Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday 'November 16 1847 '1svellarmitous for Salo 4 1 — C rs 49—FURNITURE tor LSE FUR acluirrat $40: tallor141 black 'mkt $20 originally ZOO utt $40 originally' S100 bautitut brown platform pomrl 74 AAA 415 worn ono paid 1126 SS mutts $IS: irweaterc All worn little or ogirta not at all fine 10-12- sties 2922 crtiaity Aptit coat- - NEW EQUIPMENT POA thnezzurt nruvrhr CHROME BOOTHS 4-- 2- I ritio THIN: WORLD-FAMOU- S Wanted 531--Furmitu-re 54-M- 4 407 CALE SELL TO CAPITOL FURNI'Mkt co YOUR HoUsEttOLD OR SMALL PIECES OF FURNITURE RUGS ELEC OR OAS RANGES A NT lictIE RIGkiPIECES F:Tc EsT SPOT CA RH PR ICES CO FURNITURE cApiToL 138 So State St TO LOAN ONEY 5-- GALANT1 ACOORD10:4 Beton You Buy Vie furnish intrumenta with course at no additional charge We teach and turniab electric Hawaiian guitars eletetric Spanish guitars and all wind instruments for ttOtle Inptruments At Sartain Prices Approved under CI L training JOHNNY RIKALPS STUDit) 441A2 So Main or -- RESTAURANT CH NA WA RE GAS STEAK BROILERS arm &AVE N'OW! BASEMENT CLEAR w AND LSED ANCE EU RN ITU RE Bookcase 114 SIMMONS 8 T U D I () COUCH BEDROOM 50 $29 SUITE larg style prewar onnst 1100 Flat ton DESK walnut $gg Al cond 149: DINING ROOM SUITE 'wardrobe $4 SO $35 coffee WASHING tabie 1 I ACHLNE 139 DESK kneehole STUDIO COUCH walnut 119 SO AND MATCHING CHAIR blue $30 tapestry drop front desk SO: GEN ELEC $9 GAS RANGE smallrefrigerator table top $61 JENNY LINE) pore hew 69$ EIM spool IRET)ti $9: MONS STUDIO COUCH slight rub on back R R damage $69 GATE LEG kitchen table 112 50 sturdy ROCKER BABY BUGGY 15 DAYBED de luxe type wIth 1950 new mattress POSTER S24150 p E r) single eta 19 PL WALNUT fiED 11141 lige 119170 coal circulator A-cond a real buy 124 single bed spring' and mattress 119 restaurant tables 15 Many other lterms CAPITOL 11R:irrcitE CO 136 S State mt di-Ir- CHROME BAR STOOLS SO—MUSIC AND RADIO - SALA 55—Automobiles For Sole AUTOMOBILES LOANS FOR BROWN'S These Cars Gleam CADILLAC BLACK RA- DIO HEATER HYDRA- MATIC 83975 CONVERT '48 PACKARD FULLY EQUIPPED 3895 ROADm ASTER '46 BUICK FULLY EQUIPPED 2695 '41 FORD TUDOR 1050 DEALERS WELCOME We Furnish Dr 'dors and toFurniture $1000 55—Automobiles For Sole '46 WHOLESALE New Lower Payments Now ON MUTUAL LOANS 5—Automobiles For Sale a Like NEW 147 '47 PONTIAC '4' 12666 sedan radic beater ciao owner On Salary Auto 161IDAN —62045 1050 '46 CHEVROLET FtIL beautiful maroon Laioa ALL MAKES Era RAG COOLER FORD SEDAN 995 DELIVERY IMMEDIATE As a Furniture Cat' American efran TWENTY PAY Exchange NOW TO MONTHS pin PLYMOUTH SEDAN ELECTRIC E 945 '46 MERCURY FORDOR 59 8 West Temple ALL MODELS 32073 CHEV R & H Refinance Debts on Lower Terme SPINETS tiocian radio beater wroTT CREAM DISPENSER IIIGH&ST price' paid for used furniCLUB COUPE OLDS 77i $9 FORD SEDAN ture and CHROME CHAIRS Trades appitancos Timbal! Winter Hardman MUTUAL'S NEW POLICY MEANS Accepted ruRNITTIRE CO HAYDEN'S 150 trrenE SEDAN LICTI IC FRENCH FRYER More Time to Repay — Mors Mons BUT NOT REQUIRED 3S CREV R & IL 345 8 Stale 650 UTAH MUSIC CO '303 Over Loft tott for SEDAN FORD oe 293 MOTOR FINANCE RESTAURANT '34 CBEV SEDAN Up to 2 Yoars to Pay Dial 250 163 E 3rd So 54—MONEY TO LOAN 914 SOUTH STATE c:OZJNTa STOOLS WE PAY YOUR SILLS 12 OTHERS 1990 So State ELECTUC TOASTERS CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Consnlfdato Debts In Ono Lots 41 FORD Super De Lux '41 s to '47s MUST' FELL 1930 And my UNION TAILOR wood motor Needs tires Plymouth FOOD wAVkELS 1948 MAJESTIC RADIOS sedan immediately Need money to little fender Work Must sell very 163 E rInd South BUY WINTER NEEDS moCAI TRAYS home on work done 5200 buy N West 568 leth Open Sundays !EW ncrrthern muskrat mink blend Let Mutual Furnish the Cub tor Upholstery immaculate good E coot I465: w1I acrircs for arcfnal LOOK-1- 942 VIRGINIAN STUDIOS Ford station wagon tires heater 2211 Sunset $895 S 3011 worn Never W Sth 1063 4TH SOUTH and MAIN Mad REFRIGERATORS good throughout 51575 or ave 960 Blaine Aye North Termrs arraneet make otter 4260 So 5th West Igtkr &ed Demonstration in home mot gr Just pheTve MALTED MILK MIXERS traVING for CsaL Must sell man's 705-- J like new overhauled upholstery overcoat Lk new az 40 FINE BAND icrrc-nu- e roR In exPANS Car MERCURY with new 1948 motor tires '39 good USED DEAL AT LAST good FURNITURE paint GOOD A RUGS coat a& 14 $IO: winter w ALL cR rxaAraT 65 lady's A FE FLOOR cellent cond 61025 171 So 5th clutch brakea and radiator Radio INSTRUMENT REPAIRING LELT U8 SELL yonr ear to an 173g Park at LOWEST PRICES IN CITY — LOAN COMPANY C TFYE MAKE ? Fast apart 11 Will accept any offer over beater on who Coll Individual GREY worn Pat It ea MLA 11 beds $5 mattresses coney fur coot I winter apcs $9 ZP ROOF 6AFE1 Dial Mutual Loan Co of Utah Vim) 1094 Windsor it DON'T ilitke this car by the 1935 our lot and getwants $ $ SAVE $ $ this pries you want net iPt0 will sacrifice $45 $10 studio couch $49 coal Heatoriginal RESTAURANT model Bed RANGES Pack tires nVI OWNER must sell Room Pontiac '39 It Second 200 Floor for Size 737 roia coal $19: L 17th south (rear) range $37: din table Chris B Linschoten Saactrbe---E40pert motor r and h 11500 or best No commission no Ind taps sedan Litt Is over 1000 miles on Gab—OU Puri pm tab $12 elec refrig Ili coffee TI offer takes today no dealers 724 new motor $1000 with 11dd:à tops Continental Bank Builciing 34 S Main 925 8 ith Our lee & flat tat Salt Lake City din set gee refrig $4 $115: 3 AUSTRALIA' E 2nd SO apt opossum West 9 am after RIME NT DISH SINKS bed $45 W S got cbeet drawers of $55: Corner Main 2nd South GUITAR and cruoCUll'Orn made coat HEADQUARTERS resembles CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTERS DO YOU WANT TO BUT A elec netts A W Bed $12: range $80: pr twin Wolfe Mgr 1936 FORD sealed beams CHRISTMAS SPECALS chfila