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Show T WORLD. ttend theprlmarlis to ritM. wl i be nominated? Subscribe tor Ilia World.- - Did you register betore lie lisls rloa cd Wednesday? Mo S. M. West! made a trip io Zion's capital Sunday. Dr. frrant of Meteor la town In tbs ran Interests of the Great Utah Medicine Ths duck law ia up aadluittre jiow get in their work. ; Why not bare a into tlr.gr nf the Utah County Teachers' aascetation in American Fork. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at reduced rates to W. C. T. U. annual bleating at Proto October 3rd and 4ih. II. S. Martin has teen placed on the county republican ticket by tba connty committee rlcc Brig Johnson re . C& Mrs. Alfred Boggard and Mrs. Edwin Mon, day. George Nichols and wife were at Fro-t- o Monday aa witnesses tor the defence In the donkey trial. The Jones & Taylor Creamery has not been able to rnn f jr three dsys this week on account of a broken boiler. Barrelt were at ilia connty hub signed. Our fall and winter stock of mlliln the R. G. W, will ery Is now on hand, call and res the Mil round trip tickets to attend the late styles. They will plear. you. CniraANfiMras. Feotiralof Mountain and Plain at Denver for $20. D Steve Wcods. Henmld, Dave and Welephl How and wife were very ter Mitchell, and Jib. Chipman, Jr. were loeky last Monday ae they diseoved at Provo Monday as witnesses on the new daughter at their tome. All jack trial. On Oct. 4 and 5 concerned doing well. Joa. Ellsmorc is doing soma fine work in making counters and shelving for On last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. D. E. Elllngson, next door to GarUTf Robinson were made happy by an Increase In their family, it Hall, at Lehi. Mrs. F. E: Stewart Is working her prures to be a fine eon. of the Cjmpalgu with great pan 4 On fast Frank Merlll Wednesday She la organising womens dexteri'y. Putsey Calsey and James Owens pleaded over clubs all the county. not guilty to eommitlng a crime against nature In Spanish Fork on the 15th of Don't fall to attend the repnbhean eaneus at the city hall to night, end September. In nominating candidates for preOne and one third fare over the Union assist cinct jostles end constable. faolfic railway to St. Lonliand return on aceount of Convention National Democratic Caucus at the city Hall, association of Democratic Clubs, Oet. Monday evening to nominate candidates for the offices ut justice of the ml and 3rd. and constable. On Tuesday the 11. 0, W. train was peace All the late and most stylish novelrun through for the first time for sever n ! days. The washouts in Eastern Utah ties in fall end winter millinery at haver been repaired and the road open- Chipman Sisters at the lowest prices. ed for aninternpted traffic unco more. Jos. J. Jackson was over here to day Now Is the t'me to see the state of from American Fork attending tlia W ashington at a rate of one end one stockholders annual meeting of the fifth fare, as the Union Pacific .will Provo Woolen Mills company. Enquirwill sell tickets at this rate for the er. crawl 8poxsnc Fruit Fair, Oct. 6 tn There was a fire In town Sunday I? Inclusive. Don't fail to take It all wherein Henry Lee had bis straw staek i. . and several tens of hay burned. A ' small boy with matrhes was the cause .j mnel Dean, Jr. , sged.21 and as usual. aged 22. both of Autmlcan Fork, and Anton Torgenecn, The connty superintendent, report aged 2.1, of Kooaharen Piute county eud a larger Ur.reasein the retool attenAon R. Nichols, aged 27, of American dance at American Fork in proportion Fork, have been granted licensee to to the population than any place else wed. In the county Wd bate rcceivefla copy of the Utah Cluff and Eggerson from Garden City Connty Dublin Schools published at Lodge, No. 18, of Provo, end Mr. Patter-eo- n from Lchl Lodge No, 8, were visitors Fayson in the interest nf thn schools of this county. County Superintendent .. at Utah ledge No 11, A. 0 D. W.of this Christensen Is the' editor sod 0. N. place tins weak. f'U.M of Lehi la the business manager, Jas. Cushing, of the shoe department '.