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Show perature of the body after death and also to ocular tension. The gradual cooling of the bodv Is considered one of the surest signs of death, and DR. CARL L. BARNES MAKES ye! the coldness of collapse that folSTARTLING DISCOVERY. lows supposed droanlng Is frequently mistaken for the cooling. Vtw Light hast Timing h Curpm aa 1h fuiiara Mad It Ihrtaf lhaa Ocular tension haa been regarded In cases of glaucous hut certain test, a A That Mada Fran a Llvtag Badjr the tension during Ilfs Is very great, Marvaliaa Dlacavarf, consequently after death when the tenTlYSICIANS are bo sion naturally relaxes a glaucomatous longer to bo put- eys assumes the tension of a normal tied to determine eye. whether a patient Absence of circulation la a good test, la deed. The but instances are on record where peoana who have been restored when there waa hue put n kink la ple and pulse beat nor heart-soun- d bit neck holding neither susalmost function tha respiratory hit left ear under narcotic poisoning. Even fifth rib of the left pended by dlacoloratlon cannot he actide of a auppoeed aa an Indication of denth, as the cepted eorpee to make same staining Is frequently seen in life. half-wa- y turn that life waa extinct can Neither can muscular contractility now hare relief. bo relied on, aa after death from Asiatic Dr. Carl L. Barnes of Chicago hie cholera the contraction often appears Bade a discovery an discovery in the muscles of the lower Jaw and by which the presence of death can flexor muscles of the forearm. Rigor be readily detected, says Chicago Newa mortis la not Infallible, aa this rigidity Dr. Barnes based his experiments on Is often assumed by cataleptic! and the fact that a dead hand hsld before a those or froxen. lamp does not transmit ordinary rays st light, though they readily pass II Indignant. through the hand of the living. The latter le luminously red, tbs former The sidewalk debater had gathered dark and opaque. This radiation Is a very considerable crowd and had aotentlflcally explained on the theory brought all hla powers of eloquence to of refraction and the blood corpuscles. hear on the financial question. He waa The red corpusoles are disks a man of extreme Ideas, and Farmer which have highly refractory powers In Corntonael wiped the perspiration from life, rendering It possible for light to bis brow, cleared his throat and said: Mister, would yer mind klner sayln penetrate the structure. Acting upon this theory he made a practical demon- somethin right alow so's my Intellect! stration a few weeks ago In his labora- kin grab hold, so ter apeak? On what point?" tory In this city. A sciagraph of a dyad hand and a living hand was taken on "Io I understand you ter nay that the came plats. The two hands, that the guvment kin, by merely puttin' post-morte- m FAIR CHINESE M. EFFECTS GF TlFFlA WHEN CURFEW BLOWS D.'S. f Thaos laws lb Orndnatnn f IS lllnrnlir of Mlrkliu, While some of the Americana In the senior medical class have been compelled to appeal to the faculty and get special examinations at the last moment In order to get through, two Chinese girls In the class bars finished with a splendid record In scholarship both with the faculty and with tholr fellow students, says the Detroit Free Press. They are Melyle Shle and Ida Kahn, two girls who registered from China, and are the flrat Chinese girls to graduate from tha University of Michigan and almost the first Chinese in this country. In the tall of 1892 four Chinese students came to Ana Arbor, nil of them proteges of the Miss American missionary. Charlotte Hawe, In her mlaelon school In the provlneo of at Kiang-S- i, China. Two of tham were the girls above named and tho other two were boyo Talyen Chao, now n sophomoi'e lit, and Yung Ping Cheng, n sophomore medic. The girls had been prepared by Mitts Hawe, beginning before the boys did, and were ready to enter the medical department at once, even to the latln requirements, while the boys went back and took two years of preparatory work In the Ann Arbor high school. Talyen Cheo graduating from the Latin course and Yung Ping Cheng from the scientific course in 1894. The hiBtory of these four la very Interesting, though rather hard to obtain, aa key live by themselves and have few eluse friends among the students, though they are on Intimate terms In many households of church people In this city. Yung Plug Cheng and Melyle Sbie are orphans, tho latter coming from