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Show THE WORLD. op. A. Fnbllthcd Wukly. bill from Wm- Grant - fOr M.G0 for MANHOOD llfr dark Unterna Mia oho Is oMllug Siudebaluir waj-oand bujr.lMi on the street asked to SMITH WITH. ell Dbder Cblpinan Mer. Company lie Entered at the pottoffce, America Fort ease. Request not granted. for tranmiteion through the moil at Road So prr visor Wagsl.aff icatraetad toconi clou matter. to cover an old bridge of which be ipoke with 2x4 piece to lo Blood on egde. ' One Year in Advance $1.80 fi r p. waa a,:owrd. jr Si Month 1X0 0 Three Month. The Surveying Party and Petitions from Widows. The Darlington, Win Journal says editorially of a popular patent medleino We know from experience that Chain berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemrdy la sll that It claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped exciu-clatlpains and possible saved us from an untimely grave. Ws would not rest easy over night without it In the noose " Tills remedy undoubtedly saves nioie pain and suffering than any other medieine In the world. Bvcry family should keep it In the honse, for it Is sure to bs needed sooner or later. For Sale by Thomas Steele ACu, HBTDHEB3SSE a Iwiuuut French iieytid.ui, will 1,(1101 r ui .vict oil n or bt inn uiyui.t, t b Jiinumii!a.!ii!iisiat!iorwK.bc!nl.uU f,niMe--Hi: .', r'lr.ui li J IialopeailIf Lao rliM-k-bveav tur iiwla. ri luru .id wl.kli nut hull lu im seiticiM uauw. oiimobonunnaioipumirir. kuInryiiuHl thKiirlnnrroryaidof aULupunue and rkiriiHiil I weak organa. rrPIDENB ttrengllitfii t l la uuho timely prr rent art troubled wlfll The rnaua aulTi-naro not mml hy CP1 fiK!4 If la Hu-- only known rMiwri v f rura wulioul an o, ration. tuuuiwiiovad-ti- a PMMalllli. if I I hoamdiu-not dtol a pvrimtiwulCliroi A wrllUtajniuranlMi given and money UDa Loi.aix M 5,uu, by in --11. bend for y ana circular a.id lion of ni dlv-w-- tl- - EOT Ouau'-vitlii- . Brllr srrnor nti rin w BATHING in ' Jet-ou- AddftM uavoi. niimru ROBERTS to, r.aiiu BROWERS Advertisement for Rids. thelihyi time :25ctS . Icom o'clockjcts, nrimif AMERICAS FORK. Utih .NONE BUT AYER'S AT THE WORLDS Iilds re hereby invited fur the FAIR, the follswing described Aver Sarsaparilla enjiys the abor to be duos at tbs Silver Lake , dis'.lcciu of having been tbs lead of American Fork canyon only blend purifier allowed on- exhibit st (he Worlds Kilr, Chlcaso. ManufacflBST. turers of other Sarsaparillas suught ly The romoval of and placing of 2H38 eviry means to obtain a allowing or oi nick and fill dirt material, yards ti goods but they weie all tnrned outlet of Lake 15 feet above preseut tbelr away under tin application of a ml surface. forbidding the entry of patent mediSECOND. cines and i The dei'isio'i of To remove 53 yards of solid rock the Worlds rwtrume. auiliorlllwi fair in favor of (granite) to lower prewnt outlet of it Ayer's Sargnparim was In affect a lake- fullows. AyeFa Ssrssparllla is not a THrRD, vtent raed no. It dues not ti RATES CONFERENCE RIO GRAND To furnish and deliver 1000 fset of p list of id nostrums. It is here on its WESTERN RAILWAY. lumber at Silver Lake. Furnishing the merits and dclirerv msy be together or sepFor the conference L. D. arate. Bids tube iqiired, Saturday, Oct. 3. 8. and woman's conference, L D. S., at Salt Lake City, October 4th, 5th and 18'jfl,4 atm.Court House, at American Fork p. The Cth Inclusive the following rates are at Work lobe Completed, Novi m tier Id, authorized to Salt Luke City and return 1898. Committee reserves the right to re Through yla R. O. W. Ry: or all bids. Riverton 70; LeLl 1.28; American Jtetuny be seen Plans at City Tlall, Amerl Oar Fork 1 5; Geneva 1. GO; I'rovo 1.00. ean Fork, with Leo T. Slislley, city Tickets will be sold from Oelober 3rd recorder, with John Wondhuu-e- . Lelil - Linc to nib, Inclusive; limited to October or J. D. Wadley, Pleasant