Appraisal tor reputable furPERSONAL LOANS Phon 'COMPLETE STOCK OF New shipment just arrived Place CAR? $75: chifferobe Elec sp guitars $1975 up: Gib$25 complete good rubber and body Car in good rler available now We will tree tho car order home want tot your for rug So $i9 save condition son National Rickenbacher Vega 6th 3450 2288 Personal Loam you Qe ALL TYPES OF BPOWN fox jacket mumerat coat a price satisfactory to Ina HOUSE OF HOPPER 57 WEST Everything 3RI) you as Timeway much as 5070 over other 1110111Ce Loekola guitars Fortner harmonicas osarlY DOW: cloth CCM L Week fur Come In FURN140 tut East DERRICK south and 3rd USED tell CO what yew and MODERN MUSIC CO of loam Ire quick easy 1931 CHEV coupe motor just (ierRESTAURANT SUPPLIES rol'ar Very reasouala 4 8: Le 14 want and what amount yhis want In many cases no comigners are re112 E 2nd South hauled jUnt painted two new tires '41 OLDS convert gg very good SHOP AT PILT-WELFOR to PAYMENTS pay our low bank Check rates cond excel cond radio htn spotlt tog Ita S250 caah quired RADIOS SPECIALS $645 and up resistors LIBERAL FINANCING PAIR of prate new cross fax funs INTERMOUNTAIN Call Ted 1012 So W Temple 2 shag rugs for the price of ens today orig paint MOO condensers $129 per hundred: mica reqsa Arobassadar Villa- - Cott Ls 64 UTAH AUTO SALES 12 and 3 Bum 301 B bet 2 REDUCED! Modern table hundred china for cond HUDSON excel convert 1795 par 1946 lagy $129 lamps MERCHANTS SUPPLY FIRST SECURITY rxt 100 Platform rockers and also water pressure 4950 and op cabinet ANGELL 4100 S State fully equipped radio heater Ivory financingDON'T Now—new lower monthly Par hit fur RADIO cost 14 set SERVICE tra size 1155 and misirrnris blue pump exterior low up leather Interior Itur 1018 s6 F Ath soutil ments more time to repay at H A Cl sliver fox cap- - both good cond Sell bedrm set 19950 and up Dial 3890 SO MAIN Ford 1935 6 pm: After recond Call 52325 mileage TRUST toe COMPANY Thin means less you each month pay New of new theep 4 CLEARASTCE motor Inside tlree clean snipmeot FLAnto baby boggles I (ONLY) 225000 JANITROL for a cash loan and Olive more 1936 FORD sedan—'41 Mercury moand cribs Male and Exchange pL Dial or LACK seal heaver trimmed coat McClelland 5465 2620 trade STOCK DIST 1947 ARCH COMPLETE new new BROWNING extor over INC heater current money left for top upholstery BILT-WEL- L 40-4-2 G &ATINQ LICIT Radios $2995 special reasonable 530 Z lit cal FURNITURE 61995 Good looking penses good tires flaahers 1P48 Buick super sdstiette lb r 204 ant 3451-23r- d 95 5uth Record $29 FL tr--1995 inside d L spec DODGE luxe FOR and EXAMP out playera club '39 $600 coupe h black Only 13000 mtles 112196 U & I Y 8 359 S STATE Combinations 3995 told coat size 12 and H good rubber perfect runIf you are now meeting monthly '41 CHEW Fleet line R and H 1948 Olds 76 sedan Hydra$6210: spec TERMS 0BRIEN set boots larg wait $6 NEW SEALERIZED Winterized Mar's cond $q Preston like these paymenta ning seat covers wheel Matic trimaransSoo Just I neer spotlight gpecialcond 351 SO STATE functional furniG:rrit $1 Auto 1172 EmorWHY PAY MORE? good and clean $995 $3200 discs STECK—Baby grand piano 42045 11495 or best ture unfinished or finished to any WNE perfect son Furniture 1200 coat 2 dreams 1 13:ack 1ZZ Lae Queen Anne model This is a beauE 603 offer biaA from a surplus Buick South 1942 4500 New aedan color Box mattresses-Plaaveph special and 21-0E tt spring 4 1 brown Personal Loan tiful piano and we have an attraclze One suit 12-1-4 carve altner motor paint and seat mews 61634 R & h overdrive STUDE 6x16 bed mountin ccmvert 1938 LA SAL-Tsedan— '37 lamps and shades from tive price On it Terms reasonable $60 for alt Good De car 37 ed oa trunk parts Buick rods w cied tubu sit Ford 1941 6545 Tudor iscirus miles Motor super 300 overhauled mirJunior 41295 ago up furniturs toy Total SUMMERHATS MUSIC CO rece- $6540 A GAr ir a LA at $ 175 et eel 77-Luxe R & b Good cond $495 eabio-dyBEAUTIFUL Very good 61395 nPW top radiator ror and also ramuskrat See these An H A C reduced pay17 W 1st South 'Meet weer 2176 Mabey dr Consider 2 50 coat Worn 2 seasons Ong 1939 Buick sedan good soot $ô dio and htr $800 battery: 1940 F 21gt S rest vaivas now paint our US supplies ment loan can reducemonthly Your payplats BEAUTIFUL new models in Z 39th Bout& trade $R95 any $500 SacrifIre Aft 2 for Christmas ments to 1947 FRAZER Manhattan—White 1937 CHEV7-Tcou-pe Delivery service P Slain 570 combinations are arrivseaC rumble 44575 at is roe Lai ad gee vat th SILIEFt FOX stroller length fur enat Phone or call at the 1125 ONLY Month Per tires heater 90 overdrive gidewall LOANS Noce your order now to PERSONAL motor overhauled and rebored new 11141 latici special tour-doo- r ing daily or yr: tout bhDdirçL 1 pair tad y' MAJOR irmixrruRr BTOR! hat to match 1300 valustd 1100 And Radar You under in also for cash $400 $125 give $2595 price delivery Insure Cbristmas delivery Jenningecarburetor starter fuel al book& 1 pain Ina6' a sal boot& 2 good pump 706 go 7th E N or and Repainted taxes 128 Main year ape oray 20000 gift& fuel etc BANK RATES Pierce Co 28 E 1st So Phon LOW tires heater button radio miles On Rol I T ea b Yon k s tes push 1946 yor will Delt 1 engine 4 GIRL'S aa Rates—Fost tow For coats Action DIN RM SET 1948 FORD convert 8uper De Luxe clolhing 9600 find lin equal on a used car lot If 6ome tortme a I train trachai Trench dresses ET LIV RM kirts Reasonable All accemeorlea clean and low mile4950 2'1 7 4014a-411 PIANOS XMAS a SALE OF in intereeted ear owner Your ease '40 Packard Over Tolls Problems of this BRKI-StNrThorn Money SE'r Have the money you need for 2950 age 92100 El Call between 9 and I COAT— RPLa Phone from 4 to Pianos sod with many many mitre cars fro rule Reconditioned with overdrive BABY CARRIAGE JANITROL GA8- - FUR 41 621-1519 3rd East 995 ave u pm red and htrEquipped