Show W- 'F -- -- iir —We - r ve r - ' N 4- - - 1 ilw' - - - f lo a 'i- - - - r k T 4 1 sl 1 11 ' :4 '3 I I 14 1 7 1 I 37 DOW-JONE- 1 QUOTATIONM STOCKS 27! A Co Big Hill Bingham Metal Bonanza Mining Bristol Silver Bullion $ Bid 07 Asked I 1 1 1 1 iComet-Cnaittion- C ai ' ' 91 - I he I vk? back-breakin- I ! I I SALT LAKE altah-18DA1- -week salable receipts 1601 Better grades slaughter cattle and moat tockers and feeders meetly plain eh stock and calves weak pota 50c or more lower for the week Slaughter steers conmsted at $180041 $2200 odd mostly of medium lots medium to good $2250er 2100: common $16 Outh1750 medium to good tiPiterre $19 00(4 2200: strictly medium lots commoo $160U Or 1650 dairy types $1400 (11550 good cows $1500 fr 1650 : few on heifer order $1700tf1750 medium $1300411450 cutter to common canners 1000 $1050beef 41250: $800 qitmedium bulls 31650V1750 good common down 51400 te 1600 $1350 good and choice yealcre S210002250 medium $1800 ft 2000: common 514 00 aril 00: good to choice feedr steers 520()04 211)9 :m411Juro S1M:00119:30: common choice feeding $1400 et 1700:medium heifers $185002050 and good to Food $14 000'18 00: few media0n2 stocker and feeder cows $120001450 Dogs-- For week salable receipts 538: with a week ago butchers 15c compared higher sows steady Mondays top $2475: Icows NORTH Cattle-- For on oays s - - Market Closes 4th Straight Losing "Week:-- 7 LIVESTOCK'' MARKETS ATUIPI In A T'M IT'OTATIONFI AVERAGES S SATURDAV3111 I a: - Salt Lake Stock I g November 16 1947 ' Mel 11155001100 common 8alro canslaughter cows $140001500: bulk common ners cutters and $1100n1350: 03 members Furnished by J A llogle and medium sauisage bulls $180001700 04 0212 New York stock exchange Calyee-Sal- able and total none salable 15 12 ' Total 300000 shares for week 125 steady: week's bulk good 05 0412 I Net I Bales In lb slaughter calves 250 choice to 500 and I 1 1Cloas1 sill OLDTDIER tired 1112 1012 for of Cardiff iflaiesIllIgh1 three directions Low Close Change Low By 1008 Chge Nigh $23 506 24 50: choice scarce 01 Central altndard &lid except for holes above Adams Ex i 21 Industrials none: getable Sbeep-Sa- lable 18048 17998 18028 up and total 1 25 Chief 1 mining 00 Consolidated 17 5! 17141 1741 27141 A zrajor factor in the difficulty i the horizontal NEW YORIC Nov 15 vr-:- for five day 4400 Compared IridaY Rails 46 92 4875 4886 up 07 Reduc 3! Clayton Sillor drilling was im- - Air ewes week lambs and 141 age to obtain young men in both metal plemented Cons 05 03 Colorado steady: bulk 21 3141 27141 341 Utilities 06 3409 3418 3414 up I I a water squirt gun' AUtfinany tendencies persisted :Mr n to with wooled I choice Columbus-Keltolambs S2325oe - 14 65 stocks 11 10 A cr di D good 1190 tAt1190 and I 2400: on 90 Washington lambs: Steadying i Allied 6353 6335 6348 up 05 xcombined metali - : latter 23 - 21 31 3114 31141 Sir to ll dust—and the the selected lay ewes stocks to "plaster" chnice 1 medium No 11 Saturday but it was 18 Allis-$750 Nif Bonds pelt 2i 384I 384 381411 of very old stories depicting the drill operator with mud 9888 oft 07 Commonwealth Lead few $1000 03 04 7141- 7 4950 Am skirls& 12 8 ejected the fourth black "in of the 18 Creocent 16 straight declining week 84 1 84 84 PORTLAND hardships working Am Can Nov 25 44 02 03 Hoge-Sa- lable Croff 1 4314 A C é P 4314 4314 -- ' and total non: for five for the market as a whole bleak and unhealthy mines" in- from the hole 04 Crown & 43 Point 05 71 L 6 1933 24 Pac 19&11 Am Loco 37 19 3714 37 'salable 1464 14 total 5822- Comdayst Note First Steps 12 14 4 710 4 Vsi 9 5 4 A P dit Lt lea 151 geonitalidated Eureka 10 Pack& Mot 914 914 dulged In by writers who somepared- week ago butcher- bogs steady sows A little professional short cover- 03 03 9 attrong to 50e higher: good and thole 331 9111: — 15 Am A Dragon Pan li 15 1514 times do not spend long enough IA 61 32 tinitil 0114 0412 511111 :11141 The first relief from the heavy to POIfit 22141 2241s1 145 lb 235 14 pPearnanerny 121 1sat barrows CtZrairlild and Pk largelY elite ing and buying elsewhere Cropped 41'4 d 05 08 2 68 14 to 300 Ina largely S2400tr 2241 67 87191 S2875 255 :150 Underground to adjust their eyes piston drills in raising carne with AAm8 Té AR T tTIntile Coalition 1651 at the week end on the Idea :a 14 04 East up RR Penn sows lb 14 17 14 to Is 10341 600 2500 good ranged 81531153 and their thoughts to what is the hand-rotate- d 55 54 East t Utah 21 70 w 2400: e 2514- 1-14 Pepal-Col- a 21! 25141 choice technical rally was from Am Tnb Bt 69341(153t4 hammer and good $2300 type 03 05 1 - Isi Phelps Doti! 5 484' 484 48 Empire Mines feeder piga S260002700: one choice 5614 5614 going on in a mine drill with pneumatic feed AAm Vise itt 1231 tlie howeve 18 week Bullion Eureka 15 stoping lot $2775 good stags scarce few $1700 Throughout 31 14 Phila 16 18141 23 23 Elect On top of this is the constant leg Because of the dust it created Anaconda 30 31 Eureka Lilly Con 51 231 32141 4 35141 171 3514 14 Philco medium down- to $1600 32 customers trimmed 01900 Eureka Mines 05 0312 Cattle-Sal- able Or Co none 561 13141 14 I PhillipsCorp' 1311i- Arm and cry about the great danfor five davit skeptical 341 4 58 55 59 7 g reI I 35 the 1111p5 I 39 to the action await 11 iTt 21 2041 5611Ai 20 I12 closing A T & 8 7 trs !aria 14 turlic8tandard 775 total !counts 3744: calves 2052: 8014 0 t6pand Sv swing 80141 S255p getable d Gold Chain 200 to 260 I butcher gers involved in mining with ap- quired to rotate these early drills Atlas Corp! 51 23141 23 ! 