Show SUGGESTS Talk Highbrow Rule TO PLAN END Is WITH On No More Soft Stuff for Hereafter Advocates Lieu Selections Mountainous Mineral Lands L in the ' UTAH OCTOBER THURSDAY We BRAIN' H Have 1913 2 Our ' Pre of ' Parlor S D - O wia Set ’ La ws ood I ' (q U Oregon Students for CITY ENDOWED HUMAN COMPILESSTATISTICS CONTROVERSY LAKE Girl a -Calls LAND MACHINE LAKE Youth When STATE SALT HERALD-REPUBLICAN THE SENIOR Uno Adopts Short c Dl Expert Run Ci t Efficiency In ““Ax I' by & Electricity Tiroand and stars blue eyes moon curly hair will no rnore'be subjects for conversation at the and during moonlight walks homes of D D S U students The “bliss-lend” “Her' papa’s front parlor in “She” playing the piano with beaming and tantalizing countenance while ‘he“ with pose dreamy eyes looks vanish on may forever can the youthful school Nevermore lover under the starry heaven tell of his soulful admiration for her glossy hair pearly teeth and so forth U will Students of the L D the lost art of endeavorto revive girls especially conversation The prove are determinedto that they also can indulge in interesting and talk sense mind-to-mind common John Henry Evans of the L D S U English departmentis responsible for this surprisingreaction the students of the institution among discourse before his During classes upon the “Dost Art of he frankly told the deteriorating elementof its influence in establishing frivolous matters as the standard for modern coversation He said in part: “It is fact that the remarkable women ofof today day are virtually every problems and events Instead of' reading good and profitable literature most will read women modern novels and serial fiction Many Desiring are also pedantic women to show of make khowledge which they really have not they will speak fluently of books and articles which they have only heard someone else speak about or perhaps read report on the Hence present degradation of present-day con S and — much H ffl strin more With the installation of a Hollerith K electrical tabulatingmachine the last and ffl mines Hern of the word in committee mechanical accounting the S Commercial club to meet with Senator Oregon Short Line has placed its Tleed Smoot to discuss features of a bill on par with most department recently by of introduced Senator Smoot for the issuance of patents to railway offices in the United tSates Wk gr providing the state for its school lands have not The new machine which has just been decided upon a date for the meeting installed in the accountingdepartment and it is not known just the local offices is when the of designed to will be held gathering eliminate large part of the drudging the mining E W Senior representing detail work which formerly devolved is top of upon the clerical force flour for the men said yesterdaythat hethecould conceive of no good reason why of cards the a system machine state general of the state the really the necessity of it eliminates mills for land board and the mining interests of clerks detailed in the handling the state should not work in of statistical matter the harmony compilation for he believed that by so doing the but we test each and totals as desired their perfect sure machine furnishing W best interests of the state and its In At the present time the machine is into is used in selecting figuring largely in the ‘compilation of This would be conserved it’s right in respect every ingredient goes care Senior outlined plan for the special report of a shipmentsfrom all disposal of lands that have stations mineral been included in the sections aside printed card A duplicating all the for school lands which he said if carried to be found on the information out would not only bring into the bill the basis for the nJ forms state school funds four times the of the machine The card is at placed in 5c amount of money which could be punching machines operated clean pure as the Informationoutlined the present designation by girls and under but also would encourageand build up on the original bill is stencilled on the the He the mining industry of the state card The in operated punching machine that the school sections which by the touch and speed argued system a ru in are mineral lands are principally of 500 cards an hour is attained In nJ at for the operation an altitude too high With completed the E In to furnish any kind and the surface too rough and machine is ready nJ of that the office nJ Information rugged to purposes make them He suitable for that maycards the original bills The is from is suggested is the best the salt the the the such school sections bo disposed of by can be placed in a sorting machine and the state in lieu of the state sorted at the rate of“-250 cards min-urte which is the limit for of much greater or instance if