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Show ITESUAY. FEUUUAKV 3, IS91. IHJDKN I) AIL t COMMKKC1AL: Ui Km TStlwT. To ima Exmius The i Cumulkcuj Lt fc eaiJely eufaii th prtwct titiiu(ic t f pfc'uSk foiiry i4 our fur eity, , is oil uri. intrtt Ut Rja 5 MU ! lifcii-itI tuui f r the ft-rn.i- r l'jd-r6t.- akjo- - l, fc.ufi HIUBT ACAHZMY. t4 fcy tie .f the July l"r jr. bjardit. ul day Tuk- - ri.sltf f Ia a !: dvTi j:.:t f.r. ifj tbiruuf h -- -- 3'i prsrai fTE3 ii4rr h n.i Jouif to a FANCY AN D STA.P.L.K G HOCEIMKS. iiitatu O. t"f .U--lufeiJJua (rtue iufarse an-The ti&e La eome Lea a part f ua ( 1H m UjuVL.44. type Total, Lattii. rL Lo Lit alsv ttervtufure tutej aed ; . .1 acinar l,x-h r:1 . . . . irMdilili..l .tod iih Um Liberal party, ; kwic all oth.ee Y A UOX A 1JOX my AY" A & MOCHA Coffee. A fine tlUtkM and IUOiC ictTaiU drtUIl-- ; brabd. Freorh and German ar line TKAS. Fancy and plain CRACK-MR- S t tuartwoactst oaavl act eJ of the farrrwfc'a of draaicjcwtacs Btd have trff niid Wisdom s Violet Cwua aiil keep the ar our rights iT.vate Toilet taugtt in an ue Fancy Candles. Day Vu eur- Ui LiUtea party as Ue kin jrfutx agauici Ue rITec-cf Catidioi?. Rum, Cologne. Soaps, pupua ua the etudM mmii inatrurtia Florida Water. rwt and divert public lfir snore ia j txLw. Try it. paetel. pa.nt.rg u ud aaJ umyoa, I uruour mala our j'4dBet. water oa and aauii Clana mJz, ookjra, of fuutoa. the l Our objert ia to aeur betler financial I valval Huns Eaildins, unaeaMMt and a mure eocsisteoi la the musical department leaaoca ar Crtnd Opera A Halt "Dra. Burrows. Lake, Freaiaa furceaient of city ordinances than oa in and piano, harp, 2316 Waelinglon Avrnnt. hare a br-- b ofti every Sat or day givea torsj bbiuuc. h? reasons to xpt't trucn the present illUrocfn organ, violin, mandolin and fur La Ueai- - guitar, botel. CV-r- a. auaairefne&t and aoaunees of the Liberal at ziUker. bpecial elaaae la an, muate, vt nose, That boU these objects demand maotof d an-- m e have been formed for work, Prtj. the careful aad etrotari, attention throat and lungs. Spectai- - aewrately fancy ladies reafciing in the eity. caaes aobcttai. Gia- -t of of our city tatted, diffi-ul- t ettkea every tor farther particulars spply to bjster but taw dec?. TLat we yea .will Saperior, Ogden, Utah. Lava a to (or organise right Sohmcf th (Joaea of this purpose dos will fatasay. First, Miles' Jtrrve aad Liver Pills there ia th object. Second, the methAct oa a new principle regulating tne TV WerU h4. tari ods, which are independent organized and bowels through the ra o the present day for th liver, stomach T Sort Hence our Citiseoa' party and A new discovery. Vt. .Hues' ita platform. Now let ua car? ally and frodnciktt of rcryt-i- nf that will cos PiUa speedily ear billteuanena, bad the actions ami ine to the sat-ri- al fairly acrutiaiae weUart aa4 comibrt taste, torpid liver, pUea, eonatipattoo. elements of thia new politicet party by of rnantind ar almost valimi-r- d aai Lneanaled for men. women, whom vaa it orfraruzed aad of mbum ia Smaihst, mildest, surest! . SO doc, 25 it oompoaad. 'l'be true anawar ia, the wbea Syrop of Figs vaa fret prod need Bamplee free at rt, A. alker. Citizena' party is made up of and organ Ihe worhl was enricned with the only Ued by Ita Beat Joke a tav Seaaoa. csduaivaly. laxativa known, as it ia the oaly Do not fail to supply your wants while you have so favorable an opportunity oflrri d candidaU for Mayor ia a UeaUle, an old perfect which r- man's turn was Jv&oahapha If a and is pleasing remedy truly of over and well known worthy win last out a limited time. KtAin.iiur.K mat our l.uc.k.