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Show 4 OGDKX DAILY CUMM&UCIAL: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. zr- - riiin I'pnl siAu (Yrnnvn mm I a l ii EXCETDUEGLT IM POET AST FI5A5CUI. SCHEMA Set m Foot It Will Cmtlj li4 Ordf. Wkk k U Aitrart-i- a HEAL CSTATC. - i d fUtol Mark AttntioB. JtrkM Aveaa. Uaat hHUSL 4 Lara, fcaaf t Lot. a in a-- ... WmLim & aOcnac. am S Ira riuMu ta a lif(ai Cv Tweaty-oitfbt- English capitalist in LoddoQ in regard to ioreatmeaU ia Owdc realty. For wveral tooclba past Mr. Mitchell baa been ia eorreapaodeooe with bia Lncdon Bigbia, ia broke, Meaara. AUeo rard to the tarnation of a large eorpura-tio- n to operate ia Ogdea property, aad at their request met them ta ItiMiM oa 9th of January. The plaa ia to form a strong company with a capital stock of u 4.1jD00,0UQ, and not only to operaU ouuide property but to to reel 10 inside fniainoai corner, erecting thereon bunoeaa blocks and paying dividends from the iooouie from these rent acd from the sale of residence Iota. The plans for this organization well laid several and lire KotfUsh gentlemeot will be here within he nest thirty days to look over the with the view of getting into uroui-- d operation at aa early a date as powibl " Already a prospectus of the company lias been issued ia Loudon and subscriptions to the stock are cotuing ia. Shares urn put at 1 each or about $5. There is no doubt of the value of this organization to the city of Ogden. Its successful completion means the outright investment here in realty and building of upwards of $4,000,000 of aollara and it scheme but a thoroughly is no wild-ca- t IfOCKl Plan, fjiiKmwj. uh iu iiuiuouw accumulation of idle capital .seeking investment in America. Large sums reaching into the sn figures have already been invested in the United States in different manufacturing enterprises and the like aod why should notOgden be ' Vacenter tf such investment for this These people are tivs and do not expect untold wealth in return for small investments but are willing to put in large sums and take a reasonable percentage )aa dividends Such a company operatthereon. no would have Ogden ing in difficulty in making 10 per cent returns on the capital invested and that is a large percentage in moet of the world. It is rumored that options on several of our best business corners have been t n Nafi hv skin mmmiiT Ami it t tYliA I hoped that they will decide to commence operations nere tcis spring. iir..uucnwi informed a reporter for Ths Commkkciai, that Ogden was known an a prosperous city even beyond the Hissing Pond." One gentleman in London informed Mr. M. that he thought Ugden the most ltieautiful tcDl . ha had ever seen. as to investments here were showered on him from all sidea and inra ia nn timlm'hSftd current of Kuirliah capital setting thislwuy. Mr. L O. Wilkof son, the contractor for Ogden'a new sewer, returned yesterday from a thirty days trip through Ohio and Illinois. Mr. Wilkerson says that inquiries aa to Ogden's investments and Ogden's t pnortunities for busineM were made of him on all sides. He was wns surprised to find that this city wsi o well known throughout that section of the country. People in the east are fast getting the idea that Ogden, and not Salt Lake City, is the coming