Show - r 414‘7fibul:D tea: LOCAL NEWS PAGE B-1- PAGE firt -- mt" '"" B-O- illgH(LS:!: 6 - IA ' t A ov Utah Edict Branded p 41 i art "NR I A V r40I 4 0 c "'r— t ') 7 t ' '01- - a r t en d -— t ' -- - i Agt ' 1 A Missed Fiery Death Here Couple Baby Barely While accident at auto and a model A terrific collision between a WU truck passenger brought these tangled results Saturday evening at 5th South and 1 investigator F M Atkins checks Navajo remains of ear firemen in background are examining burned truck - Si Slate to Seek Pedestrian 3 EseaF3 Flaming Truck Dismissal After Crash With Car Critically of DUP Case Injured by Car Trapped inside the closed cab ofarrun a flaming overturned truck the that the By ROBERT K Burled to the pavement by the Impact v! a moving automobile at 2rid South and 8th East Saturday at 6:30 pm Bernard C Done 65 345-St- th East suffered compound frfcture of the right lower leg and severe cuts on the head and right hand He was taken by police ambulance to Salt Lake General infant were dragged to safety two adults and a seven-day-ol- d Saturday at 6:36 pm following's near head-o- n collision with a passenger automobile at 5th South and Navajo at Truck driver Lee Arza Redisnondo 36 4768 Bon Air at Mrs Marion Wakefield 28 Las Vegas and son all escaped her week-ol- d 'SE' CRET- OUT-STAR- TS after the eastbound collided with the car it truck 19 was described veered into a ditch where he hospital exploded as being in "critical" condition late In another setond it and was bathed in Just ill cas you are wonderSaturday night flames eye witnesses said of to rice J According ing kiddies: Three Car Occupants roach and IL M Larson who inSalt Lake City public schools vestigated Done was crossing 2nd Occupants of the car were South from north to mouth appar- Hyrum Hall 68 his wife Margaret will close for Christmas vacaently' west of the crosswalk svhen 65 and son identified by police as tion at the end of the school be walked into the side of a vehicle James Neal Hall Z all of Garto reopen day Friday Dec-1- 9 being driven iveat on 2nd South land Box Elder county They were Monday Jan 5 1948 Dr M treated at Salt Lake General hosby Glenn I Martin 18 1002-10t- h East A brown necktie ripped from pital I'mnumerous bruises and Inn Btnnion superintendent Mr Done'sneck was entangled in severe shock and Mrs Hall was announced Saturday the right front door handle transferred to Holy Cross hospital Martin was cited for driving where she WWI reported late Saturwith faulty brakes day in "fair" condition Mr Martin who officers said ‘kccorci!ng tof accident investigawas driving west on 2nd South at tors F M Atkins and W S about $o miles an hour reported Sparkes the 1941 model truck was be didn't see the pedestrian and going east on 5th South and the did not realize his car had struck automobile was going south on someone until he heard a thud Navajo it Investigations showed Mr Done well known Salt Lake point of impact to be on the left Community chest workers gathmimic teacher and arranger wita side of the truck cab the officers ered $25581 during the first week returning from downtown when said of extended drive F C Easttheir the accident occurred Explode at Impact man general caznpaign chairman Approximately 70 gallons of said Saturday They still were $39830 short of gasoline in twin auxiliary tanks ex- their $316216 goal having solicon each side of the truck-beited 874 of the amount chest ofploded at impact they said Mr Redmond told the officers ficials had estimated was neceshe "kicked hts way out" of the sary to support 23 dependent Red 1948 burning truck reached back Inside Feather agencies duringwas sendMr Eastman said he and rescued the infant then strugtHe ing letters to some 150 group chairThe building and construction ried to free Mrs Wakefield urging them to cantinue the committee of the Salt Lake City finally dragged her out by the feet men drive until the goal is attained Chamber of Commerce is on rec- he said the chest moved Despite the licking flames the Meanwhile ord as supporting construction of clothfrom scorched its received three headquarters in campaign only ctric auditorium a public library Tribune-Telegraauditorium the ing and new central fire station-AllaWhile scores of motorists and to its permanent headquarters at E- - Mecham chairman of the dim- 806 Beason building Saturday the committee said Saturday the nearoy residents crowded Salt Lake lit intersection City ly group made no recommendations fire department equipment quelled as to when the structures should but estimated be built but approved construction the burning truck be would the loss "near total" as can do 'as boon the city it" James Neal Hall Was cited for U The report of the building and construction committee will