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Show Re locked at bis rather uluiDby ! dressing gown for a few minutes sud uieu smrgeiiti'd r.'!tly: You uitiI s new binding. If the Judge's sou li.nl said this tbera 'would lute been Korloits trouble, but the judge's da u fitter wjh a privileged bn meter; so be let It pms snd to tilt ebiirge ngnln. I mw young itineksimie lioldin;; your bund," be slid, mnl it stH'ii.etl to mo as If bis face was very elost to It." Kho blushed ngulti, but Iter wit dM not desert her. He li.ii In e it iiiuking quire a aiudy of palmistry. she explained. Yr? said I be Judge luicrrogat-vdami furrusl Icully. oil, yes. site answeml earnestly, lie wns n ailing my band. The judge grunted to show big but presently bis brow cleared. I MipiNnic, bo said, with or-- of those jileasanr smiles that ant to lieePive, In view of the fuet tlmt it took him nil hour and thirty minutes to reitd It thut your bund Is a continued story. As Hip Judge's duugbtpr explained afterward, she then decided to lot tint Fhe wns looking at him with sue evident scorn that be stoppeJ. With nil your boasied experience nnd superiority you couldn't think of a liarllamrutury move tlmt would make success ecrtaiii." she said. Could Certainly not, be replied. you?" Tasl!v." she nsiMvcrcd. It sms tbe easiest iblng In the world to anyone who was really psnurcefrd. I stained i dlscu ieii of bicycle nnd bluo'iiers aud tbe ir.ectlug nnturully broke up in : Tlng-- n ! Tlng-a-llng- '.lug! a!e ixiiiviB inn id 1kw to her; ami. If kbe docs, 1 voiidi-- r y liow flic nxiHH-tiuh to do It! Fin) aciilnt :ind bowed to me .sml be U altogether too imixirtunt a to be auublKHl, even If ebe doesn't ride; but I wonder If sbo know's all tlie rompUcntions that enter Into an attempt to smile and life one's eap when going a mile a niinlc on a crowded boulevard. However, site exiieett some sign of recognition and I'll try to Look uUt! Lookout' Now. I wumlur If wr-tslul- ! WISCONSIN STATE INSTITUTION POR THE INSANE. i i Etfarti thwa-- s Can't you keep your maeblnc out of my way! 1 knew souietliiug like that would a ling! Tlng-a-IIng- ! Now, that fellow couldn't lw without bumping his bead on his liandlc-bar- , of the girls who and ride rant smile without losing cmitr-of their wheels and running them luto the curb. Teeth ami eyes have to In; set In order to keep tbe luachlncs from running away. Consequently, some easy code Is absolutely essential to prevent serious injury and possibly loss of life. And, after we hat e arranged the nluc-tentl- ' : Tlnga-llng- There! Mis . Now, we're both down! It Was Too Loos. Mabel! The JuOgo'a daughter reallml that there was something wrong as soon as he heard her father's voice. Yes, papa. she replied sweetly. In nn effort to avert the storm that abe feared was coming. Young niackstoue was here again last night" Klio blushed but said nothing. lu cure told oue of her friends. As he initio Is at- sttea-tlo- country. a The ordi- consists in building large establishments whlrh contain from COO to 2,500 Inmates. It Is very common In many states to have asylums that hold 1,200 and 1,500 patients. In these great asylums the acuta and chronic are mingled to a greater or lesa extent. It often happens that there are patients In these asylums who have been Inmates for twenty years. It waa formerly supposed that the mingling of the acute and chronic Insane was beneficial from a psychological point of view. It Is Certainly Not, Coold Yof a row liefore a rote could be tuksa on an) thing." EXULliH VISITORS. i NORTHERN HOSPITAL FOR THE IN3AXE. now not generally believed that the mingling of the acute and chronla insane benefits either class. It la not generally believed that locking nj a man who haa been Insane for a short time only with one who haa been Insane a long time haa any remedial Influence upon either one. The Wisconsin Idea la to abandon these mammoth institutions and to keep the chronic Insane, the majority of whom are Incurable, away from the more recent cases. There are in Wisconsin twenty-tw- o county asylums for the chronic Insane, which are scattered throughout the state, and two state Institutions for the treatment of tbe recent cases of Insanity. One of these institutions, the Northern Hospital for the Inaana, is located near this city. At this institution a number of modifications of former methods of treatment hays recently been Introduced, and a vigorous effort la bring made to make tbls