the total receipts would receive lands If the no value disposed of of any one station is desired the machine and which could be at price four times greater than the can be set to pick out the cards mineral lands In the plan stencilled for that station Likevzise explaining in of a Mr Senior said: the sorting of which he suggested machine can be adjusted 1913 the state land to pick out all the cards of any commodity “On August all versation” by the road handled or this as board adopted rule which reads: loaf if the total of coal shipments of mineral When flic office receives notice IS the road for the month is desired the United Slates land office of entry at adjusted on school section the secretaryshall the machine can be and in a the attorney general to protest such few all of the way bills bearing O minutes The entry conflict itijrwith the school grant that commodity are segregated nJ include available information request shall from the rest to the board by the mineral A request cards then be The can transferred to withdraw the protestshall be in of to Residents Upper Hingham Want b to an electrically operated writing accompanied by diagram and tabulating for Them Incorporate they are carried or other evidence tending to show machine Automatically re Ln Copyright 1913 that the tract is chiefly valuable for mineral the and the figures selves through machine and was known as such prior to the date recorded as the cards pass wlirii th" stat es title should have attached As soon as the cards are A petition signed by 93 of the 118 through Senior's I’lan the machine the total desired through qualified electors of Upper Bingham is available and the cards are filed the "One suggestion make is that filed with the operated The meeting stood adjourned state land board abolish this rule and was machine is somewhat on at length the water commissioner asked the door DIVORCE countycommissioners The principle of the linotype in lieu thereof pass resolution yesterday machine that his resolution on increased pay for withoutformality of adjourning Suit for divorce from his wife and azain-’ asking that that part of the stencilling is completed the for instance that: After thehandle th' noted laboring be considered her parents to prevent their alienatingthe af mining camp be incorporatedmachines the cards in any men section''273 of the revised fectionsof Iris Jour children was filed in the Whereas into town under the name of Copper desired The sorting machine is not said the “The chairman here” of the Unit States which made districtcourt Smit will pick out station and IS yesterday by Robert W applicable io (he State of Utah by section field commodity park commissioneras he sprangto his at the same time The against Nellie Smith the wife of an ad of Congress of May 1902 tabulating machine and Edwin and It feet grabbed his papers and started for was set forth that there is the staid to waive its right to lands is capable of Martha A Davis Smith charges that his wife drawing off four the door “I don’t want to talk about sections Hi 32 ami 26 (commonly known of about 800 persons in the subtotals and single deserted him in July without cause and grand total at adapted a of The commissioner waterworks that until there is a full being made by the student as siliool sections that at" mineral in operation The commission Plans are to the home of her parents He alleges machines are sought to be incorporated as a body of the D D U to institute and select in lieu thereof other different branches of the broke up an executive session present”wasn’t that she and the parents have sought to turn landfrom town and that the work t5 of the city commission All he did was school activity fund on the Universityhis children against him any of the unappropriated revenues yearly by tothe aid of different colored cards “There a full commission present ask the commissionto take 'served public domain in th" state ami up his you were scoring the of Utah basis The roads including the Oregon-Washington resolution when retorted campaign was Wlscrcns such school sectionsas are mineral amount to about $10000 while expenses Other providing for increased the water commis an editorial written by Bailroad & launched inSloan in character are principallylocated at be only about $7000 thus showing Navigation wages for laboring would men employed by sioner for the first issue of Pacific the Southern Pacific Lawrence Harbor 560 W Third South girl an altitudetoo high for cultivationand tin' that the town be the Domneck would UnionSanta the city The commission didn’t even “Well the salary is not in my the Gold and Blue in matter which the writer Clarence Vincent 132’4 W South Temple boy surface so rough and rugged as to make It is proposed to have used the incorporateand