Grove. All bids should D. be W. addressed to 12th. iyc. Robinson, American Fork Ctah. Local Time Cabd In offset Ang. 18, lS'Ju Becks is the Best. BECK'S HOT Springs . ng . LIVELY TIKI AT COUNCIL MEETING. City council met In rrgnlur mbmIoo at the CbUndl rlianiber ln the city hall, at 8 p. m. Saturday, 'with Mayor presiding and full council present with the exception of Adamson, later. who came In Catherine Adamson petltoned for a remittance of the tax on her boase and lot. aayinu she waa enable to inset it and she did not know that the eounell had already met as a luaidcf iquiilx tlnn. R'lbmion thought tax was al ready loo low and that It was good fie had not appeared bafuia Iho biarJ of equalisation or tax would hare been r.H?d. Motion by J. T. Gardner by l'restou lh4l petition be not gr;iatcd. Motion carried. . Silvia B. Shipley asked for remlti tanceof taxes, saying her husband was on a mission and she bad to wash to wash lor a living and work hard. Motion by Cbadwlrk and arconded by Gardner that remit on Loose and lot. Mary Smith and Mrs. Cullom also iMMned to hare their taxes remitted, l .loiter considerable talk both pro and con by members of connc'.l it was finally decided that the matter should be laid on tha table until the next session of the council ai members wished tu ascertain whether or nut there were persons connected with the above mentioned families who conl.1 work oat tax. Motion m&dti by Gardner to grant petition of Maggie Mseklinfor remittance of tax. Carried. Report of reservoir committee amount to bs paid for "grub" g I extra-nrdinitr- - iiSS- Beck; Prop COLORADO MIDLAND RY- - The Short Line to Denver, Colorado Springs Cripple Creek Victor Leadville Aspen Glenwood springs and semi-annu- Tber.ssccfW.il. Grant vs George Nichols was heard before Judge Hatch. The parties are from merlcsn Fork and plaintiff Is snlng for the possession nr valor, of a Jack, $3.1, which claims lie bought of defendant and which dsfen dant afterwards took away, claiming It belonged to his wife. Previous to this Mr. Grant hud paid $25 of tbs purchase pries to the bank on a gariiNh-me- nl. Ten dollars of the money, according to Mr Grant's testimony, bad not been paid because Mr. Nichols owed Ir. Grant that amount. The case was decided in favor of the plaintiff. 9 unUl 1 6 POINTS AND ALL EAS The Only Lino Running Through Freo Cliair From Odilon and Salt L:ika City to InUrmfdlate pointp. Lulvlile, Denver,', C ilomJo jSprlngs a Cj; .j W. I). Robinson, Chairmau, J. Woodiiocsk, Secretary, Of Jfdnt Irrigation Cummlttes, of Lelil, Pleasant Grove, American Fork. Dated at American Fork this 22nd day of Sept. 18P0. Life! In tha Fourth Judicial (Or Utah county, State or Utah, In Ilia Mutter of tha Cattle of I W llliaun Armairong, DeceaMiL ( court, In and Order tor notice of Application tor n apectfle performance of the conveyance of certain real Mtato. and order appointing lime aud place to hear Mid application: On ruadlag and tilling the pntlt'on of Jamr Amatrong, netting forth that on Ihe 13th day of February, A. D, INuS.lbe petitioner, Jumea Amatrong, entered Into an agreement with hit father william Arinatrong lu which agreement the aald William Armairong aold and agreed to convey to Jainea Armstrong the following real M tale, corner Onrnmenalng at tha sonth-weof Uloek M llat A, American Fork City,aurvey of bulldir.g lota, ait tinted in American Fork oily, county and atate of Utah; thence North ten ehaiaa: thence E iat rive cbalua: thence South ten ehalna: tyval five chain to plaoeof beginning, containing an area of flva aert-a-. That on the 13th. day of February Iktf, tha eald w'lllam Armstrong and ale wife, oonvryed to thU netitbuier a partof block iS,:n American Fork city aurvey, L'Uh oounly. Ctali, that aald conveyance ( iwrl uf block waa placed In the aald deed by mlatakn and that Instead i.f Knveylng part of bit . k AN. the deed e iould