Show the ' - - — A774744ig-- - I - - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 16 1947 CA Palestine Curbs Tightened As Violence Flares Anew I t1 ' j'ErtusALEIL Nov ti- n- 15 Security regulations ened in Palestine Saturday night as the screaming of sirens heavy ahootink and the exploding of pamphlet and banner bombs added to the litters of the Holy sources in Tel Aviv said two ps carrying 1350 Megal immigrants wire off the coast seeking a chance to land The sources moderate connected Jewish named the ships as Land-Jewis- sl-o- wiagan Sterling Areas Japan to Trade "roxyo No-- 15—The adoption of an Into ?I rrt agreement be t iAtoo was Japan and the sterling areas Gen announced Eaturday by Douglas A' M agA rthur Te agree- rn en t promises to revive private trade with British countries which has been drying up since Britain trUS pe rtded sterling convertibility on Aug 5- - 3 A 1 ri 4I Under the arrangement Japan ll buy and sell tor sterling us- Inr supreme command accounts established in the Hongkong and the Shanghai Banidng Corp and Auschartered bank for India tralia and China both In London Semiannually whatever balances rernain ixtll be converted Into dol- - 1 - 'a-i- -— CP : r E t4caTH4 AmENcA A llyah" (forward) and the ''Quom - — — - k - I '4 Y'''4--''''r'"'-- 1 – - – -- - 00 v — I it re I I I I - ' 5 r 4 1 I I WIhctr by police British residents or Jerusalem secuzity zones were ordered to remain iniiide from 5:30 pm until 6 am Britons living outside the tones were ordered to stay inside their homes during those hours were llilitary-personnconfined to their bfarracks and camps Most Jewish sections of the city were under house curfew from 6 pm to 6 am f1 t 1 x"! IL — 14- --: - ITh S"""'" 1 I - ' - — - Maat Dairy preers : AUTRAUA - -- ---- ---- I 46t L 1 1- itowte ESTIMATED GRAIN EXPORTS 4414'4 r: 1947 1 48 1 persons arrested in 'Saturday's roundup were not discfosed The ?unitary said' however that the group planned to use the arms of i the Japa- wmchoperated against ' - el - - - - : - i 1 I ' By ASSOCIATED in special Congress session Nov 17 is up against a greater need among the 18 nations participating in the Marshall plan than existed when the'Europeen aid proposal was expounded - for middle-of-the-ro- ad BevmBerates Big 4 Feárs naisTor : Eng British Foreign Ernest - - - 1 I - four-pow- 4111 1 pr e-- 4'n -- 1 i I i - - Ii - -'' i - - -- - - 5 ti: '1: - -- 1 41 ( - 0 ' '1-- 1 Ch -- 1 now-finish- ed Co 11 ' '- - gh - ' - ' Sensation in6Iti ! I 1 The "CHROME CRAri i 'Tree and DIE ) :lr 1 I i t (--T- I r- I cialists 1 - s 50 - h I' ''"'----00"-- - ' tV7 '"- 1 0 IP A i I r4' I ti 1 - i- 1 if 1 7:' -- :'--" niaes - - Fitz-Gera- t ! -'- 2 r I t‘ "r- I t 4 'fier::- - -- ' --- - ssl i 1 'I - ' lie"11:- - t ' - or 1 i I 1 44 11 ' '' - e A $ e1 - - 4 Ir - - 4 - 1- 4 '"" ' " ''' ) - 4- ''"'- o' ) mt1 - 4'' - 0 r'''4' ""moef t--- '3 Jo Nii ' ' 1' i r' 4 t'AO - 0t-- - - ' " 1 '':s - -- - : "4' -'- y !!"'"'-- ' e-- ' 4 r's i'' ' ' ' a i f - - - : ' infla- tion along with the problems of foreign aid American money appropriated I to help feed the hungry in Europe must largely be spent in buying American goods at prevailing prices- - The administration fears j that what hapPened to the British loan' which lost much of its value as U S prices soared might haprelief appp pen to our own tions ""''' food rations have rei British '''' cently been cut and potato consumption limited for the first time'' ' War I Winter hard 4 since World ' inevitable by the demade is sip 4 cline- of 200000000 bushels in Europe's production of food grains this year i In spite of the battle deaths of 15000000 persons in World War rt and millions more of civilians the worlds population is "probably increasing more rapidly than at any other time in i ts history" in his according to FitzGerald ' - - 't 1 -- ' - t 1 4 3 11 : - diutégtaf erfesCottA loot Sfa's 1 I as Situsitzttect: : - 0 : z a - 1 r i: got Elatty clVeatt bot4 pieces ii: - - t- ' ' f'- - -' - 1 -- I - ' -- --- : ' - - '- - — ' I 4 a I r' 7 4 "' - i o - if tt t ! -- 7 t - a - par-facti- on 1in-fe- - n - 1 - r hicD- --- i -' 4! 