be for- driving toofast -under existing conSalt Lake police Saturday were warded to the civic improvements ditions asked by the Federal Bureau of Inand municipal affairs committee to assist in recovering vestigation yrhkh In turn will consider it and Sentence rifles three two Imposed make a recommendation to the three automatic Van who Cecil T Meter pistols pleaded board chambers of governors- That and a large automatic and to of pistols charges receiving body will make a final decision on guilty stolen of ammunition was narcotics quantity Saturday behalf of chamber members as to concealing Science Naval 18 from the in to sentenced months building prison torhert the group stands on the by Federal Judge Tillman D John- at University of Utah Wednesday question son He is expected to be sent to It was reported that entrance to a special hospital for drug addicts the building was gained through at Fort Worth Tex federal pent a tunnel leading from the furnace room ten tiary YULE HOLIDAY - DEC -- Chest Remains awist cif Goal C of e Group Asks Library d m n Taking position proposed Pioneer Memorial building "is a state building to be built on state ground and to be used for a public purpose" Atty Gen Grover A Giles and Martin M Larson attorney for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Saturday were prepared to ask the state supreme court to dismiss a petition for an alternate writ of prohibition filed by John Rolla Thomas Mr Thomas "for himself and for all other persons similarly situated" asked the supreme court to issue an order to prevent ther progress on the building on the grounds it is an unconstitutional expenditure of taxpayers' money' Bach for Case I Mr Thomas's case is based on a constitutional prohibition against appropriation of state money to private corporations The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers a nonprofit corporation has a lease on the triangular site of the building southwest of the capitol State officers and the D U P codefendants were ordered to appear Monday at 10 am before supreme court justices to show cause why the petition for an alternate writ of prohibition should not be granted In their answer which will be filed Monday the state and DTJP "deny that any of the moneys of the taxpayers of the state will be lost or dissipated or used for private purposes by the erection of the building" "The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers is a nonpecuniary nonprofit corporation organized and created for public purposes and w 99-ye- ar public service Not Private Business " None of the work and activities of the D U P is private business or for private purposes and neither it nor its members can derive any pecuniary profit or other things of value from the construction and maintenance of the Pioneer Memorial building except the nattataction and consciousness of having rendered a useful public service in collecting and preserving for the state relics historical records—and facts relating to the life and work of the"- Utah pioneers - Until the organization of the D U P there was no organization in the etate devoted to collect and preserve the relics and personal effects of the pioneers" the 'LIVING COST HOUSING' brief maintains Meanwhile the state finance commission named by Mr Thomas as codefendants announced it was withholding payment of a $5684 architect's fee claimed by Lorenzo S Young and Arnold H Ehlers architects for the building It is also holding up payment Tribitomo opechil a program Their party control of of $10237 due to Paulsen ConPORTLAND Nov 'SF—Gov Her- congress last session proves the struction Co for work already bert B Maw of Utah told the Ore- Republicans have a program Maw accomplished on the building's gon state Democratic central com- said foundation Work on the building "What they are doing is the 114- - has been halted pending the mittee Saturday that Truman's outelection publican program" he added come of the cane running mato in the 154will be art easterner The fundamental differences Truman is considered from the tween G 0 P and Democrats tvN west by eastern voters He added now being demonstrated Republithat the two big issues of the cam- cans believe in a policy of subsipaign will be the high cost of living dizing special groups and no dou'pt and housing situation particularly feel thee groups will prnmote the the failure to provide veterans' prosperity of the people The result Clifford E Young assistant to is that the groups are benefited housing Utah's governor said Democrats and not the people Gov Maw de- the council of twelve apostles would win elections in his home clared! On the other hand Demo- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints: returned to Salt Lake state this year He said