metropolis of Utah and there will, undoubtedly, be a large number of people come this way in the spring to closely investigate the many interests here. Transfers wore only $17,000 yesterday but a number of sales were miido which were on contract and not yet ready for record. The next four weeks, however, will see the closing of several large deals and V ttua transfers for February will be the heaviest or the year. t Fife mram am Hi svaaaa. par wot., KzU4 Urt aa Braca. raai cm caaiA, vita snil aaa nut, r. te aub-ttaoti- 4tory. a aaatf aa Otaal am Avtaaa Nual tat nat OAea Uk ioeaum. Twa lot ia LaLa hXnat. Hcu UH Vaalioalua REAL ESTATE! W oCf this to fu!iuwin barvaiu : tut aetaera aad ifcnn but,, mr motor, rarit. xlv nxli aa Quiarr. bet warn Sid aad 2ith Su, Mi 141 ttmt. tom-- r S4th and Jarkwia, $3ia A SAD auap in Franklin a.ld. bnek hiaa. 1 luoau, nexrlT an acra of (TtMUid ty Hall xiuarv. only fll.uuO. e"BricktotbUM. 1 rtMiuia. Vt Kt bMwaen Grant and Linaulo. Vil:U tmrt. tw.Mu. Two boa bnwara Ztb and Vth na I.lnoulo, 6il fo" Iboaiiuwa trpMt ) uiljr av.uW). brirk Terraca ua Waalmistoa A., UlilO ornr <h and Waahicftoa Ava, liMxlB fet. Wallout tutu. On At sear eoniar Utb. 111x131 fart, fuot. tlS Half acra ua Wa!iin-tnAt., near Tarraea add.. Una fruit and anad trooa, onlj H.1UJ. Hrirk lioono. morna, I1 KlalSt foci. Ban and lid 6u.. oiAj KJ.UU); aaay add., between term l. kmc tima. cnoka iuta in Rear add., tictwmi !tat and tid Ku.. caah, balane ia I and 1 raan tar if a :lt at per TO BICBAtiOB. acre in Ran Lnia Taller. Tolorado. Keterai guod farina ia Kanaaa and Mabraaia. 11. 21W WASHINGTON J. 1). Offera tf l'X. On GILL the follnwiiig jm ( hoice Nob Hill Twenty-fift- h AVE. pnierti;: liura carr. Per acre, 21' acre, near Will rut into ten tt lute at $Mi ier Int. Adjoinin eolil and ae!liii( for J)eacli, llarsain. J10OO. &txlt with two honaea mitiiif $1S.U0 ier nautli. tisno. rhoion Nob Hill eorner. 10Txl:l7 to al!er, I M. 41x1:w to alley on Harrifon sear Twenty tjftli atreet. XS acrea. Prior water right a. On io- tor line. tit'). 42x1 oa Twcntj fourth. Fine rceidence S-- 500. utrlH-- t blLSUlMri. I hae a Isrie list of rmidencs. farm nnd acre property, and handle notiiiuir that I csnnnt ec money in for my customers. Am p'wieed to niiow at all times. J. D. GILL 2404 Washindon Are., OGDEX. city....;. ..,...$10DM ttoXB feet on Tweaty-fonrt- h between ' Lincoln and Wail Arenuee.per foot.... STsOO Lots on the Bnoh BOxlX feet slfht blocks from Wnihiagt on Arenas...... m 00 Two, acre lota on Thirieth, near the Jt ark . . 3200 00 Lots la No Sill Addition, Cheap. , Improred tiaainera oroperty: psy&ic 12 leaned JW 09 per cent, net, fori years ljzl4c feet between Jaeksoa aad Qaiacy . IffifiSO Lots in Monntaia Tiew Addition UB09 &xfl rod corser ta Twenty-fourt- h. . Aim Wail AesBoa property Vekrw real vaiae. acres aear berth Yatduaftoa wi'd S The Greatest Strike. . Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the ' most important The demand for it haa y 'i 1 i become,asioniBb.ing.: IJ yet wili'eia w will eaew aad ca Already the treatJ ment of heart disease is being revolu- vtaca yam there Is ssaaey la saw. tionized, and many uneipected cures & effected. It soon raiinres short breath, fluttering, pains in sida, arms, shoulder, weak '.and huagry spells, oppression, snelling iOf ankles, aTnotherusl and heart Dr. Miles' book on Heart frea. ,Th mn and Nervoug diac-ase-s AUUIUUU: -equaled 'Nawi Heart Cur is Jaold and illVllimUU s guaranteed by IL A. Walkar. Also liis RestoratiTe Nerrine for ?bedache, fits, sprees, hot flashes, flervoss ' chUla, opium ' habit, etc. of. Clioice John! Send p some fHapay Homa' kaj-ta- EEED r rXz number COL0BADO MIDLAND ' RAILWAY ml All Points' East. ; ; via the Ocdorado Mid. Ihrovgh cart land railway; to Leadville, Aspen, Colo-r- a lo Springs nnd Denver, making close connections wjth nil trunk lines for the south ind east. Trains leave Ogden via Rio Grande Western 8:30 n. m. and 8:4."5 p. m. Union depot ticket Agent for tickets via Colorado Midland, the short line, the fast line, the sqpuie route. Patronize the' new Commercial book bindery, where you can get first-clawork nt Omaha and Lincoln prices. To Orraha Lots are unsold in this favorite Locality, and are. now offered for sale!atUbW PKICES , D-Vs- and EASY TERMS, by ss II. V. HUNTER, SOLKAGEXT, No. 2414 Washington Ave. lui, Bwarsi. FWuJ, IMay aaa. a aa. to-a- aiaa-Mli- ir !. n-k- . aia-sai- ar 1 Cjv-a- !. t a CHICAGO sin ta 1 .. 1 Sausage Works Foot of Twentieth St. 1 ato-pan- I- properties haa died. . Call first-clu- e JOHN WALSH. KNTEltPHISK M A II K E T HOUSE, SU Street, Next to Thomas Broe, Building, to or be aaed or pmrored wilb thedeaia-- uf use I fur the imrpuae of or in etuiwUoa with the line of rail a. aow or hereof irr tu ba ctutiauarusl bf tit aaid tajpb-it. Kailwaf ( iifflfun), 11 aucceaaura or ataiim, or tb maiulesaae and oueratioa caf tue aam or an. part thereof ; and also all tbacara aud all other alack or equiumetiu, all boiMa, soulea, bamesa. aaow Plow, waaxaa. buttitiea, eabiea. forirea, liHila, iniplenieiita, furniture and otiiee 6 it urea of ever, kind; all rula,ebaiua and eruke and all other material a tiaUoe.ee aow owued or pueaeaaed b. aaid t il. Rail a a. t'owpau., or whirb aball at an. time Hereafter be acquired b. It. ita aucwanrs and asagras, for Uia aaa and purpuae or ilea ur tied for uae ia connection with or for the oiwrauoa, maintenanr or reoaratHa of aaid liae of bow ur hereafter to be eoaatructed b. Ilia said Ogden fit. Kailwa. ('onian. tuauecee-eor- a or aesiana, whet tier boraa, cable, electric or other railwurs or anr pun thereof. Also tbefollnwiDf ilearrihed real estate. il : Allot block eialit 11 in Nob 11 ill Addition Wsald lota. Uajdea Citr. ennsiatiua of taaot.-ai- i And alao all tbe rivhu. pririleM and fraaehuwa which the aaid OaTdeul'it. iiailaa. ( ompao. now hoi Js, ioaeana or ia eatitled to, or which it. or iu aureeeaor or asaicn ma. Iierearu-or beeome poasei ard of or be entitled to, auto rerenue tolls, and income of an. and all the lines of railaa. of Uie aaid (igden Citf iiailaa. Comran. now or hereafter to tojretlier with all aud situiular Uie tenement, hvrditament and appnrtenanera of the premise atorcfaid.or an. of them, or an. part thereof. Whiru aaid Biorta-aeindenture aaa nn the Bth d;i. of June A. If.. the hour of 11 : a. m.. Hied for record 1n tlie od.ee of the re- eoider of floods, in and for Weher eountr, I'tnU and duly recorded iabiaik"L"al lecrit'ir.. pae I n to i.H inrlusirr ; and Haitr.ts. it is in sid iieel of trn.t prorided thnt in cue ilefanlt