Show L- : -- - - ' --- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Stinday November 16 1947 - 10A ) White 7ine Farm gureau Names Officers for Year establishment of "Plan 82" locations at Reno and Elko Nev Rock Springs Wyo: Red Bluff Cal Billings and Butte Mont Delta Utah Lnd Redmond Ore Coverage In the northwest will be approximately doubled airways and air communications service said The plart will be of benefit to jet aircraft use short range very high frequency ' Army to Add 65 Plane Radio Stations - Ely Record Editor T rt Immo id6410W - lter ELY 'Wilcox Las been named rnartaging ditzr e: the Ely Record effective Monday replacing Maurya Wogart who has held that post the past year and a half the publisher Gov Va3 week Pittman annotmced Nev--Wa- Tillman 8 pc dad 0 Albwito:w bureau when ranchers front varit ELT Nev—P P Hoover of 'ous sections of White Pine county Baker was named new president gathered In Ely this week s He McCHORD FIELD Wash Nov of the White Pine Itwality farm succeeds M B Bybee of Ely more ground-t- o 15 tin—Sixty-fiv- e : r radios 'Other officers 'named Included plane radio stations ilLthe United P W Baker of McGill vice presiI States are under consideration by dent Mrs Dan Clark of Ely t to the air forces M B Bybee of Ely army treasurer provide j "AI -better radio service for military of rat secretary and A N Carter 117 17 'Lund director at large aircraft with a number of the Frank Settlemeyer of Douglas stations to be established in the tJ 111 iTii CARSON CITY 'Nev (UP)— county state farm bureau presiPacific northwest it was anr addressed the group on the r- Frank Gusewell of Las Vel--a-s was dent nounced Saturday 1 and benefits of the bureau policies elected president of the Nevada and Mrs Florence Bovett of Reno The system' whereby the air State Association of County Com- state secretary explained the new force keeps tabs on flights is 1 missioners for 1948 as the group farm bureau status JS et up $1t the I known as "Plan 62" and for the 4b Session last of the is first time three-daI y legislature being joined by naval ended a meeting here Under which the bureau will no forces Saturday Gusewell chairman of longer be partially' aupported by I 1 v Army 'facilities at Wendover the Clark county commitsion suc- state taxes 40141414to"' will be expanded under the Utah and Every H a r o) d Jacobsen Humboldt ctetls Hugh Shamberger of Carand a will station plan 7": vle son City who was appointed'ex- county assemblyman and chairman vos4' be established at Mountain Home of the bureau's livestock marketIda The air force also is coordiecutive secretary on probinr:committee )44'4110ZI!' nating with ground forces for esExecutive boards were elected lems confrontingreported livethe small tablishment of stations at the Yak-- I for three districts to act for the stock producer and means of imPriced From ima firing range at (Ellensburg convencommissioners between the situation T proving through Wash) Umatilla ordnance depot tions farm bureau marketing CM 43 at Westlake Ore and Fort Mis) 4 Members included: 1 R A ColWilliam Helphinstine White soula Mont ton Clark:- - AJ Tarnblyn WNte Pine county extension agent gave t Under tentative consideration is 4 Includes All Tax vale: Mrs Bessie 'Mahoney Eu- a detailed report on work ac4'A 2 reka: district George Ralph complished this year stressing Down $203 Elko 'red Baldinl Lander and club work weed control liveJandB Omar 3 Pershing B alternate stock pest control and rural elec500000-Gallo- n Winkel- trification district 50c Weekly Harry man Douglas John Savage OrmsThe newly elected president reconcrete Into forms for new reser I at Kemmerer Wyo The project is expected to Workmen pour or by and Ernest Kleppe Washoe ported on the rural electrification' volr which will serve culinary water system be completed early In December officials say Tribune Mpeelat took issue with survey' The county commissioners Sprinrneyer ELY Nev — George Swallow Dryden Kuser director of the Ne- authorized a $1000 loan to the Lory Away was elected ' White Pine county vada State Taxpayers' Aasn when state engineer with which gauges conof chairman the agricultural the latter