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Show much personal attention to the selectnake a sudden Independent dash be- A DRUNK VILLAGE. tion tween the two wheels of her patients, will receive them of the that cycle THE ART BICYCLE bore the man, and next Instant there aa fast aa accommodations are prowas an Indistinguishable mass and will be governed by tbe deSTEALING. of three cycle's, one thief and '.ADY HENRY bOMERSET TO vided, termined purpose to do the greatest RESCUE INEBRIATE. several to the foot of the lilll.yells, rolling down possible good. Iloir It la Fraetlcrd In Groat Britain To Insure a feeling of Independence A friend of mine who told me 1 Tows Is Utlz La 14 Oat for Iho a most Involved story ofcycles, jiy I.wke Sluirii. and for the preservation of a theft cycle craze now in Ita Tromtos.nl of Kainate Fstlooti Slot train a that I am uot sure 1 brings Every each will be charged $1.55 per quite understand. to Uo TrOotod as Onlcaata Outdoor week,patient Dumber of hitherto unknown trades and He said he was at a country bar at and will be credited by tho which stood five men strangers to Work for Thom. prufcsslouB, to which a number of enamount of work which ahe performs. him, aud apparently strangers to each All that is earned by each patient over terprising persons are Indebted for other; In fact it turned out no one more or less lavish livelihood. The bi- of them had ever before metthat and above the cost of her maintenance (London Letter.) of the any NEW departure In will be paid to her when ahe is cured cycle booui baa done much to stimulate others. When the teller of the story, work and discharged from the village. the Industry of bicycle theft A blcy-cl- o who was the second man out, looked temperancs has been entered leads Itself to stealing In a way for bis machine, be saw that It was gone, and he noticed the first man out by upon Lady that no other objoct on earth does; npldly sprinting down the road with Somerset, THIRTEEN YEARS AS A SLAVE. Henry that Is, no other Inanimate object un- It. It was uu time for protracted conwho Is almost sa Adventnraa less It be a railway engine with steam versation or explanations, so my friend of on Holloa Frlaot In lbs well In known reon Immediately the best sprang a even and It locomotive, although np, Soudan. maining machine and stnrted In America as In EngFather Faolo Roaalgnoll, who, after Is a good runner, Is restricted to the suit. The next fellow who came purout land. work This a long aeries of almost incredible adrailway, which la almost Invariably saw his machine tearing down the road consists of the con- ventures and thirteen bordered by a telegraph line, there- with a stranger on top of It, and sway slavery In struction and main- tbe 8ondan, succeeded years' ha goes on the fourth man's machine. In miraculously fore no man has yet risen to eminence tenance of a village from tbe handa of the caliph, u an engine thief. Then a locomotivo of cottages for Inebriate women pa- escaping has been received by the pope before salable article, even Is not a very tients. to Africa to the scene of bis Tbe scheme is a sensible and practi- returning though a nun gets safely away with former painful sufferings, says the Pall cable one. Though I do not entirely Mall Gasette. It. Few of us need a locomotive In our He la a strong, broad, agree with Lady Somerset In all her well built man, tanned a dally life, and when we do, we are deep brown content to buy a railway ticket and schemes, which aba Intends for good, by the African sun, and wean a full enjoy our engine with some one else thla new work of hers la a noble one, beard, which la rapidly turning white driving It A horse may be stolen, and and will result In many benefits. Every from the sufferings he has gone the aulaml will do Its beat to aid the State in the Union ahonld adopt her through. thief In getting away, hut although you plan, and have a rural settlement, paint a horse green or blue, It Is bard Father Rosslgnoll was a priest of the where patients suffering from the habit to disguise the animal so that the Austrian mission of El Obcid, in the diffiknow It, and thus owner won't of Intemperance could be under JudiKordofan, and went through the horculties arise, to the discomfiture of tbo cious and Intelligent medical care, and rors of the four and a half months' burscthlef, loading to prison in some be given plenty of work to do In the siege until countries and to a hempen rope in January, 18SS, when be was open air. There la nothing Ilka send- taken prisoner. It would be Impossible others. But a bicycle Is a different thing. It ing man to bed real tired