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Show vember 2o. The Leader is the Farmers VOLUME VI. Friend, Always Ready to Protect Their Interests TREMONTON, AUTOTRUCKS FOR STATE ROAD WORK 24TH CELEBRATION UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919 NUMBER 2a A SAFE STOCK FOR ALL LADY MACCABEES State Boad Agent T. P. Meister has received advice from the State Boad Commission that several army trucks have been purchased and are being re Program Here Is Carried Out modeled for use in hauling gravel and, Ai Advertised. Big Crowd that several will be sent him withii about two weeks. Is Pleased. When received the trucks will be put to work at once, hauling gravel on the state road, from the The celebration ' of Pioneer Day In Tiemon Idaho line to Rivtrside. this eity was a success in every way. Teams are now being used to gravel The program at the ward hall hearalded the beginning of the day's festivities. the road from a point just east of A change that was something of a Garland to Riverside, and this section' will be completed within the next ten dissappointment was necessary in the orator of the day, Apostle D. O. McKay days. Mr. Meister says the use of trucks being unable to come and Dr. E. 6. will enable him to gravel the highways Peterson of Logan, president of the f at about the cost of teams, Agricultural College, was induced to which will save the state thousands of take his place. The doctor made good and gave the people a splendid address, dollars. and aside from the expectancy that Mr. McKay would be heard, every one heard all that could be evpected. BRIGHAM ITEMS A splendid program was rendered preNew from the County Seat. vious to the address by Dr. Peterson, Agricultural College: 1 pound common laundry soap, 4 gallons warm water, 1 gallon crude petroleum, 4 ounces powdered napthalin. Shave the soap up In the warm water and stir it until it is thoroughly; dttsolved. Put the napthalin in the crude petroleum and stir it, likewise, until it is dissolved. Now pour th soap water nto the petroleum and napthalin and mix it thoroughly. Apply the solution with a brush over the parts of the cows body which art attacked by the flies. The solution, has been used, and found to be economical, effective, and durable by many farmers. Why not try it yourself f It will pay. MEETINGS work. next of the series will be given .. The the Mrs. Lieutenant Commander by Mrytle Carter, at the next meeting. The members will give a Kensington for their friends on Monday, August 41 h, at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Carter. The committee members are Mrs. Jessie May Carter, Mrs. Lulu Nichols, Mrs. Clara Woodward, Mrs. Buby Carter lend Mrs. Ivie Allred. one-hal- GIVE BOSSY A CHANOB. Keep I'lles Off Her and She Will Repay With More Milk. This is the season of the year when the flies attack the dairy cow causing much misery to them and financial loss to the owners, A contented dairy cow always produces much more milk than the discontented one. fly repellThere are many ents on the market which are absolute-- i ly worthless, Good money is wasted every time these camouflages are purchased. It is possible to obtain repellents whioh are "sure fire" however, and some of these are very cheap. Here is one recommended by the Utah FORMER TREMONTON The Lady Maccabees held their regular meeting at the Odd Fellows hall Monday afternoon. The members are to take turns during the year, giving something that will be educational and interesting at each meeting. The first of the series was given Mrs. Monday by the Commander, Leafy Montgomery, who gave a talk on, "Behind the Scenes at the Theatre," which included some of the personal experiences of her theatrical ton-Idah- n PLAN INTERESTING HUNDREDS Mrs. Charles Montgomery gave two readings, and Miss Jewel McGuire sang a solo, and Mrs. Alma Baker rendered a piano selection. The Garland band rendered appropriate music at the hall and throughout the day. In the afternoon a ball game was played between the Garland and teams, the score being 3 to 1 in favor of the local boys. It was a good game from every standpoint, both teams being at their best and every man was on the alert to stop the opposing players. Following the ball game, a number of sports were staged, including races for old and young, fat and slim. A Japanese athletic contest furnished an abundance of amusement. Several short boxing exhibitions between J, R.' "Jim" Downing on the one band and several other local men on the other proved both amusing and Interesting. In the evening a dance was given at the ward hall. The building was packed, so much that is was almost impossible for the dancers to wend their way about the floor. Regardless of the fact that there were celebrations at a number of other places in the county, a crowd estimated at not less than two thousand were in attendance during the afternoon, a number attending from Brigham and other places at a distance. 