slid he thought a tax for Lehman and Baker creeks are servation association at a meeting aseesarrient equalization program to be purchased A consulting enhere this week with P P Hoover now under way would raise enough gineer has been engaged to survey vice chairman and A"11 Carter C61ii711171L: zrioney to make a sales tax and the power potential in the Snake Phil Baker and Earl Doutre comother levies unnecessary in 1948 valley area members Tribune Special insect infestation could reach mittee Ed A C A state In Cornunity Tudor Plots — Settlemeyer MOUNTAIN VIEW of 1 Stiverplate Sets Wyo unserious if left chairman the budget acid Rogers 1247 Ranger A K Wogensen of Moun- checked proportions In some heavily infested will be cut explained f" Tribune 8 peen tain View reports insect tree infesdrastically for 1948 KENENIEPbER Wyo —:Pouring tation by mountain pine bark areas it has been known that for The limit any individual may reA' ' beetle in lodegpole pine on the every tree infested and killed in ceive for a conservation project of concrete for the floor of Kem- Fort one be to will reduced trees five to from $10000 year up may Bridger district of the Ashresermerer's new 500000-ga11o- n ley National Forest to be the become victims the following $500 He added he believed White Fine Jewelry anti Gifts voir has begun and the tank is largest in the history of the for- year Thusit would be but a mat- Pine county would receive enough ter of a few years until an entire federal funds to carry on a 1948 317 SOUTH MAIII expected to be completed by early estSome 20000 mature of forest could be timber full be will and is trees program infested payment December k made for all 1947 projects the estimate for this year This killed The new tank circular in dimen- represents a greater loss than the r (91P sion and constructed of reinforced total estimated loss over the preconcrete is being built on a hill vious 10 in this portion of west of Kemmerer by W E the Uinta years mountains cost of a Thatcher of Ogden at Get Your New Air Ground Survey $2590320 and will eliminate the four wooden tanks that have been The airplane used for the preRoyal Now for in use for the past 40 years liminary insect survey work a During the pouring of cement four- - passenger Stinson was pifor the reservoir the contract loted by Lt Col Hartnett of u states that a temperature of not Ogden Utah Ranger Wogensen breooth Efficlint Cleaning Ac less than 40 degrees be main- acted as observer n crew A tained To do this thp contractor made a ground survey over the lion' features: 0 plus all these has put over a canvass topping Infested area as outlined by air- AdJustable t Nozzle and has fuel beat plane observation This is the All Attachments Mad Easily first time that an airplane has Two-Piec- e been used in this area on forestAdjustable Rotary Brush q' insect survey viork When :asked about probable Light 11tINII-mi I I future infestation and control Largo Bag Opening plans Ranger Wogeruien stated s$ 7t that plans for control were indefiTr( Immo SpeelAl ELKO Nev—A new garage will nite but added that if control was --4 ONLY SPECIAL TRÄDE be built in 1948 on the C C Hinton undertaken the job would be large ALLOWANCE ON would 'undoubtedly extend property 788 Idaho at ' by Carx and YOUR OLD C Hull :manager Commercial into the summer of 1948 and that mi the larger part of the control CLEANER i 4g Garage he announced Saturday U would possibly be effected by the lie proppurchased recently N the infested trees with which is 50 by 100 feet Two spraying erty ' '''''a chemical rather than cutting 11 houses at present on the property ''I'''''''etit the trees down and burning them will be removed he said -otfi The building will contain a full as has been done in the past basement main floor and possibly t Chemical Treatment Thf a second-stor- y for repair work He or The chemical treatment has ' said be would continue to mainde1491:5:00011( 1 favor It eliminates tain his Dodge agency at the much in its and also where trees fire danger Commercial garage t'' may be sal'they Mr Hull declared he has great are accessible Perfect much-needlumber for ' vaged ' in faith the