to help his to describe all he tuffered for thirteen la speedier than the average horse, and recovery from the disease of alcohol-la- long years, until assisted to escape by almost as speedy as a locomotive, Lady Somerset's attention was tbe Englishman, MaJ. Wingate Bey and while It is more salable, at the present some years ago, to a wretched Mgr. Sogaro, called, archbishop of the Soudan.1 An moment, than either. energetic woman who been had for arrested "So you are really returning to Afriman, with a paint brush, a soldering drunkenness about a hundred times. ca? I said to him the Iron, and a file, can In ten minutes so day before he She tried to reform her by sending her left. r, disguise a bike that Its next of kin He Leaves the Meyt-l- With the would not recognize It and It docs not to a home in tba country, and, though "Oh, yea, and I go back with pleasure, possess the faculty of the horse for In less time than It takes to tell what she failed In thla case, aha mudo up her as Africa la for me now a second fathI A master. a to fabricaIts real believe be bicycle thoroughly knewlng mind that the plan would be a good one erland. I feel that my work is there; has never been known to neigh at the tion. the whole six were chasing each for drunken women generally. So she and, besides, think of all the prisoners, wrong moment and thus betray a hid- other, making the terrified Inhabitants lesB fortunate than myself, whom I left den thief, who trusted to Its good of that part of the country believe put her thoughts Into action. When la was there a In a a on. road race It turned all, hike Viuc. So, all simply Lady Somerset determined behind and whom I must do my utmost out, so my friend any, that no bicycle upon her special work for Inebriate to deliver. Ideal subject for successful theft. was 1 stolen at all. As understand tbe women, aho looked Many of us who have hitherto led Are there still many? about for a suitable reasonably honest lives will, 1 fear, be situation, the first innn merely made a site, far from the presence of "About fifty. Including five Italians spirituous mistake and mounted the wrong bicyhid astray If this bicycle boom con"Are thero no Englishmen? cle, leaving his own machine In place liquors, and where there were good tinues. "No; all of them died long ago. The machine Itself actually seems to of the one he took. It seems to me sanitary conditions. She finally sebe an accessory both before and after this Is a most unlikely thing to have lected one hundred and eighty acres of Among those still alive are twelve the act The riding of It along a dusty hapjiened. Anyhow, that Is the story land in the town of Duxhurat, high Syrians, ten Jews from Smyrna, soma road makes a man thirstier than any as it was told to me. ground, with excellent drainage, and a Greeks and Swiss, a few Germans and Is one man There undertake. (name at present good water ther occupation he con Nls-felAustrian, a certain supply, and there laid out one Be therefore adjourns frequently to unknown) who Is having a rattling her learned who most la the village. !he wayside inn, there to partake of good time steallug bicycles, and who is It has been plotted in an irregular and Intelligent peraon now In cooling drinks: ginger beer and such, seeing a good deal of tbe country. lie rkere Is usually iv one In sight, and docs uot seem to lie In the profession fashion, with winding streets and lanes, the handa of the Soudanese. He ae leavea the machine resting against for profit, so perhaps he Is merely laid at varying angles, with open places was a banker at Assouan, and three or the outside of the pub. When he learning .be trade, lie resembles one Mid public at frequent inter- four years after the falf of Khartoum grounds cornea out wiping hia mouth, the ma- of those distant planets. Invisible even which will, in accordance with he led an expedition to the center of the vals, to most the the not is la chine powerful telescope, only slightgone. There hia purpose being to help the est use In asking the wayfarer if he known to exist by 11s effocth on other the projected plans, receive ornamenta- Soudan, In Kabbabish tribe on the other side of tion the This bodies. way of trees, shrubbery sad has seen a man passing that way on a heavenly perambulating the Dongoln against the m&bdl. Tho cycle, for the wayfarer has; dozens of thief takes a bike wbereve? he finds It fountains. aim. Now, with a horse, oue can give and Jogs along to a tavern anywhere latter, informed In time of hia plana, On this tract of land she is erecting surprised the expedition, defeated It animal from twenty to fifty miles away from