erviet up seat covers New paint Take advantage of low With Bill Rasmussen or Jock Borg at Upm $145 and 50 (00 BTU Christriias sET OF 4 DIN CHAIRS rlarns grst inViiplititatS Plieft sell—liaTe—T37 1595 STUDENT Olds must new Guaranteed ExcelPiano 61500 and BEA VT PUT Vc0 bwck d roam azEver' cond OCIIIILA ER PLUM BING tires BLUE STUDIO COUCH $1301 1950 flood condition throughout Terms $750 newer worn 0 Timeway Bank rates There's no deNo dist 5F S Ph Point Frt 1ake long HEATING CO PACKARD 120—$691 BARGAIN BASEMENT Fine tires radio and beater SUMMERHATS MUSIC 17 W let S' 1227 WIN DSO R BZI S no red tape Segs this bank MUST SELL my 1939 Stud Com) GENUINE roi lox chuboy size 14 lay 1148 E lit 14outh Lic band instrument and new $2S mander sedan Almont new Paint top New Prism New pliant lob Pcomr WESTERN FURNITURE CO ACCORDION 1 PLYMOUTH '41 New today battery instrucuon----motor covers leseon Urea and seat per radio and spare 34 ice Camara 16 guitar Radio heister Dial 837 South Main New beat 133 S STATE STREET radio and heater soellent - heater Many other extras 61195 pafitt Weak: Instrument to take home camera ma films 125 1ntd tablas 49—FURNITURE for SALE covers Rebored motor 2 Year covers tires seat See Sumto or offer Room 206 Moxum hotAq Total doe 1650 per month appreciate ILOLLYWOOD Int laid mass 314 bro headboArds Preston P flee antifreeze guitar boat at 1444 623 South $1245 Co Music today lit -Lia Laat only merhays 23 GOOD condition made to order bpring-fillemate-i: '37 radio (Rimer dr 'MUST Pontiac "8" cusbolt Axmmortor rue 6- - tresses to match Portat4o radios "SY PRWATZ- l'arty7Set-61-141114ItZ267-4- 4 and heater New front end 2 tires and bUdt4L Tube ROLLAWAY altom Radio And Good Let and heater 4in2nf land rot pc ni other batten $000 or otter 2992 no electric or battery Hot plates and King) drumsAU n A-- 1 soatas ruiod m41 d rceaoli ran ewe from 11 to 6 PONTIAC t are Cali Liter 5 pm tires torpedo new record wimic days most (Radio toarters OTHER ruRNITuRic OF cond 9100 W Magna or dial Magna 7792 player and 4tala 1375 6 91 To or Folks BANk See at Levitre Music Co R and H toes °Mae 4000 Itiboop EVFWT t LED PA MEN TS AR 37941 BUICK Last edamette machantrally rie-HEV-47d en 4 30( A HOG aNY Ogd s Pot Anna RANOrti and Queer' finish inside spot MUST BE SOLD To "Ask Favors' perfect original jVIN toreed to aa :I 1 Ig of flc Dial Paint good tires It—AVIOS—Your favorites in good chair 8 years old new larrlp tables ovr:RmAzrs Majestic 79 So Main $1650 or trade for smaller oar ch S 100 (Leek &Ad 'It'll tar runs leas condition clean upholstery roe eners are not required at or Rest Offer worci latt carpet- - Cheap 34040 throughout Hof f man Farnsworth 2783 SOUTH STATE S1295 and $225 -- 0 5 5 S 669 No let West tsa 61 rost-r- tt I g 4typ4 874-9t- h ave 5295 1332 Atkin awe good use bee Uis PERSONAL terms Musa and trado we'd rather up Easy OLDS-MOBIBEDROOM SPECIAL—A few HUDSON R and H 1937 std 6 R Ir7P2raThaa tro a try vod cowl own a on loan make Piano CHEV 1940 Motor you lust your NEW Shop coupe BEDROOM SUITES that carne from damaged -- 68 67 W est 63S-- 1440 it 8 $1260 for my equity $165 left on rec overhauled new trans rid and room sight4 salary aor furniture or auto If you sets: also new elec hot water a warehouse fire They are new and SMALL player piano beautiful maSEDAN contract 80 2913 7th Pb Last Job have mech htr uood good—cool Call (even I titew steady Call beltrwr Invoice 778 N perfect483-1s- t $1025 bestir's Sell moko damage and rolls frees only very hogany case bench vnu can One ) and are ave Radio HYdra-Mati- c delve 2n41 West Yser Summer-haySabey These are made to sell for slight $350 terms delivery 111W clean $1355 get cash quick ly—S25 to $050 or 1445-1- 935 Can armoire terms 0430b RUT a We have put a special price of $125 a Music Co 17 W lit South MADE custom-mad- e now $e9 QUICKLY TAtikirlez lovs!y more Call ave 55 1933 ooarli new an4 new tires 7 249 cond ccese Patin s Rad with coil and barmett a kmLionel at SALt--11-tother mattress htr and roons set and tstil ub coneole radio on Your Signature Only tieing wwIT hatterV $175 iPECIAL 1972 So 17th oriels Must sell today 1270 Stew- Limited number spring club CAPITOL JruRNI— 3 wave bands 10-i- n 1 combinaGood nod I rad COStS speaSer new 145 0p custom-bui- lt cp&motor TURN CO 13S S State it W art at about 14th 41A—Coons 13th IL)-t Secured Loans Alio Made B State tion 233 Ramona cond $80 Hestand 2965 Sptg Goods meOwner fin toil orhard 38 Fo Rn sedan new paint job going east to röVELT—Chesiterfield '46 MERt7club R and h def seaset Modiet Convenient Monthly When Repaid in 3 Equal MAT14 yorrLNG win Atoll nutty for S1000 BS WOOD covers Prestonc rayon tires Excelroaster craftsman's work 1941 chanically A pert R and H new GUNS WANTED pattern TRESSES Utah Motor Pazit 1000 In Philco cabinet radio - 12 160 PhOe $ 550 rubber Call real at 7 aptInstallments A cond $750 buy wicker Morocco an and Monthly $2195 leather bargain mos 6 rhoat eiseh prt rev tny Used Been in storsgs Payments only tto 287 W 7th South 8 am to 12 5 Consisting of Bette side chair tea Open Monday through Friday ect'N Excellent cond 675 266 No INSURANCE REQUIRED No 1:15a—fittit oak dining rta set excel smooth-runnin- g table Coot 450 new: must sac Closed new 37 OLDS an--rubber one Itee taa before you loll et trade A BLACK coupe Chev aro $1397—'41 Saturday 1946 bed West north door nuloc cond gait rants make otter FOR QUICK ACTION 139 ClUtt302 Newhouse heater clean Radio° Heater New Tires owner Completely winterized Clean bldg Evenings by Appointment engine radio TEALITIFI:l ZINIK'S Spanish guitarwill used 2660 B ath or 528 B $800 or offer PHONE 17000 throughout miles $2175 or make offer WI Paid few times $65 oniy a Oth East before 5 pm 18 Sun 1 to 5 pm 203 E 13th South Wen rrt Li1rg rm-- et rrein mohair cond walnut dining set genuine Call WRITE OR COME IN for 650 