-4M-jj- . you. d fret-i- sg it is sot Ukely that e to the taste and prompt and twenty yeara' reatdeno in Utah. He e fet-othora-iathan pleaaed if he haa alwaya voted and acted with th effectual to ckaaae the yatea gently in would look at our SHOYV YYrINDOY'S and notice the temntinr ntlrrs. lust Liberal party, was elseled oy that party .he Epriar time or, la fart, at any t se should get news that somebody's baby in THEY SPEAK for THEMSELVES. marked figures. plain two yeara ago to t&aaffioeot oouncuaiaa ia kaow a the nore pop-- had been called after him. He would of thia eity and haa shown hia Kood mi th better h Our YY'inter Overcoats and Ulsters, YY'inter Clothincr and Underwear. MUST HE probably twist hia seamy neck and judgment and booeat regard for the Lurit before whiskers hie stroke ue stnbbyihin DISPOSED OF by the close of the season, REGARDLESS OF COST. public interest by opposing not to LlmlLof ExnrrM Delivery. the that waiters ought gluts, and, faxing apoo bis and which don been have On account of th large territory cov dried apple face, heave a sigh of satisBoys' and Children's YYinter Clothing, for ages 4 to 13 years, at a Sacrifice. our rsopl already realix hia wiadi-- in ered Wells faction, and any to himself, "Hey. old of th the Ogden, by city Je-air opposinf I asc his ntnsas and o r Denver tuourande, and iacinc boy, J. hoahl not ao bad after alL" to place him at th bead of cay af- Fargo, Exprws eompanie bav been coaipelled , At tuuw the pen of fUine and iron fairs for th nut two years. establish th following limit to fre Next w find on this Citizens' .ticket to of expreaa matters within tba which writes men's doinjs even to far delivery ticket for nomine th general city every viz: begindittanoee in our time record t'aat thia it ' T. 4; a Cieatil and all heretofore members territory bounded as follows, and what rather more than half the United ning at the corner of Twenty-firs- t of tb Liberal party. wall; running thence east six blocks to Sutoe aenatort have been doing at Then we look to th ten candidate Madison: thenoe south two blocks to for for councilman and the fit jilaUoea, Twenty-third- ; thenoe east two blocks to Washington within a week or two thit Genwe find that of th fifteen all are aouin lour mocks to or something very like it A swindler thence (Juioxy; tiles exoept two councilman. Thus, we T west two blocks thenoe an weakneat find that of th old political parties this to Madison: thence south three blocks to knowing well the vanity of poor kuinan nature, and accustomed entiles as folCitizens' ficketlstands thecee west six blonki to Wall; to lows: Mayor. Recorder, Treasurer, As Thirtieth; trading on it, hit upon the happy idea blocks to place of be- sessor and Collector,, Marshal: eight then'. north nine of having a broken leg and first-boginnisg. councilman and five justices. arrive at th earn time. He then ion Mormon, two councilman only, and yet Ex. Co. Rio dk k Jt letters to nearly all the United wrote lend we find Tub Commrhtial, By L. W. Isbixx, agent mentioninz incidentally States false to th columns senators, ing its Co. . 'Paci no accusers who are knowingly and for the main line of broken and hit leg, 2431 & 2433 YVashington Avenue, Ogden. By Ed. Johnson, agent. falsely charging that tb Citizens' his biter the fact that hit house had a party is the old Mormon party under a "Sohmer," th tjueen of Piano. new first-bobaby of the masculine new name when its every member and God's blessinfr to mankind," say an of Oentiles and ar persuasion. its originator Wisdoms liobertine is the only prep who have been cured by the thousands him. of arrival The tire ticket (twenty candidates) only two aration the boy baby gave now used by fashinable Utdios to celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold aro Mormons. first the William Dnvall. the op writer, Ask beautiful a complexion. everywhere. Doubtless some will honestly ask why psrpetuate vour druggist for it and do not be in portunity ho had ever had in his life of these two Mormons? To this th an- duced