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Show L OGDEN DAILY COM MERCIA OGDEN, UTAH, TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3, 1891. VOLUME IV. NUMBER 105. THE LAST SAD RITES. I erreUry Wisdom Laid to Erst at Washington. ALL FLAGS AT HALF-MAS- T. free tret that bordered the pnaripal vA,ibe hasMbeAd, which badi the eoiuu tt veteran pUvtd "Nr My God to Thee." The grave eee on tLe aide of a retJy ekpteT toll, a LttUto the west aad ibe aonh el the crater of the grounds, and Valparaiso Eorcapied just ae the tuut of a towerioa! oak. The Troops of Balmartda. rrvtree at the grsre were impreaaive. FaUowinc the cakeC which had bees earned to the atde of the opea freve, eaaae aaettbera of the eebiAet. two by BIG OPORTO'S FJASCG. two, and after theea. Mra. Wiadosa. eoo. of arm ber oa the Waaing heavily Then came the two daughters and them, other reUuuos and tneoda. Eepablkaa Leaden arrested and tke Mra. McKee oa the arm of the Towa Declared ia a State of PhTate SecreUry tlalford aad official other eaembers of the Preideot'e Siegw for One Month. tj g The Dead Statesman. Lowered re Hi Last Resting Place Kith Preet-dee- t. Simple Ceremoniet. houeeLoki were aiuocg those who came after. AT THE fcBAYK. Washisctos, Feb. 2. -- Ths national Whea all had retched the eide of the city u truly in mourning today. The Dr. Hall reed a ebort chapter executive departments Jid their rrave. from the BibU, and then invoked the branches have been closed all day, and divine biaanng upon the stricken family. congress did not assemble until 1 o'clock Me thanked liod for tne guud example which the deed secretary liad set for the in the afternoon. hich work! and prsyed thst ieae The ti at uu all public buildings are paaeeth ail undemanding might utUin La if alco those of the and com f ft thuee who mourn his Iota. mast; displayed at After the catket had been lowered, hotels and business establishment tbe weeping mother and children throughout the city, and the Urge to the side of the grave, took of the four frouti ot the treasury stepjd their hut look u,ku the vilet laden department are heavily draped in black. casket, then turned away. The and returned to Tuete honor m ere paid to the memory quickly f the late Secretary Windooi. whose re- the city. r mains were committed to their last The Pay in Sew York. place today. The nary department and the departNew VokK, Feb. 2. - The United ment of justice are also dra(ed in honor Statee tree in Uiis city were ury oflk-eof ex g J BrcKos ArarA, Feb. 2. A report has reach! Lere ot another engagement off Ancttd, the capital island - of Chileu, in tke Chilean archipelago. A battle was r fought between a government and an insurgent war veateL It resulted in the defeat ot the iuynreuta. It is suppiMed the vesels engced were the two ships previously referred to, the rebel vessel a huh landed the insurgent marines at Ancud and the government khtp which tried to land trtxpa at that liort, under the disguise of hoisting the British tt:ig.QOotuwuuication with Santiago de Chili, the capital of Chili, and other towns, which had been temporarily interrupted has been reestablished man-of-wa- PRICE, FIVE CENTS. , regarded Siznor CriepTs resignation final, aad the kia kas not asked him to withdraw it. Humbert has Rons. Feb, i-K-ing eammoned Marquis A. Ln Eadina, seo-ee- d of the rice preeideeU of the chamWottld-b- e ber ot deputies, to form a cabinet. CUE AND casualty: rival publishers ia this country have a legal right to nee the content of the original lition. except the portion covered by c pyrights earn red by l"Tfia author. The defeodanto' work, he fiada, h'-- ea'ustituted articles for thee Lynchers Mwt With oopyrifh.ad one. an Unpleasant Surprise. The Irish Kitoatio. Printers Walk ObL Feb. anion printers and sevea apprentices employed ia the large establishment ALABAMA MLN 1X0 TROUBLES of ILS. Crocker A Co, strot k today oa aoooant ot alleged violation of union rules by the firm. The Crocker deny A Yonn; Girl's Mysterious Death this. Bloedy Furht ia a Chkaro Tene- -, ment-Ejra- nd's OWESBV OS THE STA5I). Last Day. Hxm T Lovdox. Feb. FmAXcxaco, 2. McCarthy, epeekiaf at Liverpool oa the Irish qneetioa mid. if the minority would not yield to the majority it might be well for Ireland to be prepared to accepted a settlement making tor peace and union. Tbe prospect fur an ageeement being reached are hopeful Tbe Jtufh Wanted Witness Develope Shlrevipokt, La, Feb. 2. Homer a Very Poor Jlemory. the seat of Claiborne, has been parish, the silver the scene ot intense excitement the Washixctom, Feb. 2.