scattered 1 rough description of the cottagos for her patients. stolen, but to the ordinary man on a the stealing point. Here he fares completely, the men being mostly are very timple in construction, country road all cycles are alike, and sumptuously, aud drinks the best They the following primitive lines, and being killed or taken prisoners, among concnee a thief gets away with a machine champagne, If there la any. lie leaves !t Is an impossible task to attempt to the bicycle In charge of the innkeeper, thatched according to the ancient rural latter the leader Niefelit, who was demned to death. The rope had alrecover It especially Impressing upon him that it fashion. Each cottage will accommoaround his neck to been most and Is valuable a Instrument, passed There are In London at least three, date six patients, and will be surround- ready hang him, when he was asked: How possibly many more, receiving depots that he wouldn't have anything happen ed by a small garden for the raising of do you die? Ae a Christian or a Muslor stolen cycles. They bear the guise to It for a small fortune. Then he vegetables and tbe cultivation of flow- sulman?' of repairing shops and sales room, goos for a stroll round the village leavNiefelit answered quickly: 'I ers. The inmates of each but the Innkeeper will rhey have most of the paraphernalia ing his bill unpaid, cottage Mussulman.' a die (or enameling and plating, aud once a feels no anxiety as he has In hit Poskeep house and attend to the garden "So his life was saved, but ha was Cycle spends a few hours In the shop session this most valuable bike. The work. for years In chains until he gave left Its own maker would uot recognize it. thief meanwhile has picked up another These Inmates will not be treat! aa Ihe first thing done la to Interchange machine and Is off Into the next of his ability, and he was then proof jutcaata or criminals, but aa patients the parts of the cycles aa much as county. There he will stay all night, used the caliph to manufacture saltby From a dozen stolen cycles a and In the morning make off with a suffering from a disease to cure which and gunpowder. He also endeavpeter Is who When la the purpose of the resident anyone lozen others are made, one macf.lno third machine. physidies for coins, and demake to ored iri-tIn robbed finda bis machine uninjured being made up of various parts of 1 cians of the village. tomb for the mahdl, beautiful a signed other machines. The handle bar the hands of an innkeeper, be is Besides the cottage homes, the vil- which the caliph, however, did not apmachine changes usually so overjoyed at Its recovery if a pneumatic-tire- d d that be gladly pays tbe hotel bill ftnd lage will contain a hospital, a chapel, prove of, considering It too European places with the handle bar of a no on. so Then and takes away bis machine. The amount a building for public meetings, an office and fearing that If executed Niefelit cycle, a man can give to the police Is so comparatively small that he building, and a general laundry. All of would acquire a certain Importance In regarding his machine fits any particurarely gives the ease into tbe bands of these will be well and neatly con- the eyes of the Soudanese. lar cycle. The numbers are obliterated the police or bothers any more about It structed, but without any attempt at Passing to speak of the eituatlon In by soldering and plating, and new Thus the thief travels unmolested from the Soudan, Father Roulgnoll said that aumbers are put on. If a machine la one end of the country to the other, display. Exercise for mind and muscle, with tot Interchangeable with any other and back again by another route, faraccording to the latest news received hachlne It la painted np and sent ing sumptuously every day on tlia (at plenty of out of door life, and absence by him it la moat unhappy, because of iver to France or Germany to be sold of the land without paying a petny of temptation to drink, la the best med- the fearful misery, dreadful anarchy It the continental agencies. The for board and lodging or for transport icine for an Inebriate, says "It la corruption. Lady and widespread Ithera that have been made unrecog-Sizabl- e either. The plan lias much to recomSomerset Believing this, and being something heartrending! exclaimed under any circumstances are mend It, and we cordially commend It It seems really that thslly sold at the London dejiota or by to the attention of amateurs in the frmly convinced that nothing could he the missionary. way of an advertisement in the papers. gentle art of robbery. Detroit Free worse for habitual drunkards than the the hand