the province of Canton, while the three others are from Klang-6Miaa Hawe found In them her moat apt pupils and determined to fit them In the bee possible manner to aid their countrymen, ao she has maintained them here by her own means In order to educate them to be medical missionaries. The two girls will return to China very soon now and take up this work among their own people ns workers with the Methodist Episcopal missionary forces. In two years, too, Yung Ping Cheng will be ready to follow this field of work, but Talyen Cheo has changed hla plans since coming to this country. He wants to be a Chinese professor some day and this Is what made him enter the literary Instead of the medicaj department A Tw SIGNAL FOR KANSAS CITY CHILDREN TO BE AT HOME. Most Fnrants Ar Halls la Tanning Lads t Stay la tb llous at Night rl Is Ns Nsrassary la tb Lagr Ml-sa- Tv. Fractlr Wbkk la Mb PROHIBITION POINTS. . ad ni Mad Rtwalta. The Barbers International Union ol America haa Ukeu on the true American spirit, which la the spirit of personal freedom and dignity the spirit of working for wages Instead of fawning for favors. My a Gunton'a Magaxlne. The bar bars of New York city appear to be opposed to Mr. Van FleaL They evidently think that, being an addition to their wages, tbeae tips ara ao much net gain to them, and hence to refuse tips would be permanently to lessen their Income. This, of course, la the view enterUIned by all wh consent to work under the tipping practice. But It la a mistaken notion. Thera is no claae whose general income la Increased by tips The Income Is made precarious and fluctuating, depending upon the whims of customers and degree of servility of the laborer. But Its permanent effect le not to enlarge the Income, but rather to lessen the man. Tipping, m a practice, la offensively and positively uneconomic. It la not merely because It did not arise In America, but because It Is contrary to the whole spirit and (mIub of American Hfe and Institutions It Is a system of paying for services partly In charity, which la always Injurious, both to those who give and to those who receive; it Injures those who give In tending to create the austere sentiment that they are giving something for nothing, tor which tbe recipient is under personal obligations; It is degrading to the recipient because It Iz a voluntary gift tor which he ean put In no economic claim, and consequently must pay tor In personal gratitude or obligation, which always means the surrender of personality; It la especially offensive in this country because It raets on no recognised principle of equity or payment of equivalents. Tips are uneconomic because they make the laborers' Income precarious and accidental without making It larger or bringing any other corresponding benefits. The truth la, and It la gradually coming to be recognized, that the laborers gain absolutely nothing by tips; what tbey gain in tlpa they lose In wages. All the menlaltam exercised to obtain tips sad the Inconvenience resulting from the uncertainty and of the amount of Income is o much disadvantage due to the tipping system for which the laborers receive no equivalent. The cause of hard times lies deeper than any mere taiil? schedule or money standard. Don't stay up in the loft waiting for the bear to be killed. Come down and lend a hand Blessed la he who hsi the manhood HE curfew, m It is to stand with the minority for sobriety known in thin counand 9 righteousness. la at rung try, o'clock at night na a warning to Many a procession that la marching children to go heme straight toward the pit is headed by n and stay there.aaya moderate drinker. Clt the Kansaa 1 x 8tar. About Sixteen prayers for prohibition and weeks ago Colonel one vote for whisky la a good year's Alexander Hoig-lan- d, record on the book of life. the "newsboys friend, came to Kansaa City, It is a good thing to know the truth and It wna due to hla efforts that the and better yet to oliey 1L To know It city council of Kansaa City, Kan., enrefuse to follow it la the worst of and acted an ordinance establishing a curall. The llaindealer. few, which, from March 1 to Oct. 1, la sounded at 9 o'clock af night and durThere are a thousand ministers of ing the winter months at I o'clock. the gospel and a thousand saloon keep-er- a to bell loud no There la carry enough in thia state who will vote the Its warning to all parts of the town, ao same ticket at the next election. the siren whistle at Armour's packing house