Institution a genuine hospital, leaving out all asylum features, a true hoepital being a curative Institution and an aeylum merely a bouse of refuge. Tbe writer recently visited this Institution and waa shown over the establishment by Dr. W. A. Gordon, tbe new Among many other superintendent. Improvements made during the last year has been the Introduction of a where patients congregate dining-rootake their meals in one large room, instead of in the wards, aa la former days. Two Turkish bathrooms, one for the men, and one for the women, have also been put Into the Institution. Patients are no longer washed In the tub hatha, but are given scrub and shower hatha and are rendered fresh and cleanly by being placed upon a table and acrubhcd after the manner adopted by all Turkish hatha The diet of the patients baa been materially changed from former times. Strong tea and coffee are no longer given, but In their place large quantities of milk are used. Patients are ac- - e Original bat IomniM Method ta Cana Its Death. ed Ai I'sed hur-Imug- ht I I ; , r. plea until she waa iMrfeetly faiulhar with the charges. You sat out on the porch with him for ever two Louis." continued tlie Judge. Is there aaftLing it the statutes he began. Statutes ! tanged!" li1 Interrupted. I'm the s:a:it'c f the. Lo ! vlioid. j Oil. yc.r that we didn't have a glmst of a show ns ion tier stood then." Yes. yes, of course." he said though! fully. I admit It wns rather n knotty pinld .u for :i novh-- to solv-- . mill yet tiior. wi re seic nl thhiuii that iiiulil ta d"Ui with hm:c prinV of invess. altlioi'gh Now if 1 had b--en with a ivrta thevi. I -'i itf. A small pliee of caudle may be tnndc to burn all night by putting salt on It uutll It reaches the bhu-- part of the wick. A smull, eveu light may be kept lu this way. m k i ; i During the year ending Juno W. 709 vessels of Mtii.Oi'ir tons weie built it tie; I idled Stales, compared with CS2 vessel j f IX!, two tons lor the prevfova jiscnl year. SUPT. W. A. GORDON, corded a greater variety of vcgelahlo diet and not aa much meat aa formerly. Every week there Is a picnic, where good utualc Is furnished, and dancing Is Indulged in. Refreshments are served after. The popular magazines of the day are much more liberally supplied than heretofore. Bus rides are used to a largo extent, and are supposed to have a helpful influence. The disposal of the sewage hns been materially altered. Considerable attention has been given to promoting the comfort of the has employes. A separate dining-roobeen fitted for them, also a reception-roofor their cap trial ber.c&t. Inunctions ot oil and massage treatment have been introduce! aud form a prominent feature in the treatment of the Insene. A very humane feature Is the leaving of the doors of the patients unlocked at night, r.nd the nljtht Icrce h.u teen Increased, so that Iks ancient m finely-powder- i Tbl Staff That . Good Haa Ara Said Ua Made or. ta Lobly had a troubled look when ht called on the minister that day and asked for a few minutes conversation, ays the Detroit Free Press. What can I da for you, Brother asked the parson, lu sympaLobly thetic tone. U'e about that boy Robbie of mine. Dm afraid he's Incorrigible, though and seems overhes whelmed with remorse when he has done anything wrong. Thera la always hope for a hoy ot that disposition. Brother Lobly. I hope so, but I'm pretty well discouraged. Last week I went up to the island with Mrs. Lobly and left him at home with his little brother. They put In part of the time playing blind mans buff and Willie ran Into a stand, hurting one of hla teeth. Robbie at once made an examination and told Willie that If the tooth was not pulled lockjaw would set In. Robbie got an old pair of pinchers and after a great struggle extracted the tooth, a fins front one. Hla only excuse was that he proposes to he a dentist some day? "Did you punlah him, Mr. Lobly?" One evening he cams Severely. home from achool and had his report. Everything was good but hie deportment, and I asked him what was the matter with that? He replied that ha had a habit of putting hla foot on tho railing when In class and that tha teacher always gave him a mark for that. I saw her and found It waa true, but tho young rascal had told her that It was hereditary and that It waa the way his father always stood in front of a bar. Think of that and I never go near a saloon. Again "No use of further details. Brother Lobly. I know your son