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Show HEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADKK I"' MmM ffi an art M'bm tftirtffli utr" : "Best in the Long Run" SHAW & IVERSON UNDERTAKERS Mileage Raised LICENSED EMBALMERS AND fcxeerienced r'uneral Directors BURIAL SUPPLIES. Night Phones: Mr. N. E. Iverson, 77.A-Mr. N. E. Shaw, 54.A-- 2 Day Phone, 14 Tremonton, Utah. and Prices 2 tut ffi Safety Tread, 6000 miles Silvertown Cord, 8000 miles A HOME PRODUCT f Dealers in "THE DOUBLE LIFE BATTERY" Sinn's Garage W. W. as much to operate as other Cheaper per horsepower tkan kerosene lamps Owen costs 77m? one-fift- Units. At last farmers are able to secure the perfected Light and Power. This plant is the Owen." Until the Owen came, farmers had to be content with makeshift units. Crude, final-typ- e should care for, the engine starts automatically. Even the lubrication is automatic. Aside from the matchless convenience this automatic control offers, it also multiplies the life of the batteries overcoming coctly replacements formerly necessary. h As a result the Owen costs you but as much to operate as other units. It offers you illumination and power at less per candle-powthan kerosene lamps. The Owen has a '"'si lent valve" engine which cannot leak. Compression remains perfect. Grinding of valves and scraping of carbon are unnecessary.' It will light as high as 100 lamps without flick ering. It has more capacity for running a water system, churns,, cream separators, washing machines, milking machines, electric fans, irons and toasters. Dozens of such reasons as this should urge you to know the Owen before you decide. Come in and let us explain the many Owen Stop in and ask us: "Which is the correct grade of Gargoyle Mobiloils for my motor?" We will refer you to the Chart of Recommendations and supply you with the correct grade. Steed Bros. Garage 1 We also sell bran, shorts, and cither millsriiffe & GARLAND MILLING CO. GARLAND, UTAH 3 Palace Barber Shop Harry Darton, Prop. A place to gee a Clean Shave or a Stylish E Phone 270J G. S. HORSLEY, Salesman Notice to Creditors. Estate of Annetti H. Thompson, De BRIGHAM, UTAH Mobiloils DR R. A. LEWIS OFFICE: OVER DRUG CO. THOMPSON-SCOT- Office Phone, 69. T HEM ONTO N. UTAH SHIELD HOTEL LANE & FOWLhR. Proprietors Where you get the best to eat, good service and JSOQO ' A Louis Christensen Venerable Consul. Clerk. i3 3 Anyplace, of Tire Valqe monton, E. F. D. No. 1. on or before the 19th day of November, A. D. JUNIS THOMPSON, the Executor of Soren Thompson, only good words for Racine YOU hearThe "Country Road" or the "Multi-Mile- " Cord demonstrates its superiority in actual rr ieage. Each represents the peak of tire viua. Fielding;, General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Wood. Quick Service. All Work Guar W. an teed. We Try to Satisfy FOR SUCCESS WITH Careful, Conscientious Work It Real Factor in Most Every Case Don't Take Chances. ment of Agriculture.) - - Depart- For your early laying pullets next fall don't take any chances. Always remember that the future to a large 'extent Is the direct outcome of yesterday and today. One often hears the term "good luck" or "bad luck" in connection with hatchings or brood-ingwhen as a matter of fact, luck, good or bad, would be more properly termed good or bad management. If one is "unlucky" enough to forget to fill the lamp or close the door against cats or rats, one may be unlucky enough to meet with losses. Unfortunately, luck does play a part once In awhile, both for good or bad. Careful, conscientious work Is the real factor for Hiiccess in most every case, s, LOWE, COURT OF THE FIRST, JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR BOX ELDER COUNTY. Dora Brown, Plaintiff, j ' vs- T. Hudson and Ella Hudson, his wife, and State Bank of Tremonton, AV. - Keep a complete stock of tJiese Extra Tested Tires. Always ready endv anxious r to serve you. a corporation, and Otto Meek, De-- 4 fendants. Sheriff's Sale. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 1st day of August, 1919, at twelve o'clock noon, at the front door of the County Court House in Brigham City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, all the right, title, and interest of the above named defendants, of ,in and to the following described, real prop-erty, situated in Tremonton, Box Elder County, Utah, Lots Eleven (11) Twelve (12) Thirteen (i:t) and Fourteen (14) of Block Seven (7), Plat "A" Tremontou Townslte. Dated this 8th day of July, A. D. Farmers' Cash Union Tremonton. Utah David Holmgren, Manager TREMONTON, UTAH ii omomoo PULLETS (Prepared by the United States . ... we NOTARY PUBLIC 23 J. Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication July 18th. Last August 14th, 1919. Extra Tests in Racine Rubber Company factories put extra vr.! ::c in these tires. Each Extra Test adds def:nite value. Each adds miles of service. Practices in All State Courts, Feader Courts and before the United States Land Office. Phone De- ceased. IN THE DISTRICT LAWYER Utah 1919. Anytime McGUIRE D. ALVA LOWE, Notice to Creditors. Estate of Soren Thompson, Deceased: Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Tre- THE FAMILY HOTEL CALL HADLEY'S GARAGE UTAH TREMONTON, Phone No. 18 W.E. BERNDT J. Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication July 18th. Last August 14th, 1919. A "The Peak B. A. Clem Haul Anything, Mile Guarantee fff'fffTf yfi.ii. Auto Transfer courteous attention Thompson, Deceased. W. Racioe "Country Road MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA MeKinley Camp No. 10198, Modern Woodmen of America, meets the First and Third Tuesdays of each month at Fraternal Hall. Members urged to attend. Visiting neighbors invited. N. E. Shaw, . Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at - Tremonton, R. F. D. No. 1. on or before the 19th day of November, A. D. 1919. JUNIS THOMPSON, the Administrator of Annetti M. Lodge Directory. DENTIST notices. Consult County Clerk or respective signers for further particulars. ceased. L t. Probate and Guardianship features to you. A post-car- d or a telephone call will bring us to call on you. X. F. HARTMAN, District Agent Hair-cu- Courteous Attention to Our Customers YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED Tremonton, Utah t EQUAL TO ANY FLOUR er day we are receiving orders from farmers who have been yaiting. The Owen's success has been instant. It is a new conception. It offers you betterments such as have never been offered by any other plant. The Owen starts and stops itself. It is completely automatic. No running down to the cellar to turn it on or off. When the batteries are partially discharged, the engine starts automatically. When they are fully charged, it stops automatically. When you require more current than, the batteries We hare an especially good window display this week. In it you will find samples of automobile accessories you are likely to need. Our display of Gargoyle Mobiloils cans Is especially striking. - one-fift- Each plant. FLOUR i h -- Shuman, Prop. "Pride of Utah" Don't DecideUntil You KnowTheO too small, expensive to operate. Still many bought these temporary units. They could no longer content themselves with kerosene lamps and the lack of electric power. Many hesitated, waiting for just such a plant as the Owen. Now those who have already bought units are replacing them with this Look ! ' Yes, more than that, it is a QUALITY PRODUCT. DNDERTAKERS i For Your Own Protection Be Certain Every Racine Tire You Buy Bears tho Name RACINE RUBBER COMPANY x RACINE, WISCONSIN LICENSED EHBALMERS Full Line of Caskets and Burial Supplies Racine "Multi-Mile- " . Cord SEPARATE SHOW ROOM 1919. JOB WELLING, Tremonton Furniture Co. ' oimomo Let Us Print Your Sale Bills Sheriff Box Elder County. BY JOSEPH R. OLSEN, Deputy, TERMS OF fcALE: CASH. Bear River Yalley luat why is a mean miinf But The Leader is prepared to prin to prin prepared the mean man can or calling cards for ladies o tell. or thoi, only ladies or visiting, eards for calling visiting, IVn't be a fossil; subscribe for The gentlemen. ' ailv ' adv , gentlemen. LeaAer, and know what Is going on. Leader, and know what Is going on. Read The Leader fur the news. The Leader is ' Real Estate Insurance Agency N. E. IVERSON, Phone 99 Manager Tremonton, Utah' |