Show GERMANY IS ALL RIGHT cabinet discusses prominent features of the war washington june 24 the only important development at cabinet meeting was the positive statement on the question of the attitude of germany with respect to the philippines the secretary of state has received assurances which settles beyond question all doubts on an this point germany has no intention present or prospective of interfering ter fering in any way with the policy or plans of the united states in regard to the occupation of the islands its attitude lias been and will continue to be one ot of strict neutral neutrality ty this statement coming from hiah officials sources I 1 is is accepted by this government in perfect good faith and is regarded w d as final and conclusive no further attention will be paid by this government to a aay reports to the contrary which are constantly being sent out itis it is believed in the interest ot of spain official reports received from admiral dewey at manila state there baa has never been an intimation that germany or any other nation by its naval representative had bad ever shown the least disposition to overstep the line of strict neutrality nor has there been any reason to believe that their sympathies were strongly with the spanish in the present struggle the situation of the forces at santiago and baicu i irl i was discussed at some length by the cabinet Noti nothing lint of a disquieting nature has been received and it is expected that when the troops have all been landed and the heavy siege suns guns and equipment are ready tor for a forward movement the fall of santiago will be a onty only a short time the oatlie aw in ve mente ments of the cadiz eeb w were ere I 1 but no apple vi wt elfi I 1 ia la a jt rr ft i regard to it |