Show SPECIALIZED TRAINING NEED TOLD BY SPEAKER Vocational Teachers Urged to Prepare Students Students Students Stu Stu- dents for Jobs Under New Deal The new deal is a challenge to vocational teachers to prepare students students stu dents for tomorrows tomorrow's job That was the thc message of Dr Edwin A. A Lee San Francisco superintendent o of schools at the opening meeting of ot the Utah Education association association asso vocational section in the Hotel Utah Friday Teachers must be prepared to give more specialized training to assist pupils in better choice of ot life work and to aid in controlling the thc supply of ot workers to the thc several industries Dr Lee said As the session concluded Howard Gunderson of ot Salt Lake City state superintendent of oC trade and industrial industrial industrial indus indus- trial education was hamed named president of the thc section for the coming year He succeeds Miss Etta state supervisor of home economics L. L C. C of oC Bear River high school Garland Utah was elected secretary I Problems of training for tomorrows tomorrow's tomorrows tomorrow's tomorrows tomorrow's tomor tomor- rows row's job center about the trend toward shorter hours and later entry of youth into industry which is here hereto to stay Dr Lee told the teachers Predicting an increase of oC specialization special in the lower levels of Industrial industrial indus trial work he also pointed toward a need for a higher degree of all all- round craftsmanship so that a n man can function In several different capacities capacities ca ca- ca and operations Prevocational training to aid boys and girls in selecting life works will willbe willbe willbe be more vitally necessary than ever Dr Lee said Vocational education must neither supply too few workers to any industry nor flood it with too many Because vocations change adult vocational classes also will be ben n needed eded Shorter hours also bring up p the thc problem of ot leisure use the speaker said Workers today are re taking an interest in politics and beginning to Inquire into the whys and wherefores wherefores where where- fores ores of civilization Great groups are arc studying even such obscure subjects subjects sub subS as astronomy It will be the function unction of educational leaders to satisfy this desire for learning Dr Lee said he expected a wise scheme of old age insurance to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear in our national life shortly The Thc young man today is th the real forgotten man James R. R Coxon of ol Washington D. D C. C federal director of at industrial education said in outlining present opportunities of ot youth Because codes were emergency measures they paid no attention to the young Child labor legislation has brought about a steady increase In n the numbers of oC older workers and anda a corresponding decrease in numbers of at workers under 21 needed in indus Indus- try While this trend Is generally bene the national must realize that thai much of education is acquired through contact with real life and the best learning period is from the thc years 16 to 20 Mr Coxon described a national system of apprenticeship which the government has set up under which apprentices are brought into to contact with their employers and educators under auspices of state committees |