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Show Cup Defender Reliance Again Beata Shamrock. On Monday the llnllanra again heated the Shamrock, but tba rare will not count, a the time limit expired ex-pired before either veaael reached tba flntuh line. The margin rf the Reliance Reli-ance waa appronlmatt'ly the aama aa on lnt Thuradiiy. Hbo waa lot than half a mile from tho flnlah when the gun Bounded. Tim Shamrock lit waa a faint blur on the horlnon, fully two and one half tulle natern. The Hell-ance'a Hell-ance'a failure to ncoro the rare wa tho more cxiiapcriitlng hecauao ber ultimate triumph la now conceded, von by Sir Thomaa hlmaolf, to ba Imply a formality. |