Case in 585 State construction $96 2004 Doug BUICK station wagon very GRAY 1946 Buick sedan Pant 74t- - VII:rr rid ore to h!IOWk- spring 20000 1941 Town Loans Also Made leather seat chairs LAKE 2 SALT tt of OFFICES Out mohair LINCOLN sedan 8 tires miles good cond new paint lob R and H $65(1-- -33 and ory skim with bind mkt case winand black walnut Completely equipped organ ANTIQUE A-- 1 wheels 4 new Must cond LAO B and sell C c 537 $1295 terized Clean $2600 or make offer I noir ?oat bamboo D0144 today living rm suits cond make offer Majestic dining living room set Both excellent con405 Continental Bonk Bldg pert actual mi See at 23 W rms set 43000 21st South to o at oei edit" hickory Sun 1 to 5 pm 203 E 13th South breakfast set !frig rtlee ave tempo cabinet radio $15 dition Phone 2nd API962 —Ask M North Ph for Word lee aft oats vend bind In es and DOW opi!t Items All reasonable 844 8 ith E De Luxe itedan '42 BUICK—sedanette radio heater: 1940 CHEVMaster 2 pm ftAn t to I 0 borrinne plies 1 BDIIM set good springs: bdrrn set R and H condition throurn- 1 1 BT7D8 springs and mattresses: fogs seat covers 2nd Floor Utah Oil Bldg good tires SPINET TYPE piano for vale Rea BUTC1r SUPER a m at a ot Ns 6 No IT S 4 :II E 2 doube '41 out or offer rrn 1 twin cond 756 make beds: $1000 set with E $1650 1 single dining 2038 5th buffet mirror Sunnyside sonania Terme and trade tn Phone Phone for Chet Muir Radio heater N Sth West )zTrs bultht 2 in ed ea E potlight original Hotpoint elec range Angio-Persla- n finish excellent condition- - A real 5 rn eta' kAP-Lt-24 ski boots size 7 sect new rug with pad 9x15 OLDSMOBILE 8 1937 38 ma new LASALLE on cond a RADIO tires OLD YOUR good pl FOR ' hving buy 5 g $1495 All in $40 Service Loan &Lae Wtit fort et condition A 'radio good 719 posa nice motor tires rm or Friendly cond Good 5800 set W sale trade good 1040 rims paint 1314 QUICK or radio 8th nem Very Hoffman erann-proSPENCE WHITNEY Main 510 no pate and jack et at Majestic Bryan awe 166 PLYM and heater 511 Walker Pank Bldg AtiOn ave Ph South Ph $695 after 5 pm Mon 2233 II ?tit East IQ am to 7 pm 2ndRoom 1 2 and $14 fi Ail in very good 1938 taupe Converted to 5- W 8th south FROM $500 UP Phone South and Main and rues and mattress ornod as new TgAROON mohair day and cabs and mandolin rood !tine 7 --4SO GI13ON New clutch fancy OGDEN BRANCH goad passtenger IN paint 3duot beige rug 912 PLYM coupe aiso divan 604 8 9th East Phone good running Make offer 1941 CHRYSLER Windsor sed beaut 1934 cost $150 exc-- cond tires radio beater defroster 12- - a a &Nubia A Irk gra d EMPLOYES 'FINANCE 523 Eccles Bldg Phone Beige OCOILILIOnal chair cond with Antifreeze Southwind R IL excel and cond Pall paint sacrifice beato-Ltat Limed ItCpri-$595 er graved otrAyt gun oak dinette for BEAL-1IP-- 1 heater 8nd sealed beam lights $300 d Chinese SERVICE Service Station 1703 8 Mal nthroughout A real buy at $1345 table lamPasako I 7 5 : alio I pr I I BL7SCHER trumpet gold finish like cnacir 1328 W eth South 178 Downnigton thoet camphor lined Sacrifice" $176 All in excellent condition new Becriftee Call collect- - Magna-Garfiel- d Zerrerinan 440011 61241 7 its 397—'35 Pfel 2164 BItla Contnlental Bank 715 R IL 7 1195- Pout7 Main Apt BUICK and sedan IL i":13 LOW 7261 1941 CREV Master de luxe d r 1940 XroMer nu set living new urea See cond 5 gi good $1200 2 thaira Mel" table sedan $1345 Will accept trade will Automobiles lidtumn and HamoccasionII ebair dinette oet FOR SALE-45- 50 m or Sunday atter 8 25 8 ?Ai SHOTGUN SHELLS Order now for Xtrtaa $10 per set finance) at bank terms 655 So 4th '739 lin upright piano Cali Mr Orson baby bed springs and mattrees eau DODGE siedan cood cond R and AUX you looking for a ear? Drop East Ph Bigelow wool rug 9x12 telephone solo by bort es by cast 12 pm Beesley IL New s325 Berstein rat-tobattery table1 dealt TWILL Priced sell or 20 rads at in for rSF:ia01L maple 1090 8 Rata pick tbs oar of my '38 Bukk 40 series Acrosonle spinet In tearingext 2122 quick 420 So Ilth East sale heat businese coupe $600 or beat offer wti glass top matching ?8 S 2nd :-South new So the People May Know your choice Make an offer Me rea:EGL $650 Pract walnut burled PLYMOUTH S250 cash Call Service sonable offer retusett Teri Associated 1481 E 21st OCULAR- P17- SIMMONS METAL BED44—& 1127 Laird ave width n Good rubber Call Sunday between 1939 ClItT---i-SdaSouth after 8 am Phone Todd dit Arc set h tWO-PITC- t BelaR iztvic rust mohair living roora rit increased riving costs maii by owner single or double bunk complete With 1944 WURLITZER accordion-TT12:00-3:0- 0 South West let 1045 -FORB—COUPE ea Radio and beater nese barter and set g45: heached Inehoin oak IirlIcesamp and retali 'work 1995 1935 springs bass just like 110W: with case $325 hard to meet car or furniture Roadto 1942 Buick sell A FORCED boxes IllnPf Metal tool In good isms& vet motor tra tares de Phon Excel r 12 sixes h clutch al tires 219 1157-8tand See and Buy eel $385 East Phone payments see os bout refinanc-or $0 ownermaister Private and up War 2 surplus Co 728 W C UtahF toer I $605 after 11 am 661 E 2nd South ing to reduce payments Table model - ra: vortait ptano SALT LAKE So CITY 2nd Phone to-to provide extra visa no Iberosewood fulish Phone FORD club coupe 4800 or trade 1940 P8CKARI) de luxe club coupe Must sell "r: d Excel oond Only $50 1 sect condi'39 DE 111XZ Doer a tween 1 and 4:30 Sunda1 atm Doe a Woe R and 11 ste Rectio6'beetyr newie 2 Wiwi( tendem DELIVERED PRICES 1937 spotlight 3270 tion radio beater $1035 ocx eta If icor ea a:poor-- Ina SELL MUST tomcod E ave 1654 1355 & stilt LW ay $595 battio am t onTTW-n0 accordion Clayborne piano S 8Brand-Ne'a 5th Its East a tato rood& Rue 2'963 of toor OTT:- 4- vox -- N a tiguo Anderwyn 1939 Dodge club coupe beater ex- -Very rnest condition 're rms clay $585 sacrifice at $395 Brand-neroont Lovely OLDS