23141 14 Puilmen $2525 I 21 'n'a" 541141 991 Compared week ago Jeers 54 8t4I on European relief and doQ7 Great Western 300 pounds I !tel to 280 I I to 280 pounds cows $2475: 1411r L 441 l to bulls heifers Avco 541 Oil 5101 5141 1 and 5141 111 247it1 25 good obliviousness to 'Pure steady fatalities I - 05 04141 parent were soon called "Widow-maker- s" Raid Coco I ei 15141 1541 151s1-- - I Radio Corp 1111L 9 4 9411 0 4 $2425 300 to 325 The thought that poondo $2375 sows I weak: lower grade cow 25c to 50c mestic inflation i 28 31 " choice in automobile accidents bathtubs they i41 largely $2150 3 2250 light lower some common cowls off more light I record I I Rem Rand i 9 11341 11 4 14 Balt At 0 I 14 14 ii::11 statements by 14 1112 Sprays devised to allay I BarrWall 12300 Veights earnings 14 venters to 7! 32141 3224 321414 calves 50c on sterisdeena and the Eke 27 27 27 $100 steady: heavy Repub Steell 0110i Indian Queen week eatable receipts 1125: lower: medium Sheep-- For the düst were unsatisfactory The Bend At 2t 32 steers 32 and 32 41 40411 40 Tnb 31 40 $2000Qe good Rey corporations might bring Kennebec tl claases fully steady 11 13 Oldtimer always has maintained hand-rotate- d good and choice 2525: load 100 lbw of high good grade 4 3011 Foode 30 t 3na4t- - 14 Sale Storeal 31 2134: 211 21 02 hammer type sinking Best ff 2225 0'212 drive-i- n of excess profits lambs KentuckyUtah the reinstatement $2200 slaughter he to common 7 Betts steers down Steel : 14 41 9714 9611 4 5 $2650 $1700: Lead 45 itt Jo 45 an 971 that 20 23 alert intelligent worker drill that was next developed 14o Airpt Keyatone medium and good $18 00"ft 2100: good cutters down to $1400: common to good taxes 183-2 11111 81 34 some $ chen Dist( 34 34 l 03 Lakeside Monarch selling Ad-e wee inspired 05 choice fat t111 god $80011 860 medium 'dockers and feeders 115004J 2200: few in a well managed metal mine is helped some in 2 4 3 14 18141 4 3 14 Sears Co Poet 251 3g 1744 Leonora 0214 and good $650S 750 aifor incor-Borg-W- r sinking but too Borden 2 04'1' 14 31 12411 justment Rerl 8 14 24 12 03 0411 0:112 "'"rad eanrile '5557llif ailittle about as safe aa he can be any- often more time was May VELc—icyliFpo-s-es"7-w—51 8141 8141 Yiren Aire 8141 -Cattle---FMervel Inc consumed 12i 11 84 '1241 119 — ars sMadison Mines in OGDEN (Utah-USDrestrair12 a 08 09 ) Shells cows 1250 to 11 1! 121 1241 1214 down $110011 4 where else Irt connection with recovering stuck drill steel than illrrlidggit: rirt $800 factor Oti 4 week salable receipts '4487 07 0412 Magnolia Lead common and medium cows $130001600: 2' 33141 33 14 Silvemr )(lusti 11 30141 3034 303 e 33141 mecommonslaughter classes scarce and to 42 36 aMammoth steady: coal mining it Is impossible to in cows 111411 — beef 111 beef 14 Co Budd 11141 1114 Since modern drill OM good 141 151 1541 1512 slow-goin-g dium cows heifers and vealere 50c or more 1$371 Sinclair $170001850: 04 Miller Hill 05 4 In final the sessign COITIMOTI to u 14 3 15141 1524 1524 341 good $185011900 lower: Gold calves off: and St stockers !IMiners 0312 express so definite an opinion be- steeldrilling 0214 164 i 181 and drill bit practice and P a (' 11 T 11 31 - 14 Sou Pacific 31 31 11 4341 in good demand fully steady load sausage kinds $141101f 1800: good and Pacific Western Oil added 2 points feeders plain 02 )ilosouri Monarch 0111 cause coal mines are sometimes what led I I 10141 43 !tf 2 2 heaVir 2 -' vealere Ls Pouth By I d 32350 rt 2500: d 31 54 t4 'Moscow to it was described in Cella 34 steers choice oasA 034 Up 201 10441-down i 14 late sales mostly at 5614 and Mission Corp 1 11 31 1041 1014 me'! Pact' $2200 40 14 Mountain Cite Copper 32310 few head $2340slaughter 80 and above: bulk calves UnpredictiLble skthough manage- - this Column last Stmday it will 10414 50 down 2 41111 43141 43141' I14 SPIeW & 1C1 Co $20 on revived-- - merger hopes: View to 03 low xMountin 0312 $200fr 2250: 71 me for fin 50 11 141 FneeralarZ1frd-t"4al'rtl- n: common to medium good 9! 22!4i 22141! 221' few04 94 Nei Cerra driPi xNrvada Metals 0214 suffice to say that the early drills Chef' 2541 25 I 2814! glet0041000: Texas Pacific Coal & Oil 17ii 2784 salable d 2 21 2491 e 43141 4314! Oil Stet ' 0 Compared Call days 15 common 14 00 Nondriver heifers 43141 15141 ventilation are making coal mining were in many instances handi- C é NW $1950 ft 2100: 004 11 15141 week ago market active fat lambs 50c 44Th 011 Indl I St 40 to Park medium xNsY Std cows 1947 top) and Allegheny 85 1 40 40 16244 $14001r1900 good (a extreme top 8100 up: lower I do of 14 Std Oil N 11 2' 351-435414 03 8 0312 mostly $1550gr 1700 some on heifer or higher 14141 14141 4 xNew Ilajestitl progressively safer capped by poor bits and inferior Chrysler Talk and owes steativ to strong: : good Corp preferred 114 at 40 15 61111! 