thesuccessfully linger to the park Clark O adjourn There was a general department” ansxvered argues for social democracy and equality Dunsbee St Marks hospital boy impracticableto utilize said lands for other that part of the camp lying about one in the compilation rout AV as he neared the 'door at the institution ox 620 North Temple girl t!i:'u grazingor mineral purposes and statistical information mile above the north line of of Harry Hackett 100 ourth West girl Whereas th" Bingham The commission met in executive session is the contractors’ matter in points out that much good state cannot reasonably “Neither Sloan proper and the length of the incorporated Gus Linden L D hospital boy realizefrom the sale of such lands at the instance of the park your retorted the water could be from the initiation department” accomplished town be about 2000 feet Leverne E Price 321 E ifth South girl more than 250 per acre and would R The park of such a he commissioner commissioner scheme Not only rank O Miller 238 AV Second North boy Whercis the board has reason to believe The commissionerspromisedto H take Prof R 11 Lyman of the Universityof Utah raised of strenuous protest against the students be more willing The park commissioner disappearedtoclaims would William elsch 1443 Lincoln boy that selectedin lieu the matter under consideration especially G can disposeof lands of the road commission has delay A the door support school activities but the member state contractors through phraim II Williams 2512 Seventh East hereof at acre and thereby benefit Joseph and Ted Holman appearedin per to Detroitto attend the annual meeting of on improvement contracts this time the commissioners of price of be materially girl gone Hernan entertainment would the state and its taxpayer' by greatly of the petitioners the National Highway association lessened William Grimes 275 K street girl After this matterhad been discussed finance and streets had also reached the titiblie school fund and by the exploration and development of such mineral lands be resolvedHint the Now tiie""fii" Utorinv general of this state l‘ requested to discontinue ye filing of any protests against noolbauts for Unit'd States mineral' and that the crotaryof this board bo and is hereby authorized to xecute to the United States waiver of ito rights to mineral lands wb doing any such by so will and annoy save uiin’ccssaiyex" ancp to applicantsfor United States mineral patents The words "mineral lands" herein are not intendedto includelands that have present or prospective value tor coal "1 lie records of the surveyorgenoral's office show that within the mining districts of tills state there arc 400090 of land approximately acres within school sections Probablyon of the included area is within claims mining heretoforepatented anti to the state perforce must which lieu land that there Assuming the facts are remains JnOOOO acres the state could not realize more than $250 per acre from the sale thereof or total of $500000 while by waiv ing its claim thereto and selecting other land in lien thereof the state! lotihl realize from the sale of same $20(10000 mineral in charac"Because land isfolloxv ter it does not that pay ore in can be extracted at the surface therefrom As general rule before claim develops into a pay mine mining large of labor a expenditure anti is and it is against necessary money the best interest of the state to class of the men who have Bs Via' t Is the their courage to back judgment by the expenditure of labor and ii i'5 money in exploring these mineral lands the state secure patent to same Should the trespasser prospector becomes thereon and should the state dispose 1 of its title in such lands after I Malli ’fl 8 patent the nurchasercould not under the law follow any mineral 1 Jfe 0 !MiiC3 W! x'PEG-US lJRp jogfgfflllwwimHII vein therein outside PAT apexing of the lines of boundary any such school Co section or the boundary lines iraip ill Hl beyondactually si iWaSS iw of to of the land he purchased N J from the state while under the mining jl r5 M laws a once havingdiscovered prospector in the vein may after completinghis so that a a on location follow his vein on its dip to its entire depth no matter how far it there is no one cannot afford to take extend beyond the side line of !l Ii! may claim” his ' of the opportunity £? the Membersselected mining by John of gent than I statistical a food 1 1L any pure state laws nation or S a S attorney ‘ taxpayers Mr a instance does come Our By Quality Not only -Items notch very from famous shipment products every make A' which same a Conversation” -Set originalway female obtained and morning As ignorant located cultivation Kit operation a and 10c dew loaves grocer’s your so-called agricultural a desire i