(contain ltcmeof intanst from the six of 8olomoa Bros, of Salt Lake, together largest districts In the connty. with his wife, and his and At ilia meeting of the connty teach its daughter, is visiting tlia family of Mrs. at Spanish Fork Saturday, Prof. G. JI John Uiuston this week. Brimhail lectured on the Subject of We arc pleased to announce that our The professor Unconscious Tuition-- ' friend, Prof. W. B. Smith, has concluded occupied about an hour's time and to start another manic elaas immediatepresented bis subject in a nr.st clear ly after conference. The charges this :i inner. Many valuable points were time are to be 50c per quarter presented for thought end refleo-ion- , Registration by the house to house canvas was completed Wednesday-Followin- g 'Asbipment of ore iyas received yes' Is the number registered iu terday fromths old Miller mine In each election district: First, women American Fork canyon. This is the 257, men 239; eccoud, women 182, men frMfshrpnient of ore made from this 157. .eo famous property fora number nf Complaint has teen made to the email one; only years. The lot wu trustees that some persona are sending ten tons, and It averaged lower than to school who ore Infected children It as of the usual product the Miller, 18 with whooping congh. This ia against cent 30.3 lead, assaved per only ounces silver, and $4.80 in gold to the the roles and the trustees will shui down on It Monday, ton; . N.M. Ambrose, Thomas Lee, Jaa. Chaa.DeMoby In behalf of lames Wm. Bowen from Bultc, and Preston, suit has commenced against Chipman - Neils Nelson were out at Smoot sloughs Thud Fleming et aL on a $2,254 promcar Geneva duck hunting this week ""y note secured by mortgage with and they returned with 407 of the feath.L';eet at the rate of IJ4 per cent per and $.10 attorneys fees and costs ery bipeds. They camped oat all night of ..uit, a wfi a decree is asked for, for lying In wail for their prey. the sale oC the mortgaged property by Some people arc wandering why Marthe sheriff and that the proceeds be shal R'jwley wears each a broad smile applied on the note. . nowadays. Well, the truth Is, they have a new girl down at hla purchased Mias llale of the B. Y. A. took charge f the primary department at the house and although small at present been on teachers assorlniisn and presented he is there ti stay, and has last. ainee deck Monday every She tbs subject of Itsst exercises. emphasised the necessity of bslng orTbofS was gcud feeling at the last night and qnitc a derly durii g iujh exercises, nnd mem tinned tbas the i jtbical phase eta there large atlendence was on hand. Jos. S, by be broil ght Into play. Many de- Lsplsh was chairman and Prof. J. H. vices were t .Ivcn. that will, prove bene- Forbes, secretary. E. Hunter was nomficial to primer y tcachera. inated for precinct joatlce sod C. M. If your etiildr en are subject to ennp Beck for coo stable. watch for t liefl rat symptom of the disEvtry thing usually found in a fashease hoar acne as. If Chamberlglns ionable millinery store may be seen soon as the at Chipman Sisters. Gough Ren iedy Is given child beau! mes ltoarso It will prevent the attach. Even after the crunpv If TKOCBUD WITS BMUMAUSJI BEAD THIS. alroogh has app cared thn attack can Annapolis, Md.f Apr. 16, 18911 have