else. A Famous Woman to take anything venting a feeble instalment of the ad swer of our party is that we hope by prefor cherished bad bo miration she says of a famous Article. And always hat senting to our Mormon citizens a ticket Pianos. of "Sohmer," the Queen of good and competent candidates and the dutingoishi'd senator and great man, A clear, conci. conscientious certificate: To meet freauent culls tor mining In short, tho brokeri logffod father of a by honestly trying to improve our city Mr. Wisdom Dear Sir: 1 lxn to thank government and at the same time give blanks. Thk Commkrc iai. h:i printed and first-bor- a for the delightful and rcfrcrhinc you vcntnrvd son bad new brand this small rcprcecntrtjon as an act has on hand tor sale the following: Notice "UilcrtisiM you so kindly scut me, 1 careOtt hem f good faith in asking them to act with of location of mining claim, proof of to name tho baby after the senator. have used the toilet preparations of the 8 upon matters of t uulipohcy of the labor performed, power of attorney to The little trick took like the plot of most wlebrated niunniuclurcra or Lid-dodwnl. esent regardless osr 'iqcertiona anrt and sell nnd rninin. and Paris, but consider your "Knb the Trojan bnrte. Senators answered will not we hopejyesfy iHions ertine" tbeir superior in ioint of purity a the Duval William sending by twit, worrft A Mormon Ut AJin the Held tlie Cheap Lots. crif p uew nv; or ru dollar bill or a sil- and excellence. WifihiiiK you I reu.iiin ,v. At we hono they ta iirmdwe invite iicceeo yon di:rve, month in lots $'t per Cheapest Og'en, ver to endorse our ticket and help us New hoiiHO nnd lot M in engraved, sumetimcs faithfully yours Emma Abbott. payoionta; both.inujcIt properly UO UllLAVliO VLUl b It, IL US UUIUK that William Htimatfl lhoi-skv- , A. rent. house for J. also a benent aa well as helpnnd rive Points,Ogden, Ltah. jjot ti!ver nwg and namo presents 1 M of our ing to serve the best interestsshow for no liv than forty new bora on who that fiiir city and at the same time lit all nrrivt'd within a week of oho another. (ireat Week at the Xotelty. they can and will act above partisan bias and for the public good, and now Mondav evenini; there will bo the best It win noticeable tlwt thy more ancient in the face of these well known facts. end lamest vnndcvule cntertninnicnt at and homely a senator was t'le more will Thr Commercial nnd the Gentiles tho Novelty that haa been spread ut t jint readily he responded to the dflicato hint CHICAGO The Largest Confectionery C of tho liberal party, for purely partisan poimlar place of amuoomont. The Erie Some nurDoaes eo on stating whBt they know Sister all star combination, will appear to do toinetliiug for hi fact Mann & St. limrs in I'tuh. to be false, by charging that this with thirty threo picked star artists. of the most venerable of the Citizens' party is a Moraion party, Eveinbody should visit the novelty the in the senate houw; were no flatthus willfully impleading the out xmim wouk. tered tlutt they hid to tell of it, and thus world aide acdO for no other the story came ouf, and the broken If tlir nuly line nimiiii Soliil Vci1 il.ulixi. Stinni- Indies. purpose than to seve their party at the s came father of forty bt'ttnl ami UfCtriiMMJIitrn iwuy exoense of truth and the bo9t interests Mrs. V oorbics is now ready to g.vs legged bclwm I'Lii iiti mid Omnlia,( nrroiiMiwt of all? to nail grief. of Xitgiiirtccnt lea ona in art needle work, drawn work, If the People's party (the Mormons) Roman embroidery, cnppurl work and But it will be dangerous hereafter for The FlNPtt ltitif.ft- Caix tu the World. i&how their interest in good government lacs A new stock of stamping any fond father to name a real baby for making. love for their thnu be to party greater patterns and lace patterns junt received. a