better already than you do. I waa Just such a boy. You must get his energies turned In the right direction and then bring him up for the ministry. He will make a mighty worker In the vineyard. Well, parson. If that la the hind of material they make preachers of it'a a puzzle to me why there are not more men In the pulpit than in the body of the church. r kind-heart- ed j g What tha Freiliiant Saya I take pleasure in stating that I personally know persons who, once absolutely bald, have regained their lost hair through the use of DAXDER1XE. My wife, whose hair was falling out from some cause, has received great benefit from It. I heartily commend DAXDEU1NE. Thus writes Edmund D. Murdaugh, president of tbe Territorial Normal school to the Knowlton Dandcrine company of Guthrie, Oklahoma, from whom Danderlue can be obtained for $1 a bottle. If not kept In stock by local druggists. Bound to Toll Oae, Anyway. Just ten years About ten years izo-y- es, I pulled a linns out of the snd seven day water that looked to weigh about s pound, and tlie line broke at a dlntanre of about a foot from the kook, auld tho fStteot of tbe llara. And then about five yean afterward, yon tbo thin liar hastened to Interrupt, caught him agslu, with the book and line still In hls mouth, and the fish had grown to weigh ten pounds. Tbe fat liar luuuked pained at this ruthless capture of tils tout story and answered: No, sir I He weighed less than two ounces Hls vitality had nil been consumed by the feet line, which bad grown to twenty-righ- t two and Inches of clothesline." Indianapolis Journal. I three-eight- Tho Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup at Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For Bale by all reaponalbla drug-glat- a. J , To Maks a llols Through Tbla Glass. Everybody who lint tried understands how difficult it It to bore a hole In a strip or sheet of thin glass. The following method la said to be successful: Press e cuke of wet elav Bn upon the glass, anil then make s hole thronga the day uf the desired sloe, laying bare the glass at tha bottom of the bol& Then penr melted lead Into tbe hole and It will drop through the glass, making a round sportnre. Tbe explanation Is that the sudden applies, tlon of heat cracks the glass In' a circle corresponding In rise with tha hole In the day. Youth's Companion. Blood Is what give strong nerves, vigor, vitality. Good blood and good health come by taking Sarsaparilla Ba anre to get Rood's and only ItOOD'S, HoodS Pills ore the favorite family cathartic. nb low Holbrook station, was In the city yesterday to find out whether he had . v. FOR THE MINISTRY. lilting nta Haadair flrtai. rancher, whose place is on the bottom along the Willamette slough, be- bci-om- c working majority, I suppose'.'" he said iuqulr-lugl- a. A , Yon IrrA a Sew ninitlna. go by default rather than try to grguo It. did not Iwllcve la trying to enter a to many rble And alleviating acts among the fortunate unfortunates that the Wisconsin Northern Hospital shel-tec- . at thick-growin- i case j Uwrrrt lo SHE KILLED THE DEAR. One evening in a certain July, upon tho const of Maine, I watched the frantic efforts of a pair of Maryland yellow throats tiny creatures In brown offd and gold to conx their spring to a more retired position than he chose to occupy. With genuine Young America spirit ho scorned the conservatism of his elders. Though both pnrcuts hovered about U'm. not a feather stirred; stolid nnd wide-eye- d be stood, vbile tbe father flitted about tbo busli In groat excitement. Jerking bis body tbls way and that, flirting hit wings, now perking bla tall up like that of a wren, again opening and closing It like a fan In the hands of an embarrassed girl, anil the mother added her entreaties to hls, darting hither and thither, calling most anilonsly both, In their distress, rashly exposing themselves to what might, for all they maknew, be oue of the death-dealin- g chines we so often tnrn against them. Nothing had tbe slightest effect uptoil youngster until on the y cllo hls own sensations Interested him. and his parenta suddenly acquired now Importance in Ills horizon. When hunger rssalled him, and, looking about for supplies, lie spied hls provider on the next hush with n beak full of tempting (and wriggling) dainties, nnd when he found hls wily parent diaf to hls cries, and understood that not until he flew behind the leafy screen could be receive the food lie