last elec- crats believe In legislation benetion defeats were due to overconfi- ficial to all people directly City Saturday after spending The western state official said three weeks in activee direction of dence of party but that Republicans now are overconfident An- the people of the west will not the church' s northwestern states other session of the "Republican-controlle- d forget that it was the COP con- mission Samuel E BHnghurst formerly congress and the Demo- troliled congress that slashed reclacrats won't even have to cam- mation project appropriations he of Sandy the mission president asserted while the Democrats were is much improved in health and is paign" Gov Maw said what the Republi- responsible for tremendous gains taking charge of 0111881011 affairs cans are doing In congress is not in the previous decade of western again for the present A new mission president is to be appointed accident and that the party no power and reclamation 150011 can of criticized be for lack longer ' See rage BIO Column 7 - MORE UTAH SNOW FORECAST AS WINTER TIGHTENS GRIP ' Old Man Winter blowing his chill breath across the nation weeks before his official arrival time gives no indi' cation of relaxing his early grip on Utah west portions' of the Intermittent snow in the north and state Sunday and additional snow flurries Monday were predicted by U S weather forecasters Saturday night With a series of storms moving into western United States from the Pacific next week probably will see more snowblanket the intermountain area Below freezing temperatures were seen for the northern part of Utah early Sunday while for Monday low oadings of 23 to 33 degrees were forecast As the majority of citizens weary of winter weather viewed week-en- d prospects with pessimism skiing enthusiasts Ivere cheered as more snow fell Saturday at Brighton and Alta resorts Roads to canyon areas were icy and motorists were cautioned to use chains Rain Saturday night in the Salt Lake City area made driving hazardous and contributed to an unusually large number of traffic mishaps Struck by a ear Saturday at and Main Ruth pin at 6th South Thornton71 654 Carson at suf9 fered bruises of the right leg head lacerations and poasible skull fracture She taken by police ambulance to L D S hospital were &ha was described as being in sat Saturcondition" rood 'fairly day tight According to Officers W S F M Atkins Miss Sparkes and Thornton was crossing eth South from south to north in the west crosswalk when she was struck by a ear ddriven by Dale J Pitkirt 21 2040 S Main Mr Pitkin was issued a citation for failure to yield right of way to & pedestrian is-a- s Course Instituted On 'Veteran Law ern two-dcourse of instruction the veterans preference act of A ay as amended will be held In Newhouse hotel Nov 29 and 30 under Joint sponsorship of the U S CIVI1 Service commimion and US Employment Service department of labor it was announced 2944 Saturda y Ben 11 Nattziger veteran federal employment representative will conduct the couree Seven thousand fifth sixth and seventh grade Salt Lake school pupils are anticipating an outstanding musical treat next Saturday when they attend the free youth concert of the Utah Symphony orchestra as guests of The Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Telegram The special concert will be presented at 10 am in Saints the tabernacle of the Church of Jesus Crist of Latter-da- y and The Tribute Telegram are event in musical the snsoring with the Utah symperation phony board and the city schools in a desire to bring to school chil- TONVII a rich experience in fine music "This concert will bring to the young people a performance of great music by a major symphony Retirement laws for cities of orchestra" said Dr Lorin F school music superthe third class and towns enacted Wheelright visor "it will culminate in a mem1947 the legislature deny by beautiful way the classroom acbers of the police and fire depart- tivities which lead to the apprements tenure of office protection ciation of fine- - music Students enjoy the music more if they granted to other classes of em- will know the musical themes and the attorney general's background of each selection It ployes office said Saturday is hoped that preparation for this In an opinion to J Bracken Lee concert in schools and at home will an enthusiastic anticipaPrice mayor the attorney general create of tion the concert" agreed that the law "may seem The services of the orchestra discriminatory" but "the classifi- members are provided by the cation is not in violation of the Petrillo transcription fund through No 104 American Federastate constitution since the legis- local of musicians tion lature may grant special benefits Saturday afternoon music pupils or privileges