0 O00ej0 SNOWVILLE 0 Miss Annie Hurd Representative. C State Refuses Assent. The State Road Commissian has re fused to assent to the city's acceptance. of the bid to pave certain of the streets i with bithulithic to over crushed rock base, insisting that con crete base be used. As a result the paving of 18 feet of the streets by the state will be held up, which will stop further proceeding un til an agreement can be reached be tween the city officials and the State Road Commission. A. L. Kelly of Salt Lake City was the guest of his brother Fred Kelly Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Graehl have returned from their trip to the Yellow- four-inoi- IS BADLY BURNED. While mixing a solution to pollsa furniture, Porter Squires was badly burned last Saturday at his home. The mixture contained considerable turpentine and was being heated on the stove. Mr. Squires left the kitchen for a moment and wheu-- be- - returned- tf3 liquid war in flames," Fearing that the house would catch fire he grabbed the kettle and started for the door. Accidentally a quantity of the liquid was spilled out on his clothes which burst into flames. He ran towards a neighbor who was, sprinkling his lawn and who turnecH the hose on the flames which enveloped Mr. Squires from the waist up. After the flames were put out it was found that Mr. Squires had been - dangerously burned, the skin slipping off his fingers, and great blisters being burned on his chest and arms. He was taken to a hospital and while his injuries are dangerous and be suffers excruciating pain, it is believed he will recover. The old folks of Box Elder staite in Box Elder canyon, being transported there and back in A luncheon was served automobiles. and a good time enjoyed by all, returned Private Joseph Wilson home from France last week, bringing with him a bride, a winsome French spent Wednesday girl. Work is to start within a few days on the concrete road between Brigham and Hot Springs, Last Saturday morning the details of a difficulty between Miss Sarah r Bott and Samuel Smith was heard Justice Henry M. Figggins, who imposed a fine of $15 on Mr. Smith, for the alleged impropriety of ducking Miss Bott in an irrigation ditch. be-fo- Board of Education. The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held Friday. The M. Baer Drainage Company of Tremonton was engaged to install a drain for the Riverside school. Member Seely reported his investigation of the matter of piping water from Mechnm or Burton springs to the school house at Park Valley. Action, deferred until further investigation can Got Hlfl Wires Crossed. An English naturalist says an oyster be made. An application for the purchase of is a creature of low sensibility, witu school was received no head development; Its nervous the old Union has no from R. D. Heigh and was filed for system is practically nil; it BALL GAME TO &Komomomomom BE PLAYED SUNDAY $ DEWEY VILLE stone Park. Mrs. Orpha Ault, Representative. Local and Brigham Teams to Grapple On Local Field. f 0 v000OOC0v Miss Wannetta Lovelaud and Miss A ball game has been arranged between the local team and the Brigham Tobin spent the 24th at Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, Mr. and team, to be played on the local diamond Mrs. A. B. Burbank and next Sunday, beginning at 3:30. . baby Lawell, A game between these teams was and Miss Emma Ault spent the 24th announced some weeks ago but for at Salt Lake, the guests of Mr. and some reason the Brigham team did not Mrs. F. 8. Harwood, returning Home appear. It is said the game will posi . tively be played this time. ( T asta,y attending the celebration at Brigham' boasts & good team, and The coniwuu enjoyea tne aay, and mucli ciue the committees. game promises to be a lively one. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Anderson of Lava Hot Springs were visiting Mr. "The Strange Woman." For those who know the difference and Mrs. Mont Harmon last week. Mr. "and Mrs. Alvin Norr and chilbetween a high-clasproduction and an average picture, 'The Strange Woman,' dren of Blue Creek were visiting Mr. with Gladys Brockwell will have a and, Mrs. J. I. Dewey and other rela tives, here lastweek. strong appeal. Alma Cook returned from overseas This picture comes from the Broadway theatre, Salt Lake, and is one of last week, where he has been for some the best pictures of the year. If you time in the service of Uncle San.. follow the critics of moving pictures, Paul and Earl Wardleigh of Ogden were visiting friends here Sunday. you know this to be a fact. Few stars of the screen have a They have been in the service of Uncle greater following than Gladys Brock-well- , Sam. Paul returned from France the Her admirers number