and '29 PLYMT C M to 6 Ittt EaJt 20 good 6 good $9972233 Warnock -40 6721transp cellent condition 8949 Ph Mur ohair aod davenport woo Hotpoint rPRI-6141947 MODEL AUTOMOBILES t rood 2160 138 IL 2nd R Heron wo Par Friona tor Your 14 or rrew f t high runs Hotel ARE QUOTED BELOW floc Apootrzata or S tone Nave 9x 12 rt4- Beautiful '343 2556 E FORD Uros keyboard god good 'rut BUICK 8PCLAL 825 Obit Chev nod ap aled 7 th Yvon 78 B 2nd P 8193484 motor good lamp 8450 823 Z 8 th GOOD COND--'- 33 1940 E 21st South y Now iror LI Satutisor SUPER 212089 South beams Food paint S265 cat otter 11N modem ameel 29 cisavs 6 e71 Cal! or write table table top eoni C A Victor combination 81— MODEL CADILLAC e C 2979 256125 dr 13 DOM' Like sew Highland A beam gaol-Mo310rAti S riod lights battery sbitanon model and $65 perbeater gas rang city Leaving Town CIIEV Radio and 1934 MODEL 82 gedan 276525 ea La boos 15R Z 2nd Soutill at tor fect condi 1100- food 1110 1644 IL Iatia TeL PONT clb sedan °elf' owner tireerung 116 N State roorn No 1 heater good cond throughout $345 1942 CH E VROLET immaTn 589-F- t 140700 So Hot 11"nek ST MAIN 449 motor and tires 81545 So —04 anZ AEL--set good paint &Nis n ng—roo m kADO portable Zenith like TICW FLEETMASTER 147800 or beet offer 1938—LTNCOLN Call '41 ZapIlyr ape mattress: now rug and pad Used fire class cond Beautiful tone CHRYSLER ROYAL ir 207255 19g40 plate glass table top excelDIAL sedan R anTrit": '46 2 toned two weeks very nice dinette leather seat motor 6 tired gas avatar yenta iron orttb etata torn pooad-tosedanotts EruicK WINDSOR cond Maxie offer 183 K t get $35 212505 12 quality overhauled completely or $1995 beet 22 pa box ehains 5750 at offer covers 3 and Owner rod to ba shells Estate boater Ileatrola radio DE SOTO DE LUXE 000toyCall spotlight ACCORDION 193219 Roe Circle Murray Utah Vi atoll broadGloria 120 bass rilrht 12i 20 SEA111E86 State rt ISO loavirs town apt 710 CUSTOM Murray 1126B $2625 a 200479 Almost new Cond koota rug Lime new gut to tit any shift hand key R NASH offer and 600 1942 $1295 LUXE tea muot overhauled 1034 FORD reedna motor Donom hottrun 175645 H Ste to appreciate 1728 So ard 1934 new coupe A--motor 5175 319 Wilson ave tills room WHO KNOWS CAMERAS 1 CU8TOM con& with pealed ben btedtate amid 8321) poster: cotton mattress like new: NW Motorola 181145 East parts bedn-- n set corn pistil 550 for DE LUXE I radio 231 dm a Kodak W "1 I t! 62J3 So 20th Foist ittov WilltF neater whits 3041 I 142378 lid L rodeo Km' roRt) 5 IN monity DAY 1 rua 920 Table CI Ford or Mere Biglyr Auto Sonic 9103 k fl ILA $ DE LUXE 4 g WeVIninit 91()-Arid CA 3499 58 33 ellitYkl 4 new 7 00x1-namel: 30-stank Tet htr $950---'4- 1 sed Witl Dodge a wa 522 Fel Wet FRAZER 264 No 5 9N8 a Statio shalt 252800 tlt pot TuTor f7x tam era $200 KenVolin buy radio tootlieht or good 449 cent trade offer make S iscoordion LA TOSCA room HUD8()N SUPER 186890 Service any time klun3-0S0I Win 1 Loon vef 1441436 flee pipee F nod boa v Woo pato t living room pet sington ave 1175 blki MOM nPt SUPER II Both in moat cond Caddy Musio Co 26071 200785 feet 1114SO ave 271 lavatunaa Belmont 11k CHEV new heater and '29 cond rang club 1936 Hotpoint CURT radtp refrig coupe gd KAISER cond S State 232600 20 Months to Repay all day Sun 43350 bedroom set and n Owner sacrifice equity $200 dinette 'stnew tires boA t I ft- - 1 g 838 E So Teml)la CZ Ara LINCOLN 274498 $770 C Fisher finest oak set ot dining room bal 189 W 4th South eal' piano J Music after 10 Sunday or 5 weekdams If you need money for any worthFORD oodan Raato Lewd boater: 1941 dui pa THE upEt ractevry bu t CUSTOM INTERIOR 291331 CO O 42 P Good condition Caddy Phone turrsiture for sal cheap while purpose phone or visit our condittLots Good 41 PLrm etteee $ 32 A: sel tort 3 2 34 MERCURY out MODEL A Ford reconditioned motor radio and Excellent esUtiros coupe 288770 S 3tate 2607 Our office ars loans frr pi made bvaut S1085 sacrifice Fla Sat and Up todayear or NASH MODEL 6G0 t revolver 041w pine 171cTrtolA low mileage A very clean knotty solid gPECtiA7-155843 new tires 250 or make offer Dial heater on salary az C'rand uaad Rol without furniture 5 Two executive SIT desk golden AM 1 owner trartLY PlAsSADOR car Mi4Ira typo Ph prim SO Aerostat 193037 $1450 seer 220 L 1500 LI ad OlLiE ndorsers—One day service now OLDSMOBILE sot 2555 table model slightly usecL movie rockers FALAI° Mu silver —STUD K throat sod dr 66 1)0-5-1939 trpholet MODEL 170000 2 heatand 1934 gedan—Radio heater radio and FORD 1940 Offered dr aoreen All new 1064 E 2nd South First class cond he a ter MODEL 76 scot cert:robber 181400 exceptionallycoupe er red leather upholstery good rubcloatio S895 Ph Aitur AT AND P7Pt wrrkt land P Grin b ste4 to approclada al sew math tiles' to good REW Zenitb table modal PACKARD CLIPP- ER 217493 apt 1 ber 8325 771 Belmont $uns 14 or ROTOR $75 K S215 at PGtL riacr automat4c DE LUXE sa Etathinetts CLIPPER combination 236042 set V2906 oak studio brktst sedan—Excel 1940 OLDS 6 6gO 1940 CRRYSLER Windaor PLYMOUTH DE LUXE ga couch 15950: 9X12 Veivreave rugs 147925 BY OWNER—'36 changer Ford town cond sedaa ItlaTAZ-A-71-9-and rad 2255-20t- htr and spot 81150 use purr Good tires $1036 SPECIAL DE LU10E 155050 Radio E heater south mirror $24 95 Christianson Furnfture Co model radio Seater De vr tirsta brags brims t'FN tra cabinitt radlo 1941 KLNGSBURIr East mohag piano CALS a 3 bezatee PONTIAC 1040 5th 6 aTORPEDO S FINANCE 66 168200 Main pnew wood a bench to Saii4h and real in detail telephone radiator good Pertctto 985every restyled 1022 Lincoln at 1946 MERCUHY convertible club I AS p2 Et ryste awe P 7 9670 STREAMLINER 6 de177800 1940 CHEVROLEM TIC battery '34 to 36 in 323 N tsth West 7LOOR sarnpl platform rockers at special $235 CORPORATION CHAMPION coupe loaded with extras 82395 re-STUDEBAK ZTNE KeemA MAIL4&11 162565 test Procta New Good cond — 