3511 001114 71 7411 1314r14141- StO at Web! 57 58 grades der Lily medium gNorth $130011 4 $1750018M Colr-P-116 drill steel Of drills more later choice 147110 1!"nbe 62200412250: of Canadian 31 20111 20141 -4411111 11 44111 02 common 14 atudetia14r Mines Overlook Glamor 04 !rid Standard cutter to kNorth 1500 dollar devaluation one 2 included lot COO: & Tr few latter 31 16 1514 )(Ohio Copper canncm 13 1212 Sunah Mogi 1111 941 014 88i4 tri rCor GbEl lifted Dome ILines 1 at 20 and Mc31141 1114 115:114i- 4:- 4 Texas Co Park Bingham 02 141 to $1750: bulk sausage bulls 81410Its 7 57141 0714 0164 14 Miners Did Timbering It appears that both the metal 2 44141 44 14 T 0 Prod Coml crti 40 Con equol to record high except for few seeing 44241 41 18 medium 154 42 'A gPark City 1700: lots 15441 $1400et1550 good ar Po 12j at 52 Elsecommon Intyre Porcupine 3 3 lambs: Iambi Cone 12 Konold Park 07 41 T to Ili h and coal training industries seek$17004161)0: odd 14 kluiphi choice 166' 0 5741 yelers $210062200: 574' 9314 2114 21141- - 14 r P 571 - 12 Partt Nelson to support of the work- Con Eelt i S18 Of' Turning were narrow 1700: I 28 07 good and choice where plus signs 71 18141 28 int:elerti 10 L common Trl and to above: medium $2250 men save for mining ing young ewe' $S 004s 850 common gown to $450 New Lows 11 10141 10½1 10121 06 141 Park Premier 5311! 5311 5324 - 14 Tbermoid 08 where needed the early C N choice 81600 2000 ft fleshy place ing weighty were rethe for year Park Utah 2 75 24 311 23141 23 T W A Oil Nov 15 OMAHA feeder steers $2275 rh)2325 in carloads failed to emphasize the most im- miner usually had to hew and size 225 23141 03 Edison TImko R 11 52 152 others 12 Pioche Bristol 1' 52 medium many -S- alable and total none Compared Fri- corded for Consolidated $220002250 of feature modern 05 Plumbic 08 21 13 dine" portant common Transamer 13 mining his timber at the working place ast week generally steady bulk bar- which finished off 24 at 21 13 day $1600441750 $1800(1)1950: e 21 28 Pluto' l & dre T to W choice rows week Mr! heifer 15 and for 4( 2550 1512 —the "glamor" and "glamor" it We shall see what happens today 51800 1541 81114 6 good $24501r 44 Tri-- Corp 4 21 Prince Consolidated 31 01 23 medium $14000)1750: week's to gilts illtil 1950: common tofeeding and Cerro $2575: late top $2525 bulk Eversharp 11i at 1134 is—of modern machines and de- when 114 02 04 4 Mining Prosper St 31 carloads stock cows $1400 20th few wows S2425tr 2525: late top $2500 2514 25 calls for support— 0'1530: ground 2384- Rico De Pasco at 31 251 5514 Cattle-Sal- able Argentine 145 none Comchoice stock calves up to 2275 Und rwood 150 carloads and 88 vices which haie in most cases later total — 04 IA Coalition 05 11 Royston most lots $1800 fr 210n ck : I lin Oil Cal last week choir fed steers I The Associated Press 2412 244 14112 pared Friday Silver King Coalition I S 711 MI a t 400 Hogs-- For 425 tin Pacifier week salable receipts 311: steady to :5c higher heavy weights little promise to in others make the From hand-fille- d car4 I Silver 11141411414 9 baskets 4' 50 1 11 80 was a King un61 of WesteraI 11 a 12 week butchers Untd with 18141 1812 Air 15e medium and up ago 1812 composite comparedsows good grades' changed miner a in all mine oper- ried on back or shoulder and hand - 4 tintd Aircrl Shield 0414 05 11 12 xStIver 2114 ' 21 to 50c lower heifers steady 645 but for the five days polet steady closing top 200 to even 211 showed Silver Standard 03 03 12 higher d a tion specialist 2 butchers $2525 260 to 280 to 250 steady 211 214 medium and good cows t Corpl top higher I Sioux I I into crude care to to-- - I nowt Aire I 11 49141 4041 4TAh 1 IA I tintd 'L111'1 Mines 03 shoveling 04 it' 31 5 55 155 14 net loss to at of cows 280 Transfers l'otd Fruit! to $2475: other fcr pounds fat steady S1'00 higher: I I ii-TserI in Iron Bloaannl South Du machine 1187 06 Pont 1187 Prorress 12 3187 '1"1 34 121 design the modern loading and trans- Fastern sews 14 325 pounds canners and cutters 4'es— $2425 6Murray Corl mostly the two hours totaled 300000 ! f ALI 06 i5i:S645B-21512 know-ho- w 17141 1714! 11 4 s 1a r:vumtnhSat a 0dnasolIdated :'4 US Rubber f'Z'towr7 14 choics of machine -- application day's 4514 bulls to weak light weight AT steady K a 44 been has LastriAn 0112 45 0212 $23 00 11 Si 1111k&M ail 441610 porting equipment 4511 45St 4541- i - 55 xTarBiib trMns calves weak to 5oe lower shares against 250000 last SaturAt Ltt 1674" 18411 161114 and the never ceasing demand tedious '''S l UPI lite? 2131: steady stocker and feeder classes in reduced supdevelopment but just as 1:1 P 02 03 31 1111 all two Bros loads Warn close' good for higher mine wages now the interesting steady to 50c fully week's tope ehoice day Of 635 issues rewisterinr 252 firm 1314 ply III! 4 Lead illy as the transition in 2S Iloilo 30 and choice i Idaho slaughter lambs to prime 1305-l- higher: 12 b $36-04110 43'14 43 West rose and 188 fell with 105 Auto' fed steers 1 25 Standard a gTintic our comin "I Weot Tin 130 51 21 14 highest rock drills $2350 three doubles and a deck good choice to prime yearling and seven loads 2214 22 12 history have Union Chief 04111 Iiii 05 the week's aggregate of B West three and choice 1107-l- b decks 55 medium changed Atr 5514 33 steer-$2275: bined to eliminate to a very great choice Utah $3500: Consolidated 02 03 the briefest method of Irruthauf T 1111et Perhaps ' $3000: 27 good Idaho cows 'I good and choice 91)91b $2235: heifers good Oil 11 20 13 4 shares compared with si:17rel 20 15 20 "back-break- " 11 t'4111 trtilettaohi:WYgeomtircratCed trucked the 43466534'543111 : 02 and lots 821504? 