Show LLOYD GEORGE RAPS EARL RL HAIG HAlO Later Field Fh Field ld Marshals Marshal's Conduct of War Attacked in Memoirs LONDON Oct 26 An JP-An P An attack on n the late Field Marshal Earl Haig commander in thief chief hie of the British fOrces in the l later ter stages stages' of f the tile war especially for the conduct of the operations op operations op op- at in late 1917 is s co contained tai cd In Tin the fourth fourth- volume of David Llo Lloyd d Georges George's w war ar r memo memories ies p published today has peculiar cance anceto to Canadian troops were thrown into the breach there and nd was finally taken but jut with heavy losses Lloyd George declared BritIsh Brit Brit- ish sh lives were squandered in jn the quagmire in in order to satisfy the vanity and insane egotism egoism ego ism of Haig who according to the wartime British leader wilfully and misled the war cabinet withholding with with- holding facts which would have prevented prevented pre- pre vented the futile destruction After promising there would be no heavy y losses Josses Haig gambled on the chance hance that the Germans would break rather ather than confess his failure to th the politicians who had deposed Sir John French rench for a less stupendous err of ot judgment at Loos says Lloyd George Georgc At Loos Leos in 1915 no ground was gained but the British suffered heavy helvy losses Lloyd George says that Haig should have ave been relieved of the general command early in 1918 because he was vas inadequate for h his gigantic task |