of God la striking and exterChe dally papers are full of advert Is e-- Frees. sedentary employment usually assigned minating that people, on whom lie so to them In reformatory homes, she has many sins. England could now easily Dnntr Carpets. planned for plenty of outdoor work, reconquer the Soudan, especially aa a lnwnrd-ness To those who know the true with employment anJ entertainment large portion of the Inhabitants there of thin cm the sight of a housemaid "for the mind. would favor It. to escape from tbe tyrbrushing a dusty carpet Is suggestive, la being made for light ag- anny of the cailph. Provision a medical contemporary says, of many ricultural work, directed principally In There la. In fact, a party strong evils. The death of Fasteur has reminded the world of what Is conenough which wishes the Intervention of Egyptians, English or Italians, or stantly present in the minds of medical men, namely, that, while microany stranger. In fact, to end the hororganisms are the great producers of rors of which they are the victims and disease, dust Is the great carrier of wtineeses. This party la becoming so Now that we know important that the caliph some time these things, now thnt we understand coffee houaea ago had all the that in the quiet hours of the night the demolished In which they were accusgerm-lade- n dust settles down upon the tomed to meet and threatened them floor. It Is distressing to find bow little our knowledge is put to practical use, with a general massacre. However, It and to see old customs still unchanged, la my opinion that England will not old habits, which we know to be dethe Soudan until her occupareconquer to find the structive. carried on, and Is permanent and until of tion Egypt housemaid on her knees, with her no needs she pretext to justify her brush and dustpan, stirring up dust to presence on tho Nile. After the rethe detriment of every one, and breathcent defeats on the Red sea aide the particles to her own ing germ-ladeSoudanese have a holy terror of the destruction. possible Italians also, and (heir most terrible It needs but a entail amount of common sense to see that, if tbe carpets cures Is: May you be struck by an must continue a thing greatly to be Italian ball.' laX deprecated they should be rubbed with a damp doth rather than LADY SOMERSET, Re Kotleed the Firet Mae Itepldl? and that. If. in (lefirence to the Use of Ills Offense Overlooked. I brushed; Hoad. the raising vegetables on email Spinning: Duel this must be brushed, they prejudice, I wart the made Ex-been of C. Commissioner have land that of bents bicycles assigned to each patient pieces should be done by a covered American Do you know who have. be will there Then room with lp In this wny. you best tea poultry of raising, with damp plenty sweeper, Generally when a thief takes a maof removing dirt the care of eggs In their preservation I am? Arizona Clerk "Wall, I don't th uc away from the outside of a leaves. Of all ways Ex-C. ComIs worst from a carpet, the by the use for shipping. Bee keeping, with prepa- know ez I do, partner. Rivera. where he picks tbe best of sev-irwhich inshort brush, I waC for ration the of of ordinary the will "Sir, missioner (pompously) honey market, he rips the tires of those he leaves kneeling down also be provided for. The dairy work once a commissioner of tbe District cf kthlnd so that pursuit Is delayed until volves the houseinnld's widen she so will furnish much )t Is too late. One thief, the other la the midst of the dnst Oh, that's employment, for, be- Columbia. Arizona Clerk erentes. and drawing It Into We never bring keek, wanted the earth and so got left. needlessly with sides the milking and bottling of the all right, tenderfoot. orbreath. For every there were three machines standing her lungs household use something like product, butter and cheese making will up a man's past ag'ln him here. together and he took tbe lot ridding dinary linoleum something which can be be Included. Then tho laundry work Washington Times. tff with one empty machine trundling will bn quite a factor In the village washed with n wet doth every morni on a had each side of him. lie llong lie the best coverto seem would Besides these there will be economy. ing dear way down a long hill, and if he j In tba tanmn oad disabled the two cycles he could ing for floors. Hut. if carpets must be, a needle and fancy work department, have gotten away easily with the third, and If It Is Impossible to tench tbe together wish opportunity for literary In the spring the young man's fancy the owners almost Immediately lcnmt present generation the evils of seeking employment nrd