2250 flat: medium $2000 White degree 234 271q 9141 ractical top vealors $2000: 21 1014 the comparative ease Gen Salt IA 03 10t4 1 014 11 to good $1800 "It 2100: load Willya-O- v good and good Deef bulls $1800 choice yearling 0:3 94 4044 sweat in mining 3' 1134 11tes 11110 le 14 Westrn Alloys There remain illustrating of metal mine work today is to 2:: Cabla ewea choice nut ”1 30 at with 31 Woolwrtri 4614 1500 $850 Weet Toledo feeder steers Flee 0334 odd lots 9' 3514 3514 3514 e 41 T Sh & T $2550 034 SI 781A medium $6500750 cull and few underground duties that describe 71 39114 choice stock steer calves $2650 7744 40Tft- 12 aWilbert bulk Gen rood' 04 the work of the Gen 024 al 391 41 3"4 to commong800: 11 19141i 1914 Zoriltb Rrlo1 $350 5 00 a Yankee Consolidated 51 51314 choice fed steers $2600a 3400 a MB 03 and Motors SS41 05 good Baty mechanization has not eased and miners inquickly e and comZuma none: Sheep-Sal-able drifting total and 0412 raising 0512 Nov DENVTR 15 Total stock sales 300000: Utah-Maha look at the backlog of machin- sinking in a fully equipped metal liaturday - IA pesvious day 780000: week ago 254000: with Friday last week slaughter 3rt0 Sug corn 400 -C- ompared with last week's close: Fed pared zdo 1 to P0131 re C II 541 lambs decline finish recovered JAI te 1075 0 0 1125 pf steer early pi 0 mostly steady: medium to )ow generally ery manufacturer's orders promises mine of today 518780: two years ago 1087- 31 45 44 Tip 45 yror aso slaughter ewes steady to choice 125001$3050:' Goodyear zteady: fed heifers ateadY 25e Jan I to data 217158451: year ago x0porating company relief for even these few tasks Graharn-101 5 not enough yearlings offered 5 51rs 434 to higher: medit1M to 25e two good higher: 323590515: high ago 325469161 yoars 31 37111 Modern Drills teed 0 t vNV Ry rt 3741 37 adequate test of market: replacement 12125 ett2725: few choice 12900: grass-fa- t for SATICIIDAY'S SALES 31 22 1As Gt 22 22 stock steady: five decks good and choice Sug heifers steady to strong at 12300 90-lCompares With Football b 121 11 elOW11 1118 1114 4 led western wooled lambs Greyhound cows The drill crew In A drift now Gulf bulk beef Operating $1700 62200: The November meeting of the Oil A 73 wooled 73 73 - I week's top other good and choice $2375 NEW YORK BONDS Cardiff 500 at 114 mgAlittolov Perhaps It is a poor comparison operates horizontal hammer drills Hud lionlestaks! 3i 42 31011fhp"':chttut 42 42 lambs largely $2325 ft 2350 Utah section American Institute $79'00' "'"""tp li 0215'8nd is g71 slaugnter Silver 200 at 53c Clayton 34 but the metal raining of today to equipped with mechanical feed and Hud Of Man! 61 1944 !( 18434 19414 111950 medium and lots ft 2250 1205-l- b good grain-fe- d belferish 11850 East Utah 400 at 53c cows 12125: canners and cutters loet early plonevdersmi 1$271deektonedmtoon ehTo:cxee8 $12a2m7b56 of Mining and Metallurgical En4 1ponora 2000 at 212c Oldtizners way of thinking com- completely --controlled water going Hug Motor! I 11 4 li t 4 CORPORATION BONDS 4 Niow Park 400 at Si 85 bulk hulls eteadY advance: ita1400: $1100 gineers will be held Thursday at 25 25 13' 25 load mostly criolfe 93-l- b I S1550411850 pares with early mining as does through the center of the drill I Intorink few $1825 and'I fed :Mattel Close I Chg I 'Bales In 91000 $15004'1800: 4 I I mostly 8 pm Newhouse hotel 13 MB I clips No 1 pelts $2350 few "mod above: venters ealves to 431 and troor: steady II AR football a with dit Am 87 Harv Int 3' eir n P P 5e 2030 today's 111 324 33 and choice wethers $1850 "replace- steel to allay dust and speed drill- Int M it yearling a top vealera and heavy calyea be on will talk featured A! It -by nsrs te Am T at T 2440 75 ellosion nei UNLISTED Li 1"1 STOCKS ISOc ment" breathing down one's neck ing stockers and feeder steers roinly 4106141 the lot N Can! 915' 21141 2Sts 21 - 4 El A 0 60 P5 I occasionally 900 latter price generally con- "Peacetime Operations at Geneva higher and Up 1100 from 'Monday last SA50t vith the days when one "stayed runner Except es 57141 511psle do 51 C16 M 5741 under 140 lbs common does not even have to crank innit tr'aiterT1 ! 90! i bulk medium to choice S10 004 fined to weights week: i Bid Asked 13 Ike 13 12141 21 56141- K by Walther Mathesius le do ewes $1500850: breeding Steel" 2000 medium and choice several in" for the entire game t loads 2450 6 1 2810: $2525 the machine by hand In some Tc onl Steteii 11 3 3241 33 ev 414e 2010 7 A rnalg Sugar pt 101 434 do — of the Geneva Steel Co few solid mouths elikBPd1 other up $ atnekr supply' 975 i101212 president teow"910tn00 4FrtAl 44 48561 410 17' 14 51 Can P First of all were the hours of 98 i's 4 14 Con Wagon & Mach perp — 40 50 the machine mounting is of Lit-0-higher snots up triore: emomosffrneomtGrneonnhIteo i 54 I 5' Gil 54 C M P 8 P 14 Inc 414 2010 6734 It Fire ' atitan — Clay heifers $150041'2300: 7500 Work Oldtimer can go back only IIcases pneumatic or other type - ?Icist1 a 941 531 54 171 52104 do cv 4149 2044 — 14 aUtah Pow & 1t corn i 6700 CI a 110 q gi Is l'n :2 50 I 23 00 envy& 11200 fut 41 Aire 1214 E 3 1 M do 94 to the days when he worked a ten I 11103 C 124 66 44 i t'''311 00 4 ca gi Pter i'''$270e25':q: 3B1F1111170110010U afficli!T1200kNS design moved from place Lowes Inei 171 20 19 71 1914 CIIICAGO GRAIN IA 5! 