Show died in slaterville Slat erville utah saturday buce is 1898 of general debility after a lingering sic sickness knees of three months icah eon son of ralph and harriet wardle aged 58 years 8 months and eighteen daye days deceased was born in manchester od ild oct 1 1811 1841 and Is a twin brother ot of mrs thomas D brown he ile came to america in 1861 and resided in williamsburg rhode island in 1812 hie his parents and anci family landed onAm on amerl cri can foil soil and with them be wended bid way to utah settling fl ettlin in sugar house ward sail salt lake county fie ile shortly afterwards married miss alisan by whom he be had two children he the old eat died very young this lady died auguet 1865 in sugar house ward ard salt lake county leaving him with a 14 months old babe leaving abig babe with bia big mother in law he trav aled around going aa as far as austin nevada having baying at one time aa as traveling companion elder moroni brown of ogden while in nevada he became attached to the mining industry becoming quite an expert in that line lie ile returned to utah a and n d married aply 25 1668 miss rebecca b ec D brown by whom be he had fourteen children twelve of 0 whom survive him in 1868 he took up land and erected a email small dwelling house on the place now owned by father john chugg in the farr west ward thie this county not being satisfied with farming life bis tile instincts again led him to a mining life we and in 1871 be he again a went to austin nov nev where shortly afterwards afterward be he was followed by bis his wife and two children in the fall of 1883 1885 he and th the e family returned to utah and set settled aled in slater vine ville where hu he made bis his home up to the day of bis his demise he ile possessed quick perceptive abilities and pleasing address in 1806 he went to england on business and pleasure but the damp atmosphere was too heavy and he be caught cold on his lungs from which he lie never fairly recovered the impressive funeral services were held in slaterville Slat erville meeting house on monday june under the funeral rites of the episcopal church conducted by rev malson maison of the church of good shepard oden ogden there was a very larce large turnout turn out all adlof of hie big children except his first born BOO son who is in canada were ere present and the beautiful casket wag was literally covered with exquisite floral floal emblems the cortege following the beautiful bearre hearre of undertaker linquist headed by rev maison malson to ogden city where the last ead sad rites of the episcopal Epie copal church earth to earth ashes to ashes athes and dust duet to dust were solemnized by rev maison was very larse larze thus was laid to rest a loving father and an affectionate husband to await the great trumpet sound of the resurrection morn leaving leavin a loving wife thirteen model children twelve living grand children and a host of friends to morn bia his loss 1099 peace to bis his ashes fishes |