recreation. to Gladys, Nell or Nancy. Turns the of at comfort expense if the theft, and started nn foot after present On this provision for varied employus So remember let tho poec sings. lenst .it risks, Ihe roblier; apparently a most hopeless future be washed even ment which keeps the mind and body But tls summer when the maiden that cnriiets lie-t-may task. However, tlie bill proved the hat. till the day of occupied with pleasant surroundings Most with little loves Is laden. of tbe thief. The ml appar-Intl- y where they frlclitrne.1 him. and he tried to washing enuvs. a d seil swimt is far away from temptation to use alcoholic These ahe flings and that the worst for the de- Forth like hawks and bids them then rdica put on the brake. Whether he let go better than a br.rii. oue drink. Lady with a short of the right hand iiinclilue or not Is form of bi'ii.oi N al icd results. -. Strike the fluttering lirarls o, men. t known, but anyhow it was seen to Untile. New York I.ed,;i 1!1 give Illustrated BiU. Imdy Somerset says ihe com-Iiost- -d g self-respe- ct, t m. e Inn-kfipr- lt, pos-libl- e. cush-on-tlre- Mire and Kali In Japan. t There ara small "drer on the Island that or gracinna arulinimu. Tba ardusn no wire, timer iirsta of Jaiianna at will by raild Hiruugh ibe dark. Ilia miiin;i-ni;i- l tran'rn- anJ drslgua r wwnl panels above tin in Hut Blood Pure? ii.u-u- 'i A - pii-rer-d la it? Then take Ayer's and keep it so. last jin-nj- arrtwus giving Ihriu free range of every room. Tiny run over my fare, errati-hemy pllluw, iilliiilnl my fingers. and kept in awake night after night with their rustling aud gnawing. On Him llilr-- l night of iuuuim carnival 1 rolled Him servants and bad light brought. Tlie Mul lonl heard tbe eon ml and bunted arrow the murt to Iere what Ilia a uiuuu in ililuk there mnitrr wan. it? Then take Ayera Sarsaparilla and make it so. One (act is positively established and that is that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will purify the blood more perfectly, more economically and more speedily than any other remedy in the market. There are fifty years of cures behind this statement; a record co other remedy can show. Yon waste time end money when you take anything to purify the blood except till liuiim'. I Mill. Oil. rrrtaluly, certainly, hiuiuralilc laily." he anlil. bowing low aud proudly; ye. indeed: I have many, plenty of rat at the MmiiiIJI. And he nnild uot at all underoland why we eiinuld make aueb a trouble about no natural a thing, and object to thtie sure evldrnrra of abundant i roe-per- l I y, those MiniMulona of Duikuku, the god of pleiity. An laiaud Without Due Hi, by Kllxalieih Kubuiuah dcldiuurc, in the Century. An-gu- at Dishonored Drafts. When the atomirh dlahnnora the draft wiade hmmi It by the rent of the system, It 1 linreewrlly lieranne iia fund of atrength la very low. Tuunl with Hosteller's tMuiuaeb Hitter. It anon begin to pay out vigor In the klinpe of pure, rlrh blood, containing the oietmuii of inuM'le. tmiie and brain. A a sequence nf tbe new vigor afforded lb etfltn-artlie bowels perform their fuucUuua regularly. and the liver work Ilka clock work. Malaria haa ao effect upuu a ayaiein thua rein furevd. A Legitimate Kick. What la that fellow raving ao for? asked the tourlal. Mlaard the mid n I glit train lat night," Hill, explained lilllilieriirrk Well, well! 1 have areu men awear and eavort for live mlnutea or ao over mlaaiug a tralu. but lie la tbe Unit oue 1 ever knew to be at It leu bourn after tba train had gone. He haa mighty good reasons, my friend. They were rnnre'u SUTi.lMl In bullion anda dual ou that thar very train. India napo-11Journal. Ayers Sarsaparilla. Denver Directory. OTSTF ftDC 1 W rtrks-Ofl- famnlliig Kidd Block. 0vrem--A I,L Ism fc. vsluliMli ore Inti Mis O- u- Albany Danvar. Poskat mall-- hlppcf. jimm Mi. TRUSSES. CRUTCHES KsUblloked ltd! bl. Jsuioo. ihb rsills Mnot. ACHlklUT OMsdri of MININO PRINTIXO , Mschlut-nrsib Pips threading and eulUug. Wl a. fight Elrvsliifw KncsA kllVK CALL OU ADDRKM AKA? A IoOA1H)NKH KLOCJL KKT. 1 IMVkK. . K SMOKE DRY MHoifur CLIMATE CIGARS Uu. MSS Arspohoom. Everybody Wanta It. At Irast every one tinea who aranta to aave GROCERIES rattrra tla money. Send for It. The Coldna Kugie sud Wska. minis mmii SI. All Catalogue for Pall auil Winter. Kent free, and euate you abaolutely nothing. Twill BURLINGAMES E. aave you money ou I try Honda. Clnaka. Millinery, Klines, Hoys' nothing and llroeertes. one all Iteuily Sept. l.Y Don't full lo get we wnut you to iln Is to send ymir name, we'll do tbe rest. The (iolileu Eagle, corner EMablhhed In Co!nmdo,"uflL Bamplua by mall or