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Show State Council of Defense X ffUV vember No 20-1- 1lKSr.iOI - The Leader is the Farmers VOLUME VI. VICTORY EXHIBIT FOR UTAH STATE FAIR LULL COMPANY IS 0 ED Officers Elected and Order Placed for Machinery. MilltobeKushsd. A meeting of the subscribers to stock of the new Tremonton Mill & Elevator' Company was held last Saturday at The Leader office and the organization completed. ' Sufficient stock has been subscribed to warrant the placing of the order lor and representanecessary machinery tives of the machinery manufacturers, who were present, at once telegraphed the order to the factory and it should be ready for shipment wUIiin four weeks. Within the next ten days or two weeks work will begin on the building, in order that it may be ready for the installation of the machinery as soon as it shall arive. The building will be 32x50 feet, two and one half stories high, with two concrete tanks 40 feet high. The storage tanks are to be rushed to completion as rapidly a spossible in order that the company may put in a quantity of wheat during the busy season. To date nearly 40 persons have subscribed to the stock of the new company and a graat many others have expressed a desire to secure stock, which assures the early completion of Ihr tlic mill, as more than necessary amount to construct the rr.ill has already bee subscribed. two-thii- d At the meeting held Saturday the following directors were elected. :K. H. Fridal, Matthew Baer, Soren L. Miller, Alvin Ipsen, A. D. McGuire, J. L. Weidman and E. E. Steffensen. The directors held a meeting Monday night and organized officers as follows: K. H. Fridal," prei dent; Matthew Baer, Alvin Ipsen, secretary; A. D, McGuire, treasurer. ' - UTAH, THURSDAY, Abner Hinman, a newcomer among the brokers, has his motto "get the money. " He has made a rapid rise and is a bitter rival to the Shorbs, the chief reason being beeause they discourage the attention of his son to The elder Hinman Laura Shorb. swears to get even with the Shorbs and uses every means in his power to accomplish their downfall. On a day of fluctuating markets. Shorb and Son are crushed, the father unable to bear the disgrace kills himself. Hinman has fixed things at the banks so that it is impossible for the Shorbs to borrow a cent. Randolph in despair wanders througn the slum part of the city and makes the acquaintance of a notorious .crook, "Philadelphia Johnson." He becomes a thief by accident and sees in his new profession a way to get even with the gang of crooked business men who have had a hand in their downfall. A few nights later as Randolph and a pal are robbing a mansion they are interrupted by the arrival of a policeman. They escape with the loot, but the pal is wounded by the officer nd taken to the station, i With the proceeds from his enterprise, Randolph put the firm on their feet. The love between Dora and Randolph reaches such a point that'it cannot be long restrained, Randolph, about to ask the girl to share his life, realizes that he is a crook and such a step could never take place. He tells Dora In desperation that he is a crook and a thief, and could never ask her to share his life. Before she can answer him, he rushes away, while Dora returns home determined to tell him that she loves him regardless of what ho is and wants him to come back to hor. At the American next Wednesday and Thursday. JULY 24, 1919 NUMBER 23 INCREASE MADE IN T PROPERTY VALUES PIONEER DAY, JULY 24TH Increased Assessment by County Is' Still Further Increased by r State Board. Will Excel any Government Exhibit Ever Brought to the State. Manager D. W. Parratt of the Utah State Fair as secured for the people of this state the Government Victory Exhibit which will be shown in a few of the larger cities throughout the country during the coming late Summer and FalL This exhibit will be distinctly a Victory Show.. At a great expense a new floor has been laid upstairs in the Manufacturers Building which provides one of the largest auditoriums in the state. It is in this hall that the exhibit will be placed. The departments in the exhibits are Agriculture, War, Navy, and Commerce, Treasury, Interior, Labor. The administrative work is handled by the Joint Committee on Government Exhibits, the chairman of which is Prof. E. Lamson-Scribne- r of the Department of Agriculture. The exhibits made up in five sets, each practically a duplicate of the others, will be shown during the fair season on five circuts made up of the larger fairs and expositions. Each exhibit requires approximately 8,000 square feet for its The Thrift of the Pioneers Made the Staig, and Present Day proper installation. Better Farming Shown. Thrift is Continuing the Work The exhibit material from the De partment of Agriculture will include photographs, enarged pictures, charts and diagrams, all of which will be in stalled in cabinets; and models, illustrating various activities of the department, placed on tables. These three types of installation' will be used throughout the agricultural display giving it a new and entirely distinct appearance. Trophies from Battlefields. War trophies from the battlefields of France, to be in the War Department exhibits, include a large number fl of German Military articles, of which -the following are typical: Light and heavy machine guns, anti tank guns, grenatevwenfers, trench mortars, hand grenades, spiked hel smoke pots, mets, trench periscopes, gas alarm devices, field telephones and switchboards, shells, cartridges, rifles, Jitney and Automobile Long Distance Races. sabers, and personal equipment. The War Department also will fur trencn field guns, nish American mortars, machine guns, aircraft guns, shot-guu, trench helmets, sawed-of- f sets of A 100 YARD DASH infantry equipment, complete FAT RACE aircraft bombs, figures clothed in var 1st prize ....