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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER ttUSS NOBLEWOMAN DESCRIBES ATROCITIES OF THE BOLSHEVIKI Hundreds of Persons Tortured in the Most Inhuman Fashion Before Being Put to Death and Their Estates Pillaged and Mansions Razed Thousands Die From Hunger All Over Mrs. Alice Viola Parsons, a Denver beauty specialist, ap- peared before a jury in Judge G. W. Dunn's division of the county court in more roles than it is given most persons to play In court. She is plaintiff, defendant plaintiff's attorney and star witness in a suit brought by herself against the Instant company, of which she holds 40 per cent of the stock. The suit is being contested by other stockholders in the concern. Mrs. Parsons claims that the company obtaned valuable wrinkle eradicating formulas from her and has withheld her salary. She asserted that she had no money left from the venture, and so was obliged to net as her own attorney. Country. ; , By RANDALL PARRISH ... i Copyright, ly A. C. AluClurg Anti-Wrink- s - good-size- ring-leader- Har-woo- .syiyM $ &. Co. CHAPTER XIX. these arms in the rack here, and be pers that the reds had sent to Siberia 13 300 Russian barons, and also some ready for business the rest will be done in a hurry. I'll wait here for Laying the Trap. bourgeoisie ; some died and the others Our first job was executed much your report" returned two months after. more easily than I had anticipated. At the very best Watkins could "Although under our roof lived a We caught Manuel sound asleep, and. scarcely perform the task assigned or of bolsheviki military guard reds, LeVere had sinewy hands at his throat him In less than an hour. The success good luck kept us from sharing their before the fellow could grasp a or failure of our effort" depended enlot. 1 cannot describe the last days. weapon. The narrowness of the state- tirely upon taking these fellows by After the arrival of the Germans a room prevented my taking much part list was found of about a thousnud complete surprise. If it came to an in the affair, but the mulatto needed open fight our cause was hopeless, for persons, in which we were, who were no help, as he dragged the cursing that would mean fourteen or fifteen to be shot the very next day. Spaniard from his bunk to the deck men unarmed, pitted against over a "The reign of the Germans lasted and throttled him savagely. Indeed hundred thoroughly equipped and seven exactly months; they annihihe would have killed the fellow had trained fighters. Only by confining lated all our hopes, they accumulated I not interfered and twisted his hands them below, with hatches battened taxes upon tuxes; carrying away all loose, leaving Estevan barely con- down, and a carronade trained upon the food to Germany, leaving the peoscious. A blanket ripped into strips them, would we be safe. ple of our cities to starve. served to bind him securely enough I sat where I could watch the stairs, "No discipline, corruption everyfor jthe present, but I thought it best and the entire forward part of the where, no administration. Only those to lock the door, and keep the key in cabin. Gunsaules lowered the table, who deliberately closed their eyes to my own pocket LeVere would have and began preparing the morning evidence failed to see that a country knifed him even as he lay there help- meal. Finally he announced breakthus plundered aud so badly treated a hundred and fifty marks; a e less, but for my threat and insistence. fast. was not to remain long under their of sugar one hundred marks, Once back in the cabin my eyes dis"Suppose you rap on the lady's door rule. How many were etc. Also Finland tried to get rid of tinguished the frightened face of the But, alas! and ask If she will join me. yonder, ! blind so many people she had to feed, and, steward peering forth at us from out Say your message is from Senor "Then came the great catastrophe; as the bolsheviki who come up to 28 the dark of the passage leading for- Gates." the German troops fraternizing with kilometers from R had been re- ward. She came at once and seated herself the bolsheviki at W ; surrendering "Come here, Gunsaules," I said opposite me, and we .spoke of the pulsed by the Finn troops, which had to them cannon, war ammunition, and at the last moment come in aid to the sternly. "Step lively, lad ; there's noth- weather while Gunsaules served. He refusing to fight. The Germans even Letts and to the volontaire corps of ing for you to fear. Senor Estada has was still hovering about, but my anxdamaged the cannon they left to the Balthes-Germanthe Finns then or- been killed during the night, and we iety to have a word with her alone Esthes troops, which had been formed dered all fugitives to leave