b ‘vy ) W Reed -- -'M I (Continued from Page Nibley United States Senator Smoot Gov William Spry Young Mrs Emmeline B XVells XX Riter XV H Bancroft President rancis M Lyman and Apostles Heber Grant and O XVhltney They 1 C - " Before Crowds - L- gm ’ - Cakes 44D alm 1 7 1913 ’ - pl i With Three i 1 i Monument OCTOBER-2 THURSDAY a G 1: UTAH i ’’ '- CITY ’' ' - THOUSAND IVE feature and misses’ willwomen’s Trimmed Hat’s at the above There's individuality you will marvelat in andrefinement every — ordinarily sell that would at 50 per cent more Hats them— models will please the most and fastidious tastes will be discriminating in this special showing Materials are the very latest including velvets plushes etc smartlyand effectively trimmed The very hat you’ve been looking for is here Other SPECIALS at we TODAY prices that I one that ' of displayed — $750 $645 Ostrich I I $1000 up eather Be $1500 95c ids destruction — girlish hats in endless assembled offering a selection that is seldomand enAll the petite new fall countered styles here galaxy from winter you’ll are —a which have no trouble in making a choice Prices range upward from Youthful riety are variety Hats I'1 I ids has just been opened coiled around'thefullcrown ng They 36 are 1 95c values Today Children’ a Pj-esident Wed hz-M --'1 unveiling special shipmentof beautiful genuineOstrich eather and Placed on sale at this phenomenal price one of whi hat trim of any hat makes the most stylish and effective inches long in black white and leading colors $200 A UP i I 50c va-here of Aespecially wonderful display of trimmedhats Man designed for misses and exclusive models in this handsome today that have not been showing on display till Velvets IfOdScS $295 v i-Inj-M now and plushes artistically with satins and fancy ribbons trimmedto $500 worth Today Indians ’ ter-vible valleyat Garment Week air STYLISH SUITS Specials SAMPLE COATS received devoured destructiveness occurred descended Mr destroyed “How Mo “Let 9 Up There up’’ j stomach n7jS etliU? back Values WWe styles sizes all I An Unusual just STOMACH in fact at of each as good thraye1d well and $500 pin serges and two values I I many and QC todav pattern to three to $500 and special Winter the get There Al materialsare skirts that retail you’d There are black and more diagonalsin medium and color checksin leading colors as even stripes but in i ate 3 regular velvet 25 per air worth in newest There are in plain and made of !jn wool ' i yora for and other in than t! n abrO of LINE women’s nobby autumn and winter $ materials new includingt brown Chinchillas heavy the all and popular cloakings with the are lined Some sizes SAMPLE misses’ gray Caraculs tures They while complete range 50‘per cent less to Week Another $9-95 and ' fanev fancy trimmings a cent styles 3 At colors blind other Thereis from is and plain 7 rf o are regularly dark winter coats and Special quality navy and more severely are this price the have Some weaves manufacturers’ a Values and most approved novelty mixtures diagonalsboueles etc coats made up to our order from were surplus stock of fall and wintei- suitings few Extra reputable maker’s entire SAMPLE LINE of women’s and misses’ stylish A A fall Qt skirts a djy S SALE SKIRT These I I 41! specially Ai priced HOSTETTER’S BITTERS Two most A C A I strength $2000 to discrim-xl particularand I I inating women will find suits in this v M Thursday showing at $1495 that will please their fancies The values are at this price worth without precedent There are suits $2000 and more Superior quality navy or black wool in latest three-button with velvet serges cutaway styles trimming and genuine Skinner Satin lined coats Then there cheviots and suits of wool novelty worsteds in are handsome black in latest fall and navy taupe brown and winter i plain in famous colors and mix a “Susquehanna” Satin round cornered cutaway and straight cut styles smartly trimmed with velvet braids and fancy buttons Great diversity of styles and models to choosefrom in all sizes from 16 to 46 These coats are intrinsically worth $1500 and air Week more Special in come S - Hosiery Pillow Sheets Etc Slips all New G1 oves I adapted g I I XY a H M H BS father had planted eight acres of wheat up there in the Nineteenth J H BOSIHESS front of ground Immediatelyin Captain Hooper’s old fairly Special Iff On WW Women’s ORf wrn Week ribbed fin© quality fast black Children’sstockings with gray heel and cashmere 3 C ft toe Introductory Special price W Prices Week air 81x90-inch bleached hemmed at soft finished durable sheets torn and muslin all ready for use none §100 each Owv Special values at &OC fleece lined kid gloves of sizes Extra good Special stylish ownee famous serviceable suede gloves with three clasps in gray size Large best quality muslin tan and black tt "9 pillow slips handsomely embroipair with floral and bow knot dered designs