- -In past pool investigation today, Representative two days. Saturday night a mob bat A beer T k of Illinois, testified that tered a hole in the jaiL Six men meet he had bought on a margin ln last July through the luasage to kill Link Wag- Xorta Dakota and the Lottery. At last tbe consti tutional amendment prohibiting lotteries baa reached the governor for hie approval It will have to be submitted to the next legislature and then to the peo BiavABCK, Feb. 2 ple. and August 40,000 ounces of silver and goner, a desperado recently captured. LYMPH IX AXHBICA. sold it at a protiiL He a ished it put on Link, who hud two revolvers, sliot teotf record that the purchase mas made after the men in arms, and held the others at One Patient Dead and Another at bay. Waggoner was not in the cell acd the tilver bid became a law. He has did the eh.Mting from the corridor, dodg. the Point of Death. not bought any silver since. New Haven, Conn, Feb. 2. George Taylor said he did not know of any ing into the different apartments. In senator or other Representatives having trying to pull open the doors of his fel- M. low Bradley, the first patient in this cell the the latter caught bought silver. Witness did not buy any doorprisoner's with one hand to keep him out,' country to receive Lymph inoccuUtkm, silver before the law went into effect, nor while legislation was landing. He w hen Waggoner drew a knife and cutoff died today, and the son of Prof. Blake, some in wheat since he had his fingers. The sheriff says his friends another dealt had Lymph patient, who waa under reet-insbeen in congiesa. He had, after consult- mu6t have furnished him with arms. treatment nearly two months, is at the ation with the President, secretary ot point or death. Bradley was thirty Opposed to Forelffu Labor. the treasury and director of the mint Later Advices. not of in an advanced and age years was approved," intro"by whom it Birmingham. Ala--, Feb. 2. The stage of consumption when he began Bif.xoj Atfks Feb. 2 Additional duced Secretary Bancroft and bill at a the of the beginning closed with and mourning draped today LVvens. correspondent has just ret urned receiving the treatment. During the advisee from Chili state that after abattlo present session, looking to the purchase i he streets in the vicinity or me as a tribute of respect to the memory fit lasting severe) hours tbe regular troops o' the 13,000,000 ounces from Carbon Hill, and reports there was past few weeks, he suffered intensely aa the in surplus The flags had a distressing effect u urch whore the last rites were per - the late S"cretary Windom. reouonpied Valpariso. The insurgents United States. He did not hold an ounce no necessity for sending troops there. the treatment upon his throat, making it difficult and formed Were crowded with men. women were lowered to half mast on all public lost heavily and it is believed that tbe of silver at that time and did not, before to time ot the recent the the strike Up V and children who atood ia resiiectf ul buildings and on many private houses revolt will be speedily suppressed. painful to take nourishment. the introduction of the bill, have any mines in Walker county have been extreemely The physicians state that death waa silence, many of them wi'ii bared heada and dwellings similar tokens of mournwith worked man conference almost to who any supposed entirely by natives, as the mournful cortege paused. undoubtedly hastened by the condition ing are to be seen. THE OPOETO FIASCO. were bitterly opposed to the importation of own silver. his throat. The funeral was simple in character Clunie of of California foreign labor, either white or colored. Representative Aim an.t witlwiiit tka loaat uttamnt Senate. Peace Rcijrng and the Town in a testified that he never dealt in silver and Liast itiursday nnrht the eanir tired sev V. SEWS FROM BERJLIX. The only sera-- ) play or ostentations. did not know any senator or representa- eral shots into a cabin occupied by neW amcTox, Feb. 2- .