ways be pr ere alert by giving this remChamberlains Pain Palm for colds used edy, It is . a! feo invaluable for and whoo ping cough, For Sale by Thee, rbeiimtUm and found it to be all that t is claimed lor It. I believe it tn be tbe Steele & Co. best preparation for rheumtemand deep James ilpmkn his entered suit seated muscular pains on the market 4gainstJ.lt. Boshard, et al, to coileet and cheerfully recommend R to the 8500 or an sortgige bn lots 2 end 3. Jso. 8. . B books,, dealer In block 83 Ha f'B with interest at the pnblle. etc-- , no. 18 Mela St. shoes, boots, rate of o1 no per punt pet month from ALSO BEAD THIS. Uarchf, 18! M also $193.65,' with legal County M ICHAKI05Y1LU, St. Mary fllereet.froi a Sept. 21, 1898, and costs Md.-Im- ld a bottle of Chambtrlalni ofrnit. Ti M plaintiff asks that a rein Palra.lo a mao who bad beep tc for thee tie of the mort--g- c Buffering wltb.rheametism for several A pro pc tty by the wberilf. Charles years. 'It made him a well man. for plaintiff. htMoisy 60 cents at attorney sale For per McG'U.' J. j Eoqulrq r. Lottie by Tlioe. Steele X Co. D-II- son-ia-la- w u a 'ds-rrrebs- J ARRIVED AT LAST '' Guarantees The Future The fact that Hoods Sarsapa rilla has cured thousands of others is certainly sufficient reason for belief that it will cure you. It makes purt rich, healthy blood, tones ana strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system. Remember Be Sure to;;?! HOODS and Only HOOD'S. Hood'i r'!. - i- 'Ti i 't ir'j'iir,: .!. si.--. I infie iur box. rt o . a. md -- AJ .8 S c v r t o 5 r ext S ed S V. e. r 1 SHOES! Anew supply of the well koowd J. Muller make for Ladies tien La and children, Just received at Donklt-yf- ; SHOES! &.ipLh and Prof. Foibea made Our elegant etock of tall and winter ringing speeches at tbe caucus lest millinery ia now on hand and wo will night. ' ell aa cheap aa the cheapest. Do not John M Miller tripped over a board fail to see aa before you buy. while In attendance at the fire Sunday i'UIPUAN SldTKBS. and dlalosated hi wrist bone. Dr. Burch anon Lad the boy into n room, the Mr. Ellen Clark amt Mr. W. D. bone bwk in place, and (ha jum'g-te- r RobliiEon have returned from their trip 1 mow getting along nieely. into Southern Utah, where iliy aay Hikers gallery rune only two more they have had a mot enjoyable time. daya Suady end Monday. RememBeautiful card tie out for the grand ber this, and if you went photrfs burry upper, a!uo (he reception lull of Sam- op. Alt work delivered before pay uel Dean,. Jr. and MIm Rosetta House meiit I required. bolder, Oct. 01 the day set' for the M. Feathentooe. License! happy time. Skillful treatment. A practice ef kIx years. Ooebloek 8outb of Bromley The Chlago. Milwankes k St ?ul y. House American Fork Many people unacquainted with the geography of the west imagine that Hello Boys! because Chicago, Milwaukee and SL Yon want tn catch on to one of the Paof'are names used iu the corporate title of the railway owning the Short Latest Style Hat just, arrived at Dunk Line between CLieago and Omaha, ley. tney must go viS the cities of Mil waukee eud St. Paul to reach their Reward. destination If it be Chicago or east a m.R:akcn idoa. On The Rio Grande Western Railway thereof, TUI a map the. liui ruoiiing directly east Company will pay a reward of tlli for nnd west would Inoic like this. tbe conviction of any person throwing or other missies at lie trains. Omaha sUimi Chicago. A. K. Wklbv. There Is nuthlag more simple than Ueneral Bupcrintandant. that, and It ia less than GOO mites between Omaha and Chicago. Two Salt Luke City, Aug. bib, 1896. through trains daily in eaeb direction g with thn best Steeping Car " and Takeyour whevt