have been made to read in accordance with the aforeeuU deacrlptlun. That before the mlatnke waa (Uncovered In the deed from said william Armetrung aad wife to thla potltioncr, the aald william Armstrong the th. died, to wit, of April A. D. INK. It In ordered that ai I day p raona lulcrealcd la tha eatala of the aald William ArmntrouK. be and mear before tha Ulxtnci Judge in and for tha bounty aud State of Utah In ilia County court houae ol Uiali county, on Sat-th- a S4th. day of Ool. ISM, at 10 o'clock A. M. tken aud there to Hhow cause .why an order directing tha mlmlnlalrat'jr of aald eatate to ekeaute and deliver to thia petitioner a good and n nftirlcst deed for aald property au above denerlbt-d- . It la further ordered that the rlerk cauae a copy of thla order to bo published in tha World, newapaper prink d and ciruulatrd n Utah ,our weeks aucccaaively prior to the south Going Going North Bead up Bead down S.00pm fc'alt Lake City S.ebam 8:43am T:03pm I Sjam Lehl Junet. S:!Uam 7:10pm American Fork S:9om S:504m 7:17pm Pleanaut Orovo 8:Z3dm B SAim 3:00am Provo 7:40pm SJOpm S:Hpm S:13pm B:l6pm 4:!Spm ITo Chun ge of Care, Finest scenery ment Traina aooth of Juab run dm; egvepl Sunday Through Pullaun Palace Slecpera to Chicago without change. Improved Tour at (deepen Free reclining chair can. Elecomduy euachea Tha oaly line epontlng Dining car acrvl.-e- . and arrive at R. BIOHTBCT riSTSMr rolMTa EAST D. E. BURLEY. Sen. Agent. Puwiengrr Dept City Ticki-- t OiBoc, SUI Main St . Salt Lake City . H. H. Clark 0, G et - Trains 1 ..v j W. Depot A. BROWN, Gpi.1 Atft, Olivbii Mink. E. Kixauv AnucaaoK, W DoiM, Joai I'aauaiCK a. Conubbt to-w- lt: snd elegant Equ j. .iqint for Heksts via thii Colorado Midland. Ask yonr ticket ALL LIMB TU . Through Sleeping Cars E. L. LOMAX. Gen. Paaa. and Ticket AgeM E. D1CKINON, Gen. Mgr., Omaha, Nebroaka AMD . I Salt Like City. W. F. Bailey, G. P. Au Denver o. CY Miss May March spent Sunday in Salt , Reoeivera Lake. A small bill was put in for Borne ham baenn, salt, coffee, syrup, salmon, ebessr, Mrs, Albert Houston of Mammoth Is tea, Jellcy, and other necessaries fata visiting Mrs, John Houston and other bins taken np Into the rauyon to supply relatives snd friends this week. tie surveyors and esme othr who lnd Miss Alice Houston lias rstnrnsd to reglerte' totrkesomu fuod rin. with icr home after a fonr months' visit at them. going Sheet vrsic a am: jltv All Kinds of rosicaL ixithuuk-- rs ix stock. The boys had qmte an amusing time Mammoth. over this 11U and a Joking conversation Mr, Albert Houston reports things as boa.u what as follows took place: at Mammoth and he la makflurlshlng Preston tLongbt that the crowd that extensive Improvements lirsnnd his and getting yom bicycle. ing went np Into Lbs canyon should pay tot premises. tbelr own grub. Robinson said that he "For several months, I was troubled was not In It" Lelil furnished him with a persistent humor cn my head with Grove the Plenstnt but that grub, which gave ms considerable annoianw, eeme with ALL KINDI IN GUS VT but had i, nothing fenplc PICTCRH3, BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC. apples and peaches, and they and the until 16 occurred to ms to try Ayers surveyors had to bs fed. Adamson said Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle, as good a wheel as you will N. B. Wc do uoh select one day in tho year to give au-- . the humor was healed." T, T. Abams, that he had also paid for hla Wu give piizes frMii our 25 and 50 Cou . thought Adamson should paid iSencrnl Merchant, Tnrhsvlllc, Va. Oct. IStfS. prizes. for $100 anywhere pay A. C. Hatch. Robinson Julge. for the jelly anyway, tut ters day. every Dated Sept, SSrd. ISM CON FKUENCK UATE8. aid It was that fellow from Battle Slate of Utah, I else and better you Utah County Creek that ate the Jelly and hs was the (Union Pnelfle System.) I. E. L, Joaea, dark of the Fourth