future growth of Love Gift UTHIPPr Kt W El this 'that Wogensert predicted Give lustrous beauty in SECTIONAL Elko He has been in the garage always- t!toz For Christmas weddings anniversaries birth- business here for many years fresh always new! Fine mohair and frieze coy9 aa At days! Give Lane and you give America's lovehardwood construction ers SEE GHOSTS Hest 10 exclusive features thorn cedar chest - - of-tite- - - Coiiy Name !leads rs - - SIL ffm - ' r 40 4 020- r - full-fledg- ed NAY No' "4- -- 416- - 4-- White Pine County Farm Unit Votes H Pour Concrete for Tank 1 -- Workers Push Ashley Forest Beetles Worst In HistoryRanger Reports Kemmerer You BIT tJs Fir s he - J 111 n WAYS - six-ma- - Dirt-find- New Garage Plans er ti !Drawn in Elko r LANE CEb SECTIONAL Cf ST ir -- - - 1 :rt 7 - 7 - 5-74- 71 v ed - - A' GIFT OF PLEASUR 7 yr-se JO Y iN ''' ' t of protests originating in widely separated seetions of the country have been received by Mayor E W Cragin he disclosed day to the proposal of 50 former German soldiers that they be permitted to buy the ghost town of Rhyolite Nev Announcement was made cently that the town giftthe 4 rk trii NINO rtP 0 legteeNNIC fleteag Az4ice 1' : fyou 1 14 write cannot come in to tit store our illystratod catalog and prico list -:- AMI ADDRES- S- - K F t I 000006 oi (T i14i - IS-4- 7 0 r7" 1 ra 7n ::71 L4i4 t trotd4 Malft " LA 4 1 1 Give comfort! Give a restful platform rocker that litert11y "floats" you along Wide thoice of colors covers and styles priced East Ely Student Degrèc el4450 n2950zo 9 nefrigerntor 1( A Phl leo Home Freezers aft rt L 95 complete Beautiful new appliances available for IMMEDIATE or Christmas delivery! Famous brands! ne New 1948 Piffle° Radios from eflin Iy4)4 C re- FINE 1:i7r2LITANCES Simmonx Electronic Ilion Let from— with buildings is for sale by private owners and the Germans wired an offer of $10000 saying they planned to colonize it A Brown university student voiced "disgust and disillusionment" over the German offer and suggested th townsite be turned Over to "homeless refugees of nut tyranny" Residents of Elizabeth N J and Salt Lake City were more sympathetic to the proposal One called the Germans "honest and : hard working" t ail PLATFORM ROCKERS LAS VEGAS Nev 1 Truly the Christmas gift that will keep on giving! Everyone in th family will appreciate the of on "perfect" this thonhtfulness beurtiful Lester Betsy Ross Spinet The rich full tone the easy action handsome styling and compact site are but a few of the many reasons you will wantthe famous Betsy Ross Spinet for your home Choose your favorite now for Christmas givingthe cost is moderate and convenient terms may be arranged :90$040IFP Sale of Town Protested Amazing Now CALORIC' GAS RAMSIS Complete "electron' for every horns and bud 1 e (Who &I'l 6'- 3 r- CEi Lii gett Ma1:1111141121 t $179" rz BED --i 0 e-- -- IlltZ:::::::to BEDROOM Four-Piec- e UNIVERSAL BENCH iriiiiA O VANITY I ' ' 01 LURE "Spite Moor' ELICTRIC RANGE ---- $29930 - - $309C5 O CHEST - Tribune Special ELT Nev—Hugh S Norton son of Mr and Mrs C A Norton of Fast 'Ely received his bachelor's degree in economics at the George Washington university in Washington D C Nov 11 and has now begun work on his master's degree it was learned here Norton was recently appointed a graduate assistant in the economics department at the university at which he is studying On Sept 2S Nevada Sunday at Valley Forge Memorial chapel he served as Nevada Gov Vail Pittman's personal representative in delivering the principal address He is a graduate of White Pine the class of1939 high school-wit- h attended Westminster college in Salt Lake City for two years prior to serving with the army signal corps three years and seeing service in Europe 1 - F Electric Tonsterc from 31toons GRP& !tenter! Srd 7e'"4? - your bedroom a new set! piece eis beautifully styled Everymirror-likfinish in modwith ern bleached mahogany features you'd never expect to find at this low cost! - 011 r oven up" Ltfatiiiiu - Ileaterl Electric Waffle Irons Allciwanào---7A- Tratle-li- n - - a Give 4 - s - This Year Give Enduring Beauty Give Home Gifts From the 4 tl 141 ci o 1 - - ! |