- The senate met State of Siege. Lhace to military honors was the pree- 1 bad. who miners and one of tive was the latter gro euce 01 sixieoa memuers 01 me treasury a'. - ;. hi. Turpie introduced a joint wounded. I he next day one man was teius of Interest Gathered at the Lisboji, Feb. 2. The lenders of all the OWENBV Of THE STAND. branch of national guards of the dis- resolution (which was referred to the anarchist - unkilled and another wounded in a fight, and groups spontaneously German Capital James A. Owenby was sworn. He re- and the trict who acted as body bearers and committee on judiciary) proposing an constable was nfrnid to arrest services offered to their in New he i marched beside nt conditionally said, but York, hearse. The civic sided, the Feb. 2. A bill has been in spr murderer Bkrux, telethe and was the military funeral was ho large, however, as to be amendment to the constitution for the sii pport the govern men L O; xtrto has been most of his time in Washington. His graphed for. The with- troduced in the upper house of the been have troops of in tor one declured a month. a senators state United was of States election last business a siege that of broker. drawn. a striking evidence of the people's great by year Prussian Diet to incorporate the island love and cteeni for the dead statesman. direct vote of the people. Twentyeersons were killed in Saturday's He handled all sorts of securities, and disThe w of Heligoland in the arrondissement ot an had government he hen in tight. dealt suspecting opportunity, During the forenoon the body of the action Sherman asked immediate A GIRL'S MYSTERIOUS DEATH. content in the Oporto garrison had is- silver. His original business was mindead secretary lay in open casket in the b Marachen. a to measure the referring treaty sued orders for tho transfer of several ing. He had ollioe room in the office of upon " family drawing room. The face of the Berliner Khnische Wochen- The She Took an Overdose of Morphine deceased wore a calm and peaceful ex- with the Hawaiian Islands. The ex- officers to other regiments. This action Wells, Far)o & Co. in New York. Dr. Liebmann bos dis that of schrift with the the says if togethor the tasked talked witness imprisonment sombse black The embstrransed officers are n;w P.iyne pression. covering ecutive The Death to he luvestijjatod. covered tubeclo bacilli io the blood of editor of tbe liopublica Portugueses ex- with Stevens, correspondent of the of the casket was relieved by' a profusion from the fact duties are that being ' of beautiful white flowers in various de New Youk, Feb. 2. pedited the outbreuk. almut the silver pool. Helen Putts, nine patients treated with Koch lymph; mostly phthisical, but without a trace Witness I probably have used the a beautiful nnd accomplished girl of 20 Oporto, Feb. 2. Perfe;t quiet reigns tributes of loving friends. On the levied in violation of the treaty, u'nd the ll ' signs, ot miliary tuberculosis, while two of casket the only decorations were crossed fact is disturbing very seriously the con- in this city. (Jovornment reinforcexents word "pool" in speaking of parties in a ot George II. Fotts, the cases pres nted no bacilli in the palm leaves and a crepe ot violets around dition of American affairs in the islands. have arrived from all parts of the coun conversation about silver. 1 had mime years, daughter railroad and ntino owner, who sputum. Tho result of Dr Liiebmann s ths upper end of the After some discussion, Sherman said, in try. Three hundred civiliansand soldiers knowledge of different parties who I wealthy Parle, died sud eeearch is supposed to confirm Prof. nrrested. All the republican clubs believed were cngHged in silver trading, lives et Ashbury the nosence ot Carlisle, he would not were THE KU1RAL TrflSlKS. in a private Virchow's tears. nil closed and have lxen demy lielieve nn I yesterday 1 of morning republican don't : 1 k. - l 1 pool, but, organized would bill the hhk now, but press the . school from morphine po son The widow ot Prof. Schliemann Bcized iiiuiui iuu- senate have been i w no uuru uueriuKn the boarding He had I account did. woi"; by newspapers the teen curliest upon consider to it at the very President anffitra. llarrinerv defies that her husband left his gold orStie had been troubled with ing. & ' anro Oo. of , government books r the yTVieroue. lar(Te Well, huknent possible. .. The1 front of the town hall ami reveral ' Witness wasM&ed a number ot ques ousness and insomnia for some time, and naments to Kaiser Wilheltn. Tbe rewreafcssj violets and BACK OX FOKT1 FlCATlONH. I Vl of the valley, enL,nel-- by a band a capsule supposed port had occasioned an outcry in buildings in other streets where con- tions to lind out if any names on the Saturday night took ( The fortification bill was taken up. flicts took place were much damaged books were those of senators ilurple nbbon. crowiivth a sheaf of or repre to contain twenty-hv- e grains oi quinine Greece. Mrs. Morton The amendment reported by the com- and battered. Tho king's Jind Emin contradicts many of Baron ,k,fcat; which sentatives. He evaded then questions and one grain ot morphino, which had portrait, " r went u oeauiuui oi cugimu mittee to reduce the appropriation on hung in tho town hnll, was destroyed by and volunteered the suggestion that the been prescribed by Carlylo W. Harrison Wissman's statements. Emin is hastenwtvaui . . . I'll1, -. a medical student and warm friend of ing onward in response to a letter from vauey auu aa- gun and mortar batte.ies for defense of the rebellious soldiers, who made the committee should have vioie.s, roses, nines oi Mrs. the harbors ot Boston, New V:rk, San building their stronghold. herself ond family. Ukumbi expressing fears of an attempt paragus viae: Secretary and KXPBBTS TO KXAMlNK BOOKS THK li'Jies and palms: Fran lisoo, Hampton Roads and WashThere are several theories as to the to massacre the Fremh mission. Blaine, Easter WOCNDKD DYlNli. THR "White rosed and ington from 81,000,000 to SV.W.OOO gave Of Wells, Fargo Jfc Co. death. An inexperienced clerk may have Brackott, Lojtixm, Feb. 2. Tbe Standard t Frel Several soldiers who were wounded in the During tbe testimonv witness nt one su!8tituted morphino for quinine or tbe Berlin correspondent says the emperor secretary rise to a discus-ion- , vines; asparagus Dolph opposing the the contlict have died. Most of the intime asked if his questions meant "books girl may have had the prescription re will relieve Chancellor Caprivi of the Vtary of the navy, a cluster ot brides amendment and speaking at much length surgents surrendered and were conveyed of any bank." newed nnd died by the cumulative ac Prussian preniership and will entrust 4 roses, plumes and asparagus vines; the on the necessity of a gun factory on the alipard a man of war. It is estimated wanted to know after awhile tion of a lnrge number of capsules. Tho the oilice to Mr. Miguel. Caprivi will union league club of Minneapolis, Pacific coast. Puyne riHcd from and 24.000 shots machine that A crosses cf roses and lilies of the valley what witness meant by this question, family is connecter with the most promi remain chancellor of of the German Cockrell favored the ninendment. The with a wreath ot violets; Secretary and disctiPhion was continued by Haw ley and guns were tired during the lighting. The and finally learned that he referred to nent families of Pennsylvania and New empire and Miguel will retain the actor an arrested named have the books of J. M. Donald, cashier of the Jersey. .? Mrs. Rusk sent a wreath of azaleas, roses Blair. The latter offered nn amend- police finance portfolio in jhe Prussian cabiand lilios with ferns. The governor of ment looking to international conference Vedinl, who read the insurgents' procla- Hanover National Bank, and of Hall, net. Other important changes will folof mation a from Portuguese republic assistant cashier. Minnesota and Mrs. Merriani. bunch ot for the suppression of the slave trade low. His Off. Head Lopped baloonv town hall. of the f calla lilies; Mrs. Lewis of Washington aad the trade in intoxicating liquors, theAbbe Owenby was nuked if on any of these The white book has been published S. Nicholas, the parish priest of books was the name of any senator or Chic.ujo, Fob. 2. In a tenement house here containing Emin Pashab reports to Mount Vernon association, design firearms and gunpowder in Africa, toadies ' Cockrell rend the report of the confer- this city, was arrested, charged with be- representative, and nfter considering the in the Italian quarter of this city a free- - the middle of Novem ber last. 1 boss re"j iof palm leaves and roses with lilies of the vallev; officers and employes of the ence f American nations on the subject