5341 34 heifer calve! 12200 down hour ghift- for $233 and then 11 5124t 654 - 14I24 CFLIPr4o1 5 Car on 'wheels Erie 414s 2015 dull Lone 1! 63141 661'place CHICAGO Usually last close: with week'" Nov Hors—Compared 215ne 75 Copper 410 Mar 114 M 5l (API—A Field 8 M 3' 481418 P 91 25141 2514 climbed up 1400 feet because the drill hits are 4 tit 8FirifiT51s Barrows and stilte unevenly 25c to 75c upturn in corn featured dealings onaharp 25 0(N5 with de- Martin the sLietavder 15 1115 14 11 741A4 POWS ateady to 25c lower: week's' lower: 840090 OVER man cage was not substituted for tachable ones replaced 262ar THE COUNTER board of in aeration A' the trade last 25 El Master Baturtity 0 254! often carried in 1ZI1 ZI freelv for good and prior to convening of a special session of top 12800 $01234 Pore - 3' 53 iI 52 T:c141 do 54 80 71 114 SATrIDAYS the skip until tirne for the next I the miner's pocket In this same Mein choice 200 to paid 270 lb berrovoit and gilts: congress to aid-14 261 43141 434 43141- do foreign aid and Pet and nothing above domestic bigh consider lo1) 12550 11 r5ni5i013 01 I I N 1 51 5014 504 thin to go intow the mine All of drift following the drilling and Munslon C Bid 14 prices Aakod 763411 12525 at low time: hest mows 12525 - sit Oats also were strong but wheat fin71 2 4146 2013 A 44 I 1344 13414 4 do which his with 2475 as final limit says "does blasting of the round with exixhad with only minor gains The bread 31 1514 131 C2121 Aanalg Sugar conl do rtti 14 do en 40 98 1$1015 $1035 Sheep-Com- pared last close: with week's do a few cents during 31 R 2 cereal R 314o 52 not sound reasonable!" Compare 55 pfd 000 975 it 96141- - 14 slumped 554 a 4 Pen 150e attruck-Inpicked to "fit" the nature Mont 'Ward I 20! 5441 Slaughter lamb unevenly eteady An Pe 414 but came back shortly beforeearly the 81 i sh1 I 171 w1 ' 1741 a trading : lower: 174I chOice IA and closings 5'3'" top week:a that day's work with today's fuss- plosive 5 411141 of the rock either a mechanical NasivICelv 1 finish with the spurt of corn in 3 61 5'8111 Nat Avisi 1212' 32121 1212'4- 4 Sou Pe g 46 56 ?q-"few 10001 rood and cboirse and °ate sympathy I 1 12425: Coal OR in 101 14 21 31141 because wheat Independent 4124 120 BiscuiC 50 West'Un 3141Buying lagged : 1 tmg about pay for the time in- loading machine on wheels or a Nat 4 I rangers early $235002375: good in'" ot the irs rov'en 1948 crop outlook 41 671414 Ai 30 14 Mosintain Fuel Supply! 1425 1500 12 Wits Cen 4a 49 2910 1r1 111 Oil enlefrilet:141n volved in putting on one's digging scraper drawn back and forth by Nat II Prol twhtat-filid) 20121 20141- titan 14 c to 00 riam: tinsono$2335i: turColorrado A' 20 Wheat 11101 tylishot lei higher :11113 MARRIAGE ilt (' a Totall sales Rativtay 31290000: nre- Utah 00 1141 00 t December 9300413004 cern was 412c 3' 196 'it' Clothes to 25e Ilower tOtt° : week 1800: feeding lambs steady electric or compressed air hoist- - 1'::1' Gyporm' — Utah lrund 49 9 PA ago $1399 35450000: day 34 i 191 2' 34 34 Lear!) si vtrots : good and choice kindst t5s'4!weerheighlecrtoD'3celribehri g9112er40 rktr)2ce4m0 I 23 25 vear & VPAr Lake Salt two up: aro Utah holding Pwr n00 weighty S11253000 I Of course exceptions prove the i loads the broken 22:75 1141 Ar Ltcom1 County 21 IA 14! P 70-l- b rocl:c into carsjoc black-face- d "1: Mixed I 118891 reedere to Oil aro $2325: datc S1608200: Jan kao lower Tents rderitt Grainger 24 PaR tatter: s!11 14' 201 2n I g I sf81 00 'e 14 rule and there are some wet mines storage battery or trolley loeo- !N - enipniv' black and wialtelaces 92309:nucnecows $11744 tivlilss' and soybeans' two ditzltsemilloiutharn sti 932820: year ago S11113693900 13a Mall yatt ')Ilikellblitl 28 rtuvrt $370- C Arti91114134413ko loada almond 60 to 65 lb While titers' some Inines with treacherous' motive haulage Hand 'Crar4Ming- - I P''4 Am ii—s264103iolo E id& : ACII in corn 4 the ''lloal tapttirn retight Ay' avid WTI goodsUnder MeellinliA Z111)(1 no I l'rrierttet tZ221 shout — minutes 25 L 125 by surprise 61600 6 2050 Janttaa Alaceda 64 Bait Loa ground some mites haring 1 17- 1- and animal haulage are 'rapidly i:4') taineitt:'1 :4''' 21 before the cloe Broker' ' representing 191A 19241 il lgtigt 1A5 0 Nov CHICAGO l I 64 14 etarted the 27141 27 2714 WEEKLY METALS pleasant natural conditions and dlappearing In the znetal mines 01516 Oa 'NEW YORK CURB !":11reati ablo bogs 300) total 4300 (estimated): anemvestro 11110011 followed by local tracrers ' tea"! 