craved, then he yielded and Joined his relieved relatives out of sight Many times nftcr that morning did the vagaries of that young yellow-throgive me opportunity to study the ways of bis family. Haring newly escaped from tlie nursery In a thorny bush behind alders, hie strongest desire, npimrontly, was to see the world, and those outlying dead twiga, convenient for the grasp of baby feet, were particularly attractive to him. Every day for nearly a week, ns I passed Into tlie quiet old pasture, I stopped to Interview the youngster, and always found him Inquisitive anil evidently. In hls own estimation, far wiser than hls elders, who were nearly will over hls conduct. Olive Thorne Miller In July Atlantic. self-wille- the fleet Types of Radish Two of A party of Philadelphia sportsmen hunting deer In tlie wild portion of Clearfield county, In the center of the mountains of Pennsylvania, were rietlly called out one morning by the guide, who hud discovered two bucks a ten miles away. Hastily starting. the men did not carry a large suppiy of aumiunltlon. and what they had waa ; aq sed or wanted lu bagging tbe i starting back to camp, they cacountered a bear, and as they could not shoot they all ran, each going In a different direction. The I tear chased the gnlde. nnd be Eanlly none. The new woiiau smoothed out her! took the direct course toward the camp his wife was preparbloomers nnd looked at her husband log house, when a meal. With a yell be ilasbed Into ing minutes before few a for thonghtrully tbe house and up into the loft. Ills speaking. wife ran out of the back door, closed Is a she said at last, then Hcury It, and. as the bear bad gone Inside. L, ,bat She 1 hurried around, closed the Troni would hkt to die i til's with you. anq tu:ide tbe hear a prisoner. q(M,r with pride, for t Ilia besom wcll-intrepid wornnu thru tied a dog was not often that she dime to him for to a pole, thrust the howling ranltu Information or advice, now that she through the door aud thus conxud the bad assumed b'ftireatel garnn-uta- . Imar out. As bruin appealed she There are aouie Intricate point with an ax aud killed him In the rules of parliamentary proce- struck him blow. flrst the at would a dure that novice," he puxxli Oco of tbe hunters commcntiHl on her n tied, and the deeper yon get In manner of Ashing for a ."0 bear with oiivIii-'myon will a public life the more but the woman reworth deg that It la a right liaudy thing torted: We $130. shoots em, but generally to have the old man around occasion- we never runs from 'em. Pt'ladel-phla to to. refer complicated questions ally Item. Whnt Is It you want to get at now?" Why. jou see, a most Important CaeuaraatoK Him. matter came up at the mooting of mr Iiornmn (who lias ceased trying to clbb Inst night,' she explained, anil And the keyhole and Is sitting upon the just as1 we wen almut to take a vote front steps) Wha's shat? ltain ou'f on It discovered that I was backed clar shky? by a minority only. Consequently. It an window) wns nneo.-.arto iKis!wue notion, and ' Mrs. Dormana (at ofupper water. Thank glass the question with me was bow It could No, It Is only heaven, the sight of It was not too lu dune." a brave She pn list'd and ho bull ted his trows much for you to lcnr. 1 Keep will give you the In morning heart. looked wise. and a dry shirt. Cleveland The other side had a good m YOUNG AMERICA IN FEATHERS. ly nary method of raring for the insane flrst-rat- that, la known as mo V.'k'cscEia sya-te.- n of erring far t h r o u g h out the and amusing the front Oh, no; hut you have to lia them draughtsman handkerchief as being too cumbersome lieneh by passing around his producand awkward, liut there are other devrliqied before you mu ftnd out tions. He Is a capital fellow, and will are simllcd or uot, and himself anil In enjoyed In Amerways of conveying messages. For In- whether they then, of course they have some enjoy stance, wearing a pair of bloodier ica. Harper1 Weekly. do Letter.) wHAT dent classes s Look out! Don't Dlootuer! r.na from lUUtr physicians, philanthropists aaJ ptcp.e engaged in the care of depen- - Will Visit This Country Aujcnst. In Lord Itussell and Sir Frank Lockwood, who sail for the States ou Aug. 8, to attend the mooting of the liar association sP Saratoga, America will ace two of the tiuest type of English lawyers. laird Itussell succeeded tbe bite 1.0 rd Coleridge as chief Justus of Eugbuid nearly two years ago, and during that time lias shown himself oue of the most dlgJUcd, Impartial sud learned Judges that ever sat ou tin- - bench a curious contrast to his prislecessor. In his day he was a brilliant advocate, and has held a brief ou pretty nearly every Important ease during tlie lust twenty years. At one time bis aunual professional Income must have amounted to at least f 130.