4 1:1 T-r- r! Iga1 LI haliii ' : -- -- -- -- -- i - t A a-- :w '" :'::"::':::- - : ::: : :: icsi - - 5 ' - Infants and Childrens w ear - ' : Lois He a d wt '- : Japan Nov - J 4 - - - lip ' am - - -4- 4 l E ' 111o-- - - - 165 S autbi Maio - - : : - : - : :: if r v ! 4? 1 - - l'l ' '' 0 - o -'- - ' - z - - : - - - 1' I - 1- - ! ‘-- - --- 0- -- - : ' " :'- - - -- 1 11- - ' ' ' ‘ ' k '''4 '1:::4: '411'3::::i'sf:4' ''''''‘' ' - le:i'''4'f''' 4 N - e - Nr -- i ' :- iI - )iTi1 - T4- - t - - - :7 -- - - -- --- - 1" -- '"'s Ntanamomiwail - - ' Ellectric Nate 1 ' - ' - o I I ' allox --- - ' - f - 'lf:r1i)2 4 !'"O 3e'(rj--1(- ' t 1 1 -- 706 cubic feet of storage capacity:Exclusive Norge "Rollator" mechanism 4 Full Size Norge Electric Range $2495° 3 i - ' : full width Hydrovoir (to keep vegetables and fruits fresh) nine point cold control many other new features ' Double thlt Surface ElemeUts Deep Well Cooker Automatic Timer Immediate Delivery : - ' - c 44 - i - ' - - - - : ' ff-- - --- - I ti ( t i CHRISTMAS CARD GALLERY the third floor escalators!- - 1 - - top- - of — - ' - i I it) - N ' ' 4n Li (01 -- N 4 I L - - - - taI71 ' $ Zdill 1---- proud of your season greetingsthis year Send personalized Christrnas cards from AMERICAN ARTIST GROUP by our co n-in their try's finest contemporary artists first season of designing greeting cards Select yours early and avoid delays All types personalized Christmas cards imprinted—t ' I low as as 195 for 25 i - - s -- - -1 Be 1 ! 4 t ice trays Sibs ice 2812 lbs frozen food capacity - i---- tf-e- : - dic I LI 1 '' i "' I i ' ' '''' ' s'ef'17 ' '''r I 1 - I '7 - - 4t ' '3 - - 4 - - - o ? i 1 Ne' se—Liberal Credit Terms APPLIANCE DEPT—MAIN FLOOR L EAST OF TEA ROOM rived Ab ' 1 : - 'n21-e''- I - et - " 1 - r A -- ' ' - - ft 's ' - F'42- ik--4- - s 't t 4 41 1 ' t 15 44 - - on (UP)—A a park bench expressikng true love is legal but a kiss on the street will be punished by six months imprisonment or a 500-yen fine or both a high police official ruled Saturday The official attempting to inthe new Japanese crimterpret inal code- which went into effect Saturday said the Japanese cop on the beat will have to decide when kissing is "obscene and punishable" under the new code The code is designed to eliminate indecent displays of affection The official said the problem is comparatively new in Japan because kissing was regarded as a strictly foreign custom until the Americana ar- e i' - ---- r--- 0i - - A - o I ' - ' TOKYO i 11' - - - - rfr!--I f-i r-r--- - - ' 4W c - 1 t f--(-1 I I - ' 4 :- - 46 illo4 t i' I ' - --- : - - $1795 44A'v1w6AdftAWA‘AabAlLoo444lii6A44eAdgma'Ai:efa34"4a:o4 ::: i : I Letpeamel : veaV127 - i :: - log East South Temple 1 i I - - : ir4 -4 a pattpacess fat a Socittlevt 2(114 of gay CvdrSitirptil anritety cwt a raisaApetczoat of alift taiLste wiLA iripoed Swas eghl atawa tast toiJ74tit:49 putdy tentalA a- oltkahrof laSt 11474 J $ t Young Lady Your Petticoat is Showing 1 nt el1 440 0 lboir A ': 2 VELLY BAD : ! : : - '- --- - - food re po rt Some authorities on population problems say that higher living standards in backward countries will in time effect a lower birth - I sew - ' : - -- - (1 r 1:L:411 - r MSS IN STREET ' i J - l fr -- :17- 1 I ' --- ' - - 1 - - - ''' - inhehucalngrYled - 1 - ' 00417144N - - - - I - '‘-- g r ' ' ' i - A - - - ''''- ' - - - t ""'""-'""""''- Nbil ' ' i - 1 - 7 t -- - " 1 Lt - ' i I '' - 7' ‘ - - - 1 : Harry S Truman when congress to tackle domestic - -- Y- ' i 41 I -- --- : 2 I - 7 4 tb - '' t t 1 sy &lc- I ' le 4 Y - 3 1 -- 0 -- Ad : - - t