waa pressed Into service, and The at 9 o'clock each night It blow Its saloon, rays the So Chicago Record, la a nuisance. warning to vagrant childhood. The mature age of 15 years, however, la Mloun la just aa it is. And the y bad. Both should be suppressed by proof against the terrors of the curfew whistle. the strong arm of the law. The curfew law across the state line la very much respected by tbe little It is not over production that alia people, to whom It le, and very properour nation, it is under consumption. ly, too, a serious matter. Parents in Torn the millions of dollars spent for Kansas City, Kan., are delighted with Intoxicants to respectable channels It. tor they are aura to have their chilwhole problem would be and the dren home betimes. The Children know solved. the value of their short lease of liberty in the evening and play from supper Let ITohibitionists stand firm and time until 9 o'clock with a vigor that A COW WITH HORNS ON HER FEET. half-paprove 8 loyal, this ia the teating time; la delightful. the play At don't leave the party yon have helped growa faster. At a quarter to 9 it to build up; you have been led by God rushes. At live mlautes to 9 it la a in the work, now stand by your h.verleh scramble. Then, when 9 o'clock cornea and tbe curfew roars out from colors. Armours big whistle, there la a scatRemember that no saloon u. jkt, tering. A boy shouts, "There she goes,' and half a minute afterward there la brewer, distiller, bawdy-hous- e keeper, not a child In sight. Tha earth aeema pimp or thug will vote the Prohibition to have literally swallowed them. ticket Only clean men will vote The small boy of uncertain age has a Which side should the preacher and way of dodging the Issue that le Inchurch member be on? genious Then are boys who look 13 years old and are 17. There are other The Prohibition party has no long buys who are 13 and look 17. It is a creed to be indorsed by its members toss-u- p as to which is the luckier of NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES. If you are opposed to the open saloon, the two. The first la a puxxle to the so by voting the ticket. The party ray policeman and the other can prove England Inatlnot ArqnUltlv WHAT IS FATIGUE? leaves hla age by the family blble If necesyou perfectly free to think as Jmlau Grip Firlj ExhIMtad. on other questions sary. common been has a It of pou please notion WrtnM always Physlml Dgr The other evening a crowd of amall that for the flrat half of the sixteenth W'hlrh U Dnagnrou. The wayfaring man, although he be Fatigue le the natural reault of labor boys were engaged In the deleatsble oentury the French, Spanish and Portuand as such Is a periodic symptom with pastime of cutting a watermelon, the guese had the Newfoundland fisheries a politician, knows that every oltizon which every healthy person Is familiar, joint property of them nil. In front of themselves, says Macmillans MagMine. who votes the Inhibition ticket wants Minnesota avenue grocery store. Judge Prowee disposes summarily of the liquor traffic suppressed. There ia says the Youth's Companion. It la one "How do you like the curfew ordl thla idea and brings forward ample room for doubt on that of the lawa of organic life that periods point regardof relaxation ahall succeed period! of nance, boys? asked a man who waa proof not only that the English fishing ing a vote cast for any other party. fleet wm there In great strength, but activity. The heart Itself la normally watching the performance. Huh! It dont bother me none, eald that tor the whole century and most In repose for about one-thiof the Never was the grand old name, proboy with an old face. certainly from the accession of Elisatime consumed by each beat a fact In a small-bodie- d so inspiring m since those hibition, beth, It ruled thla heterogeneous which there la something particularly "I'm 18, aint I. fellers?" who were of us have withdrawn. one. In said moat "Yer on'y floating colqny masterful Naw, yer ain't, suggestive and interesting, since physiNeither the name nor the principle ia fashion. waa 13. have to one-thiSpain yah. computed of about ologists agree that obnoxious to those who are working Wall, yer bet yer aweet life Im 15 6.000 sailors on the banka at this should be devoted to the twenty-fpu- r and bewaa not when whistle the far praying and fighting and voting period; blows, very Portugal of anyhow. la of aeries a made Life This cow waa most liberally endowed Ing purposes, and