Show BOARD OF 1 union light power company want reduction yesterday afternoon after the close of 1 THE STANDARDS report the board of equalization beard heard a lare large number of complaints among a them the union liht light power company the follo following willi was the business as transacted jeremia jerema freeman real estate ch changed angea 0 to win ward Gerl gertrude rude IV carr personal pers persona onil tet deuced to E A smith real estate reduction redaction do de I 1 nied assessment to N eng loan ta T oo 00 change ordered pioneer electric power coreal estate listing list ici corrected all property asses assessed sod to pioneer company ordered transferred to union light power company R S a campbell and E W wade appeared for company asked reduction in assessment of pipe line referred to assessor that the land upon which ditches of the company were located referred to county attorney several chances changes were made in the listing and in substitution of other names matter of raising assessment of john dabb was taken under advisement rafus rufus garner improvements decreased to 70 robert graham listing corrected lee kynett reduction denied edward roger improvements floo Je decreased creased to 1300 this morning the board met with all present property assessed to F D richards was ordered assessed to eueene eugene robinson to W 01 wilson and to wm win parker henry garner thoi thai L williams iame weber county land live sock co C S terry and john amiller S miller asked tor for reductions the board reduced 11 garriet arriet S pollock improvements 1700 to 1400 nellie 21 31 fisher improvements to mrs D S reynolds stricken off geo II 11 tribe mortgage stricken off evelyn P Swe sheneen Ss neen redaction denind |