ing concerned in the insurrection. question awhile be replied that Donald for-a- ll tight took place last night. Knives, ports form a record ot extravagance and Other republican leaders were also ar had once picked up a letter w hile they register's oflico of the treasury depart- - ot international arbitration and argued shovels and other articles of war- disregard of instructions. Emin ignored rested, and all of them are now secured were canvassing the silver situati6n ana pistols, to the order to found a station on Victoria js(!i'ut.riloral fac simile of the treasury that the appropriation for war prepara fare w wjre hose are whereabouts Dr. Veiga, said: "That man is in it. I know what Trod had freely used. A Greek named pd ., i seal and representation ot scales and tions were placing the united Mates in except Nyanzn; instead ho hoisted the flag at from his severed head almost Several unknown. prominent citizens, he will do." P" Tabora in spite ot Commisseioner the false. j, key. his and were others several inbody, injured. of named members the as being Dawes stated the reason why the re The house was thrown open to the Schmidts' efforts to dissuade him, the !k IT WAS A HKNATOK. Tho fight was stopped by the police. directorate, disavow any con commiasionei objecting on the ground I public between 3 and 11 o'clock, during duction of appropriation had been rec surgents, 1 He mentioned did the name, Payne 4 of the great expense. Emiu spent 150,000 9 whic' time there was a constant stream ommended wu8 that there was an unex nection therewith, Judge Soares nnd he? Last Day. 8 i I ot people passing through. Eyrauds At the lrtt-- pended balance on hand for the same Banker Lute being among the number. marks instead of the 60,000 marks alYou to are anxious vo ha Owenby very '2. A decree is published Feb.2.-Eyralowed him. He repeatedly complains of ud will f ter hour the house was closed to visitors works of $1,221,000 which with the sum ? JjIsbox, 1 eb. habeas Pakis, me are mention will I probably that, you? Yes, corpus act and state and soon after t he brief religious ser- - recommended would make within $1,000 impending the was a senator's unine. be executed tomorrow, President Carnot the insufficiency of his supplies, owing it positively, 1 the throughout authorizing suppression to which, he says, his men were becomvices were conducted by Rev. Dr. of 2,000,000 to be expei ded. As an excuse for not being able to fx having declined to interfere. 1 he amendment was finally agreed to the country of journals prejudicial to mutinous. Ho therefore declines the Hamil, pastor of the Church ot the ing with information toother regard give Pairia state. the The republicans papers for the expedition. Covenant. The services were private, and the senate adjourned. responsibility said infor the asked, . questions Owenby been have and Debate sup already The Pope is Meddling-the only persons present being the mera-- , was in his books. I he books remation 5 pressed. bers ot the afflicted family and llieir World's Fair Finances. to his private affairs and he Taris, Feb. 2. Figaro today pubIt has transpired that the insurgents ferred r- relatives, the president, House. 31 would not state how they could be ob- lishes' an interview w ith the in at simultaneous uoon a counted Feb. 2. The World's Fair rising pope with their Chicago, ot the cabinet, members unless compelled to do so. He' r and Washington, Feb. 2. On motion of Coimbra. Brnga and Vizeu. and were tained is quoted as saying: finance committee estimates that fifteen His which ladies. Highness in business wui and was doing Chicago McKinley, the bill passed amending sec only waiting for tho departure ot the interested SIMPLE K CHABACTER. with , the firm ot Field, "It the French conservatives saw that million dollars will be required to carry to attack tbe capital,, but it aptroops 180 1880 so of of revised statutes ' tion the of Church at A the services Weicher Their business was such a thing was possible, they should the exposition through, and the funds The fuasral Kling. that dissensions revealed at a re- ot a ? and it would prob- establish something better than a in sight fall short if this amount two nature ths Covenent began at 12 o'clock and as to read: "Vacancies .occasioned by pears personal their cent conference up9et republican