the country have just captured his murderer," I caused me to send him to attend Caphastily and were incapable of defend- within six days. However, we re- explained. "There is reason to believe tain Sanchez. We waited until he dising themselves, having nothing, abso- ceived, on account of my husband's bad this act was part of a conspiracy to appeared within the after stateroom, lutely nothing! condition, permission to stay until he seize the ship in connection with those bearing a tray ; then her eyes suddenwould get better. fellows amidships. Does that passage ly lifted to mine, filled with questionReds' Rule Was Worse. "Going back was an impossibility, lead to their quarters?" ing. "Then, for another year the country-wa"It did once, senor, but now there is "Tell me what has happened?" She at the mercy of the reds, and it the situation being still very grave; a second expedition wns no longer pos- a closed door of oak, studded with breathed eagerly. "I heard the noise was worse than the first time. sible for the strength v my poor hus- Iron, not only locked, but barred on of a struggle out here, and voices con"The Bolsheviki had with them Chimoreover, we had nothing left. this side. There are but two keys band; versing. Why are you alone?" nese and Red Lettes, who were terOur large city house was taken and one for the captain and the other for I leaned over to speak in as low a and those formed the ribly cruel, turned into a hospital by a Russian him who commands the buccaneers." tone as possible. And I told her the guard of the unfortunate emperor and volontaire corps. M devastated I stood there a moment, considering situation in detail and my plans. his family. and plundered! First by the bolshe- this information. The only way the She sat silently gazing at me across "On the 28th of November we viki, then by the Esths, whom the mutineers could reach the cabin then the table, her parted lips trembling to learned that W had fallen; that Germans left unpunished ; tin n by the would be from the deck, descending the Germans were leaving us in haste ; white troops and the Finns, who were through the companion. So long as and, as the German general command- fighting the reds, German properties they remained unaware of the capture , had, at the request of ing at R of Manuel there was little danger of being left unmolested. the Lettes, refused the formation of their taking such action. Lost Everything. Family troops with the men of the country, "Last year our estate had suffered, "Very well, steward," I said. "You we were left without any defense. but our magnificent castle with all its go on about your work as though noth"The lights of the electric projeciors dependencies had been respected. Now ing had happened. If any word of this of the enemy's ships already illuminat- all have pillaged it. The Finns being affair gets to the crew, or to those fel- ed our shores ; from the castle's tower more civilized stole the roost beautiful s forward, I'll hold you responsi- we could see everything; there was things paintings, bronzes, You are not to leave this cabin antique not a raiuute to be lost; The trains were etc. Finally the 36 masters' rooms a ouf my permission, nor speak to running only for the German troops; the 11 servants' rooms were plundered! one. LeVere." It was then necessary to risk traveling What they could not take away they The mulatto faced me respectfully by the inland ways, through dreadful smashed or burned. We lost everyenough, and I had a feeling he would roads aud in a country in revolution, thing. Not a sheet, not a plate or a obey orders, largely because he dare for when the Germans took posses- glass exist, and when out iutendant not rebel. sion of the provinces they took care complained to the minister of state (a "They will be wondering why you not to punish their friends, the bol- Thesthe), he answered him that natare not on deck. It will be better for sheviki ; so that we were compelled .o urally in war time everybody wanted you to take charge of the watch at see and to live with the people who to have some souvenirs. The whites once, and keep the men busy. Relieve had stolen and pillaged our properties. pillaged, as I hear, 80 estates, and they Watklns at the wheel and send the The Germans did nothing to find out were supposed to be our defenders! man down to me. He can choose the "Friends here obtained for us the fellows who will stick better than you the revolutionists and to protect us, , where we permission to come to K nothing ! could, and then can circulate among Potatoes Without Vines in haste the four.d two rooms in a family. We them without arousing suspicion." "After packed having Are Grown by Girl strictly necessary things, our small hope soon to find some