solo it to Jnk Car Service, and all legal Ar travel-m- Wiu't, whers yon will get half east, and ' know and appreciate the merits of half merchandise. St& - Psnl thbCbleaghMilwankre Tan Union ldelfio will sell round Rail wav's Shtirt Line between the last trip ticket to this 6l a ad the West. at Salt Lake OjlAbsr 3rd to 6th For maps, time tables and infon lnelud vs limited tollotobir 12, at mation generally, call on or address Alex $1.35. Mitchell, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake Tha use of Halls Hair Renawcr pro' Utah. motes tba growth of tha hair, and ro storealta natural color and beauty; Marvelous Results, frees tba scalp of daodrnfr, tetter and From a letter written by Rev, J. al lmpurltlas. Mid-wif- Hoods Cures fckra wtiii 'Job-- ; SHOES! The home eoneert last Monday was one of which we cannot speak to highly For reel high grade enjoyment the Prof George Concert company was not in if. Besides the entertalnmeut not being of the decldddly classical style could be thoroughly appreciated by all grades of humanity from tha plain and common every day man to the elite and educated. The Chipman ela tera, Miss Dnfraat, the Missel Grant, Mra Uraut, the male quartette, and many others did some work aver which they may feel a sensation of. pride. Prof. Snilth'e work cannot be over estimated. May bis next eoneert be better than ever and the professor live many year t? continue Lis splendid work for tbe good people of American Fork, and we hope this concert will be followed by many more. s Con-feren- Sriul-anuq- 1 Gun-derma- ws arc Dimondale, permitted to make this extract: I bars no hesitation in recommending Dn King New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous In the rase of my wife, tt Idle I waa pastor of the Bip she waa list Church at Rives Jnm-tlobrought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Crippe. Terrible paroxysm of eong hlng would last hours with little Interruption and it eeemrd as if she could not survive them. A friend ended Dr. King's New Discovery; ll Was qmck In Its work end highly satisfactory In results." Trial bottles free at Thf. htesie & Co, Drug if lore. Regular alts 50 cents and 8 1.00, M!ch Now that the election of 1896 is close upon us, there Is no question but ell parties ere bhxlous that thoss who will fllleunh office as will eff ect the later eat of the people of this gmt lepubllc, will be men wfac have given a e'ear end candid consideration of the many Issues which stare ua in the face today; mpn who have no manifest interest in tbe genaral wellfare of tbe publlemnst From all aeronuts Ctiambe Main's h?ye some motive In Tiew in advancing Remedy 1 a Godsend to the Cough doe dslrefc uot individual and It their afflicted. There is no advcrtisnient ryquirsa prophet to tell that there boat this; ws feel just like saying It. must baaome self interest where pub-li- e Tbe Doinoorst, Carrollton, Ky. For Interest has no exluBoe. Ws are sain by Thos. Steele acd Co. a nation of people who are dependent on etch other end If the Intersit ef the STOP TOBACCO. producing classes arc killed wfc will all BOW TO CURE TOl'BSXLT WHILE TSIMO IT. follow In the same direction. It ia pleasing to see that the many of- The tobacco bablt grows on a man unfices which will he fired In nur mw til his nervous system Is a. ninsly affectstate, that both parties ars making ed, impairing hi health, comfort and every effoit to piece men in office happiness- - Taquitsnddcnlylstooacveie whose qualifications urge them on to a shock to the ystem, as tobacco to an the frout, Men whose Interests are Inveriersfb user, becomes a atimulent that his system continually eriree. Identified with the people. And we fp