11111:- "Ita'a-125a:4week' ego: Weights over 2130 tinpleasant supervising personnel NEW YORK Nov 15 (AP)--Ac- tkr1 was the county Basis for the mATtltDAY'Al compared CirOTATIONS buying evidently NVorries Timber wows azid 4 to 25e lower: butchers rain and snow In the rnidweet Forget It was But harsh natural conditions have this week maintained firm pries under 200 lbsatosclY around 25e to 50c lower felt tins would cause lighter Marketing' )saltisi litsh Low I clews demand Feleoe 24 infinwiren cal! ' - ii Rory n the method of stoping employed been overcome largely by modern levels for copper load ad zinc 500 (estimated) i root-par- of the MTh article Salable cattle If timber is required in the drift on In addttion rarminflP German Gloria Catoctin 16 feeding 74 core a MEW 14 week ago: Choice fed steers moatly operations were expected to be increased tort li devices and methods and one it is sent to the face almost com- In addition modern diamond long-holObpper sold at 214ts a pound Connectilii 17As 17 1711 ii lower gr'ades unevenly 50e to e Punka? auperpowel as corn Oats were relatively as strong used in some cut Valley but small tonnages of foreign steady 1 1 1 Chief sower: must admit our labor relations pletely sized and ready for plac- type drills aremethods heifers steady to 50c lower Tad d O Jnhaskon- - Tr salt LAke: 1150 There were no artrittenritI of 38 Cities ServineI I 101 384 38 No choice kinds mostly steady: medium and raink in the eouthwest Saturdayreporte were Tacoma mined metal at bouibt Itarbara Pi iicitairea 26 EAtt Idaks LIM'S have pretty well taken care but the longer stoping —I 1114 1124 1124 Wash it nrouth-strickbeef Mfg to 5no (VIVA ing More than one mine today Is broken rock in atopes hand Dnniaon rood 1100 to area have tor appeared he 71 124 12 4 Floe Bond & Ihr rouraly equivalent to burlier cutters and cornnon nuwtly Thomas Pleenard 17 2741c1to week towel of "tmpleasant" supervisors Is trying out mobile timbering '7c177"Itave! the real obtained find moisture several 11 10kit 10 211144: at New York ii747mato Mimeo 1021 flrle lower: canners 1100 lower bulls 'Fully months to ore Hocia shoveled or wheel-barrow9 Friday 141 9161 Mtn machines which hold hori50e City Miningl calves and to Producers yealens in November sales nitlet fully $100 higher: heavy end We I sorseeria reported I 14227r14212 21 Ziwnel "rtiding Miller Is does N784 Illpaitio unless gravity chutes It 4' 14 New Park Stoping Explained V6 14 lower practical ton 13875 but load sont Murat 17 gait Lax& ' I Prime indlisbeeves to prwcialtv October American deliveries late13e0n 22c Nnvomhor cwt lower tt operhigher 31 Por the benefit of the unac- timherinen secure them 1441 1441144 trial Users totaled 212202 tons of refined an rpchefrotor record high: several loeda 82530 Plenianeln Plcuas 30 Pelt take lard storks graturdav Jftn Chicagook 21 22Lal 22111 2224r a Ol 52 St13g85 lbs June's- 13825 V18 60: hulk rood and ebotro fed were renorted MarY Margaret Eider 26 BLit Liken copper highest for any month since down A typical raising crew has its ated scrapers to the ore chutes An Utah Pwr & 141i quainted underground metal minwas tons s low The Year Nov 1 118852 $epof lbs since limrhettlirutmermuteeneArno sitt2e4er5en 057267000: tecorim3m0Onn: number 1977487 88101 conveyors 140000 Total Saturdv increasing sham) involves horizoni drills steels timber and materials tire 19 Part take: tember's 93582 tons ing advancing of the shaker or belt type year ago 83825 shares Claris Jetta Clark 19 Balt Larta Wortd diiiiries In October aggregated to 11800 :rood and choice fed belfera tally up or down I e drifting or I hoisted to the face by a convenient either St ‘505l lona good 161007 transuse are for the Darrell Ray Jenkins 27 Freednert Wra-- 1 cominginto NEW YORK COTTON Juno and compared With 160558 tons 2200: canners and cuttpra S90ntr1275: tunneling raising or sinking re- little air hoist Gone are the days ore and rock letagdalres Russo bunceih 20 541 t Lat& good weighty bulls late 11900 e 1050: top (AP)--Cot- ton INVESTING CONIPANIES In World Nov September TORN 1CW 15 spectively Stoping the extraction of hand winches This same crew fer or transport of outchoice on choice renlactcustom smelter 12700 crude vealers: and futures moved narrowly in glow tradthit Robert Ross S'inlittc 23 Salt take! merit cattl and calves steady lower grades Saturday was 185242 tonli PATTIm1"S QrOTATI0NS of ore may involve all three direc- will operate self-rotatiwater-- put in October Ida Ctorindis Rossetti) 24 Salt Lake to 50e 10Wer: well bred short-fe- d Saving Devices Continue weak in September' Refined against 189901 output I eeemed AAaited a i there to be 4 Bid disposiGenerally tions of advance Support of the stoping drills—some of which are 998-16 on steers account: tion rose to feeder tons 12000 from tong 180910 195717 aft Pres Truman's to message Were space available one could Affiliated Fund Ine4 in september bred stockers and the spoeeia T session of congress on Monday ' 430 gfetwioodersands2ehootocoetrw2ett5eorn working place when necessary held safely in place with an extra continue 393 169 Bus Snafu 412 The market displayed a steady under376 and retflOVII of excavated material compressed air leg extending up- sweat-savinindefinitely describing Amer Salable to 500 (estimated): (com- tone Nvidond flares 166 144 after an irregular Textile Third District Court t - pared week sheep Slaurhter g devices in metal First to lambs in 92088 be!ti bzlaroare the other major details of wards 25c Septeenber11tocks mill Mut Trust Fund 573 ago! demand was apparent opening 614 throughout the in the United States totaled 741ZO1 I 500 lower: yearlings 50e or more lower: I Charlotte Ifteln front Bernard -ten I Fund