occupation, and Watkins soon shuffled down the caravan started at five o'clock in the sell some furs that I could take with steps. He whipped off his cap and Kutztown, Pa. Lizzie, daughmorning; it was dark and the roads me, for unfortunately my beautiful stood waiting. laces are also in Petrograd. ter of Jefferson Hoch, discovered were frightful. I put my hand on his shoulder. "I do not know whether ytu have ai. "Tom," in their potato patch that a numon the second "We arrived at R I said soberly, "we are in the ber of seed potatoes failed to proof December. We were able to stay idea of what the bolsheviki have done same boat, and understand each other. duce any vines on top of the soil. fo",. weeks at our home, then in great everywhere whenever they had to re- .The chance has come for both of us, If She was surprised to find the they killed 82 people; we play the cards right. Listen while haste we had to embark on the boat tire. At W "Tell Me What Has Happened." seed potatoes In every hill had sent to Finland for the fugitives and we have lost friends, acquaintances I tell you the situation, and what I d new clustered around vc arrived at Helsingfors. Lassitude, and our excellent and noble doctor. Alan unasked question. Before she could plan doing." potatoes, that the entire vitality troubles, and emotions of all these most all were tortured before being put I told it briefly, wasting no words, frame this in words, the door to the to death. Before L of the seed potato was transfershooting Doctor weeks overwhelmed at last my poor yet relating every fact. He listened companion opened, and Watklns dethey broke his two legs. To the old eagerly, but without interruption un- scended the stairs. At sight of her he red to the new ones, and that husband. o there was no vine growth above years old, til the end. "Fortunately we found two rooms in Baroness H., seventy-twwhipped off his cap. having opened her stomach, the surface of the potato hills. a hospital; there we lived for two aftei "You may speak freely," I said. do you make of it?" I asked. "What The mother potato was still in months, being often hungry, and when snatched out her intestines while alive. "About what you do, sir. I knew "This Is the young lady I told you They killed priests, doctors, nobles, there was something of the kind going about, and of course she is with us. the hill, but had given up its subwe could get some food it was execramerchants, women, children and peas- on some of the men forward are In Only talk low." stance to the young potatoes, ble. which were already so well ma"The high prices of living in Fin- ants. They made several persons dig on It. You've got the "Yes, sir," using p hoarse whisper, own graves, forcing them to untured that they could be used for land are unbelievable. A pound of tea. their mean. Who did he and fastening his gaze on me. "It's all you "Manuel, a carriage was waiting to take count on for a meal. which ordinarily cost from five to fif- dress; right, sir." help in the forecastle?" Then they torteen kronen, cost from one hundred to awoy their clothes. "Cochose, and a handful of others, tured every one, breaking arms and CHAPTER XX. niggers and Spaniards, mostly. They legs, crushing the limbs, snatching the meant to pull the affair off either tointestines, gouging out the eyes, scarThe Deck Is Ours. day or tonight. Your plan gives us a SPORT ON SHIPPING BOARD VESSELS ring the cheeks, and they even burned fair chance, sir. A dozen good men on the next step carefully outhad I two persons alive. lined in my own mind, and yet I hesideck might do the business." "There were three large pits; they tated a moment, glancing into the two to aboard a dozen there "But are tossed pell mell In one of them the faces before me, with a sudden realibe trusted? living and the dead, and then these zation of what the contemplated acthink there sir. I rather "Well, yes monsters jumped into the pit and are. I'd 6ay that in both watches tion would mean to all of us, if by any trampled under foot the unfortunates there's maybe fourteen to be relied chance it should fail of success. I until they were lifeless. on." managed to speak cheerfully, putting "Twelve persons were so crushed d a ring of confidence into my voice. "In my watch there's Jones, and disfigured that they could not be "Then the sooner we act the better. and SImms, either English or recognized. And all that is true! have LeVere order these men there's Welsh. Then all Watkins, They're right "After the corpses had been ex- a nigger named Sam; Schmitt, a aft. Let him say that Senor Estada humed the doctors and the officers of Dutchman, with his partner, whose wishes them to break out some stores tfic stfcte took photographs of each, afname I don't know, and two