shall be male ia the of iutentor an. of snid U wis, mid such default siiall continue for ty ilus. Ineu the .rinrijiul of all of aiud lam.is, if tlie trustee so elects, upon written iiotic- - by raid trustee to tlie pait. of the tirst part, liiianinu the Omlen t ity iUilwsr I omimiiy rhall ihiouki and li nt oure tine and iaahie and mi held nmt ileemetl for the uriMse of fireclii.ure and snio in either of the nietliods lien'inliefor prorided, ami for all other Miroosee. Aud Wheskan, the Interest Usn stiid Imnds due on the hot day of Norrmtx r I '.. is in default and tiutiMid. and auch def suit has continued more than thirty days, and the trustee d haa elected to declare the principal of all of the bonds secured b. aaid deed of trust due and payable, and haa (riren written aotioe or aacti election to the eaid Uaen t it. Hailaa. Company, and Whkubia, it is further prorided In eaid deed of trnst that if the said OitdcB it. Kail way Company slinll fail to pay the principal or part tnereor, or the interest or an. part fberaof. wkieh may become due nn eaid bonds seenred or intended to he eeenred b. eaid deed of trust at the time when and at the place where same may Become fine and payable, accord inn to the tenor ana eifnrt thereof or of the coupons thereto snnexed and for thirty du.s thereafter, then it shall be Inwful fur this trustee in ita discretion, personally or by its attorney, attorney, eacnt or event. U cause the eaid mort-aaced rail ur premises or prtierty, riuhu and interest to he sold by public auction at the front door of the count, court house of the said Weber county in the Territory of t'tah and in said Ouden ( ity. lirst Kirinx not lees than thirty dai notice of the time, terir nnd place of such sale by adrertisement in some nt wrpa- t ity. And per puniisiieii in raid Wiilm-:the snid interest coupons attached to the said bonds, due by their Urme on the first day of Norember lifO, nn l beinv the interest on said bonds due nt that (fate, errand linTe to this time rermiined nnpuid. Now therefore, notice is hereby giren tlint the in hhiiI mortirHire or deeil nnilersiuiied trit of trust named, will on 'lhtirsdity the nth day of lUiucii IMd, proceed to sell all the property hereinbefore and in snid raortirAire described at puhlic auction at the front door of the county court house of Weber county. Territory of I. tan. in the said city of between the hours of nine o'elcsrk in the forenoon and tiro o'clock in the ahermsvn of 'said day, to satisfy the debt secured by said mortfaKe and the costs be-ii- fare-boa- Choice Meats of all kind. Paultry. Fi-- h and Heme ia season. We handle aoue but tlie cboireet rorxU. Satibfaetioa sTUsraniwd. i iuihI Ieliend t ree. Our order waoa will call lor orders if dnsiredi French and Eaaliah spoken. Give aa a trial. OGDKN, UTAH. DlllHUrid 24th St., Near cor. Grant Ave. A. E. WiTBEaat. L. B. Blt JJuy and Sell Boston Meat Market. Real Estate. KXAI.I, KINIJH OFBCS Fmh Meats, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. 