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Show POULTKYI gt The Way te Success. From Fsrmere' ne-vlnw: The lesson the world's moat eminent and successful success-ful men have taught ns most forcibly Is the Importance of enthusiastic effort ef-fort The accomplishment of any given object In life la based largely upon bow Intently wa are taken up with Its Importance. Our hearts must be In our avocation. He who wills to do with bin whole heart, conquers or dies In the attempt Too much of what the world has seen fit to designate desig-nate aa pastime or pleasure enters Into, our everyday existence. Its preaence can be traced to every man'a dally activities. Kach successive duty wa perform has Ita degree of earnestneas or Indifference. The poultryman who takes the details ot his business to bed with him at night and arlsea with it In mind la not disappointed In hla association. asso-ciation. Enthusiasm conquers all problems and perplexities and knows no failures. It finds a way or makes one. Ignorance, false theories, mistakes, all are but stepping atones to suocess to him who wills with enthusiastic seal. When the breeder of prize fowls Buta determination. Intelligence and enthusiasm enthu-siasm correctly proportioned into bla mating, handling, advertising and exhibiting, ex-hibiting, something always happens. What bsppens Is success. Where ona falls another la successful. Out of the same aoll wheat and tares are produced, pro-duced, from the same family, perhaps, per-haps, the successful business man and the pauper, the roformer and the drunkard. Ono presses forward to a definite aim In life with enthusiastic seal, the other drifts aimlessly bore and thero on tho waves of clrcutn-stancea. clrcutn-stancea. As our lot In llfo Is what we choose to make It, so surely will our poultry operations prove successes or failures In proportion to the amount ot earnest seal and energy there Is In evidence. It Is from a fancier's point of view that I speak, and a few things 1 consider of vital Importance. You must procure tho very best ot stock, and select for sdvertlslng mediums papers pa-pers of known Inrgo circulation. Make your advertisements clear and conclso. Do sure your have staled convincing facta. When you have received an inquiry for stork or eggs, summon all the common souse, guod Judgment, business ability and tact at your command. com-mand. You will neod them all to properly handle the Inquiry. Hlght here Is one of the most decisive points In success or failure. Always use good printed stationery. A catalogue or good circular la a help and savea an Immonse amount of writing. A good show record Is a very great help. All who arc endowed with a reasonable amount of common sense and bava a liking for the poultry business, and will press fjrward with enthusiastic seal and give It their time and attention, atten-tion, will find that success will crown thnlr efforts. Klmnr (llmllu. Christian County, Illinois. |