were detrimental to excee while be the firm to state republic: otherwise they should adhere and a half millions. It is suggested that they simple, dingly ably tem or death not shall be j resignation plant;. il profoundly impressive. The attendance accounts where and stocks to the republic which would then be the gate receipts be hypothecated. tbe books, in porarily filled under the three preceding Did not were remember what was as they cho.se to make it. The formacomprised fell the leading officials kept Spain Alarmed. includ-inc- r sections for a longer period than thirty ; in and to. and their books not did the families, want Other tion of a Cntholio party in France is NOW FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. Washington The present law limits the time Madrid, Feb. 2. On learning of the questions brought out the fact that out-aid- e an agreeable draw, but it is only a the president and cabinet, the diplo- - days." ten to and has but the days, special of these book the witness had ia draw." matic corps, the justices of the supreme reference government here to the appointment of a suc- revolt in Oporto the The Supreme Conrt Will Hear the ; court and the court of claims, senators, his barand other receptacles memor trunk continod in their ordered the troops to Secretary Windom. They Will Frolt bj it. to anda rfnrMenUtires and officers of the army cessor other and silver, racks relating that Behrinsr Sea Dispute Arjrued. speculations. precautionary J. A. Owenby was brought before the measures be taken on the frontier. Tbe The H and nary. The Ohio society of New house deputy sergeant at arms had Pakis, Feb. 2. The Journal des Deand himself of contempt purged; The church Washington, Feb. 2 Chief Justice York was also represented. government brought him to. Waaasugten in such a bate, commenting on the ministerial for expressing a willingness to testify official press urges that themore Fuller he all was crowded and there was an immense before watchful be and today announced that the su- the about of forgot Portugal papers hurry Spain the "silver pool" committee. crisis ia Italy says: "Wed not expect rravA surrounding it that could not me ot in truns. the had decided to grant the of court the democracy. Aojourneo. doings Senate bill for the erection of a public i. the policy of Italy of the last eight years preme ot counsel rin An trance. Minnot cost a St. at at representing the petition Paul, will perish with the retirement of Signor Th rhurch was devoid ot decoration building MONARCH OF A REITBUC Coldest of the Season. 9800,000, passed, and the house ad leave to file aa for British will next government, cabinet floral beautiful the ot the pieces although . except that Crispi, iVi , 1 aata. journed. tvmrnw the lesson and application for a writ of prohibition to Sr. Paul, Feb. 2. Minnesota is now Cdsta Rico Said ta be by profit assuredly UIW( lUeULlUIIWA, prSTlOUOiy Ruled by M. C. promote good relations with France." ' fntlT arranired in front ot the pulpit experiencing the coldest weather ot the prevent the district court of Alaska : Keith a Brooklyn Man, season. No point yet ' reported had the .Washington Xotts. proceeding to carry out its decree of, platform. The pew formerly occupied above zero in Minnesota, the made in the case of tbe . i by tbe deceased wa heatily araped in forfeiture, Whole murcury to a 2.Heiress 2. Fob. Feb. of -T. Citj. E. Wheeler, riTTsnvRo, McCreary Washington, " IlakotBa Montana and Manitoba. The schooner Seyward, libel.ed tor unlawmourning. 2L- - It is who introduced set stated that resolution a was until Feb. Kentucky, train St. below 38 recently Loins, at dispatcher thermometer ranged from Th iMrTicea consisted of singing by a fully taking seals within the waters of on the only railroad in Costa Bico, is the wife of C. S. Allen ot this city has the Behring sea. The court asked the auartette and a number of prayers. Dr.- ting aside February l.",for the consider Minnedosa to 2 below at St. PauL Hamlin then renewed tbe dead statee- ation of the senate silver bill to be 'con visiting his mother who lives in this fallen heir to practically the entire bus- counsel at what date tho rule requiring The Saliila Jail Burned. He says the republic is boiling iness portion of Toledo, Ohio, through the Alaska court come here and show man's life, portraying how, while follow- sidered from day to day until disposed city. ... over wun a farmer's life, Windom's ambition on. 2.