uBsco Curo" is a ScieaLide cure for the pleased to tee the name o( J, J. Mercer tobacco habit; m all Its forms carefully put up as assessor for this c:unty. Jed eompouoded after tha formula of an em la a man who has filled the office of lnent Berlin phyalclan who has nssd It In sines 1872. without a failure. his jnstiee of the pcaee and constable of It Ispraetiea purely vsgetible and gnaianteed In both thle place and positions he lies perfectly banniras. You can use all the had the confidence and respect of tbe tobacco you want while taking Ilaco-Gor- o. It will notify yon when to stop people. Andrew Adammn is another We a written guanoim toenre pergive who has been pnt op as surveyor for this manently toy ease with three boxes, or county; Andrew needs no comment from refund the money with ten per ceut InBocoUuro 1 no; a suoilltnte na, he ia too well known throughout terest. ANientifle bnt ears, that cures with the cunnty as a man who Is folly qual- out tha aid of will power and with no to one the who fill and ified position, lnconveniencs. It leaves tbe system as will give justice to all who require hie pure and free from nicotine aa the day services. Another not lees distinguish- yon took your first chew amoks. ed individual is our honored J. F., CUBED BY BACO CUBO AXD CAIKBD THIRTY POUNDS. John Me Neill, who has been nominathuBiln-of the oriRlDli ed for the legislature, no doubt John, if ofVrom which irr on fllo 011 open to lupocUon thn U prein-utr, he gets there, will do all he ean for rec-um- .m DONT To Denver and ratnrn $2J.01 via the Union Pseffie Oct. 6 to Mth. fur tna festival of Moiintnln and home. tha place and now Is ths Dunkley accepted time to gdt a good pair of shoes cheap. Win. yi-a- , 1 happiness; Through it, you may find peace at heart. Send 10 cents for three mouths trial subsqritlqa to Lkttbbs Publishing Co Indlanspolk, Ind., U. 8. A. And read the addresses of 'many attractive ouug men and wumeuthat ate wealthy and lira lu luxury, who dm sirs a corrcapncdout. ' It fa 7 257 miles long. Few people realize what a big railroad the Burling- 1. It Is longer ton thi but salt l in tba world for Cats, Braises, Bores, Uleer. S.il t Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chipped Hinds, Chilblain i, Corns, and all Skin Eruptlena, uni poittiveiy curci Filsi, nr no pay required. Ills giiirauteed to give pjrfect sitkfanlua (;r money rtLr! a refnnded. Price 25 cents pir bix. Omaha St. Louts FOB balk u Thomas Steele Sc Cj. employs mors mm ran through more mors states engines operates more trains has mure aUslou end earns mure money than any of the trsnseon-- ttiveutal lines, Oaly two rallnlads In ths wurli lie vs a greater mil", ' NOT are. Notone bitter service. ONE - Chicago Ksnsss City piluts east and Siutb W.F. MjMilli, Gea'l Agg't Salt Lake, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and EAST! Yon Only Two Days Lost Via SantaFe Ojdea or ths ATCHI80X, TOPEKL A SAN TA FE railroad wav I u such perfect syaditlon th it the long diet me! ran of the "Flyer" o the To New York be eqasie.1 11 Walker Bloek. MARTIN H AMBROSE, igrnxsuuL urai ui nn MAmn Hair Cattxxua' Aairiut firt.Ou' Swrlaitiilt, Henry Lee Livery Feed and Sals Sta J. I). KENWORTIIY, General Agent. C. F. WARREN, Trav, Fgt. and Pass. AgU Room 411 Dooly Block, Sait Luke City. and Louis bles. Runs hacks to-al- l trains Ceutnt cmid If net exeeed ed, by its magnificent tratne. Chicago Amur tan Four Qirbixgton 8t BENJ. BATES American Fork Wagon Works DR. A. CHRISVEirSEN, DENTIST r ALL t-i- Route St- - leave Salt Lake In ths evening and after breakfasting in tlij aumptiiou diulng ears nf the 8 1ST A FK ROUTE, on thi third moralag, you arrive in Chisago or St. Louii