Frenchlcs, in the lazaret. They need be here only ter having examined everyone of them. Ravel and Pierre. That makes eight, long enough for us to distribute these Russia Awaiting the Allies in Then the arms among them, and for me to speak nine myself. counting , at W , etc.. whenever "At D Cara word of instruction to them." out starboard watch Jim I'd pick the Reds were repulsed note. I pray ter "But have I no part? Is there no Joe Cole, two Swedes, Carland I that snme the sny 'everywhere' you, Ole Hallin, and another nig- way in which I can help?" asked the son and tortures were Inflicted to the unfortua nate ones. ' I shall not try to describe ger. Then there are couple of Finns girl. "You have your pistol? Then re who ought to be with us, but I can't the horrors of other places, for It has would give us main here. I shall have to go on deck talk their That Hngo. been the same everywhere. men, and will not dare leave hundreds have been sixteen out of thirty, and it's quite with the , "At D a thorn a moment until the ship is abIce of the river, ye, likely some of the others would take the under thrown ti hand with us, if they thought it was solutely secure. Manuel Is locked in a clement death compared with the safe. I haven't any use though, sir, that stateroom, but must not be comolhers. a municated with by anyone. It will be "Thousands die from hunger In all for Francois LeVere. There ain't worse aboard." your part to see that Gunsaules scamp Russia ; bolshevlsm reigns everywhere. neither enters that passage leading he "but "I know I admitted, that," We had hoped to be delivered by the had to be used." amidships, nor approaches this door. and we failed Oermnns, they having "And what Is my part now?" Keep him In sight. You will save us hoped for the allies; now, as nn offand It will a man. Walt here now until I see how watch is below, "This my icer who has escaped from Petrograd forward is be best for me to keep off the deck securely this passage was telling, we do not hope any longer You sound these closed." until all is prepared. we dlel men and get them together; wake up It was as described to me a heavy "Russia Is anxiously awaiting ths In the starboard watch you oaken door, nail studded, not only The sailors on the merchant vessels operated by the shipping board ones the allies, for she alone cannot' feel hare plenty of amusement In their times of leisure. The photograph showi a help of the pure are all right, and have them locked, but held firmly in place by a tb cneqner terrorizing bolVevlkI." boxing bout at o shore station. slip uuictly ou deck. Then we'll get stout iron bar., There was not the New York. "We do not hope any longer; we die!" ; The despair to which bolshevik misrule has reduced Russia is thus epitomized by a Russian noblewoman widely known throughout her country. In a remarkable picture of events in her country contained In a letter received recently in New York. Her castles and estates plundered or razed, her fortune vanished and her friends and family murdered, this titled woman is moved to remark that "three years ago, my second daughter and her husband died, he having caught cold In the trenches. Then I was in despair; now I envy them." "I beg of you never to mention my name; I wrote frankly to you counting on your discretion," Is the plea which fear of bolshevik tyranny moves the unfortunate woman to place at the '. close of her letter to her friend, a New York woman of prominent aud influential family. "Excuse the incoherences ; I write with my heart bleeding, knowing that I shall never be able to give the faintest idea of the sufferings that thousands are enduring." A graphic tale of . the misery that spreads itself over Russia is unfolded In the letter. Wholesale pillaging and murder by bolsheviki, Germans, Finns and others swept the land clear of its ., wealth. Both the noblewoman who wrote the Ifctter and the woman who received it are well known. The danger involved fer the former makes it advisable that not only the names of the persons but the names of the localities mentioned je withheld from publication. The letter in full reads as follows: : "My "very, very dear Mrs. B "At last I am able to write to you and to hope to hear from you. "I will endeavor to tell you briefly the personal .events of these terrible last years. But bow to begin? How to give you the faintest idea of the unimaginable atrocities committed by the bolsheviki? Speaking of ourselves, I will tell yon that we have lost everything. The bolsheviki have ; stolen all our fortune, boxes of silverware, precious objects, personal remembrances which undoubtedly are now destroyed. Freed to Flee From Home, i: "Three years ago my second daugh: ter and her husband died, he having caught cold in the