Jndtclal tronscra his Into down i"nn should go ixiurt In and for Utah county. Btute of can anywcrc else for Special excursion rares to Salt Lake ntatriet The mayor here Ltah, do hereby certify tbaltha foregoing la a . lT the 18 to 1. Seml-annnconfer- full, true aud correct copy of the original order the city for the RGth same money time and fur hearing petition uggened tbit P. G. should pat np for ence of the Church of Jmhs Christ of appolaliag for order of Sueeifle place Performance, lu the eau A ierman Adamson and himself sa they of sow on william and Armairong, deceased, Lsttor-da- y Salnt. Oct, 4, 5 and 8, 181)6, file and of record EXTRA TIRES ETC. In my ulflee. S-LOOlhad done all the work while the other - J wiiaeaamy si' hand and seal of aald For the above occasion the followeng lAl. traurt almy nffieti in Provo city, thla fellows were entertaining sheep her EUPA-IRIlSra-Comrates are authorized for the sale if e P? )S3rd daycf Sepkmber, A D. litN ders. . E. L. Jon Bi. clerk ri;;-:round trip tickets to Salt Lake City: Adamson here told about his sad ex. see our wheels. and Pleasant Grcve 1.50; American Fork perleneewllh these bamc slicep-heid. 35; Lchl 1. 25 Lelil Junction 1.20 said that ha bad taken a small flash Selling d itee October 3d, to along to have on hand for medicine limited to October 12tb., and from6th., all should any of them get sick. Seme i other points October 2nd. to Cth., limithorrid sheep hastier bad anpriq rlated She Hu Ever Known. Worda of Praia ed to October 15th., 1808. It. Bill was finally alluwed with the from s How York Lady for Tbs Uulun Pacific depot le only three bnderstandlng that Pleerant Grove waa blocks from Tabernacle with cement SHORES FINK DOCTOR topay her ihwe or it, LeU people hav walks and two lines of electric care UNI OF B3AXDU3 ALWATd OX HAND. FAMILY ORDER) A 8FKCIALT I baying brought there own eatables liko would to odd to "I my testimony passing Temple square. SrXClALTT CIGARS Tax SILVER CLCB" AND THE LA FLURETT1." along, that of others who lwvo used Ayer's A. Me. Doccall, Agt. Bill of Surveyor MeAlllster and assisGOOD rjRT W!XB FJIL FAMILY USE, TWENTY FIVE CSXrS PEB QUAXT nils, and to say that I larc taken them tant. amounting to $118.10 was brcnglit for many years, and always derived the If yom child Is pnny, fretful, tronb Bi Pool room best results from tlicir use. Fur stomup. Alter some debate it waa allowed led with r Inflsmnl to glnadnlar swellings, was lirt-instructed collect tor and euro recorder the and ach troubles, and AMEBICAX FORK liTAH or sores on the head, face, or body, of 1SOTII LOCAIi caused by these derange-tuont- s, from Fit tract Grcve aid I.elil tl dr p eyes, a coarse of Ayers Sarsspsrllla Is nred he cannot l'llls Ayer's equaled. AND INTERNAL portloumcnts. IkMSMi) Committee appointed to draft an or- r d to expel the scrofulous humors from The only remedy gaenntced ta abaeiately llie blood. Tho sooner you begin to y dinance concerning eradlcata the can catarrh and compl-t-Hdlacaee medicine this belter. (ram the blued and Syateai. tbs give and bieydes was not quite ready to FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 20c. used etc. thi-nc- e food-Presto- n $25:00 Seved STEELE GOS. & We Have lyrcrsic v Fine Stock of Toys Silverw: chinaware aJ. Glassware SJb, erockerywaro m mi cent than 1000 Prizs Given A.vny This Yea: get al THE STJLE, - s Kjiins THE BEST I STEELE Family Medicine Wines52 Liquors Cigars COMPLETE iard and mciry-go-roun- re-pr- rt. Ccmmlltce nppululcd tu Inspect strec etc. concerning the bridge Jcffertou K.stmondhad pe'itmncd fer reported that they could ce enuteef pulling in bridge bb street did not extend dear through. Mr. Kcstmond was not on the ground at the lime, however, when Infection was rntdr, sad he might be al 1 tu pclnt i'Uja tine lit. Rrj(.rt ac cepted. Report of Jos. Report of city JukUc Had sold two Wild, pound kieper. animals, one