r---- - - ‘0eurpps t ""444 '- '':ki ' e''lk e ' - i ' & 1 i-- ' i N o— ' - ''' :010' - - 1 f - - - "" I 't:! - i I 2 - - v - - e' 43 7 ( ' - t Z ! '' ' ' 4' t' ' - W" ' 1 ld - - - '4' 0 : - - N I ‘(--- -A-- z -- - 0 ' : 1 " " 1 A : - - '11 --- - F !"r- i '' - ''- I surplus-producin- - I t - -7 '''" RY now for IMMEDIATE ' 41't CARHOliS 4 2 : - r' $ - 4 I Radical-So- nlides 7 i '' $ - 64ttery tester! Charts le tala a Yaaf to PaY- - 1“ riett-2- t I 1 - Engineered to marvaloul keyed particularly to sounds of spaisch yet- so small and comfortable! E bet - - ‘'-- 1 : - Immo Amur otst Romani 'Play R 1r :1471 211av I - 7 - ' - - ' i: :' i - 4 T °reign er s egneo - ' min-ister- 1947-194- al ii - ' - ' 1 : - 1 Nov 15 tifl— Bevin Secy said Saturday night the coming i I ministers' meeting would be "almost the last chance of getting agreement"- He 'expressed hope it Would get down to "the basio facts of Europe" tBevirn the United States secre tary of state and the foreign of France and Russia ars to meet In London Nov 25 to draw up peace treaties with Germany and Austria "I hope that when we meet reason—instead of fears—will play its Bevin told a transport part" worker? festdval here "If you have to try to settle the world on the basia of existing ideology—Communism as against capitalism or some other ism— you CIL not settle it: you will only drive it to greater trouble" he declared He said the Marshall plan for it European recovery with U S aid "is not dominating Europe it is II putting an obligation upon us" is one of the reasons I have so anxious to get export of coal to Sweden Denmark and Norway" he said "If we had the coal aa rw I could settle the SI ClAiAJLI con- If tract with Denmark tomorrow and we cbouuti have more bacon eggs and - 7i - - t - on They base experience of in generations PEIPING Nov15 (Al—Chinese PARTS Nov 15 (2P)—Sociali3t Food Demand Increase Communists Sattirday were bePremier Paul Eamadier Saturday f trt-Short Skirts called a series of important meetMeanwhile higher incomes are lieved plotting new blows in north IA rot the demand for food China as a increasing PARIS Nov 15 (CTPS)--- A T'ne advartage of this plan lies ings of political leaders for this ategic forertmner for is at a rate American consumption reveals of 53000 In the fact that commcynwealth poll PartJenne' week end in an effort to strengthen a in Manchuria offensive winter 15 war before than the noshigher and his that 87 prefer abort skirts traders will not be under the government June 'last now are where are stalled Some ' governments they 13 favor the long dresses as a "third force" to meet the riscessty for arranging dollars for only Since 1939 the population of the Ironing foreign Government air- reconnaissance in out old the inequalities each purchase from Japan which However 25 who voted for short ing threat of Communist violence world has increased by some 200- - food distributionso that the poor spotted Communist columns movIs the present procedure Traders skirts added the modest reserva- on the left and De Gaullist oppo- 000000 more than obtain a fairer' share persons—many ing toward Taiyuan capital of rnay deal as if exchange were free tion that dresees should reach sition on the right in United total the the living Shansi the Nations' United province and making seemUltimately Y N Times below knee out the went call The Copyright by after' the States During the same period food and agriculture organization ing preparation to assault PiloCommunists had presented a grave food consumption has fellen about to set up machinery that ting capital of Hopeh province to proposes 1 Dew threat to the government by 10 and the outlook ts that the would guarantee a subsistence diet the east 8 ordering "action of the popular crop year will not equal to all humans—much as the proAny full dress assault on ei ther