$1.00 2nd prize.... 50o ious army uniforms, rank and service 1st prize. . . .$2.50. 2nd prize. .. .$1.00 national regimental colors, insignia, wireless -- telephone apparatus, enlarged A 220 YARD DASH EGG RACE photographs of engineer work in 1st EOc 25d 2nd prize prize France, live carrier pigions in cages, 1st prize $2.50 2nd prize $1.00 and various other equipment of the FAT MEN'S RACE, 25 YARDS Engineer Corps, Signal Corps, Air Ser POTATO RACE For the winner vice, Medical Department, and other $1.00 1st prize 50c 2nd prize 25c branches of the army. LEAN MEN'S RACE For the champion $1.00 TO RECOMMEND STOUNG LADIE'S Big Sprirts At City Park from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. JU Y SPECIALS FOR THE DAY For the Men: "The Flash of Fate." For the Ladies: Free-For-A- ll The assessed valuation of all classes of property in Box Elder county was increased this year by the county in keeping with the instructions given by the State Board of Equalization. The increase, however, was not sufficient to satisfy the state board and a further increase is to be made. The following from the Box Elder Journal gives the amount as fixed by the county FREE-FOR-AL- The assistant engineer of the O. S. L. Railroad was in this city Monday for the purpose of .investigating the need for a loading platform for heavy machinery. He found that ample need fo rone and declared it his intention to make to the proper such recommendation officials. However, in view of governrecommendation ment control, the must be referred to various officers, finally reaching Washington for a last approval or rejection. JAZZ FIGHT RACE No one barred $1.00 Winner, Ages 16 to 20 Winner For the Boys: 1st prize SACK RACE Ages 10 to 13 75c. 2nd prize BRIGHAM ITEMS Nevrf from the County Seat. Stewart V. Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs W. W. Burt, of this city, died Monday! morning after an illness of some foud while jnjrage'? ri Autrcr of kherries . i J ; l anai on in picKing returning nmie fwas came ill. Medical attention secured but all efforts to relieveMlnm were of no avail, and he continue ie suffer until the end came as above stated. He was twelve years of age and a bright, likable boy, industrious and was a friend of all who knew him. Funeral services were held at the Third Ward rhnpel Wednesday afternoon. ate For the Kiddies: adv. LEWIS CHRISTENSEN, V. 23-2- ll grand PEANUT TOSS C. V. E. Archibald has purchased a lot in the Shuman addition. 2nd prize T!asTTTcTannnAtorneKT W. W. Christensen has accepted a Furniture position with the Tremonton Company. ' relatives in Smithfield. Both-wel- l Read The Leader for the news. over the country Reports froih all that the roaus to the effect ale' J miMISSSSBBBllBp.., throughout the couut condition than for several years owing to the prolonged dry season, deep rut4 and chucks have formed iu the road. arte 111 The present season has been the hottest in many years and more inconvening ience has been experienced by the peo- bruised. than in any former year. The, The contract for paving several pie of this section as having an blocks of Brigham's streets was let reputation climate" would be in danger "ideal last week to Gibbons & Reed, their bid shattered if a few such of badly being bithul-thibeing $8.22 per linear foot, for seasons were to follow. paving over crushed rock base. Last Friday John O. Simonsen lost Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swcnson of Way, two fingers at the mill of the Merrill visited a few days the fore part Idaho, Lumber Company, by accidentally getweek with Mr. and Mrs. George of the ting them in the way of a saw while A. Christensen, in this city, enroute sawing framing timbers. home from a visit at Provo. Contests, "B. F. Miller has purchased a lot in will be which Mexican Sports, etc., the Shuman addition and will begin the palled off if there is ample time. tTiercon n tne of Races, Jumping a cottage erection near future. No Dull Moments , o am Monday. as he was crossthe street, and was quite severely J. A. Woodworth has been in town for several days closing a deal for the placing of an agency in this county for kerosene stove burner. the The agency was sold to J. T. Johnson. Oxo-Ga- s o o Those who have returned during the week from Yellowstone Park are: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fishburn, Miss Mary Burns, Emery Burns, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Olsen. o