Investors Toe 1492 1361 absorbed mines and I mental self-rotatiTrt taking I I profit ewes In sinking the hand-hel- d ccortons Oct 31 against 80113 Sept 30 25 50 'steady to 25e higher: closing light fledging cruelty Plaintiff awarded alatighter 2337 Commission Keystone Catdo “ house buying dion certain The United Kingdom reported importing bulk dread and neholcs native and fed centered in deferred contracts furnishings personal prop- ' 1626 1775 With modern safety practice and do water hammer drill now Fseefeeting are the slow steps tons of unwrought copper in the western wooled '' lamb of B-- 4 12300 and 254431 62325 8 $48 erty apartment peaceful do 989 possession closed Futurso to 5c 55c a bale higher from prehistoric fire and water inconceivably easier on the runner ventilation ever increasing mechec4fina Defendant awarded ceruain furctishe firet nine months European buyers are mediPrit and good 12050 4112250: common 2 1477 do 1:1 4 t't — inrs expeebed to expand purchasm if funds thcowouta S18 00 alr 18 00: oeveral loads than the previouo close do 84 a7 methods of rock excavation under- ' than was thought possible are the anization which will make almost ?qationwid 64I beeom araflabl under tne Marshall Dian medlum to rood wooled yearlings 81650 Elfreda Weidauer from lier itn 14 OR Fund i 13 ns xcee of eel '40! common to medium down Lead detmand ronttnued in Weldatier 6 The discovery of mental Plaintiff most popular As in raising ex- - all underground workers special- - N Sac Per-Pr- vial Stk 131 cruelty ground : I MARKETS granted custody m of minor child $74 per eliminated the laborious cept in reverse machines I withNEW YORK Nov 13 (t'P)--Follosupport compenoney sr per month Putruirn (I nine' wee rm New York f einflPht choice 35c The at sorted was S300 as for becomes price are Pc) out of 27 rock Fund but custom are it 25P5 smelter prices for I rnmrtiA handled with small metal mining industry material Saturday' picking pil411 Ptfierr I common and me- I delivered 21 P4 lead held at 141ic a pound to States and veto 07 'inward PititY Fd a875! bonds redeemed by ot20 foreign tiniors government metals: I WPI 2800 eleyWn dium load good nod years before the reciprocatinf rock "ir hcsts And the davi of tough more and more attractive for Wehinston Fund tfondant court Gulf of lixlen ports costa 37 22 I 18 79 and Propproy $10 delivered Copper—Electrolytic New York 21Valleyer Settlement of court-Wooled 2141c In the first pint months the United eholee 8711E erhort-le- d iirill freed the miner of thjback- hand shoveling in sinking are on young men who once informed of approved byLOMUI parties export La& I re tons of lead lamha fel fP0440? huvr S2160 Mae State Wiscombe 113872 Laurel front imported casting fob refinery nominal Paul Wiacombo mental In pigs and bars and 39305 tons in ore the way out Mechanical loaders its mechanical future high pay Piamtiff SAN FRANCISCO Nov 15 cruelty delivered breaking single or double hand clam-shelake valley a were Zinc at firm of former Slew n9141ii 10IAc restoration pound none: total Cattle—Salable prices York and for five ll 1ead—Common Mei St Laranted Mae Bourne nd and other loading de- and advancement opportunities drilling of holes for loading with GRAIN Blast Bt Louis and 10kie Gulf of Mexico days salable 750 Compared Friday week touts 148001485c foreign gulf $200 porta should fill otters 14 lac 210M1n ILL ports medium and heifers and Betty Culp from Leater Dcmald Cubsof ago explosive Picture the miner hand vices are moving in fast in shaft under the new system good CHICAGO Nov 15 (AP)— was deed volume rine of in fair coax Plaintiff rustewly western York to low New Buying zinc—Prime 1104c medium ateadv Cleo nonsupport range good grantd veterans who of the ranks in the Open High drilling noles upward raising sinking from galvarusers 40 per triont4 support canner (tows 50e to The higher: about 'East St Louis 10 9ac foretim gult ports minor child -particutarly 30 years too soon" to DeeWheatThe American Zinc institute reported pleb three loads low good 840 to 90 lb 101sc "were born attorney- fees $75 00 $3 operations! Wben the heavy re6300 $297 $298 Different Drills Dorothv Prower Xis" trot?"' Albert Klan lotOooll 124500 2500: load low good 715-- 1 output was 71145 tons in P614 21741 zinc 26741 265 s lb belfers enjoy the fruits of mechanization May 2250 ciprocating piston type drill with I 61861 tong in 1tolviriber lane 1 cruelty Plaintat- treated custody cs! comot 12300: good rang cows 11825 priee4 — La& 16e 2152 Pttlmnt 25116 against end October : of 138568 common the at bulk ehfld 21200e aggregated and medium Its heavy tripod column or cross In stoping all three types of I much of it the result of their own July 1050c: roP'Per es1875 range 244 44 27'4:44 244Ni tone against 130574 tone Sept 30 262 girt Corn— bar mounting came along it was rock drills may be used depending suggestions Tho Iindustry reported 03411 tons wee e 40 Tee I 24014 7 34 IlLeCOUne! hi to transferred 'government 2 26440 Mar 212t4 -f '171'1 I 2 22 2 114$ meV4:1 August and Iteetember presumably l for 2 2214 2164 July k' Nt "":RA6stockpiling permanent 2131 21344 IM 208 20614 r-- 1P I ' $ept frx ig a at I held 15c firm Aluminum "0 1 prices I 44e Oats— r N : in pigs 4 The I