masses" against cabinet decrees the previous one z 00004 K s 114k wa ipowse se so international trade charter might be draw off posed railand voisctoWr gas TO DO electricity raising OANC" Po a 1L4 t S(00 winter storms and contemplates equal accesS to raw government divisions from ManIronically 4) and rates had stirred riotous livA road TO el—A1 Pa Summer drought slapped down the materials for all nations churia opening that industrial - '- I '' Palp i7 trouble in Marseille Industrial very regions ' '' ' of the world which ' '117 ' But farmers still have a long region for the renewed attack c in second France's ilmo Isections g 1 largest t1 suffered the greatest setbacks way to go before catching up with which military strategists believe 1 — ' 7 t l' :'- city were 80 strike bound t ( - - e from the war and need food the world needs current appraisals is coming- con end week of the Highspot most show The withdrawal of government I scheduled ferences Ramadier ' by e 4 true been This has 41 particularly 44ir Is to be a "political luncheon" of western troops from north China toOfmeet 1 1e-- ' 4 where AmeriEurope the the 1 flap drive A Sunday can h el p is promised under the Votes Elizabeth Gilt '"14i '''4': 4 4 ?' ‘ro s0 0Q 01 Communists in Manchuria gave aides The Li! 14) said t the 0 e premier's )4 I 2 plan The Soviet Union MONTE CARLO Monaco Nov the Reds their big chance in Hopeh luncheon list would include Pres Marshall and much of its orbit in eastern 15 (CTP3)--Althou' ''''' :-L:j Vincent Auriol who is reported by V Queen Vic- province are having a fairly good toria i six government estimated a is haIf some politicians to be determined Europe while It ago 'century as far as the harvest is con' near-b- y Menton re- divisions were syphoned t from at not to allow Gen Charles De Gaulle year wintering to accept a bunch of roses Hopeh ana with its defenses to have the premiership Ramadier cerned The Field State has fused Monaco principality be- sapped the communists promptly from Leon Blum and Party Secy Guy' Since the United the cause it was purchased with fell upon Shihkiachwang 172 miles Mollet all socialists Foreign Min- benefitted by greatly-expande- d ' unhampered by war tainted money from the gambling southwest of Peiping and capister Georges Bidault parliamen- farm activity role is predominant in concession its damage and here the Monaco na- tured it Leader Lecourt Robert tary i the food crisis Though tional council Pierre-Hen- ri With that big government base Teitgen minister of meeting Saturday voted a uce d last summer red the secret sum to buy dryness a the armed forces the studded representing firmly In hand the apparently ruby ETTE-SE- TS Il kg R P): U S corn crop wheat and other brooch as a wedding gift for Communist conquerors now are Republicans I popular iiii 11 Edouard Herriot arid Deputy Vin- grains set new records Canada's i Princess Elizabeth after assur- moving along the railway leading I wheat harvest is expected to be ances from the British consulate cent Badie 1 ALL PORCELAIN representing the SPECIAL FrATUTtrS-C1101- 0E Itl°nel'arni3ruileasnw wesnticonf ISIlhath°°kulaLctuwuallingand Marcel Roclore 'less than it was a year ago ' I that it would be accepted TOPS OR LINEN PLASTIC The International is czmy minister of agriculture and Dep- Food s council recently estimated uty Rene Coty representing the that the O HoirPin Legs United States could exindenendents Republicans 1 - All from ' 13500000 0 4 Legged Choirs long tons of grain have been worldrig together port e in June 30 1948 the year O Roller ending elections of and since 4 the up municipal be half of the would This almost 26 a to set up strong "third Oct -- "'"'''n total available in all the force" to oppose the Communist estimated 7- - moms m g countries: 29- and De Gaullist giants on either if ' '' 000000 