to a class so long visited with the symphony orchesas the law operates uniformly tra members at the tabernacle Shuck showed them his within or upon a particular class" Richard horn and Glen Dalby tuba big "I certainly agree that the act demonstrated notes on the French appears to be in error when mem- horn Among the young musical pupils bers of the police and fire departin the preview were ments are not guaranteed tenure participating Loosli Bryant high school Garth of employment the same as other son of Mr and Mrs E Kieth ave Hal Cutler employes of the city or town in- Loosli 564-TtHorace Mann high school son of volved" Mr and Mrs H H Cutler 420 The tenure provisions state that N Main Mary Jo Havertz Ensign employes shall not be discharged schoól daughter of Mr and Mrs dismissed or transferred to a posiave and HavertZ 517-9t- h tion with less remuneration be- Joseph school Sharon Ensign Spencer or cause of political religious daughter of Mr and Mrs L B beliefs Spencer 424 Ir at Giles Clarifies "awl On Retirement - O United States and the state of Utah on the landing of the stairs east of the capitol rotunda The wreath will be carried to its place by a Gold Star mother Mrs J Roy Wilson 639 Ramona ave and a Gold Star wife Mrs Ralph C Sorensen 225 E 27th South Mrs Wilson and Airs Sorensen will be escorted to the landing by wornrepresentatives of 19 other en s organization& The women and their organizations are Mrs J E Pennoc k President's Patriotic council Mn? Ann Elegem Disabled American Veterans auxiliary Mrs Buehla Oberg ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic Mrs Bengta Anderson Veterans of Foteign Wars auxiliary Airs Martha Crosbie United Spanish War Veterans auxiliary Mrs Eve Coakley American Legion auxiliary Miss Ina a Johnson Daugh tens of Indian War Veterans Mr Annie Bailey Canadian Legion auxiliary No 97 Mrs F P Jacobs United Daughters -of the Mrs L K Cluff Confederacy Gold Star sisters Mrs F A Miller Service Star Legion Mrs William T Richardson Navy mothers Mrs Palmer IL Cush-me- n Daughters of American Revolution Mrs W D Prosser Daughters of American Colonists Marine Miss Rhea Thompson Miss Corps Women's Reserve Gene Neal Wornen's Army Corps Miss Mary Harrington WAVE S Miss Flora Alley army nurses Miss Beth McNiven navy nurses and Miss Claire Roamer Founders - and Patriots Public Invited Gen J Wallace 45-cali- 3 -1 - cannon salute fired from the north capitol grounds "Taps" sounded by an American Legion bugler and the benediction by Most Rev Arthur NV Moulton retired Episcopal bishop of Utah 19-voll- ey Hotelmen-Spl-i On Prospects Steller Hotel Co' Inc believes sufficiently strong in the future of the west that it is spending $20000000 to build a new luxury hotel in Los Angeles and is looking elsewhere in the west for likely sites John I Hennessy chairman of the board for the company said Saturday in Saltalake Mr Hennessy is one of a group of topflight hotel men who stopped here Saturday on their way to Sun Valley to participate in the Rocky Mountain Hotel Assn 45th annual convention Sunday to Tuesday inclusive Among Nation's Beet "Salt Lake hotels" Mr Hennesey said referring partieuS-Irlto the largest one here are among the nation's best and we are not considering establishing a hotel here" Howard P Dugan also from New York City and president of the American Hotel Assn and vice president of the Steller Co which operates eight leading hotels said high costs are the prime foe of the industry today "Laboricosts have jumped 100 eine 1940 in our hotels" Mr Dugan said "I look for excellent business for the next two to three years What will happen after that is anyone's guess" Clean Plate Drive K Eitel vice president and Otto managing director of the Bismarck hotel Chicago and chairman of the Chicago food coneervation said hotels are saving up to 20 on scarce foods but increaed educational work will be required to prevent waste of food and conserve scarce commodities in private homes The special hotel men's train left Salt Lake City Saturday at 9:15 pm for Sun Valley and will return Wednesday at 6 pan - Council of Twelve Aid Comes Home Wasatch Forest Escapes 'Cast' L ----- Preview Symphony f or 7000 School Pupils 'round and 'round In a plreview of the section of Glen Daft member of the French horn the Utah Symphony orchestra shows Garth Loos left and Mary Jo Havertz just how the music goes 1 J symphony's free youth concert which will be sponsored by The Salt Lake Tribune and Telegram Saturday Nov 22 reported Saturday "Nevertheless chances are 'very slim' that Utahns can obtain evergreens from their own forests since rugged terrain and early snows have made impassable regions with available trees" said Mr Koziol - t Si 1 r " Almot "61"" " om‘ 4 01fg - An epidemic of needle