IL L In y' oli o ft1‘111P6 I - 1541 fox pound nos 1784 113 I 114 115 Ti44'5 ' 4 06 7 i t'1Z Minos reported prewitiCti011 of folt t71 m811 1M44 Bureau of I 92 aluminum in the first eight monthsAt ' '94 primary 9442 N A 41 92a4 JUL' i totaled 393813 tons compared with 227s Iimmismm411F ors tte-- 4 'te4::' 4 I ' :AO t Ot" 310 4' Al4r 3 3 7114 3 76(164 ' 4 11-- ' — ' 781114 en 1 'to 3 3 67 aol5mtltoinnaciullintrythsellir:letalaepri:77r:1:v1: buta 67 Mar 3 66 solvr1-ti- I 3 rt e171'14 ' t May 0 Lard-- price hik nestittn A i8Y14131c01Iobt:ngrcatognnacel'P°mdrttiacerbe 4 30 23 bioantlasyahatvoPtared P! 3 47 3 Zg ? zg 2 24 gg 'N : 411 243 45 Industrial 'silver prices were unehnaengl '7 26 40 26 40 24 45 1 Jos t '2' ore an 1 : r 243 rr tk the week itt 141c 26 50 20 t during Mar 24 30 I ' London in 45 'York New and pence PA 24 25 24 57 sn' 25 L 11 24 7 May 24 to $SO at $in 28 b5 24 55 26 55 July 26 65 raiReiltsiollieli6prieuesndibelle a ported°n mtdz! I 'n of purchasea Demand' woo PI tes1 t erste : the 't said steel producers Industry— ex- 1 ORE El L f huge backpocted to end the year with most of the t Elagisans logs of unfilled orders for n ' PRO :4011 I — Xennetiott Copper Corp products and believed demand Important V b Mines I 6701 would he unsatisfied for the greater part I ears daily LA LI Li ( 1 140AA21 1012 I Reduction Co 440 of the first half of 1948 tons: Combined Idge doei MA 711 :se's A A to pay more I ess mills refused steel tnna Larger ---t c akAneocri ilatZeD iptrael--rmott'anse!:g? atbur grail: 11'clatedrek21110 '1"As' 1 1 ' Con earloads: Eagle it 11 :'1 -i ‘I1417"toi2 ‘ : clit' k6at & Bluebell 4 ' Gemini 3: Tintic Standard pti4e22 Inweek the unchanged during ec - 'I: cluded: 're— ' lc' 1 ' 0 1 i Garrity silica Yankee ronsolldated ' i a Pound eased New AntirtIOTIY-38- 03e --!I II 1 t 3 lease Centennial rie Tex Laredo bulk filo York and L 2:11 4 ' 0-' cathw Nickel-- 35c a pound Park City electrolytic ' 'IPY4'- "qt i 149R tons' Park Utah ode N Perk i V an ounce wholesale and 4 :A 385' Park 'Utah' Consolidated 685Platinum—Sin 'Keeney t retail - ' ') silver King coalition (cons) 420 567 a ton Tungsten ors-4- 30 -1--s ''''' :(a NEW YORK STOCKS reiterationi :t TRIBUNE-Sund- STOCK MARKET QUOTATIONS iilodern Machines Methods Idake Attractive I hi THE SALT LAKE ' - — - I - (AP-USD- - ? - - - - 1 - i - overdu - 260-poun- I t I I — 111: 0 ! I i 1 e - A al' t: I : Or 1 I Focy-Vat- I f I low-goo- ib at 900-poun- I - etuneviidq 1 t low-goo- - I t chighi "1 I : 1 ' at 1 - i high-mediu- m I i 1 1 -- I ' : 24 r ' C C-F- 1 60-sto- I I receipts 260-poun- :111 -- 1 1 i ' t 'i 1 at I - Mining' Engineers-Met Thursday n 1 1 13 SS P 1 LIM 1 I I ' 444 I I 1 1 1"" I 1- l 12! ! 4 j ii 1 o - I i 0 t -- - 'a r'o'-'n- i f f - I i : a ' 1 -- - 1 41 bo-rii:- j ' 19! - I 10-54- c J Niill - I ' I STATISTICS t-- : LIMCSES w I I - ! I ' 1 V I 1- ' ' rim" 72 If - 1g I itt - 1 - E - ' 1 apattemt medium 2 1 3! r ed r I amit - i I 1 21c I :i ' : v m is I - I son-in-la- i i dik ' - C il : t -- r I I - - ' 1 - 4'::"-ssi- :f i i en ti :- ed i e9: ou8ns -- T E f i ng rz -- ng 1 1 71- -3 l e's I I - Aer-tma I ' ' 4 o' ' nrvoncris cluircrED I I -- ' f 1 8-- es wea - t all-tim- e 1 21c: (AP-USD- sn wing - ' l t - ' ptd 21c E 1 :: I I ' i - - 5 rse r I rkt " 224 - V t ' - re r 1 N 1- 7 - — 4 IA - - - t - 1 ' 1 'I z 4 rtt i F- -1 ' !7- 56 F' '7 44 : 1:1 $5-to- 11 1 4 ----- -- it - Pc Ilver i - 1 a --1 5- --- - - 0°-- I aquipmenti 43r every lob -- ff - )--- '" - i ( - ' e -- 1 t''1 1 ' - 9 - t II ' i 1 1 i fa- - I BUTTKIL 90 --- -- k- ''' - longhorn& till:00c 42e: r - iP r- - 4 r ' ‘ ' I ' ' 9 I " -- 1 t 1 ' -- - SATURDAY14 I STOCKS Qr0TATIONR ISales1 High i ' - 12-1- 9 loaf44e 43e: CIFICA(i0 rr r floor& E I Low I Close 13 13 28 NATURAL GAS METING OF AND E PULL 'Stationary STATE 131131 INCORPORATED Portobte-IndustrioliAutomoti- - BUTANE - !' ' -- t ve - - - - :t - ::: t:27 - i Z j )li- ' z- i 7-t:- 1 - J -- ggious r r ll -- - - - - -- 4 :tTt--y--t: y: ' N A ' fr 'i I 4)if ( f- :1' : PARTS SERVICE SALES take You and members notice in of THE at 317 the State ake City 2nd South at Salt Lake County State of Utah 23 Sunday of November tori 13Or th°en purpose Incorporating PULL what Is to be known a as THE to be GOSPEL ASSEMBLY society of carrying organized for the purpose education on work and the conduct of religious services within the State of Utah r:1 : -1-- - 1 -- k 11Prde do 1 -- - Aloe C°° o 41 ' ''' - 44:4 - ' t ' r'--' - 1 1 i 6 - i 0 - 5 to 300 Horsepower - Armour IL Co Serghott Brew Crmwith Edison 17001 Mk! wut Corp 15114 CHTITST CHRIBTOPULOS I Total suing Saturdays 8000 Jews& Bond ISeervtarY Of TILE FULL GOSPEL A15- -I SEMINAL salsa Saturday DODO EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS :A score $4e: 92 cork 77 (Piker OPP 55 TO TO ALL GOSPEL LINCORPORATORS OF :no: CHT-ES- 1 4 i Cartone4 Priem Grade A—Large SSCSoc imedium e 60e Grade B—Large 60e $4e TirentYterur-polin- d ' NOTICE OF THE EGGS t '' I PRODUCE MARKET 4 -- - ' l'r r -- GASOLINE DIESEL ' ! trf: i 'l t I C44 ' L 1 - -- In - - - suirmmsrrs " 1 - - - 'r vr a - I i " - - '" " '"-- ‘ '' '- - - " '' ''''' '1' '''''' ''' ' '' ''' l'--- A' s '''' 'a--4- -- tot 0 " '''''- All410410°"-0-4Ab--"-"- ' - - - P AN aoa-lw"r- " e - To--4-:-- - |