senator. by endorsing our Citizena' ticket ith btanipmg doDO uguen jeparunaut candidaus EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASits almost exclusive Gentile corner lwenty third and store Hurry! Harry, then by their help the now Gentile avenue. Some highly refined and cultured per party are sure to win this election, and Washington it is far better to tell the truth now than of Flirts sons cherish a dream of establishing in k U Vriv fiTfbcr infiiTmiition riinii'-liKt- l to falsify for partisan effect, and confess r'ne Case of Judsre Frier, Who Suf-- America the salon, as it was known to T UJ b Jy ALEX M1T'HELL. to vour shame after the election of the l'ered Thirty Years. the olJ French dames, a private house 'owimrrvial Apnt. Citizens' ticket on next Monday. 10. T. r. POWKLL, Or Salem, April where wits, Btatesneu, political conGentile. Tr.-UnAgfnt. I hereby certify that I have been sexes und flirts and 101 S. Main Oodex, Feb. lat, 1891. halt Lake Vny. Street, troubled with a diewipe of the stomach spirators of both and kidneys for the last, thirty years conrriers met to pass evenings, and plot Take It Before Breakfast. and that after using four boxes of the the downfall or uprising of kings aud tizer. tonio and liver Oregon Kidney Tea I huve found great nations. In the salon of this old time The rreat Posi'.rve spetitio for liver oenolit and relief from it rwruktor. literature, music, art and refinement A. K. Pi;ii:r, comDlaint- - Bad taste in the mouth on were unrtured. in the dull Polk of in the morning, Late County Judge pains County. arising The good people raflntioued would rehead and back or tne eyes, urea ieenng, dizziness svmDtoms of liver complaint From St." Gaul Switzerland. vive anew the ancient salon and bring Crows Hair Rapiiily. Romedy Dr. Henley's English DandeOur ewn importation, tho largest stock it across the sea to grace onr American CHANCE HAS ARRIVED. VOIR lion Tonio. Get the genuine from your Eradicates Dandruff. of Embroideries ever exhibited by any social life. It can not bo done. Out 1 You now take the Motor at the can to take 1K and according (or druggist firm in Utah froia3 cents per yard up to Americau life is one blind whirl and on Washington Ave. corner Broom Hotel directions. Stops Falling Hair. S. J. Bt'KT &, Bkoh. f5.00 The people who would thine nml run straight through. Try it this hurry. Will be Given Away.' Is a Preventive most brilliantly in inch a Kilon are Sacred Heart Academy. P.M. OUR BATHS are very popular g Our enternrisinir - druggist - H. A of Baldness. musicians aud the actors, jounwlitto. and you can take supper, and a good one, D The examination at tho Walker, who carries the, finest stock of But in Oden,! closed liternrv people of tho country. Siicred on Hair Heart before Grows academy brushes, toilet articles, storting for home. Come out and jg drugs, perfumes, in immersed iWk are these business, nunxsteeped a V Very progress Heaua Bald gratun:g January 'R eponges, etois git ing away large try it. was shown in the, several departments to tho lips in it, working for their bread E. F. PATRICK, Hotel Mgr. aa Is hratAd Reatorativ" JforvilieI He. gnar of the institutien. .A. new, session fof and Exquisite jbattor. They only have time from antees it p uref headache diaiinesa, both boardintr aud dav puuils will begin thit fsr rest, and then they must up and Toilet Article, IW at time which nervous prostration, aiaepKBBsness, wie ui oq Tuesday, February at it again. Is Free from all nffneta of Snirita. tobacco, ' coffee, etc. the management would be pleased to see a prompt attendance. The only leisure class ra America are t coToriug matter. Druggists say it is the greatest seller the rich fashionables. They oan dress they ever knw, and is universally satisJ tnaik rtxittrrtt.) Lfcdiet. factory. He also guarantee