worth 35c each Off e $100 kid gloves are made expressly Our On sale Special for us and are guaranteed in every way They come in black white and all the shades Compare them with others newthis at price and you Spreads will see a vast difference They have Bed Sale Pillow Children’s warm in complete line children’s Extra each Special w“?w Special 3100 no equal at It grew well until the crickets and crocheted white came then our feather pillows covered Large full sdze inest rench glace kid gloves imported glowing Good quality nope of a crop was with striped feather proof bed spreads and ready by us direct soft select skins almost turned into hemmed Extra despair My fleece father had put in a rude and misses’ ribbed ticking for use In neat pretty scroll and in black white and leading each pillow fall and dam weighs on the north of City vests and pants in floral patterns the winter colors The branch stands creek lined cotton and is well 1— equal of any $175 pounds75c near where the Odeon line kind Special glove in the city All sizes fit 4 and color only complete Cft Special “TfcC $125 turned the now his worth to irrigate Special water of sizes Special wheat an old channelof the creek until quality ondorless feather bed spreads in beautiful down Extra Crocheted cotton r&ached his field Besides the myr-lads fine quality women’s white pillows covered with good quality Marseilles patterns extra and Extravests and pants with soft warm misses’ cape gloves with of crickets which were already feather proof ticking ready each —large size hemmed$325 and spear point back in all the new shades the tender plants pillow On sale this napped fleece lining all weighs pounds SI 25 for use well worth of tan and brown Unequaled for street brought down myriads of others water that sizes Special driving and outing wear All had off the hills and come failing1 to Special sizes Pair Special The Rubens Special W w famous cross the water (for they were a clumsy in sizes insect) shirts for infants were washed down into his All field On sale at The and extremitywas so ereat he offered the contents Robert Pierce three of garment per his whole field for An unusually’ good barrels of Protest value in strictly all wool The flour SHIRTS'— famous reckoning that these three barrels in pretty checks and plaids pink and blankets of flour shirts for infants in sizes JI A gray red and black also plain white XV omen’sextra quality plain would feed his family six blue pin’ki On sale at white and full size $700 HY fancy flannelette night months and then we could die with or blue borders gowns in colors garment value Special per Extra heavy and firm flannelette and Same Xot for All w Babies’ flannelette full gowns sizes plain and silk braid "These conditions were the lot of all generous — prettily trimmed and the pioneers then several styles trimmed all sizes $125 here have well made Special thought these events were a values striking analogueto those Special encountered GOVANS— Warm flannelette by the Israelites under Moses flannelette for children of Babies’ pretty to 14 gowns camped near the shores of the Red when —trimmed in fancy stripes with double yoke years with embroideryin and I The kimonos colors Egyptianswere on either side sea and braid behind diferent Atrimming and the Red sea in front and y£5C tyles Special death over the scene and hovering Lo! God stretched forth his hand when and his people were saved Death could have seemed scarcely more imminent to those early pioneers into the deserts of the Sianitic peninsulathan to us on the occasion refer to As the children of Israel their throughout generations looked back and acknowledged God as their savior in parting the waters of times was shared the apprehensionif we had no crops? in Who can picture some in Tooele valley near the Red sea is it any youngof asdisaster that we ever hovered over his children wonder that my father did the peril we were in and had Stockton and about ten years ago too attribute to the mercies still lives and our of God the of their direst distress saw a few at the mouth ot Salt river of the gulls crops been consumed what would have coming the crickets who devoured our that he may ever be relied upon for More Crickets in XVyoming believe they have enemies and all fails the distress that been our The fate of the Donner entirely now permitted a relief when succor great seemed doom? portion of our crops to escape human vanished the be incomplete if the crickets recital would surely to be upon us in case party have been but early certain “This would a “Our legislators enacted into they were destruction did not refer to a entirely destroyed our crops to it only law a grand character may eighty of them There were measure protectingthe gull as undergoing then the person of Uncle better be sensed when tell you that and there were 1800 of us in an acknowledgment that they had been gulls