millions 9th of the month. They are looking fine. in all lands. Mrs. Crystal Shepard is visiting r At the American next Monday and adv. parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Burbank. Tuesday, Miss Cora Hamson of Honeyville was visiting Mrs. Jennie Stoddard here PROCEEDINGS OF for a few days. COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS Mrs. J. W. Waters lias been ill lor a few clays but is improving. The Board of County Commissioners Mrs. Nellie Cook and children of met in regular session Monday July 21, Garland were vistiing relatives and 1919. friends lure Sunday. Mrs. Lozoa Bowcutt and baby visited J. P. Christensen, road supervisor of Elwood met with the Board relative to her mother, Mrs. Arvilla Loveland, of obtaining gravel for his road district. this place a few days last week. Mr. Christensen was authorized to procure good gravel where most conven (Received too late for last week) ient 10 tne cusirici. Last Thursday evening a shower was Frank Walker met with the Board Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burbank at end requested an increase of the allowv givenhome of his parents Mr. and Mrs. the ance to the family of Dewey Earl. J. S. Burbank. Many useful presents Matter taken under advisement. were received, and refreshments werei Peter M. Anderson and Moroni Mor- served. (tensen of Bear River City met with, Saturday Mrs. Clarace Smith of the Board and requested them to grade American Falls visited Mrs. Thos R. and gravel a sandy strip of state road Ault and Mrs. M. A. Lish. north of Bear River City. After( Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 0. Harwood some, discussion the road supervisor a dinner, those present were Mr. gave was authorized to proceed with thei and Mrs. Peter Jensen and family of grading and graveling of the road in the Hat. J. Ranch, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. question. Jensen and baby and Grandpa Jensen. Upon motion A. R. Capener, Hyrum Monday Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Fansler, Peterson of Garland was appointed Sr., returned from a five day trip to Constable of Sunset Precinct. Bear Lake. Last, week Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Llsli SCHOOLS TO OPEN were in Brigham on business. EARLIER THAN USUAL Monday Edwin Dewey and wife and Lloyd Lish, wife and baby started on a trip to be gon for a few days at In order that a vacation may be Bear Lake. given the school children of the counof last week Mrs. Friday harof the sugar beet ty in the midst and Mrs.' J. Waters were in vest,' the Board of Education has de Brigham. cided to begin the school year on Mon Mr. and Mrs. John Rummel of Robin, day, September 8th, throughout Box are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Idaho, Elder County. Marble. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson of Salt relatives at Brigham City last visiting Lake City stopped in Tremonton Wedweek, mat-I s h-- I Mrs. C. M. Robbins and family are the guests af her parents Mr. and Mrs. to feed the con- Jennie-Stoddar- BOY IS FOULLY MURDERED William Vierling Shot and Killed Near Oakville, Iowa, by Intoxicated Rowdy. William Vierling, Jr., four'een-year-olson of William Vierling, for several years residents of this valley, residing about two miles west of this city, was killed in cold blood on July 1st near Oakville, Iowa, according to information received by friends here. From thei meager information received, it appears that a crowI of rowdies were celebrating the last days of the wet regime in the nation getting on their last drunk before the country should go dry. The Vierlin-lad was in an automobile with a neighbor on his way to town, when ttie ru fians in another car passed them. A; the other car passed, one of the tough i fired point bland at the occupants ni the car, the bullet striking young Vier ling, who collapsed, lasping iut lie was hurried to a hospital where he lay without regaining consciousness until July 4th, at 10 o'clock, at which hour he passed away. "Willie," as he was known here, was a quiet, unassuming lad, always attending to his own business and in most respects was a truly mo lei boy. It is deplorable that he should be cut off in his youth at the hands of a conn nion beastly drunk. But such is the nistory of booze. The young man's father sold h;.s farm here and moved to Iowa only la' t summer. The parents, brothers an t of many sisters have the sympathy friends here in the hour of their be- Win. Hurd. The Misses Sarah and Helen Bobbins have returned home after visiting " with friends at Logan, Garland and Howell. Mrs. J. W. Cottam, Mrs. D. G. Nel- reavement. son and son Hess motored to Ogden Friday, returning home on Monday. A. L. Peterson has invested his sav- YOUNG MAN WELL KNOWN ings in a new Ford truck for the purLOCALLY IS WEDDED pose of