bdug a Loire of his own which he bad kept for I3dys and did not recognise, gums vile "kid" had eut the eolts mane eff and this put Jos. off his guard, and lie is nwm'ui.. Local and Personal. Ammunition at Steels Half rash paid for oats and wheat at Jaekseus. Monday, Bth last day Bakers photo gallery. Underwrar, we hsTC It. The nicest line aid chfnpc at In town st Punklrji The dale is set. Msndsy Oct. 5tli Last day of Baker's gallery. Baker's gxllrry works only np to Mmilsy uight Oct. Ath. Grt a move ou jou. All work delivered biftrs you py for it. arc for business ard will pay as high prices for milk as uiiycuc. Try In an Geo. Cunningham brought if you want tho btst. orr butter order from Jus lce Jackson fer $100 for & Dvbeant, M. B. Cufanebt Misenyr witness ae a his acting against hinurlf Motion by Preston that it he not gnn Trople who appreeiatN good pho oa Id. Taxes of Rio Grand Uiilvny were will have to get a rustle ou themselves, ;jlvcn on books at three hundred and as Baker will m vc his gslli-rswsy sums ddlais. DcfMrd by council that enrlv In October Monday the 5th being them was some mistake about this as the last day that you can have work lest year tho amount was $8,000. lie made. All work will bo delivered Ixv ru-- tr Instructed to Icon the mutter fcic eny pa meat Is required. hone. We ng?Q CO. 6 M. AYERSPILLS if. Each full ilit package ccnialua one full moalh'a local iraalawni, urt lull inutuh't supply of Calanh Healing lialai anJ unr lull Bunlh'a supply of Calanh, BUJ aod Sliiaa. h I'.l't. If yuu have ttnrili, Atihma. Bmnchllla, nay Etver or any co-nritad affreth of the Ootfl, tfimal, Siorca' Coeiplrt kruachlal tol-t- a or 1 inga. Caiarrti Curt will g.i .muni nlof aad CooipIrUly tnJ ptrmiarnily cure y.iu. It tha buwrla an contupaled lakt one of Dr. u. W. If ynw hhurrt Anti-Cu- nl palUi IMIa at hedt'aia. will Dr. G. W. Iruubltit chnuilc and dep-ean- d, Shores personally for ti.a rtw aynploai liar aad have your case diagnosed and gtl capetl advice free. Tunic end Blood PurlHee Dr. (1. W. cleanamend punfu- - ih Wood, give strength end vigor, cures dy-- i tp.it aid aii aarvoue dtitaita 31 per lurtlle. Dr. O. W 5!mrve Kldnty aad Liver Care rum til diMtstft irf iImk kiln ays. II Prira.II rar NiCu Dr. O. W. MiurrV CuughCtfruruFMal CMftiS Ou 4ua cnUa ar4 kr.:nchil aflac:- iaaoJk: croup Kfp i K'Vla tu thabouM. Lartf iff 2f. Ur. G. W. Shores' Slouniila Sage Oflstors the aunt pain In pia ounu'e. Ivr headache. loolhachA Mura's- - crimra it rHic ua li valarnallv im IB iFvnailv. PrFvm.a and curr diffctMiia ffJNN a home. jniv- - Ctlca. time. Ke a hoitl Dr. O. W. Shores' Pepvln YernlCuge dcMrovt maad mtf i.ide rva-ivtilw art Inlrtllnal PiMt where they lunch tr 1 Uie! Ii sever fa Ec. in Connection, RICHAIi' BROS MAirmf'jh.o'rrrR.EiR. of kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron nnd Copper worlc. Hoi Mine work ;i specialty. Repairing air Furnace. All done on short notice. American Fork - - - Utp.L in When my friends ask me what ia tho best remedy fur diNorders of tlin stomach, liver, .or bowels, my Invariable answer is, Ayer's Fills. Taken in season, they i ill brenk up a eold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulutn ilia digestive organs. They are easy to take, and arc, indeed, llie best f.iiuily medicine I lmve ever known. Mrs. May Joiixsox, .TB Rider Avenue, New York Cilv. all-rou- AYERS PilLS Nighevt Honors Ayer's Sjruri'ia at World's Fair Cures sH Closil Diiordcn. v IkDr.a Q W if JlaFaif pari' l ( HR tores' W akii H 'M IlM I yJIs . ill Selva carnal niiMNlilBlNJfB "w? 5hre rt ,Vc. ?c a K PIIH mJilM$4iciNu4 MUmb d a . . famous rs.uAU ar? pvufarN ily wf D9CMV G. W. Shuns, Z oo's M. Ual laaiiUiiA tall Use Or! U ctm a!i(Wt lhr , Chy. Uivh. FOR SALE r.Y S l'KELK AND Co- - MEftT WftRRET. All kinds of fresh aiul salt meats. Call and se ;; We are Here to Please HABEKG70S FTBEKr, - - - AM ERtCAX FORK. Ul.n' |