tons side ' he followers said Rarnadier's r Need 50 Million Tons hoped to be able to announce a is expected How this far cabfigure broadened and strengthened irJ14? ZaTffrittfa2 144241 I ' inet which might even have a to fall short of the mark is indi- poOk ' the estimate of the apecated new before by the premier important C i z conference that 50- debate Tuesday i n the ' ' ' ' ' 1 be needed would tons 000000 on Marseille the riots ' assembly ' n D Secy-GeA Ruefully - 1 -- ' I " of the international food ! i T 'r f council commented that even if — Ia ri r4 a this amount were available it could not be purchased at present high 4t tri -- ' ' 1 '11 prices This linking of fancy prices 7— 1 ' ' ' on the American market with the ' f t i I ' '' ' ie ' t - 1 u rl1 grim realities of need It 1 '4''" ' ' ': - - - ''' :''' i - - ! Nf Plipmesfeetwill World Food Deficit Worsens EBB AND FLOW China Reds Political1 Talks As Population Expnds rate PRESS this theory the Sei in France Plot Fehlt prosperous countries meeting recent CABINET CRISIS ' s ' AP - - GRAIN PRODUCTION UP Liii- 1947 GRAIN ' - o as:m"4004e - 4! iV1-- 7 JUT"( ' milits ed 'The milltarY said also lt tad a Gen Chunhawn Phin U deputy rested another group of tirf'dzTt supreme commander of the armed fled persons suspected of cor in the death of Anan 30 as the date for a counter-revo- lt Mahidoi who died last June 1 the royal palace ' from a gunshc of the Marshal forces against wound under circun Pibul Songgram Songg-rathe stance1 inflicted which have never be-"strong man" of Siam and its war- fully explained No names were dtscloseit time premier dictator seized Chunhawn said the trot power in a bhi3Odleas Coup last Gen was connected with - CoL Illy' of Sunday with the aparent aid a retired army office Sarasat royalist elements" awaiting trial for alleged a'slariCT± Songg-ram'forces have admit- erous" remarks made in otzted 'outcroppings of resistance nection with the kings death against the new regime - - 4 the horri4 of several former gevrnrnev leaders and members ot tree The Former Premier Pradi Pria2r' myong a leader of the resisten during the war: went into tidir when Songgram seized powe There was no announcemer whether he or forces linked wit him were among those apprehen ment - - — -- —- - - - :1 - c Ily' ' Rico - JriFi — I I - 77 It "R4' 11 t 4 k1 - - nee during the war The said arms were seized in BANGKOK Siam Nov 15 The S:amese military command cracked down Saturday on a group of individuals it said was plotting to prevent the immediate return of King Phumlphon Alduldet from Geneva and oust the monarchy in favor of a republican form of govern- — - --- --- ------7::: - -" - I ft- E I-- — --- ----- 14 !AFR 717677" a friEnitoi -- Siamese Command Smashe Move to Set Up Republic - -- - A - - - - -- -- -- A - - — s female 100 PredVCSOSI It4 - ' - ' r-r- 7171 'le — CI ' - - - ' 1 - - :::---:- ASIA '' India - t - -- i 14 Primer guriopo 4' — - - -- - -- - -- — p11541 -- - Asia—foot short? rations In 1941 bacausa of storms and drought in 19471 - --C --- -- EUR CP 'v- A Indio — — — --- - AA I ners with dynamite charges attached also were tossed over wires at Rehovoth and were shot down ''''4"'t '-'-'1-- t3 ci - -- - um ---- - - -- The Mustapha police billet also was fired upon during the excitemenL Pamphlet bombs exploded in Tel Aviv where police also removed several banners tossed over wires across the street by Irgun Zvai Leumi squads Banner bombs ban- I Apo 111 77::::: Gunfire directed at a patrolling armored police car in the Mea Shearem quarter of Jerusalem brought answering fire from a 25 pounder carried by the police car and 25 minutes of chatter from Bren and Sten guns No casualties were reported An apartment was set afire by a star shell however and many h limp -- wtion) I -- - --- -- - IL : IS A VS N I - - t Pt - - : - f |