Show AGED COUPLE FIGHT TO THE TIIE DEATH with a na Haic nei tuey they hack rack each other in a small boom room washington june 24 one ot at the bloodiest tragedies enacted in washington for or years year occurred last night in a little room in the rear reir of au twenty second street N W wm 11 brooks a veteran ol 01 the civil war a pensioner and until recently a watchman in the navy department was killed by ba his wife martha with a hatchet she in turn being fatally injured with the came same weapon the old couple brooks beine 75 and bis his wife 63 65 lived alone and there were DO no itne witnesses ases to the tragedy about geo goo L lareen larsen a friend ot of the brooke brooks called and not getting Retti nj a response to his ble knock entered the bouse brooks was just breathing hia his last lasts and mrs 31 re broo brooks ke was unconscious the walls of the email small room were spattered with blood and the floor was running with it |