they are of no earth- sleep. up for hind the overthrow of the saloon busiwhile wm France la And a the of that her, way probably great many by nature In the matter of horns In ly value to any one except to the cow'a vibrations In which tension and rest more ness. sevwill either. the rerkon than their strongly for represented boys ages The succeed each other. vibrates Dame heart a freakish mood Nature not only owner, who plarea a large additional Though no question waa made of the about seventy times a minute; the vi- eral years to come If the curfew ordigave her the usual number of horna on value on her because of them. of all these nations to an equal In force. nance remains right The 8L Louis convention ocof one on hoof sympacow The Is a Texas product. each the head, but also Her brations tlye respiratory organa In the trade, the supremacy ol thized" with the share The little curfew the girls respect besides owner, knowing the predilection of Mr. cur about sixteen times In tbe same temperance cause. The cow had no particular use for Hannaraan, of St. Louis, for freaks, period; while tbe vibrations of tbe mightily, and when it blows they scur- the British seamen, chiefly from De- The Chicago convention probably had half fisherman half pirate, the same tender horns on its hoofs. They are of no wanted him to buy her. but the price whole organism may be said to com- ry away home aa fast as their little vonshire, feelings, but (Knitted legs will carry them, even If they are aeema never to have been disputed, or to mention the fact. Vote with the service to her, nnd'rather Impede loco waa too high. She la held by the owner plete their circle once In twenty-fou- r hours. Abnormal fatigue, a state ap- only two door away from homo and never.atany rate, aucccMfully disputed. Prohibitionists, the only party conmotion. She cannot use them tor toss--. at 1500. The soil of Newfoundland, or Terra proaching exhaustion, occurs when one not a policeman within a mile. They Nuova, It Is true, was then of no mo scientious enough and bold enough to a of fear have the law the than greater attempts to alter nature's rhythm, face the issue. arm hs the where onter one and ole stamp Barnes any of Dr. thing at all, when the hours pf tension ara made to boys, and their fear of a policeman and ment Its value was merely that of In stress of weather and a place refuge law the Is bad been amputated at the elbow, were make money of It? of the awful. processes encroach upon those which should be If prohibition is wrong, license ia Yea." The policemen like the curfew. For upon which to dry and pack the laid aide by aide on a plateholder which devoted to rest, when muscle and nerve An of the deep. It that'll But so, men in the old parties, stand this value? give spoils upon right: half an hour held the aenaltlxed bit of glass. it blows ara after are driven to further they already fatigued toot-hol- d barren for the Certainly. seemingly Engit Stop cursing the saloon, In up exertion. Fatigue of a kind known aa made a trifle more active In getting The marvelous mechanism was set lish adventurers, with that acquisitive quit your meanness to the saloon It'a Wall, a dura an' then, shame, over focused and their beau children In driving the case of the motion and the powerful light Im goln' Instinct which foreign nations and our keeper, cease prating about the evils over ter Beckretary overtraining results, in heart weakness and short- home, which, however, le not a difficult selves full on the two objects. After aa ex- Morton an right athlete, are Just now calling by such of drink, and take the drunkard and enter Ef protest. the waa for gov flee the children at Usk, the the Is minutes loss ness plate of breath aa of It sight different names, wind, posure of fifteen ernment kin value kept from the flrat a the drunkard-make- r perduce Jest by One a reault of a into your church policeman. night policeman firm fatigue carefully developed and the wrltin on a piece o' paper they ain't called; while the and jealous grip, while in the met a satisamall about at like a man. If license ia boy doctor's with going along occasioned profound excessive to you by application proved to the no reason under the sun, ex I kin see, floating and, upon the whole, peaceful or business pursuits re half after 9 o'clock and Mid to him: is right; then get faction the unmistakable difference be- why it shouldn republic, which spent half of every wrong, prohibition cold weather professional