In season to attend to bnalnMior connect with all fait trains for the East, Sodmoos hsi an.! rscmtlv ths 'rek of Clayton, Nevada OnunlyvArk; Jan. SB. Eurcha ChPBieal anil Hfg. Co. . LBUroMe, I awd toUentlemen; For forte bacco In all it form. For twenty-dv- r jrvara of that time I waa a grout xuffiver from g nrral American Fork, yearn I debility and heart dlHnuw. For flfl-F1 took vanone tried to quit, but couldn't. TO No The line. other Indian rrmedie, among Tobacco Antidote, Double ChlorldQof fluid etc. hot none of them did me the leant hit of rood. Finally, bowerrr, I pun hams! a box of your GOOD "Unco Curo" and It ban entirely euted me of the habit In and lie forma ami J have Inemaned CALL AT In weight and am relieved from thirty pound) all my numrrnua and paina of body and mind 1 could write a quire of paper on my . a $ changed feeling aed condition Your repm- P. H. Harbury, Pan'or C. P. Church fully, Ark. Clayton Sold by all druggists at $1 :00 per box: ADAMSON Utahs Interests. .OURNAt. DevoiidU letter writing and eorrec poudjo-icespecially adapted to those who are down hearted, lonesome and lonejy. Ia' It you will find pleasure and Bucklen's Arnica Salve. - d a Brlg.vt and attrdctlvc Dlu-ln- a 1 LETTER-- B Utah, n and Wag one of all kinds rcpilred ta first class order at prise to salt ths times. iggie PORK AMERICAN HAUBIK0T0N8T, PRIMO FOE THE WORLD OFFICE . There are medicines which change the action of organs tlirr boxes (thirty days treatment) and tissues. When 3. part $2.50, with written guarantee or sent does not properly perform Its rroiipt or price. Write tor booklet and proofs. Knrska Chr.mlcai work, they restore it to health. andMfg.Co. La Crowe Wla. and Boston Such remedies are called " al- Hw. teratives." 5cotts Emulsion of Cod- - Attention Sheep Men- Tlic Denver A Rio Grands R, R. on liver Oil, with Hypophos-phite- s, 1st Improved and their enlarged July is one of these remcorral i at Tounemue Pass, ful., sheep edies. This i3 largely be- whers there is tlia finest mountain gruv cause of certain drugs which and tins running water, which Is f rite naturally exist in the .ojlf as of coat to ehcop men. The Coinpnoy lodlne and bromine. If.you Imsblso provIJrd sleep! rnr arjohiedu for are neither hard sick nor real lens; which will b kept i to men who stop lucre graze their yliecp well; If you feel below your alieep. We rau luuole your mutton for usual standard, these ; altera-- 1 all eastern markets, licfora ordering tlves will change ypur con- your ears, be sore at J write for further dition and bring back your Information to cl her B,F. Nevins, Gene.'al Agent, health and strength. Gnu. A.'lfawkes, Travelldg Freight SCOTT'S EMUI.SION Ut Urn ra tU bSar" mtdKsIJntuitm fm lantfinrl. (fi mr Agent,1 tor.) 7til it wur a afMM fatmlmUf- - thntt -- eec.-dill- ANDREW U. County Surveyor S. Mineral Deputy Surveyor. and NOTARY PUBLIC. Am.'rican Fork, iv Utah. Alvah Lewis M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OITice hours', 2 to 5 P. M. American Fork.- - - - Utah. - STEPHEN M tmlaml It jurat Cfi(ia) OUJnrr Ottuui HypjUtjhtn. Pul up m i tntuud fi.uu lira. TU mull hn 9 biurutt ti svtjnrmti trktfjturUbt wmfm m , J. Gregory, .Trsvelina tFrtight Agent, 5$ UlrtClii WOODS. Tonaorlal artist talintCai ia iq Wees 2nd Soulh.St,' Salt bnaKnckaaSL Hjia SaliihnUi AMERICAN liXJEK, n tnaUil, fn UTAH iv: :r apbil 23th ..EAST. No. 2, x;I7 a. in. No. 6, 2:31 p. ui. No. 8, p. m. D.c. I 1896. WBBT. No. 1, 11. I No. 6, 4:19 No. 7, Mil I a. m, p.s. a. m. TT" 8. H. Babcock, DuiJ.iK., iis'ii U.G. Usual i l, . L"cal agent. Ge-v ... Tbathcmg'... F. A. Wadleigb, Gen pah agt James Newton Practical Horse-sho- er AND Blacksmith. AMERICAN FORK, CTAb, -- |