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Show faat Racea lor Amerla'a Cup. Won Aug. It, 1S':. at Cowea, Kng., by yaoht America at tba Royal Yacht Squadron, open to al nation, beating tba cuttara Volanta. 41 ton: Arrow. 14 too; Alarm, 181 ton; Mona. Ill toue; Bacchante. SI tun; Freak, to tons; Kollpse, 60 ton; and acbooner Beatrice, 161 tone; Wyvarn, 106 tona; lone, 76 tona; Comtance, 211 tona; Gipsy Queen. 100 toes; Urllllant. IU tone. Tha acbooner Amerloa waa of 170 ton, In oommaud of Commodore John C. Stevlna. anil built by Utwrga Otror la New Yort In lr-l (or Mr. Steven, Oeorga L Schuyler, Hamilton Hamil-ton Wllkoa, J. lloekiuan Flnlay and Edwin A. Slovene. The cup waa pra-aented pra-aented to tho New York Yacht Club aa a perpetual challenge oup (or all nations, and baa beea aalled (or eleven tlroae. beginning Id U70, and won arb time by tha American boata. Tha reaulta ol tha varum rac-ta ware: 1870, Aug l.-Ovar New York Yacht Club tnalde omiree Mr. Jame Aabury'e acbooner yacht Cambria, representing the Royal Thame Yacht club, beaten lu tha following order by aobooner yacht: Magla. Idler, Silvia, America, riaiintloa. Nadgl. Phantom, Alice, Halcyon. Time 3 f.8 21. 181. Oct. 16- Franklin (lagood'a erhonner yacht Columbia brat Jamea Abiiry'a choonor yacht Livonia over New York Yacht Club Inside course by 2T minute 411 leconda. In 19 .41. Oct. II ('ulumhia b'lat Livonia over outside courae by lu minute 32 ec-onde. ec-onde. In 3 07.41 . Oct 19 Livonia brut Columbia over Inside course by 15 mlnutea 10 feeonds. In 3 83 06. Oct. 51. W. P. Doug!' chooner yacht Sappho beat Livonia over out-alda out-alda courae by 30 minute 11 aeconda, lo HT.1"! Oct 2J Sappho beat Livonia over lnsldu course by 2S minute 27 aeo-ouds, aeo-ouds, In 4.46.17. 166. Aug. 11. J. 8. Ulckorson'a achooner Jnclit Madeline beat charle Gilford a rhooner Cotinteas of rufferln of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto To-ronto over tha Inst, la uotirsa by 10 minute M econda in i Aug. 12 Madeline beat Counteaa of Purlarln over the outside course by J7 BilnuUs 14 second", In 18SI. i Nov. . J..R. Husk loop Mischief |