61045 luxe tires to Mocounta Monon 5096 Loans Above $300 Made by sale up bri1r 61750 SMALL Steinway piano '34 PLYMOUTH coupe neer nrst 128 N Malts COMMANDER 195205 eves and Sun orleirtsa etteeti n it 3nowItt emrt yro-- Argus liciavi! Household Finan ce Corp of Utah burnons Terms 50 630 50 av 413 and 6'9HANCO Very finest condition good runner and bearings F and tt or DODGE—Good cond throughout day Prices quoted are four-do2:233-7t- h 2nd Pl Judge Bid's Phone custom red ' seat 1946 DODGE imitated Perfect condition FLIFtlf10115 STATE East 10 am-- 7 pm matte otterupholster 35() 140rnee New excel mech cond tires 2375 —Sri— 3 covers miles 62350heater So Main Southeast 13700 and 3rd Corner 1 Ashton 632 ex&flrod sedans PAIR host MADU 'n"hostess or facturod S with Wert offer 1564 9th eaettroS strips HAWAIIAN amplifier guitar 6 55 319 A 0e0P0 ZaCILI rued So 2nd 3396 East chairs maple bod liming and matroom let 195 4842 Memory BUICK andanette new tires neer cellent cond Reasonable ing Prices 1947 STUD& Commander Regal club 41 include all delivery 1939 BUICK Special 2 Id So on 3rd EaAt betweira tress skewing mach needs repair bed Exc seat covers npothght IL arid EL in tank LOANS Holladay 259-N- I radio Overdrive coupe aowner cond Garman crtl t 1 heater Radio By e tire tax cond Very clean $1445 excise cc' mat80 nod charges Offico spore and climatizer 82995 Equipmest AT ittatbar aim 990 1319 Lennox SL Midvale ph 7L3-$1045 Call and elec console radto WESTINGHOUSE comb tress one Sitver-Ton- e freicht and standard equipment motor 1114a Excellent sedan -Last new motor CHEV sed coal '41 Leonard range refrigeraS East 7th eabinet 1909 HALF COST oMees body tires etc Heater seat covers Coruplete stores of cafe Prices do not include sales tax 32 2 defrosters tor Roth in excel ormd Bargaintires heater P of car twat an4r-ra- rk good Make earn offer —Beautiful row roes studio eaten cash registers scales office RG 45 W 1st North 2297 So etb East $1275 Sashes outboard- motor 21543- - 4 24 13A Before you get a loan anywhere 1926-CHIL 5tid East rear heater or seat covers or radio what couen have 260 560 furniture you! sedan Good cond MillANT-FINIRIIE565 9tato a to East 9- 2301 learn how little it costs to get dreee1935 PLYMOUTH body and traneMERCHANT S SALVAGE CO vanity side apartment 8375 26 E 3rd North Bountiful LATE Inloan at CAPITOL FINANCE at You SAVE few accessories clutch and r k1D Suck V mission 14 f C bed of and drawers chest y hit ory tot e Diti E South 1940 Chrysler Traveler radio 141 be sold Must color lit 71:1510—COUClit—Kriq dots Punday 114 Der Is 14 E which So month tha 45th mattress 13mmons 925 mese and po“4 Excel cond and and dual Chrysler heaters spas PORTABLE Soundscriber equipment cluding 38 INDTAN MOTORCTCLZ $175 By Buying from Factory rood shape S35 rate pormittad by Utah Small Loan s 1 ft V awl Good cond 4 995 1543 E 9th South Like new Mech Ong 1942 PONTIAC 03—iii—de aniiii—TT3rpedo throughout pap Excellent condition For office dicNew tires runs good Law rm and dtntng rnt Authorized New Car Ph Dealers feet reand clean 11349 91420 2245 g 7th East Radio 1vthg heater: bod DBL court table chairs funerals comp tation So Main 752 recording Borrow Wrier More Costa Lase IT cond 1920 Plains avs Mut- 14 or dressor rocker coal Heatrola ctn Boxbolder P O Sox etc "MIL 3- -0 431 2 EXCEPT buys: '35 rifit PAY "V WILL YOU porting '31 con Carl''' club pert Mo Int o die couch blitz tile doors 4028 So rood cond Payment 623 Provo Utah PLYMOUTH '38 Forder sedan enS225: '38 WI Airs 6250 Both VT- - LLo Inside and out best buy In shape ourvia ortoPd f or ItiOvrIAIR town State rear n 1 cars In good rood-putiast To Buy a 565 Z tith South condition 6650 3205 6 - 3821 ód Rale LOAN 12 mo l 15 mo clmo NEARLY $4950 ér43-Thveistuf84 gine owner amtdc sat- Fry each F rood 60NE Dot: titE—b17 r) springs and wood rd f 1575 E 1100 OFFICE FURNITURE $1196 I S 917 I S 749 '12 CA to04t Set- - rink 121 Car BY OWNER---'3Ford edam Com- 1939—PL'nt mattress complete 82250 one baby 719 Arapaho 150 Settee side chair and teat table 1794 1476 I 1124 cond $100 coach A-- 1 conotturc 1933 PLYMOUTH convert $'2)95 A 424 Itta t conoverhauled Excellent pletely bed and with new 200 cash Prewar 2392 WAIT 1834 Cost 1498 ear $139 loather laPbotetered a eprings complete $450 real buy bemuse It's good 114 room WM good cond $950' d run r-FIdition throughout ' r K b to n lot raaaosmattress 8 State 4783 300 j or 3593 2247 Phone $1250 2751 are Hampton Princeton 990 neeti stoker 6-2 1 31 rw"El Until You Can Buy with ah oditl 41 MERCURY rt frft NEW 9x1S wino color Wilton rug and 14ATIONAL cash register—Service club coupe '39 8 CHEN Fleetmaster 011)8 sedan clft 1946 -tie eines will new wet room or cash will eonsider trade 2630 IrWO:WHEE1blue tapeetry sot CAPITOL Conffdence and Security 70 new low mileage 410460 pit& 11250: nation typo or other businesses Aliso enulpoest-- 112075 or make Completely tor $90 Phon e 0 r g 1 00 rod carat ro b llth East Phone el Coca-Coi- a and chair $135 2320 Wellington or offer paint mach Cali 1 after 6 pm 814 S 3rd East 156 offer it apt MEMBERS 7220-9t- h thamplon-Excet cond FINANCE VirT Plectroluit refrig and Texaco Station at Co qu4Iy—f)--Tr0- ( al enring e PONTIAC coupe Mit& coup good motor vres r Climatiser radio overdrive wad '36 rocA tdrniture 2050-13tMIN G sot circulato-Ta rieiente mind paint 6400 er beet otter- - 2762 E Alvin Christenson !neat cases- regular reLaird 1828 manater or offer make 6695 Utah new tires 81650 135 W 7th South Automobile Dealers rrti r912 Continental Bk Bleta cases mind cagh registers dresser play pen Taylor-To- t Biair ave neISTTLILI2 WW1 01 frigerator cilp Itir10—couccelient oond 1031 -bLDS De Luxe ror arid rnantei piece 670 E 17th perVetter's Market 232 E 4th South ASSOCIATION thor rr $55 Jena!ra 42 Stets 13 8 fith Mason sedan al FORD De Luxe Fordor sedan '41 fect on condition