trenches. Then I was in despair, now I envy them. The year 1917 in autumn, we had to flee from M , and come to the city, where we lived under the reds' regime uatil the arrival of the Germans. "You have probably read in the pa- .. Files Suit on Herself, Then Argues Own Case faintest possibility of any entranco aft, except through assistance from this side. As I returned to the cabin, Gunsaules came out of the captain's room and crossed the deck. At sight of me he stopped instantly. "Gunsaules," I said, "you are to remain In this cabin until I give the word. The lady here has a pistol, and orders to shoot if you attempt to either enter this passage, or approach the door of Manuel's stateroom. How did you find Sanchez?" "Sitting up in his bunk, senor, and able to eat" "Does he kmw what is occurring on board?" "No, senor. He questioned me, but I only told him everything was all right so far." In my heart I believed the fellow deliberately lied, but there was no opportunity to question him further, for at that moment the door of the companion opened and a miscellaneous' group of men thronged down the stairs. They were a rough hairy lot, here and there a sturdy English coun-- . tenance meeting my gaze, but the faces were largely foreign, with those of two negroes conspicuous. "Twelve here, sir; I couldn't get Harwood down from the foretop," said Watkins. "And there are others below who will join us?" "Yes, sir ; six more I count on." "Which means lads, that with Harwood, Senor LeVere, and myself, we'll in this shindy. Now total twenty-on- e I'll tell you what Is up. Watklns gave you some of it no doubt, but a word' from me will make it clearer. I'm no pirate; I'm an English sailor, shang-hieEstada named me first officer because I understand navigation." I stopped speaking, staring at one of the faces before me; all at once it appeared familiar. "What is your name, my man?" "Jim Carter, sir." "You were on the Siubad, three years ago?" "I was that, Mister Carlyle," he answered grinning. "I know'd you the minute I cum down yere." "Then that is all I need say on that line. Here's one of your mates, lads, who will vouch for me. Now, as I've been told, you are all of you in the same boat you are prisoners on board. Luck has given us a chance to make a break, and get away. Captain Sanchez is wounded and helpless. Pedro Estada is dead, and I've got Manuel locked in that stateroom. His are all below, and now all we've got to do is clap on the hatch and keep them there. Now, what I want to know is are you fellows with me?" Watkins answered up promptly; then Carter; the others joining in with less heartiness, the different accents revealing their nationalities. I knew sailors well enough to feel assured they would follow their leaders once the game started. "That's good enough ; now we've got to hit hard and quick, lads. There are six men on deck who are not with us. Watkins will take care of them with those fellows I don't assign to other work. Jones, you and Carter make straight for the forecastle and don't let anyone come up the scuttle. One of you had better drop down below, and prevent any of those lads from unbarring the door leading amidships. Who is the best for that job?" "Let Carlson do it." "All right Carlson It is then. You Frenchmen, and the two negroes, your part will be to ship the main hatch. Do a quick job, and clamp it down tight." "I'll come down to you Carlson, as soon as we have the deck. It ought not to take more than five minutes to handle those lads, and slew around a carronade. Watkins, you and Carter hand out the cutlasses from the rack; you boys will handle those better than firearms. Good; now are you all ready?" There was a low murmur of voices, the faces watching me showing their increasing excitement and eagerness. Our little talk had served to arouse their confidence in my leadership, and with gleaming weapons in their hands volunteers. they became Once turned loose my greatest difficulty might be to restrain them, rather than urge them on. Revenge for past wrongs was in each heart, and they welcomed a chance to strike. I whispered a purling word of ad monition Into the ear of Dorothy, re ceiving in return a glance from her eyes, which gave a new throb to my heart ; then straightened up, and pistol in hand, pushed my way through the throng of sailors to tfce foot of the stairs. "Follow me, lads," I said quietly. ts self-relia- (TO BE CONTINUKD.) Celtfc Isle. The smallest d;pendency of Franco Is the He d'lloedle, situated at the east of Belie Isle. Its population is 238. The people do not speak French, but Celtic. .Fishing Is the principal industry, and all the inhabitants are provided with food at an inn managed bi the women. The town has no streets. The bouses are mostly of mud. |