carrying the mail between Black Pine and Snowville. a G. G.. Winzeler for many years resident of this city, where he grew U (Received too late for last week.) manhood, was married July 17th i!t President and Mrs. C. W. Penrose Roodhouse, 111., to Miss Ruth Smith of of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. that city, a sister of Virgil R. Smith., P. N. Pierce of Thatcher were dinner for several years engaged in the dn: guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. business in this city. '. Cutler Monday. The following particulars are taken D. G. Nelson, Jr., and Miss Mattie from a Roodhouse paper: Eliason motored to Logan Monday re Gideon G. Winzeler of Roodhouse. and Miss Ruth Smith of Pearl were turnip !' Tuesday. Mis. Emma Eliason was confined to united in marriage at Carrollton r.t her bed most of Inst week, suffering noon today. They went to St. Louis cm from an attack of pleurisy. the afternoon train and will return to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd left Friday Roodhouse in a few days to make their for Boise. They expect to include home with Mr. ami Mrs. V. R. Smith Idaho Falls and Afton, Wyo., in their who accompanied them to Carrolltoit, and witnessed the marriage ceremony. trip. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Graehl left Mon- The bride is a sister of Mr. Smith, and day for a tour through Yellowstone her husband is associated with him in the drug business here. She is the'( park. James Cottam of Brigham was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. G. visitor to Snowville last week. Smith of Pearl, and is a young woman Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Toombs of Prom- of excellent business qualifications, ontory visited with relatives here last and talented in music. She is a gradu-- , week. ate of Brown's Business College at Jacksonville, and until recently has, To The Seventies of Bear River Stake: been employed as stenographer and Dear Bretheren: On account of hav- bookkeeper in the First National tsanic ing been delayed in our quorum meet- at Pittsfield. The groom is a native of Illinois, ing study of "The Problems of the Age," and having only two months born near Peoria, but practically all, more in which to cover the entire of his life has been spent in Utah. Hecourse, we will have to take half of was associated with Mr. Smith out the subject matter at our next meeting, there in a business way, ami it was when Miss Smith was in Utah to visit 17th. August Brother McKay having stated in June conference priesthood meeting that four months would be given for quorums to complete any courses that were then incompleted, and by October to be ready to begin pn "Gospel Doctrines," just out of press. This is a very busy season but let ns put forth the effort to familiarize ourselves with Brother Tanner's ideas. Since, They are vitally important. gaining intelligence is the main business in life we should slight the material things enough to prepare for what is likely to come to any of us at any time, viz., a mission. Sincerely your brother, A. L. COOK, Class Leader. Work on Lighting System. further consideration. Surveyors this week located the new The Clerk's annual report, showing street lighting system and work will the financial condition of the school at once on the construction of to referred begin and submitted was district, lines. the the auditing committee. The poles arc being distributed and It was decided to make the opening four weeks the new lights within and Mrs. 8th Mr. of school The baby daughter year September day of the be should In been ready for use. ill, in order to provide a beet harvesting George Cropley who has Imnow . greatly vacation. . health for so long, is Mrs. Edith Brough and children of ) Supt. Skldmore reported his trip to! nesday .and attended to business proving. this Milwaukee to attend the N. E. A. of city, and Miss La Verne Nielson home tors before leaving for the "The Misses Fay Haws and Ethel in of Garland returned Wednesday evenis Mrs. E. Jane at Mrs. Frank visiting Brough their Muir, (laughter, in Brough are spending a few days ing, after a week's visit in Holbrook. Blue Creek. The Leader n the noma paper. Spring City this week. Idaho. Holbrook, sensory apparatus sciousness with intelligence, and little else except a body mass and a stomach. talkWhy, go on, man! What you're W. W. I. an is about ing ,Yt her brother about three years ago that the acquaintance began which has now culminated so happily in their mar riage. Mr. Winzeler served in during the war, and upon receivhis discharge he came to ing to enter the business here with his brother-in-law- . Mr. Smith, now He also is a musician and a valued member of the Rawlins Concert Band. to Mr. and Mrs. Winzeler expect make Roodhouse their permanent home. the-uav- Rood-hous- e |