Recent 680 Ph South job g offer12Incl $1650 356 Insurance or make rug cond 61095 465-12tequip with ndca—top h motor 8300 good East lectric—Rsnmore range E SAIL AL 3983 Phone Pouth 3-4th $ ee at 1519 So 3rd bg ave lst 6 1 SO se& room Rad and htr dm set tong extra axge 1 bufft BARCIAIN 11A 130 TS FFT ail office ANT 14 NEW Roo R I400 1936—FORD BilrRooNt and eedart types trucks and buses area-ab- le AT CA equipment FOR ED IL CT Recond motor front en& braises dni i bed arid rocking bores Moue WANTED & Thrift Desk Fxrhante 623 S State 5414 ben for delivery 170 1058 E 9th So Call 42 4 EL STATE condition $475 or make offer etc 81295 1928-4t- h S etrt Yast East 1752 gun- Elves ness E 4250 Malvern LOVELY blue couch like PRACTICALLY new National cash 'MO Mari y 1 0 boxes 1939 CHRYS se& by owner $R50 n ' Phone CHEVROLZT Iretlafter 9 cni Pun WANTED 1112 50 5 6 5 Ir wt resister tires FORD paint good Excellent cond throughout SO—MUSIC AND RADIO EE ino Aero sedan Must sell 1554 593 E tub like top $475 or otter 11A'rTAG washsr DAN &ad equate bind nt I $ & 50 1 5—'32 CjIEW-l rk: 1 TO 8 MONTHS 15 TO BUY—Misc 15th East 53—WANTED 1 3085 South row condttion 78783L 2 wheelie ANTIQUZ piano Ation guars type 1243 Lk Heater 723 Blair et rt Drive Coixtmare: I 1 1938 STUTLBARMi oRixstAL-Vrr- t Original WISH to buy porn Northern cm 1941 OLDS 8 Very clean $500 or best offer 2160 S 7tia rug ritiT75-LiM6110 Mos 115 Mos 94 loan korv 8x16'6'' Dow pair coupe icicel throughor 8450 1355- S State A 21105 32 motor steal biattle Ft W Only 58 Flock Slade go 49 East good 4th Aries paint altt out apt 12-T27 61425 Gilmer 1462 dr ft fat00ll otcva 1115 Ca 527-anderoon I I N Temp Pefore 5 Unit Midvale Fatigue ext 307 81295 14—chit con At tson Phone Trioqual radios bougnt O4 Homs $200 e kr 1Zott-g $204 4 r17- cia ood ocozzE: $22501 $1537 11 overhakule& W good' Co Serino clean WATCH toovemnts 3rd STUDE Champ 45 rexardleem of 77980 Also twin butt8Z 44-1115 750 So Main 8095 Would trade for loiter frondee I rubber overhauled new paint 8793 '39 FORD TUDOR Also old gold And silver Call SELL your piano or musical inst to condition H-E-I-S-400 4061 3080 44201 S 3780 MOTOR Enid 46 9th 8450 ave a 1014 Austin 128 East MihdiVrilly a a pad Piers Levitre's 111 E 2n4 S 4U—C1$b Or make offer 879 S 1st West 40 DE riadao an :u 2 chains '37 CHEV club coupe perfect shape '35 LA A LIMRNIA style couch 6001 6081 66201 4616 FOR RENT PIANO VITS91-1UP $450 3640 320 Cexcel SALLE sedan Rehifilt motor lExcelleat arcessortra t4rgo $hvb buy Best buy in town and out Inside 6 cond Music after Co '147 arkdays 48 Buy 4712 North Summerhays new like Ptt Main STATE 3464 8518 8 565 By owner $850 aod couch 6457 Sig noturvo—Auto—Furn itu re S W Temple 16P SALE—Chair cLarinet cond rea- Call good RT3 co tic ova rcoa tr32 FORD BUICK 1946 and 1941 de luxe sedan r '46 super $595 38 DODGE 275 East Truman Phone— Write—Call—Money Today I NEED a car so badly I'm in no po- sonable ir41 t OLD tea cart glass cake otand red h $1495 aod alrroara etc rtit 5--4 9 3 R and h defroster meat covers excel 53 Nengine 7th West 149 DOOLEY COURT attion to argue about price- 47 157 rmth tat Dial cond waintzt check cut style SCHUMANN table cloth and thaing 61895 3rd 563 E cabinet 11 ir glass 11 47576 roor two 42 grand piano ' cream and smear '47 CHEIT SEDAN $2395 model preferred Call sedan cond aftet 137 CHEV room wet ciez-r- t $200 cash 133 McCleiland 1937 DODGE A 00 ski 41 z o Ca 't atoo 750 So Main 5:30 pm 273 N Redwood rd good tires excentinit cond SLIGHTLY used comb table 2130I1 01 WANTED — Royal or Underwood cond radio and beater 9 650 et 1: a Sell—tour Do BUICK You to '40 new alta 42 B Want Car? R clb and super sedan good cond It$4 N11 32overoat FORD cony 55-'38 cp 8 4th &est W offer 151 80 standard 4th excel Philco radio cond New dealer will buy aroe make Poat $1250 4434 Highland dr clean $875 After 10 am over ma BY OWNER 1934 Owe etaDd r De Groff-Woo12 BASS ACCORDIONS WANTED year Or model 15i E 91 1936 GRAHAM ed htr Hot 781-N- J bar1 Cs meld t 1is coat 824 100 yrs old 713 8solid7th E pit '38 WILLY& $300 overhauled ilk—lubber Junk Weatos sedan 5 new tires 6295 1&57 Motor 950 S State Penman Studios 1 4 Co 1 04 47 8295 1845 So Woodside dr Hawthorne 761 tires McClelland COD& Phone StOOd raca s — — JOB—neceasitates MY p a 1947 model type piano 5295 Bench–ini 11) r-sul t 1514 CASH 641 No 1938 STUDEBAKER Comm- bus srcc1 't 1935 Nash 1940- STUD metals batteries II 60 each 114 Restennabst Call car Will pay any price sedan rel7 included 1251 E 21st So rre S4 512 P W Tr owl Her5ert TiENA aedan R and H $695 diivory 12th Went Dtal Sth clean new tiresbampion Loans climattaar 6995 AT1 walnut bsiactied Please call dining button a d push fir goo43 XL r and 35 PCYld M 40 Ions new art 9'111114ms brp like steciiit—Viry sedan WILLITS ave 2555 Park 1n41 IRON 458 ate rt)0171 RAGS et Y sell 526 IF 00 HAVE a good car tor sale it -- h SSOO Ph Cond 0 TWA' 41F4 E Sth So 13 5 92504 offer (56$325 or best end -1146 Clean up We call for It Oldsmobile club coop& di n in g est also "RC A tab is radio will pay you to give ma maoog 411t A7SFA ring Admiral rocord 165—E7-1Dow 11447 PACK de—luxe ctn Lair CO38 r048 ts htgti chair By 1931 CHEN coup very beater and swat stovers 1717 21st 8 4--4577 Call any time Manser attached $40 4-- 1350 tit so 40 Oil Utah So 9th East Station Ciotti 33rd $15 Phore or offer Call or FINANCING owner 92495 $3100 inlWootttsg—C to suit mad taNNER tablea LOCAL nusine:Raman your needs good late "PIANO sail reas w r coat suitable for canL ACK 94 2 excel cond Good cond $13Z: BEAU''' club coupe excellent coo- - 1933 DODGE 1941 Ltocoln-Zeortclub Will pay model car demand awes - Int ph 1 1 rasa yon cottage or pract 2021 go Sith E Pk 183592 So 9th E dition 11295 epe port eot coo& r a new Urea rash -- Call immediately 0- 8S70-1- units elec calrod A NI rang ANY115F111K—it:r—ri341--W 4tb