tfixlceuib and Lawrence 81.. Denver. Colo. si pros will rocotvs prompt and eanfol Bliss don Mulls Cigar g. ASSAY OFFICE He I'nderatnod Frrfertly. Paraon Jnnea (returning from church, to amall Imy with pnlel Io yon know where little buya go who go Uahlug on the 8al)- - GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Raflaad, Maltad lad Assayad or PnrcbsMd. Aidrms. I7M sad 1721 Lawrcaca SL. DENYEt, COUL buihr Yon Juat bet 1 KiiiiiII Hoy (wllh pride) do uml I nln't goln' to give the auap away, cllhcr." Texaa Klfler. Denver Public Sampling Works, Invest la Homethlng Safa. M. K. SHtTKg NlliMlfTi lands Eastern Try a ranch, ltallmnd ORES SOLD OR THE : ten low land time; Ciilnruiln; years' PUBLIC MARKET. Denver, Colo. first payment on three whole arrtlona. C. K. Wnutlnuil, special agent. HZ5 17th, Denver. He Will i. there are LUM.teM.OOO atari In TMM COMPANY PAYS THK FRKICHT the sky." She ttli. there must be mors than that. If yon alnlil out last night till you In Ihslr aooiBHSHms steal buna whim. Will uha Free Stums of fork butsstoachihift Detroit lsiustassaCs lreaa. had counted them." bo gam anirwhars sod raUabl as so taxis D a jvk ora ga M la It not a fuel that von hare had lota of an, whs) or tu r not It trouble with poor leaturr In yonr harneaa rmahi Into ood ataoi ood will load and aaddlcK? When lu need nf more, write Ml Is oo. Uvor bfookiug. Mu, me for ralalngiie uml prirea. Will guarantee now raooiog f wilbotl eu bone'll work. Will inert bona fide prices Wo Bisk horn. 1U It'A W. quoted yon. aame qiinllty of goods and murh better made. (I. w. Lancaster, Iffi Larimer street, Iteuver. Plan's Cure for CnnsiiiiiptUm la tha beat of all cough cures. lieorge V. Lots, La.. Anguat ZU. Hsufi. Dear me." exclaimed the find father, Md on op Hand (nr as llloatrotod draoter to TH S anxiously; "whatever can lie tho matter with WHIM CO.. UnUuilM.lMoon (tote, the baby) It Isn't crying." I'urk. prb-ea- ot lonmk yr Itull'a Catarrh Cara taken Is Internally. I'rlcc, 75c. kid?" Wantcr flip pennies, yer With pleasure, asked the rude little Imy. Will answered the Hostntilan Infant. ynn choose the obverse or Indianapolis Journal. four-eye- Be d itandtha Baby la CnUlag Teeth, as that ul,l ood nr wall-trie- d Winus's Uuutmiiio moody. Kaa Mur tor Children Tssiblagi Last night I took a long a: roll with (be I ahoiilil one I love licat In all the world. think you would get tired of walking by Detroit Free I'rrss. yourself. nmmuimttv need. Its rITB (topped teso and lfr. to olo-- r lot day' uw KllucaUreot Karra FresSlinalnuttmitiidtraaMsa. Kmnnr, Ibtiui to Da. JLIsSS, Ml Aruh UL, Philadelphia, Pa. Did yon ever have any aerlou accidents Dill I? It was while while traveling)" traveling through Ihe South that I mat my Itaxsr. wife." IIarn-rDid l'oa Ever Hee an Indian? Expert rot, ao send a two-reatamp to the (iem-rs- l Passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad. Denver, and he will send you a fine colored picture of one. I won't go until you tell me yon love Tie me. She I wish you bad said so auoner." Town Topics. 1M ns FISH BltAgD BLICKIR In ln4 witlkir Is wirrsimd watrr-proo- r, Tbf IbohardMIBltjrm. vnodrjr HLPXLU la a perfect nd In coat, aod wmsthscatunasddK Beware uflislulkws. oan'l law a oust If Ihe Ihah Brand'' Is nut on H. A. J. T'twEB. Hoatnn, Maas. nw POMHEb FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SiCX av just Don't Pnel Wall," "LB LIVER PILLS are tha Oaa Thins to aa. ONLY ONI PON A D08I. ago. at Drusiioia Saatpla wailed froo. Banska Mad. Ca. Thtls. Ih. LINDSEY0MAHARUBBERS1 19 Years Accumulated Science and Skill The reason the greet factories et Hartford, Conn., where the fammis Columbia bicycles ore mode, ore building tuch maichlca machinn today fa, became for 19 yean they have profited by every experience and have carried on their investigations in the broadest scientific spirit. J J J V ,ii !'. micro-organism- s. ere recognfecd aH over Europe and America as unequalled, unapproached. n STANDARD OF THE WORLD Art Cstalngnv, tailing fully nf mil Gdnmhlat, and of Hartford ffiryelra, trust worthy of hiwtr price, I free fnan any Culumltia agent; by mail lur two sumps. Cnbir-.M- a machlua ! POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Coin. Brandi Slum and Agencies In slmnat every city and town. If Columbia, ara not praptfty represented In your vicinity, let us know. al Look Out , j ; l For Imitations of Wa!' 'r Baker & Co.s Premium No. i Chocolate. Always ask for, and sec that you get, the article made by 'f uu-Bol- .- J STENCILS, Dsn. Hovly P. U-- Bos II. E. Km : Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. h.j Ur .mv.-fra- . .5.- - .av..TTT 11, |