Show ALLO ALLOWED WED WEDIN IN TAX OPTIONS EXEMPTIONS A J Disabled Veterans and Children Children Chil Chil- dren Benefit Exemptions allowed disabled veterans veter veter- ans aas or their children under the general gen eral property tax in Utah this year total the slate state tax co commis commission unis- unis lion sion reported Friday The commission granted exemption applications from 1629 property taxpayers tax tax- payers in this class compared with 1317 applications granted in 1933 I T There re were Salt Lake county veterans veterans vet vet- erans or their children receiving exemptions ex cx- totaling this year Under 1931 laws up to of f the assessed valuation of a disabled veterans veterans veteran's veterans veteran's vet vet- erans eran's taxable property is exempt the amount depending on the di disability abil- abil l ity percentage of the taxpayer |