- - The crime, me government is the death of bar father, Dr. Jones, of cause why the writ of prohibition should at ing Feb. Colo., jail city Salida, V ua him tn Minoiise the profession of law. ' Senator Chandler, from1, the commitnfter that of the United patterned When Toledo was nothing not issue, but should be made returnI w. f raiMd Windom's course through the tee on naval affairs, made mutual able thisplaco burned last Friday. There States, but a man named Minus C. Ifewton. rule, agreement by Dr. reported favorably was Jones a than trading poet only one inmate at the time, who Keith is said to bo the mil ruler. Keith more returnable on the second Monday in i house and senate, payingjhigh eulogiums the amendment proposed to the naval apbought a quarter section of land from an outsider - battering down is a man. to his ability as a senator ana represen- - propriation bill, by Allen, appropriating was saved by April. He oftice no holds cow is Brooklyn the .upoa what t'e government, Tho building- was a wooden but he Thifc settles tho merely preliminary 1700,000 for the construction of a dry the door. I tftttve. permits no man to hold- office heart o( Toledo. The deed for this l replaced ' At tVio mniOnsion of the church ser dock, and $5,0t'0 for the purchase ot the structure and will probably without his consent. Keith owns the very of question of the right to bring the case was the found among pro'erty paneri i vices the remains were conveyed to Rock necessary site at Port Orchard, wash by a bncK structure. only railroad in the country nad one-ha- the deceased, and the claims of Mrs. Al- into the court and the matter now to be ' settled is whether or not the court will - of the bauana plantations. The in len will be pushed to secure it. incton. Creek cemetery ami there mierreu. The Chiefs in Boxes. decide that the writ prohibition should The supreme court hns advanced and habitants are obedient to him and his THE OLD SOLDIERS, issue. There must now bo argument-o- n 2. The delegation rule is a wise one. He has put the govfor the third Feb. assigned argument Monday from Washington, the The 'Cyclopedia Case. A companv of old soldiers n a practical footing. the merits of the controversy. on ernment cases of the tbem-nlve- e in March, ' Every are enjoying National soldiers home, the grounds of Chinese arrested at San Francisco for of Sioux Indians is n chronic . In 2. Kicau United Costa Feb The announcing tho determination of Nkw York, the ' in Tonight which adjoin Uoek Creek cemetery on unlawfully entering the United States. chief justice said that the ' the east, chiefs will occupy four boxes at the Xa and it he rails to get the ollioe ho want States court, rendered a decision the court, the had obtained permission to had taken n much wider he threatens to start a revolution. Then argument acand ; the tional theatre. to ceremonies grant refusing witness the closing Keith sits down on him. The schools today range than was necessary and that the governor t'ou firmed. companied by General Wilcox, and churches are a century behind the injunction against tho rirm ot En- court was of the opiniuu that it had ! as Final. olllcers. it Kesrards Humbert 'other and they-' of the home times and the Sp:ininh schcxiluiurins rich BroF.. to restrain then from selling jurisdiction by way of prohibition unWahiiinhton, Feb. 2.- - Conftrmatious: ' 9. were drawn up in double line at the en- r Ti.uru T)iRnatches received spend most of the school hours smoking ,;Encvclonedi,i Brittannia," published der section 088, revised statutes, to recor-S. W, Caldwell, as the long Bookey, poslmapter. trance of the gate and In his view the proceedings of tho Alaska A Co.. of Chicago. of S. Peal II. this sea1'ort the cigareiu-sthe Ijiidoii. Rome newspapers A. by W. Idaho: from under only Santa by Coxe, Maria, its way is very disorderly. tege passed in and wound the court. holds that town, Wallace decision. port Judge P IU Vll ILCu ntauiij, ' the dark foliage of overhanging ever ;( r col-uuit- ui pro-ee-siu- i . ..' ! ,1 K e 's -- - H . -- 71 Rud-cldit- Globe-Democrat- ,; . , 1 1 - Vice-Preside- nt ' - w 1 I, ,i K - i . . ' Ut ' . n-- . lf hity-seve- nll'icc-socker- . -- -- , ' ' I: |