The a a 8 The instance perfect ordinary a a ‘COPPERIELD’ PROPOSED request a NAME NEW sugar yeast has TOWN finest very superior— everything affords quality SUPERIOR E water KLEEN’ifilD ingredients produces these finest extra quality costs you nothing combination Yet bread pure Bread Same extra BAKING entryman a market very prices CO j affidavits i I a providing combination statutes a ' is 1 COMMISSION’S DIGNITY DISSOLVES WHEN WAGE RAISE SUGGESTED SMITH STUDENTS SCHOOL allot' a WANTS PLAN HAVING ACTIVITY UND I: population s 2 district a returned yesterday character S a t Hili' contractors” BIRTHS self-sup-p’orting it e machines commissioner C S ex-!:( S I commissioner I I LYMAX HEAVES a R it I S' S a S behalf i By increasing J en-eoiiriging I it at- pat-eiii- Good s i a -iiti-'s i it a a belongs music in every I I 1 the home and --half : I accept Victrola there it puts I a - : There I I are Victors 1 ' I and ' a a The i discourage w Day 30 Enables every lover home Victrola EASTERN terms easy advantage B you Talking Machine Camden MUSIC i 4 CO BSM Complete !aii r on complimentary opinions of Utah and the written while he was attending Mormons the great N E A conventionIn He has received Salt Lake the reply: Lt our following Dear Mr Thomas: thought in sending am gratefulfor your kind evidence of your talent industry me the and inventive skill in the nse of figure have not had time to examine your work mathematically but do not doubt your and genius I glad to speak good was very word for the Mormons and am doing It daily Your people have been persecuted and maligned beyond measure ami it is duty and privilegeto help in correcting false views as to the and the life of yonr people was in New York recently and met some very prominent and influentialeditors and publishers Our conversation turned to my visit to Salt Lake in July and had the satisfactionof stating to them what have so often declared that the Mormon people of Utah are among the cleanest the purest In morals the most and the most prosperous people of the western continent Let me hear from you again Success to studies you in your Sincerely W BICKNELL I 45 a a you make a Our Department loor Main personal selection of your Victrola and selection of the Victrola you stock of Victrolas always 'i assured are of absolute satisfaction a character 1 may make a personal desire it An immense iW s th r ill i S ' ffiI ffl THOMAS MAIUUAGK LICENSES Collins Rhoda Valley Utah rkz Huntington wallace A Burnham Utah Wallace A Miller Knight Elgin Ida Kmil A Browning Ve Margaret i Utah Emma Parker Rogers Ida Plan Makes It Possible for Every Lover Music of to Own a nothing down on the Victrola merely 'pay for a few Records of Try your own selection wonderful entertainer in your home at our expense Make your first payment on Victrola the end of 30 days Balance in convenient monthly installments lorence at Ida R Jensen Independence Ida Clifford Jennings Bertha Thomas Salt Lake Arthur Crandall Ivy Clyde Evans Salt XKe Scott Ruby Palmer Deseret rraijKJin Briscoe Dora Hansen Pocatello Ida Marti Ella C Hahn Salt Lake J CONSOLIDATED MUSIC CO 9So ‘ s w wW ! ' '( : r MwWi Imf Pl Sil MB te M L mi MBM M M hBI 1 I fl XIV $150 Victor-Victrola Mahogany or Interested sign —REE H ill and 8 ' oak mail ConsolidatedMusic Pay Grayson Ii K-SM ill Victrola this 1 il I w If Selling fit -I if i 1 I I I 1 il I 1 Our Wil iWt 'IfP 1 i r t 5 ' I industrious I '(’T 1 1 ft I whH I B m all H WMwS tww MliQ I OH B® 58 t wish delivered to your home if exhibition on our main floor you on aiiorcLsa spienaia opportunity to selecta Victrola according to your personal preference js If the Victrola you receive satisfactory in it not every respect we will exchange within any reasonable length of time Your Victrola is carefully adjusted by experts before leaving our establishment from date of purchase make or one year we any necessary adjustment free of charge You MyI originality store Victor a i $h dll kiOJiisWWl' M Hitll ffiSt I 1 I A il il I I ff I j ago Judge W N Some timeletter Thomas of wrote a appreciationto W Bicknell of ProvidenceR Thomas secretary-general and register of the society known as Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims thanking him for fl “ e ' a I mHMWwOj ii’ffl n m fflimraBiwam't®W CONSOLIDATED EDUCATOR any will dealer to Victor ft BY from and demonstrate them His Mhtersbice place Si AREPRAISED styles 1 music who MORMONS $500 to great I Plan Approval of $10 gladly acquiring a variety Victor - 1 CONSOLIDATED a i Victrolas TRIAL this coupon Company to the ii COUPON ConsolidatedMusic- Co I in the Victrola and would like to know am interested more Send about your ree Trial Plaf complete information also catalogueof Victrolas and Records To Street and City and No State ' ( V I |