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Show rtifrlr.enitiir hints: Do not flood It with boiling water. Keep the Ice compartment full of Ice. Do not put hot foods Into the refrigerator. refrig-erator. Tho more th Ice the greator the economy. lresnvlng schemes are absurd, defeating de-feating the purpose of the rcfrlKurator. Overripe fruits and vegetables are a nionaco to the health If left tn th refrigerator. If much Ire be used on the table and for other puposes sn authority advises a storage box for this extra Ice. It Is the food that Is to be kept Instead In-stead of the Ice. Keeping ice In th sick-room or at a plcnlo is another matter. A cellar or other damp plac Is no place for the refrigerator. On the other band. It should not b put out of doors unprotected. It should be sponged out often with warm water in which a little soda has been dissolved and tbe drain should not bs neglected. For Shrunken Flannel. It la possible to wash flannels without with-out shilnklng them, but the average laundress does not know the process. Thnreforo It la worth while to know how to restore shrunken garments tn their original size, or something like it. Try lnylng the article to be restored re-stored on the Ironing hoard, and lay on It a piece of cheesecloth which bas been wrung out of cold water. Press with a hot Iron until the cheesecloth Is perfectly dry. The garment will show a marked Uiprovment. . , X Of Pale Blue Lavender. A costume of pale blue trimmed Is lavender and bluo lace leaves. Laves- der floss Is used In appllquelng th I leaves to the blue foundation. Tin pale blue parasol Is barred with heliotrope. helio-trope. Artlstlo Drapery. Uttle nlly artlstlo draping doors and windows Is seen. For aomi reason most people seem oatled with that which is trivial and without meaning. Tho beauty In artlstlo drup Ing lies In the gracefulness of 10 curves and tho Irregularity of Its ar ran re men la. A room may be mad U Trail- llff 1 L look larger or smaller by tha prop arrangements of Its draperies C0I01 schemes, too. hsve a tendency to pro duce tho satno effect, but It requires f draper with more or lens tact, sud ex perlence to produce these aeslrahli effects. The material used in th drop pery illustrated herewith Is 60 leeb double-fa! d velotir. which comes Id solid color only. The over drspo Is In old roe and the straight hangings In Nile. The dvulgn Is fringed In Co, 'jetting color. |