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Show Dust Bsths. We hopo our realtors will not forgot that there are duly certain times in the year when dust may be had from the well-traveled highway. During most ot tho year the road Is oitlier froien or muddy or in tho process of drylufc. at which time It is not possible pos-sible to get duat suitable for tho tiso of the fowls. A few bsrrels of dust at thla time of year will serve to keep the fowls frco from body lire all the rest of the time. It will require a little effort to make this collection now, but It will save much work later on dusting the fowls one by one with sulphur compounds or Insect powders. This hand work should bo avoided aa much as possible. Give the fowls a good dust bath ami they will take care of the lire nuestlon. - It may be necessary to go some distance dis-tance to get the duat doslred unless the road In front ot the farm house Is well traveled. The dust bath should bo arranged In a good sited box aud placed In the pen In a place where the sun will strike It and keep It dry. The bens llko to lie and duat themselves them-selves In tho sun, especially In winter. During tho summer months a dust bath may be made out of doora, near the, poultry house, but ahould be protected pro-tected from abovo by some kind of a prtitectluu aualuat rain. Otherwise a sudden shower may turn tho whole thiug Into mud and It will be several days In drylt K nut. The greatest difficulty we have found with the duat bulb Is the inclination inclina-tion of the hens to roost on the edge of the box at ntght. If a cover la put over It, they try to roosf on the cover. Hut this can ho otsvlnted by hinging tho covor lo the wall and having it drop ovor the box In a slanting manner. man-ner. The towla will then find it Impossible Im-possible to stick on the covor. much as tbey may desire to do so. V have had hens make the dust bath their laying place, and this Is always annoying. We have no panacoa ior this evil, but It dues not always occur. Where It does, and becomes serious, the poultry keeper will have Juat grounds fur experimentation. Wo would like the experiences ot our readers on tho question of dust boxes slid dust bsths. What have tbey ttmnil the most serviceable aria:,Kiv ment of the box and what has loon tneir experiences with the objectionable objection-able funnies? Also how ninny farmers farm-ers provide their fowls with any dust bath at all In winter? |