Dr. Miles' and dance, can follow their little round (Tut Contains no Mineral r VejetaMe Poisons New Heart Cur in all case of nervous You are invited to coll and see the aaw of wuyenri.iiiaiitiet creditably, bat grace or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain It is an kouif t and wexitorioHS a salon, ney'cri, . Before w can have any in side, amotnenng. sic. r me ouok on designs in Embroideries. S. Bckt Bros. J. k preparation free. brilliant talkftrs, any brilliant social rife "Nervoua and Heart Diseases" to more time most hare we of Kature's Own Roedy. any kind, "Sohmer," th Queen of Pianos. Special Notice,' EX.O. to nwwt cultivate learn do We. nothing. 5 ' C&bs VtailSJL 3L ISM. leisure as a duty, or it will sever come "Happy Home," Ogden'i best brand of A Company, 1st Regi ''as Headquarters nour. to uff. We mast have more leisnre, ment. Utah INauonal Guard. the best in art, music and literature will NEW, YORK, All members of Utah National the Cream Wisdom's Tiolet T ih Sate mnat axanlsit preparation in Guards are hereby commanded to ap- never bloom out in America. pes by sill Csnaalsts. at the armory, 2409 Washington the world for softening and whitening pear on avenue, Wednesday, February 4th, Bjsnepsla, rha hands and face. It is not only 7 in full uniform, for the -That nicbtmare of nan's existenoe . ' for. but in every respect sir at o'clock, nhotitnt , ; parpose of transacting important busi which makes food a mockery and perior to glycerine, cold cream, vaseline, ness. Absentees without excuse subject banishes from eyes, readily weary sleep and nice preparation, -- ry ik. to tins. ' By commaad of yields to the rjotent influence of the cel We curry the larcent, mot eomplrl aud eletant iitook of Bark J. ' Pf.rotval att. ebrated English Dandelion Tonic It ixr t..- - int.- - nn Hurriaon avenue, be Colonel lat and restores FUNKJ1AL. PRO. Commanding Regiment tones up the digestive organs, WAtTKH BRAND, and Twenty-thir- d tween Twenty-secondmirarl. Kroblwlnf U. Ji. U. the appetite, makes assimilation of food Went ut Chiciiito. 8enif t conilnrted at oor Parkin wh Uv 1 -faeL that we will sell !) whole sysCNDEKTAKISG PARLOKfi. v and the RH'HET'8 weea one invigorates for possible for thhinwot bodiw of easv nn terms, i A CLKAN, NKAT, AmouMCcment. tem. Ogden druggists sell it at fl per onlv. Call and see about them. bottle. L Maoi-irThe public is informed that Richey'e OYSTER AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE 2472 Washington avenue. UTAH. undertaking parlors are fully equipped to Loan! Money with a large nnd select stock of burial Line of ladies' Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches, "Does your back oche?" Oregon Kid cares and caskets. A full Ddr Dinner from 4 to S p. m. Sold every gents' and children's robes. All calls Jewelrv, etc. Unredeemed pledue for ey Tea will relieve you. Twenty-fift204 and . sale 206, to St or attemlad niht. cheaj ay GRANT AVK., nODKX, promptly where. Try it V yrtrJ j Ujeit o;t.l ct4j. ' . aot-ug- ou & Sir S J ma Tit To THY Fine E. FlilEDEIilCII. J thee,r. ina-rto- d." Profitable A riaa. Investment! f-clli AJT .V MODERATE OUTLAY! oaLb Stkk-in-the-Ma- takeacood 1 Blankets at Cost n - 4 i 111(8, wcoty-aevent- rn THe Di-rv- - Manulacturers CloMers, Leading and Impomrs m V K, WHOLESALE Importers and Wteis, n UK-at- e Juiein Du-va- !l tax-paye- THE sol-.-m- aar-viva- Paul Milwaukee nJ RAILWAY first-born- C Factory and Salesrooms, JTI-ln- 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN - S. !( atf 01 N 111U IffllS! Skookam loot mp Grower. . semi-annu- . ; . StobEsslRairEorGg. HOT SEMeSiHOTEECO: EIGHEI'S THE UNDERTAKING PARLOlia Funeral Direct ors and Embalmera German Restaurant .. CASKETS d FURNISHINGS, i.-.- b Ca-IPb- ell, THE FINEST II EAIiSIMN 22G3 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. |