Show n 3 I 0 Heres Here s Your Answer By FREDERICK FREDERICI J. J HASKIN Salt Lake Telegram Information Bureau I I Washington D. D DC D.C. C. C Q How lone before belore they are marketed should turkeys be put on fattening ration T. T. T M.A. M. M A A. A The Poultry I Item m says that the thc fattening aliening process begins from one month to six weeks before market time About Abou the middle of ot October whole corn is gradually added to the grain rain ration o of wheat and oats During Dur- Dur In ing ng the last 10 days feed all aU the corn they hey will eat It is very important that the corn is 15 well cured and not new Q What proportion of college women attend coeducational In- In r. P. P. P S. S R U A. A Approximately three-fourths three of oC the college women in the United States attend coeducational colleges Q Tow How many children has has has' Edsel Ford T. Ford T. T A. A A A. A He has four Henry four Henry II Benson Ben son soil Josephine Clay and WilliamQ William Q Q Does the sun son rotate rot upon its Us axis S. S S. S E. E A. A It rotates from west to cast Q Is bear meat palatable palatable- M. M IIA II H. A A. American Indians and hunters consider it quite savory and palatable palata palata- ble Q Q- Who was the first owner of Natural Bridge Virginia Virginia Virginia- P. P G. G A. A Thomas Jefferson He built bum a lodge nearby f for r the shelter of ot stran stran- gers gem Q Do man many tourists co go 0 to Switzerland U. II E. E A A. There are more than visitors to Switzerland annually The country has nearly hotels Q How v much iron should a aday's aday's aday's days day's food provide for the human system system system-G. G. G M.A. M. M A. A At least 15 milligrams This is the equivalent of one two thousandths of an ounce Q What was 15 the origin of the ten and store idea idea idea- 1 G. G T. T A. A F F. W. W Woolworth worked in a adry adry dry goods store at a counter where five and aid ten cent articles were sold He evolved the idea of starting such sucha a store and opened the first one in 1879 1 Q Please give elve the or gui r 01 I patchwork quilts F. F. F C 1 A. A Patchwork I is older tory toy originating rJ t t than b hl doubtless primitive economic need of ot n scraps of or cloth It was one Ont of S decorative tive arts practiced by v cien civilizations uch a an anand ri as the and Chinese c. c In Europe w it u-i u shing at t the time of the w C n flo flor r when was employed i making makin of battle banners ae and t t cries In America the t. t readers can get tin 11 i answer to any question of ot fa fart fact l by writing The Salt Lake Tee Teto I gram grain Information Bureau I Frederic J. J Haskin Director I Washington D. D C. C Please se Ini In close three 3 cents for tor reply i rived with the earliest settlers a direct heritage from England 1 Q Did Charles and MarJ Lamb collaborate in J Talc of Shakespeare S. S. S F F. F A. A Charles Lamb wrote the trag o 3 dies and d his sister wrote the e coin dies They were published book in on oni one Q What rivers are ore crossed 11 br the James river bridge system So S. S. S C C. 1 A. A The rhe James Chuckatuck K and Ind Nansemond rivers The three bridges with their approaches operated by one corporation constitute the long est cst hJ highway Abridge system in th the world |