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Show STATE OF TRADE AS SEEN BY BRADSTREET NEW TORK. Jan. ZL Braditrwt's today says: - Industry sun maintains a position of pre-eminent pre-eminent activity, while distributive trade for spring, not as yet fully opened, lacks definite form la some lines. . Lumber v to strong at. higher pices than last year. With the exception of the South and portions of the Southwest, where lower priced cotton effect collections and clouds tbe future, the feeling Is one of great confidence In the future end particularly as to the ensuing year's business. busi-ness. Collections are irregular, being best In the Northwest and Central West and poorest In the South, where low cotton depresses trade. v Iron and steel In Its cruder forms have been rather quieter this week. end. tbe winter edge of demand .being taken oiT. the foundry Iron and Bessemer pig have been shaded In price. Early predictions of a small gain In gross railroad earnings for the year 1904 over 1903, the best hitherto reported, are confirmed by reports to Bredstreet's of a fraction of 1 per cent Increase for the lsst twelve months. December De-cember gross, receipts show K gain-of 1 per cent over Wol. but for the first half of Jaa-usry Jaa-usry the Increase la considerably smaller than last year. Business failures In the United States' for the week ending January U numbered 104. aralnst 295 last week. 2M In the like week in 1H04. 253 in 1903. 22 In 102 and 1 In 1901. In Canada failures for the week number 37, as aralnst 24 last week and 2$ in the week a year aro. Wheat. Including flour, exports for the week ending January 12. are 1.138.974 bushels, against 700,960 last week. 3.&M.59S last year, 3,638,697 In 1902 and 1,(39.671 In 1901. From July 1 to date tbe exports are 38.010.-1W 38.010.-1W bushels, against 9B.829.5U last year, 142,-072.567 142,-072.567 In 1902 and 157.1U.726 In 1901. Corn exports for the week are J. 188.529 bushels, bush-els, against 2.982,014 last week. 1.150.202 a year ago, 2.276.683 In 1903 and 179,520 In 1901. From July 1 to date ths exports of corn are 24.-805,410 24.-805,410 bushels, aralnst 32.001.006 In 1903, 192,-862.681 192,-862.681 In 1901 and 190.941.024 In 190L |