cast attacking Christmas trees of western Montana has not yet been noted in Wasatch National forest F C Koziol forest supervisor 10 Ark West Brig national adjutantandgeneral 'Utah general chairman of guard the event Said 3000 chairs wilt be placed on the rotunda float and the first balcony of the capitol to accommodate spectators The program will close with a - y no MR - Flag Rites 3 Maw Flails GOP Program At Oregon Party Meet 0 It Colors will be posted at the ceremony by a score of patriotic and veteran groups in an impresve ceremony Following the posting of coiorz a large memorial wreath will be placed before the flags of the 22-cali- Auto Hits Woman Condition Fair from tiugarhouse post No 65 will sound American Legion "First Call" iiand "Attention- - and the University of Utah band will play the national anthem Rev Mar k Bevegnu superintendent Judge Memorial school will give the invocation The opening address by Gov Maw will be followed by a selectabernacle tion by the choir of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints The principal address will be delivered by Mark E Petersen member of the L D S council of twelve apostles Alvin ICeddington will sing "Sleep Soldier Boy Sleep Youth C:onert Sponsored By Tribune Telegiyam Police Aid Sought In Gun Theft 30-cali- I 300-voi- ce 3 ment that the order's "arbitrary and capricious disallowance of property and expenses peculiar to a natural gas producing company shows a complete disregard of the problems involved" He indicated that the company's next step would be a motion for a rehearing Investment Curb "The commission" Mr Roberts continued "blithely assumes that the present trend of increased operating costs will be compen sated by the increased business which is presently being attached ignoring the obvious fact that this increased business requires that capital be invested in additional facilities Its decision would unquestionably discourage the investment of further capital for expansion of gas service in the State of Utah "The order of the commission is designed to thwart and prevent the acquisition and development of those gas reserves so essential to the expansion and development of service to which the people of Utah are entitled The commission seems to assume that all gas nedeveloped in this area will of uncessity come to thisor market restrictions der any limitations It may see fit to impose It faill to take into consideration the fact that there are other and more profitable uses for such product than are afforded in Utah "If the commission does not allow Mountain Fuel Supply Co adequate funds with which to develop new and essential gas reserves it is obvious that such reserves if and when developed by our company or others will find their way to markets outside Utah Hits ltlisstatement is "It difficult to understand how the commission in its finding of facts made the statement that the company estimates it has 523 billion cubic feet of gas reserves available for future requirements This is nearly double the known amount and is a misstatement of The commission asthe facts sumes contrary the evidence that the utility has 523 billion cubic feet of gas reserves The evidence on the other hand conclusively shows known reserves of 295 billion cubic feet "To arrive at the figure of 523 billion cubic feet of gas reserves the commission has taken as a consummated fact the expression of opinion by a company witness that if the company should be as successful in the future 83 it has been in the past additional gas reserves of 228 billion cubic feet might hereafter be developed in presently known fields This Is a H izations of Salt Lake county will join in the capitol ceremonies Simultaneously sertices Will be conducted in virtually every other Utah community in link with a proclamation issued by Goy Herbert B Maw designating Sunday state capitol More than 1000 representatives as "Special Memorial day" To open the ceremony a bugler of veteran And patriotic Order of the Utah public service commission directing the Mountain Fuel Supply Co to reduce its nat1 ural gas rates by $1366291 annually sounds the death knell of any possibility of intcreased service 1 to Utah if it is permitted to stand J D Roberts vice president of ' the company said Saturday Mr Roberta asserted in a state- VS is By STANLEY P BOWMAN United in mind and heart citizens of Salt Lake county will join in reverent ceremonies honoring Utah's World War II dead Sunday at 2 pm in the rotunda of the 'Death Knell' To Better Service --4 '1111!"“loor r Flays Rate Slash Order NW001100i7 '7 0 lies Se aonorang v a 0 Gas Company 1e 0 RADIO LOG SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 18 1947 SECOND SECTION r' e - 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