entertained at a 'Weenie Roast" Monday evening in honor of Bess and Grace MacAlexan-der- . A few personal friends were presHarris, ent and all enjoyed a good time. anil LeRoy Oral, Charles Chester McGuire and Donald Johnson spent Sunday in Brigham City. e L. I. Sorensen and family of spent Sunday in Logan. of the State , Cashier Ch.s. McClure Aank was a business visitor to Brig- - all-da- n r Jim Downing, ' by. C. O. Christensen, cir-su- J. i, uci.Amos Sunday Rriff Williams. Johnson, Charles Cooke, Chris McGuire, Beck, Golden Harris, Herbert Hendricks. W. M. Mrs. and Jean Steed r..2. Jones was struck by a Ford car driven 25o Everybody Join us and Celebrate Continuous Sports E. J. Winzeler and family lert Tues day for Yellowstone Park. 75c : Malad 1 An Apology. We trust our readers will pardon the SHOE RACE apparent shortcomings in The Leader this week, which is due to the fact that 12 8 to Ages 25c the electric service was shut off the 2nd prize 50c 1st prize 50c on which this office is located, yesterday. Free Peanuts For All. As a result we were unable to operate our linotype machine, making it Requests have been made to arrange necessary to omit considerable news for other Exciting Sports such as, matter. 50c at St. Johns. c BOTTLE RACE 1st prize Woodmen, Attention! A class adoption will be held at the reqular meeting, Tuesday, August 5th. Several applicants will be ready forj adoption and a full attendance of the members is desired. A number of races and Please keep the date in mind, and be various other sports, among which is a Harness ready to welcome the strangers. free-for-a- 1.00 Eor the Girls: WHEELBARROW RACE Ages 14 to 16 1st prize.... $1.00 2nd prize ' L Ball Boys Play Malad in Good Game Sunday on Diamond y Free-For-A- ll LOADING PLATFORM THE E A return game was played at St. John last Sunday between the team of Malad and the Tremonton team. Our boys were again victors over the Southern Idaho champions with a score of 9 to 3. assessor: The game was close until the eighth, Abstracts of valuation just compiled the score up to that time Demg, inning, in the county clerk's office show a 3 to 2 in favor of the Tremonton team. marked increase in the assessed valua A long fly by one of the local batters tion of all property in Box Elder counrattled the Malad pitcher, and he lost ty, as shown from the following fig- control of himself with the result that ures: Tremonton found it an easy matter to 1918 1919 Valuation. pound their way home. Real estate $ 9,780,802 $10,356,635 2,028,815 2,054,290 Improvements Cooperative Shipping Fays. Livestock 2,601,990 2;333,010 Members of the farm bureau of JasPersonal Ind., who have formed a County, per 3,336,139 2,902,425 property livestock shipping association, shipped Railroads 15,120,081 14,524,985 their first load of livestock the first week of June. The load consisted of Total $33,443,6bU $31,595,512 74 hogs, consigned by 18 different This morning County Clerk Wheat-lefarmers. The hogs netted them $19.74 received information from the state home weights. One of the shippers board of equalization of the intention with 21 hogs was offered $18.50 a hunof raising the valuations in the county for his hogs by a local on real estate and merchandise, 15 per dredweight cent on real estate and 30 percent on The county commission' merchandise. ers will go to Salt Lake tomorrow to enter their protest against the proposed increase in valuations. o The Misses Grace and Bess Delbert Farnsworth was a passenger , Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Woods of Ogden of Ashby, Kans., are visit-herR. Downing was a passenger to to Salt Lake Tuesday. spent Sunday here with L. S. Mann with their cousin, W. G. Orr. o Salt Lake Tuesday evening. and family. ." o were 0 W. Mrs. N. Mr. and , Tayldr Olson . of Brigham City Mrs. Lester o to Carl Weiss and family spent a few ' Ogden Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Shuman was quite ill for passengers o is spending a few days hero with W. returned home days in Salt Lake last week. Christopher Nelson a few days last week. o where he .. Miss Lena Hoerr is a new clerk at R. Home and family. Sunday from Carey, Idaho, o is visiting o Hill of Helen Mrs. his Bros. sister. Idaho, Landvatter with been has visiting Mrs. Robert Witmer is visiting wltn was in town o Hall of o here with her mother Mrs. E. M. Hill. Leland Hunsaker and Reed Boothe of Honeyville, were visitors in J Tuesday. w sr Always Ready to Protect Their Interests Friend, TEEMONTON, - Miss Vera Orr Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gephart were in Salt Lake for a few days last week, but were called home suddenly because of the serious illness of Mrs. Gephart 's mother. o Mr. and Mrs. Ingbcrg of Salt Lake City are visiting here with the latter 's father, Wm. Greenwood. ' o Alvin Ipsen of Brigham, was in town Portage Eph He reports the Saturday attending a meeting of the When you want printing, send The Tuesday on business. Leader your order, or call phone No. yield of dry land wheat in that section stockholders of the new. milling com- about up to normal. 23. :x$. py. x If |