So HOG record 27 Good cabinet 1939 91575 PLYMOUTH $112 motor recond Call 1936 DODGE after r—am coupe a 754-YES will dealer but pay or 714 8 MAIN 665 tialliattay cond Rots 1824 Talecrest: beater good rubber $750 FOR MEN'S SUITS liaat 0 2 S1-heotør Sunday $425 725 Richards at highest cash price f or any model WALNUT chest of tirawprit good conPLYM sedan new tires and NO bee owner at 517 SACRIFICE—'41 lights $925 et car Dial Eve Sun upright Kingsbury Itt'ST Mircury plain radlos too's Mee guns pita Luggnre &At-E 9th 909 dition MONEY case good cond S2n0 cash excel st cond Chicago 8200 84709 Clean 1225 S W Tetnple PliaCE 64189 Call $1050 Major WILL pay cash for 1941 or 1940 c7nTa C" coneTT k it mod— ratio Dow7iii 193t PLYM Ir'r heater: 550—TROPIC MASTER radio short EDDIE GREEN pave Wen once for C BoeKCAPTC1g $5 and ST 511 or 37 FORD—Radio Good buy $350 1934 BUICK sedan excellent Call Chevrolet car FO R 8-- 2 4 59 or best ottor wave B C 928 Genesse ave omit Ail too ay s40n 25085 E 21st-g- So $35 natio illgCRIP Garfield 1765 einthen !noes Li-bittin—g—iiible i d r cond Fully equippel SA full sirs excel a v y o rr- br)A C—Sfatro-lconditIo—n71375 4 ark lart cond atsa BUY GOOD USED CAR ood At WANT TO St40 or mak rond t ar s rt 9 Diamonds n Gold Pry Woltd offer 2904 Adams at sin Chairs 44a44 roe t $1395 or Mfr 104R Strattord vit A NY 8 sr da rOPh 344 Sircna'a rt MODEL 441735 7 aoal-T2ENITIf taTlei—model radio '44nut1137 CLUB COUPET-1219- 5 4 0 CHEV 14 41 eon Nash-T-052 FOG LIcIlITS S250 Lac k 41175' at C Datink-iDi cis' oarompt Mime WILL tifitiKkn SOY modet Cmrplpritial at any top Ramona gyp ave 1234 W 6- so $120 21 750 So Main VoiLoot t p 12 211 CnntmentI Bark Writ E ter 3306 So 460 East 000 l' 5tli t4outn t70 Prlett VIOITIN and case for 'mo sacrifice 7:1'7 P 8-41 33 DODGE ed nw uphol new 11171CK Rcoupe '34 FL aad H $095 WANTED sEriAN—s goo no Choy Ford must 738 OLDS par v 0 woad C8'1 'roe t Ail good STV71TO COUCH wwt Cal n evr bat Urea ne 53F—Furniture Wanteo 2725 33rd South Mr $225 64 tt good Pity cesti Emery at - pipc ALL AI— Rio k Int A d a truir Mora t BEAU? G 1- console radio coraat--19301 OLDS six eds:7:1300 rhotte or '41 ntfickc super club coupe FINANCE CORP WANT 40 or 41 Chet" club coup 1934 CHENTROLKT esdan-$- 300 TOP CASH tor furultute ruse stoves 2 SF5 Hof 7674 Cash bi $45 or cond ave Must meth be 757 clean $1350 tools etc Crettrent Furniture 72 S ft03 MeIntvr Hirt! Parkway RiVt IVILL-BLI- Y Pon RwArRia 7 cu ft RILORED Kimball piano 3459 So west Tempi 1935 CHEITTcoupe new rubberTiod GOING to school will sell '37 Choi' Nnrtho"8 41 rot t iota 1 4 141:sTINGlicousE for—cash: clean car 194l5 '47 CHENT TOWN $2450 Atrt-LOANS AND FINANCING t t r SW raceient efsal 2520 El 15th E 25 to 1947 model cond $325 2754 7 Blair it 8801 erond 730 So Main $525 or Model A Pori $165 to Cash 0 $50 $950 model floor set Menn r) good 1g VETriSrAstl 0-5oak CHEVROLET-eedatino catot roe ear wants a "137 tur dining New tires: '40 PACKARD -- El" SEDAN S11541 Ank t condition Diei tor Jmr User! Proem cond 140 rmirt4 for Call 1732-t-iteves525 teurnituto Cal law 73 Illgrtest dealers 94166: t roe or 7y -heater Phone 74307 East 750 So Perfect $45 in CHET MUIR maerTmes etc Down-Lagu- e Yil:FRIGEFLATOR PIANOS lirnakrer- -$ VETERÁ-N PERSONAL FINANCE CO needs panel- truck for 'MUST sell toddy 35 Stude coupe !633 PLYM med $195 or make offer 1 9 40 P YU OtrriL a 3 424 Li 06" 67'fLIGHT piano good oottd 2nd Floor Utan Oil Bldg 11 Furniturs 661 vi 2nd Do butanes& ttkr44 'boos ask for Jim Gd cond 1125 211-7tu nd ay only AL E 603 8 Weat Temple D FROM NEW Y 0 RIC MARKET Lov el y fur coa la at sebo AC An ailed ty pee acid es prices Some as love sA SIO $so 111 styi 1538 a 3 rrl Fast BLACK KIDSKIN fur coat now 1117Ati 14 (Iverrr In wit! sae: skis ski jacket- IZ 13 verity' dream-eMade:iris dinar cloth caw TEN NEW AMPLE Irtlt COAT At 13 reg pries These ars real ba rgaina otlaous DRY-TYP- at $20 We Need Your Furniture once Top °asp prices paid for beater s washers rugs ranges pianos coil springs and mattresses Cars to Your Coup RAnio MERCURY BEATER SPOTLIGHT 2-- X a6S 2-- Jesse ti Chase M MUTUAL CASH ali-vro- IN J-- M EWAY H A - L Et'IANewl '41 '40 '40 '39 '37 '39 '34 Lot BRASHER e 1 a LOAN 2-- 2-- c - Furniture 12-1- ed ft lay-awa- y radio-phonogra- p-- 4-- dr 0 TIM EWAY I oo Do (Ivor 4-- r T 4-- a-ATER st Hi A C 7-- litrita 4-- dr 6-- 4-- tireta---Nri- 94 4-- 31 NOTICE First National d 1947 Who Hat 1- -C- LOANS $25 to 8 Ce LE 4-- dr ss 4-D- - $00 credit-worth- y r 6-- 00 Iots just $614 b 9-- - Personal Finance Co 3-- 7-- ft State Finance' Co 10-p- 437-11t- h a-- ry 60 11-5- 4-- dr CASH c 7- A-- A-- 7 of s set-Pa- ir al LOANS TO hand-carve- REN over-stuff- REDUCE PAYMpNTS - p ibrIgRABIN - h - L-- rvr Air-Wa- t ro't - 2-- PACIFIC FINANCE LOANS - L-- $4 THE ACTUAL PIGINI-M—A-MN- lio-apea- -- 7 H 4-- dr 2-- 54-A—N- ew A-- w 2-- 4-- dr rrn - G005—a-is-n-SWThed- DS 194-0-OL- 1MGA 603-4o4:- 1 4-- 11 eet-7-1- caA----trpt9- LOANS INIV 1942-46-'4- 7 al 4-- : 1:te7 pe-F- tWO-piv—:-- t4 $20 to $1500 -- 7 tr-s-r- 6-- 0E rur l radio-phonogra- - C HOUSEHOLD h 2-- A-- m 22 4-- dr -ii4- r -- -- 4-- dr hill-hold- 11 111-C- A-- 51—-Stor- grat-tri- 4-- dr 6-- ft 97—'40-01138--6-2-D-P- EV 2-- dr -- 4-- oat-Go- C rit r 1-- 0-- In Factory-Guarante- A-- ed 6 C 03 siert-tric- -7 ?it — e nea-7-70- -SELF-SERVE- rat CO-LT- bYL 54 -- - PEOPLES 7-- rt a-- Finance GUNS-1ENr-iN- S Co - $20 to $3000 27 675-paaseng- OSILES QI A-- cut-dow- h 4-- dr - 8-- 0-- on -- 1 kg R i 5 E-R t 5-- Pahl's Anything -- 4-- dr 44 7 to $300 CASH LE 4-- tt c 'le B-- 1 4-- 4--dr $50 ANtIQC-E—'17-AB- 1 4-- dr A-- 1 r d 4-- dr - Auto IS yANK-EE—WI- 1 cleat-7-12- Pahili Pay $5 to $20 9--32 er Morgan Finance Co b-- tio 5-- CHEIr-sedan—ret- 2-- dr N-1- 13 V7 1 4 N8-4- 7- E- N 4:17-11t- h 7 4-- 15 tlae4--162- 6-6- 3 - You 2-- 5) NATIONAL ter dr late-mod- -- h sew-in-- h |