-0Ills most famous performance wna bis defense of larnell before tbe Darnell commission, when be made a speech that Lasted three consecutive dsyg "a great siieech, worthy of a great occasion, ns Lord Denman wrote on a slip ot paper which be handed down from the bench. He has liecn a warm Uladstouian all bis life, and lias held every legal otllce of an Importance under the crown, lie would Imre been lord chanecllor were It not that his religion he Is a Itoman Catholic --debarred him from being tbe kecjier of the queen's conscience, one of the duties of that highest of high functionaries. Lord Bussell Is or rather Sir Charles Russell was a Keen sportsman, and used often to spend his vacations at Monte Carlo, where, however, Ills success at the green board was by no inuana ao emphatic as bis triumphs at the liar. Mir Frank Lockwood la a comfortable-lookin- g stunt, open-faceman, with a perpetual twinkle In bis eye. He Is tbe wit of tbe Engllsb courts, sml an Immense afterdinner sNaker. Breach of promise cases are bis specialties, and lie rarely loses. No man can put a Jury in a better humor with themselves. He Is a gcrat admirSpleaalltl Picture!" er of Dickens, and is always ready to more than eaten up. put lu the nina-- ! a lecture on him. As a politician, I tell you. sir, a give tenr photographer. he lias not been a great success, alcamera Is the most deceptive thing ou though he lias held both the attorney earth. Thin picture Is the first rcnl j and the solicitor generalships. Ills good one 1 linve taken, nnd I think It chief pleasure In the house Is spinning Hulshed Just to see bow t!u y look. But you ought to develop them yourself. That's the cnneluslon that I mine to n the course of time, sud so you can odl the cost of fitting up a dark room to the coat of this one real good pic-- , tore. Then to that add about f 13 or fl.M worth of material that I linve first and last and one $15 suit of clothes that 1 spoiled. Of course. there were some shirts, loo, ami If ynuU look ut my hands " But tlie bicyclist waa spinning off down the road, better satisfied with bis bitrsaln. and convinced that areally che p summer diversion Is not to be found this side of the millennium. Tlirror IMfferei.t method of lecklng a patient la hla room for the night no longer obtains. In the eld daya the attendant. shaved the patients la the wards. A b:rbcr shop has ut, where been opened up In the Ekiilfal (unsocial ar;ia.s attend to the wants c the honochrdl. A most rerent Ccpurturs L: t!-- Introerhoul, wbeto duction cf a crlthmctl,-- . Ecngtaihy, wr.t.ng. spdling end Unite.! States hlsttry arc tuugiit. Thick of Imrano patients going to school, sud aprsren;!:.' not only acquiring brr.efit from the cor.imluslicg and the aroua.ng o' thought, but enjoying St. A professional teacher Is employed, a regular rsrata ;nc through wi:h, and the results thus far obtained give rxursare that this may form the bsala of a revolution In Each Ihiiuno boapltol managenicat. day, too, in the main dining-roowhich also constitute. tha auditorium of the Institution, literary and musical excrcieea are had, being participated in generally, or at least listened to by the patients. Dr. Gordon, who for years has made mental phenomena a study, believes that If he can divert tbe mlnda ot his patients from tbo morbid, visionary end unreal lmayes and subjects that now fill them the battle la won. Therefore, his whole struggle Is along that line. It Is only fair to him to say that he has accomplished wonders In hla short incumbency. In ail his efforts he is ably seconded by his wife, an estimable and handsome woman, whose natural kindliness prompts her o o Otherwise Get outo my Ilrwaglit Canil umoit on tracting ths sketching bis would naturally mean: It tnr; r. i ho er Tliig-- to Caro (Cafckosh Splendid picture. said the bicyclist admiringly, as tbe amnteiir pliotog-laphshowed hint the lit text sample of bis work. I)o you know that sometimes 1 am sorry that I didn't get a camera for my outing lustead of a bicycle?" Why, I thought that you were a exclaimed tbe bicycle entliuHiuHt? amateur photographer. Oh. 1 am," returned the bicyclist. 