and themselves among "The on the crickets came gorged John patriarch already of the people had consumed us to be augmented by 2500 more Smith as he then was sent to save us from destruction many when divinely once filled could called brother to the prophet’s the scanty supply of food they President Young (who had a returned the On one occasion one of our overhave given but little relief for the number — He was then an aged His abross the plains with before had brought year to the Missouri river) zealous brethren of crickets was so man arrested a poor hungry great but the faith never- failed My and should and them the year before were then arrive with the emigrationof Indian for shooting couragewho one of these gulls disgorged the masses they had father was not sustained by the living on thistle roots pig weed and that year birds so great was Added to this the winter our venerationfor eaten and then continuedthe process faith many had suffered segos it was 1200 miles to the nearest following extreme was one of the coldest known them But the Indian? until the situation was saved on learning of mind at the perilous conditionsfood supply at St Mo and at since our Joseph here Can you wonder that we had such and friends coming great respect for "Brethren Uncle John seeing he least a year must elapse before food that witnessed surroundlng us say if them learned this and relate it to you’ in all truth doubt any are present soon to respect them but lacking faith could be had from that quarter was an honest even if to and manprophetic whom this event has a greater also on our account and never soberness My- remarks must be the knew huoyed him up by words we had had to money purchaseit significance than to me? one molestedafter the event limited on this occasion for there are named of relief well remember which we haJ not To make’ matters “Somehas one mightof pertinentlyask: as the dove is the sign and others to speak but let me here express him saying on one occasion With we that President worse dcnew Young They What become of peace and love to the hope that this monument thosecrickets? emblem this u at be a here followed by others may vehemence: ‘I tell you Brother ofwas returning gradually in gull (pointing to the monument) who numbers least let be reminderto those come after us Riter all will come out well’ who These our people would have to be from year to year diminished and have now disappeared the sign of relief that the same God whose mercies have words were a great solace to me for fed from our crops — but how feed them from Utah — and About twenty years mercy” Women’s 1 quality and women's pure wool golf gloves in several styles Special serviceable sheets lots price better for Extra double bed size quality Regular 15c bleached quality cases in plain and bleached muslin muslin pillow we buy in size which this case hemmed styles 42x36-lnch hence all ready for use exceptional 11 Each 72x90-inch Underwear Warm residence fleece sizes -women’s fine quality women’s seamless cotton fast bl&ck fleece llned ings Unequaled value at a Special paar and misses’ fine quality cash-mere stockings with gray heel andtoe soft and all sizes Special air I My black quality in all cotton stockings pair good value at Extra -1near1y 3 I extra Special hm t i improves Good lined 2 -cream l Women’s -t devouring 50c 4 SI What INANTS’ Talent? Your Is 1 department filing letters Is your mathematics? talent specializing Commercializeit by along bookkeeping or the line of In brief whatever faculty your special talent ’whatever there is some way of directing It so that will obtain you returns in salary natural endowments highest your It’s our business to know that specialty is interpreted right and to assist you in locating yourself to the best advan cost-accounting Do the for your’ you excel in the faculty of big Make it payof youfiling a manager LET US DEVELOP memory? dividends as tage TALENT NOW! Wool Blankets (NJ Af Gowns Warm 2 I 11-4 QE frequently XKf' KIMONOS Get Whet a REE Stone CHILDREN’S 4 a S s Blanket and Comforter Specials Curtain This Week I I I 2° t “How absolutely YOUR $700 GOWNS ' scarce and specializing as a clerk is sure to lead to a high paid position to take the load off the shoulders gives executive's you the key to one of the highest paid positions in the business world 3 40c 3 It is said by department heads or office managers that efficient clerks to take care of the office filing are very very 2 35c INANTS’ In high school did you like the rench was an easy languages?If study for you you probablycould turn your ability into commercial channels by training yourself as a correspondent ability to write OwC -85 SHHITS— 4 Xo I circumstance I ' I Call The today Utah and see the “Model School” farther ' Business College distress t I I Boston Building andpromises I Our Graduates Stand the Test Wasatch 5126 considerable I I - “Now |