Show FIRST OF ALL THE NEWS the standard fights fair i absolutely fearless and independent it may therefore at aimee support either democratic mo cratic ro pullet or independent can aa the best interest of utah and her people may require it is the sin cereal friend the people have 11 pleads every deserving caage it is THE NEWSPAPER TERMS OF subscription tn A D by carrier in city daily standard one month f 75 daily standard one year COO semiweekly semi weekly standard we year mi weekly standard six months GO address all communications to THE STANDARD utah communications to this paper are limited to authors name must be published in full grand matinee lester park friday june from 2 p 6 p m given uy the children of misses gaiter and woodcocks kindergarten an excellent program has been arranged in which eyth corey will give the skirt dance fords orchestra will fur niah music for dancing admission 10 ceala refreshments extra reuben and cynthia cynthia cynthia ive been thinking what a eoon thine I 1 choul hope if the eirls in all creation would do their with never is a minute when SILK in it CHICK sick headache bi lio conati pa lion and all atone a and live troubles can be quickly cured by famous little pills known as de witts little early ris they ar cleasant flea sant to take and nev er gripe C L PEEBLES 00 gt 5 seo COO f v W C r il i l J 2 epe g ss ta p w 1 1 1 afi s 00 0 s assa I 1 a 2 ais OS 1 pi 44 a I 1 a wf M 2 5 a 0 S as asnass 6 Js 5 ft ca e 1 5 u as g 11 ass ass 0 a 3 a aoe 2 te a S S 0 5 3 a fc g CO u u 2 S 4 S z 2 2 ami t 0 2 1 C e J 1 s 0 2 gs s S aj s wa 5 J a 3 a s fes 0 J ba special attention Is culled to m car leaving treet which will afford busl nese 1 to pet bath and return or the last inetor wh ilch leaves the s 40 pm tickets oil sale at asha drue store and windsor hotel the chief burges of de vitta little early risers aro the beet pills he ever used in his family during forty beare of house keeping they cure eick headache and stomach and liver troubles small in size but reat in results C L PEEBLES washes everything bu t sin S alk you want style and wearing qualities EW line they are beauties too TABLES ladies shoes size 2 3 5 your A choice ladies too slip HIP c oxfords slices ladies oxfords Ox fords tan and black uv quality way above the price stylo not alio latest but you get than your worth ladies waists are full of stylo and of the ablo quality prices cac and although wo do not advertise that we aro selling goods at cost or hall price wo DO say that we allro nevar undersold under sold and you can always depend on tho quality of our goods I 1 SONS and 2362 wash ave oden utah f for random references see what john scow croft sons company bay about SILK SOAP OREGON SHORT LINE RY special excursion rates to northern utah idaho and oregon saturday july 2 1898 the following rates are authorized or the of excursion tickets rom CODEX atair to points in northern utah and points in idaho and oregon saturday july KATE LIMIT britain 75 15 1 50 15 mention 1 75 15 2 00 15 15 richmond 2 50 15 franklin 2 75 15 breeton Pre eton 3 00 15 oxford 75 15 mccrinmon McCa inmon 35 bancroft 5 75 SO montpelier 8 10 SO pocatello 5 50 15 blackfoot Black toot 6 70 W idaho falls 8 00 market lake 8 85 10 5 1 spencer 11 15 1 american falls ti 50 minidoka Mini doka 7 50 shoshone Shoe hone 8 50 bellevue Bell evne 11 25 II ailey 11 50 mountain 13 carapa ag bobee city 17 50 caldwell 17 00 ontario On turio 18 50 18 75 weiser 10 50 21 transit limit ol 01 5 alv direction will be allo bearing final 0 other tickets will be lit oua passage in each hrar special train for aa will connect as train no 7 july 2 isoko m in the sincerest since reet flattery your grocer or i M I 1 11 EA POT TEA WITH IN for 1 by 1 11 1 1 dealers MARK OF SO CALLED teapot leae they are cheap troah refuse all ftuer of a worthy article and to health Wholesale Co grocers UTAH |