perduce bonea do know The the flesh. curfew haa Here, you nervous and In In ulta even deed or living of out a man. Dont like tween prostration your party between out Labthe desert shores the billiard flag. The of year by bangin' of both hands were about equally wall principle la paralyala. While excraalve fatigue la blew? Thla le exactly what the po- rador and the grim headland of Cape forever be a jumping-jacthe the an' exackly earne, in itself unwise, one of the chief dan- liceman Mid. defined, but the soft parti of the dead fack thet It ain't been done is our countrymen seem to hare seYea. answered the boy. But me Ray, hand wore noticeably darker, which another reminder of the reckless only gers which result from It la that comYou can depend on the liquor! tea all cured for themselves undisputed away., way monly indicated by the term catching father sent me after a box of blackin marks the difference between dead Us- this country wastes its time to keep themselves and their the opportunities cold. Thus the danger of ance and living tissues Even under sitting In n like thla, and the youngster pulled an THE CHURCH MILITANT. before the people, and to nae Star. Washington goods draft or on the damp ground la many empty tin box from hla pocket the present trade condition the expert their best endeavors to bribe the favor come home with the between "Well, me, along times doubled after great exertion. The can readily distinguish The next Christian Endeav- of influential men. national N H Wander They are now Jumped. two. However, the sciagraph does not application of heat to the surface is a Mid the policeman, "an well see how or convention will be held at Nashville on one their of the leading hand A waa man 33d trying at about standing thla as quietly the Horoscope more logical procedure after extreme give as good results Tenn. candidates for the presidency. He has-bee- n So together they went to the boy's recently In- street and Broadway the other day ob- fatigue. Loss of sleep le one of the first and other Instrument An lmmeose audience gathered U. supplied from many sources with vented to examine tlasuea with the serving the passing throng. Sudden- symptoms of abnormal fatigue. Ha- home, the boy not at all eager. The hear Bishop Fowler's farewell sermon n of he and gave and liquor. yell He haa neither. ly pain began hop- bitual Insomnia from thla cause le to boye father looked at the boy and at cigars naked, eye unlese the subject has been Hennepin Avenue M. E. Church The In n wild manner. The about ping he then If the In aald: and hours. one be treated at the policeman liquor poured into the sewers, sciagraph dead tor several only way, by absolute Minneapolis, recently. man pulled off hie coat and rest. and the cigars he keeps to give one He'a Thst'a of hla la taken within n few hours after death cried: quickly tricks only The Archbishop of Londoi. estimates A piece of hot coal has fallen worked that blackin' box on the po- the contributions of churchmen to rereporters. the hands will be alike, but aa the down my back. Several persons came licemen for a month. So tho blacking ligious objects during the last twenty-fiv- e WISE BAYINC8. change la the tissues begins to take to hie SMletance and after conditions strike tl.. Dull business they got will show n debox wm taken away, but It In likely years as $100,000,000. plaoe then the sellers off hla collar pulled out a burning and the tobacco dealer., liquor la not widow Tbe as mournful that the boy found something else bealways cided difference In penetration. The Episcopal diocese ef Michigan less than cls-s- . from other underneath stump his says Tin. cigarette aa ahe la dressed. any fore the next curfew blew. hra votd that women shall vote inj ,. le The One of the first constituents of the shirt. Some one had thrown It from 1 revenue Like n great many thieves, "Time 1 government pariah affairs. The clergy In the human body to undergo decomposition, the elevated railroad station. New tesla on, and cannot be arrested. la durin the from Uxe8 lnten,al 29 24 28 to stood ventlon and the laity Th Faint f View. after death, said the doctor, is the York Exchange. fiscal year amounted to 8140.830,615. office seeks the man When tbe A certain eminent physician went to blood, Iheq follows the Intestines, le seldom bla fault If It doea not find The Fifth Baptist church, Washing- an Increase of 83,594.537 over the pren concert at his wife's earnest request, trachea, brain, muscles, etc. All