Show OCTOBER BUSINESS BEST SINGE SINCE SPRING SPRINO Revival Reported From All Al Parts of Country NEW YORK Oct 26 Reports W-Reports received front from rom all parts of the country this week said the Dun Bradstreet weekly trade review today brought brough a tide of ot statistical evidence that October Oc Oe tober lober operations will be the most satisfactory satisfactory sat sat- that have been recorded since spring pring The review cited the 8 to 12 per cen cent gains in dollar dolIar totals of retail trade above the 1933 figures The abandonment of ot the central centra bank project and the shifting of emphasis emphasis em em- from tram monetary and other governmental governmental gov gov- measures it continued to Nto a pressure for expansion of at private vate loans are considered indicative of a heavier bearing to the night in order to achieve business busine revival Although somewhat more favorable favorable favora favora- ble the leading industrial indices lacked sufficient uniformity to set a definite trend but the thc upside was fa Ia- |