1 have no fault to tiud with the bicycle sa a means of enjoyment, hut It's costly. 1 was thinking of what I might linve done with the money that I put into It. Of course. It costs uioie at the atart than a rnmrra, admitted the amateur plsitogmplier. I wasn't thuiklng of that." InterI wns thinking rupted tlte bicyclist. of repairs and nil that sort of lli'ng jKitcut saddles, pumps and lanterns and other things that yon think yuu need. I've been tl it broke all summer Just keeping my bicycle going and juiy-In- g expmss or freight on it when I broke dowu twenty or thirty miles from borne, when, if 1 lmd put uy amen " j money into s hud put your money into a If you ' camera, " broke In the amateur photog-- , mphor, "you wouldn't be able even to buy a cheap sack coat sud a ixilr of dm-trousers for an outing suit. Ah, but the first cost would have left me a margin " began tlio bicyclist. Which the second cost would have I lt Wld.ly m merries and Cameras. There! Hsw We'n noth llowo! happen. Tbe wbtsel always swerves wlieu a ftdluw tries to liow, Qiitl tlien some beginner gets In tins way aud Is wrecked, "lliey ought to ln-sIiang It oil! Keep out or tins way! Ob, 1 beg your purdon, Miss nioomor. I didn't reeognlx you for a nmnieut, and I bars Just had a narrow escape from going down with a novice, all on account of tbo lack of a g'wil sensible code of muuners for wheelmen in other words, hlcyrlc etiquette. A wink, I think, should lie perfectly proper on tbe wheel and should lie equivalent to raising tbo hat as a salute to a lady. Ihiu't you tbiuk so? Yes. I thought you would. And then Wbnt? I'm, well I believe tbe point Is will taken; but tbe wink illicit be given with reservations, so that a fellow newlu't feel no tad If he did make n mistake In the sex ond wink at a man In a golf suit when he thought he was showing a trifling courtesy to a bloomer girl. Then, of course there would he other features of my book of bleyelo etiquette, the aim being to avoid anything In the line of unnecessary gestures. I've hen til it snl.l tlmt a girl's fall Is almost certain when she begins to flirt aud I tell yon you can eliminate the word almost If you're referring to a girl qn u bicycle, and there'a no necessity of making tbe remark apply to oue sex either. It s equally true of a niau or a boy. I Hit; Kwirent. e Tings-llng-ling-lin- IT IS A MODEL ASYLUM EDUCATIONAL. THE . UNIVERSITY OF Xelra Dams, NOTRE DAME. Iitlsss. van Cmusm la CSala, LHIm, lUtawi, Lw, (Ml, snl BiwHhI taalawHasi names rfi.ir.liry Cioaiwtel toon ! hw lo all otadrati wke any recourse against the United Stales aod kava ensipisMil ths tad!aaiqttliaforoamlo.loalaM fish commission for Introducing tha or Junior Saalov ot Year, nay at (ha Callaglaia carp uumWr sf Uaaillilatis lav Hit Into the rivers In this section. He says Conroen A lluiltnl ilnis will ba at apaelnl rain. these fish are destroying hls meadows M. ISwwd. Hall, iirboy. uidor IS years la sal qua la ta MiilpMmta. Tha lasts Tana will t aewplrtenm by eating hls grass and grubbing up pro Stawtar (Ik. IMS- rabhaata ml rm an appth In Ttnv SIT. A. OUSnUeST, S. . C., PmltaaL the roota. Aa the water overflows hls rsllna ores Oslo, inn meadow the carp fallow it up in thousands, the small ones, weighing about If afflicted with un ants, ubs IThcmgson'fl Era Water, three pounds, pushing their way up where the water is only three Inches or roTO. OPingl axis,WHISKY am. a. weohuiT, amni, g,. so In depth and clearing off all vegetation, ao that when the water recedes F03 CURE he will have mud flats in the plnce of Md NiiMe nr meadows. He says that while looking "oriiSSSB at the fish eating hla grass on Sunday he got so mad that he took off his shoes and stockings and went out Into the shalllow water and attacked them with PATENTS, TRADE MARKS a hoe. He slashed a lot of them In Vinmluntlon and Advice as ta rntantahlllty of In. two. but when the drove became vwuloik Hrml tnr "invcutorv (JnLte, nr Haw to Uot a O'VAIlIlKLL A SOX, Washington, P. (X alarmed and made for deep water they f'11 humped against hls shins and came near knocking him off hls feet, nnd bla ankles are all black and blue from the thumping ho got. A9 for driving the enrp awny, he says he might as well have tried to sweer bach the rise cf the Columbia with a broom. Mem ft. N. L. Denver. Ynl. MU. 0. Ing Oregcaln. ft sen writing lu sdveriinrrx. wiv tiui -- Mm SURE PILES S0-87- 1 roe aw Iks ndv.nis.muut U ui p.p.r. , |