of this Wlait ('Mfllditli far a him. D. C which recently celebrated it vious year. The tax from oleomarton, n cases In within many will take place Walter L. Campbell, nomine though he haa no knowledge of or in- fortieth for a man ao aa to wM pleases Nothing anniversary, has never had garine showed a alight decrease. The few hours after death. The natural ten- probate judge of Mahoning county, be asked If his eldeet in mualc. Ha wm rather listless daughter isn't his terest Rev. Dr. C. C. Meador tax on spirits wm 890,670,070, an inone but pastor. la to this all of n decomposition until one of the singers, dency lady, rose and he has never had Ohio, la totally blind and has been so wife. any other church crease of 8907,443; on fermented to r tbe first time. liquify the tlasuea, thus permitting the since boyhood, when his eyes were The elander of some people la as and began to sing One of the notable features of the liquor an increase of to penetrate them more readily destroyed by sand thrown into them he brightened up. great a recommendation at the pralM Then convention of the B. Y. P. U held at 83,143,617, and on manufactured alto?" he asked. than la a subject more recently dead by playmates. He la an accomplished of Who that is others. waa the review of the Bapwhere such decomposition has not com- lawyer, a fine musician, an eloquent Alto! exclaimed hla wife. That Milwaukee, 830,711,030, an increase of You can always please a good man missions of the world, with a briei tist dismenced. But the experiment Is a orator and was formerly a successful by telling him he has a devilish twinkle isnt an alto. She's a high soprano address These figures from the official outlining the work done and tinct success and la of vital Importance newspaper man. and her name ia Jones. show In hla eye. that bad times, g. o. p. report the made. progress not only to physicians and undertakers Hum! said the doctor. U A married woman's description of an cordial sympathy, and church conno Dr. Pierson T. la Arthur a loager but to humanity In general, for InWhy? I)o you Ilk her voice?" Ideal man la a picture of the kind The Presbytery of Phila- vention resolutions do not cut much According t tb Fualrna. Can't say much for her voice, but Presbyterian. grained In every soul Is a Intent horror First Government Clerk "I am a! she didn't get heard him. at Its last meeting figure in the face of the m rang hold of delphia of being burled alive. Hitherto all ways glad when my The man who repents on a sickbed flic haa one of the finest bronchitiees In hla defense. He wm recently Im- the saloons superior in office Is upon the manhood of the 1 encountered." of Youth's ever death have their tha algna exceptions from tho north. 8econd Government and gets well generally backslides bemersed by a Baptist minister, aid has will take something It country. Even putrefaction often appears In liv- Clerk Companion. First Govern fore he pays his doctor. Why is that? repudiated the arrlptural doctrine ol more than and line resoluIn order to and be sympathy bodies, regarded ment Clerk "Because the Psalmist ing After a man Is married, he stops infant baptism. His position aa to bap- tions to and make current as an Infallible sign of death It must be says: Promotion cometh neither from wearing button-hol- e change the tism led th Praabytery to eras his bouqneta and berrfrtlv Willing. and this In a nation aolier to the difference the constantly owing general, 'Do you think your mother would name from th roll, although a paper the east, nor from the west, nor from gins to wear statna on hla clothes chemical composition of bodies. The the aouth.' The second baby may weigh three let you have another piece of cake, wm adopted expressing confidence in prosperous one. There must lie votes Washington Times latest theories regarding positive signs Oh, yea, ma'am. She tolJ hie Christian character and hla general and those votes must be cast la the pounds more than the flrat without Willie? of death have been advanced by forThe smaller the soul the bigger me to be sure and get filled up while I doctrinal soundness except t causing half as much exdtamenL only way In which the saloons fee From the Ensign, Indianapolis Detroit Free Press. had the chance. eigners and relate chiefly to the tent dollar looks. them, namely, for Prohibition. post-morte- m X-r- half-drown- rlt Kin-Klan- g, well-kno- Kln-Klan- g, 1. st all-nig- ht all-da- . it rd rd k. k ys toll X-ra- ys oo, u |