34 Twemtr-fimrt- Wt, II. M- Orders taken at your door, and roods deli. of the city. a specialty. Our Meat Wak-ot-i ia a Market on wiieels which calls at your house so lust oo niny select your own food. It runs north of Ski St. on Wuhington Arenue and the Bench. Tel. Nik 1 . UCl 1 1 M'nsdiiucton Ave. UTAH. OGDEN, Ilmltf ll.al EUt I'JtOMlT ered to ItKIdOlliV OUAVKli. - Eiehun) Og-de- rail-wa- ra ir beeoa-atruete- pjv-n.e- tl-i- . Real Estate and Loans. MONEY: vt.r t, mr . aII. yr Umfimmmf B4 nw" WMtMIt, sr YrtvN .H U jitl let M tr t4 awniiay , rru m4f . Wva.ii .Her. litu tf tsw, we-- nriwtf CHOICE LOCATION'S in all parte of the City. tJOOD RANCHES and Garden Tract. Mr.-- , tMlrfti1 ,. fa 1 u MM wsMitR. fak tar. V ttiri im I WlrifcHirrtl,.ffaf. WiMtntMi. Knk. faxtf flaw tm Ik wofta. fai4s r,,. mm , la Ii NttOfW.4la.fls.lrai km. hereun-dereijrnc- NOB HILL PROPERTV OGDEX CITY RAILWAY A SPEQALXT. CO !ID No trouble to aliow propert.v. Call aad eee me No. Mil, Wa.li. Are., A 3000: rh TEA K AND HEALTH RESORT CO. m.k. t. krIHh p.ti.iaf .lib., I iiliijr Utt.llif k.Im n ili.t .lanuet. Ka.tly mu4 i,.iriljr tlUlrirt tirecMBlr. I hmv t,fit (OINO- tt ?2 .rk lrm r.ih 4rir h.l irnvM1 wiNt uf.lr) at.ul t lite llmdf ta.fbt tn.ki.f nvrr lMMtfl mrnrb li , KW nil HOI. I F. Full ixrtiiiilan V.U. Ji , V Ji. C. AI.LK. llu AuKUala, Maine, lirvMl- I Hambfr, wh h A XOHTH - O a 2. 1 A. at. SALE OF WKIIKU COUMV BOXDS. Snled bid will ho recnived at the office of the coun'T clerk of Wobor county, lTtaii territory, until 12 o'clock, noon, of tiie 10th day ofn February, ISM, nnd then oiiened, for tho of the following dMcribcd booile, iKued by aid Wrber couuty, to7it : Forty bonds of aoriee '"A" for the earn of one thousand dollar each, paynhln in liftwn par: and fifty bonds of enripe "B" for the eum of one thousand dollar each, payable in twenty yeara. Both aeries to draw interest at the rate of six percent per annum from laimary 1st, lU, payable at the Chemical National Bunk in New York City. The bonds of both eariee are also pef able wten due, at the eame place. Bonds to be delirered and paid for at the Garden State Bnuk in 0den City, Utah, when the bids are accepted. Hide will be receired for the whole or any of either, or both eerie. part The Weber ( ounty Court reserre the right to reject any or all bids. Bide to be addressed "Coonty Clerk of Weber County, Ogden, Utah." and marked "Bide for Weber County Bonds,' Ry order of the Cortnty Court of Weber county. January 22nd, 191. E. W. Caoaa, Probate Joihre. 1891. 22. January r. tor.. "M Streot and Hot takinjr effect Thursday, Twenty-fift- Spring t. nti 1 hr. Th...... Mkn hi.-- 7:."0 tl:(Xl 10:10 11:20 I'. M. 12:30 1:40 2:50 4:00 f:10 6:20 7:30 8:40 10:00 6:.j0 8:02 9:15 10:25 11:35 r. A. II. A. M. 7:02 8:14 9:30 10:40 "TbT 8:15 8:25 9:35 9:45 10:45 10:55 11:55 ll:r0 1. M. 12:45 1:55 3:05 4:15 5:25 6:35 7:45 8:55 10:12 A. M. r. M. M. l:ar .1:00 2:10 3:20 4:30 5:40 6:50 8:00 9:10 10:24 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 Grind OF THE Ball - rr ff i sir Iff 7:40 9:00 10:10 53- r. m. 120 12:50 AT THE 0. II. W. HALL, - Offden. Utah. iry 8:00 9:20 10:30 11:40 r.M 1:40 2:00 00 0:10 6:20 A. P. M. 12:30 1:40 2 50 4:00 5:10 fi:20 of such sale. v VorroidB Tbpst Co. HV) Roland 1. Cvnkum, 8ecy. 8:40 H. L. Rhotibs, Atty. 9:50 2.-0- Ml TIKE'S TEAK ROUTE! A. M. A. M. 7:05 707 8:10 8:15 8:27 9:30 9:35 9:50 10:40 10:45 11 11:50 11:55(1 p.m. p.m. p.m. 7:30 8:40 10:03 11:15 - 1:05 2:15 2:10 3:20 4:30 , i iOR 5:40 . 5:43 6:50 6:53 8.00 8:05 9:10 0:15 10:20 10:20 . 3:1X) 2.-S- 4:20 5:30 6:40 7 JO 7:50" 8:40 8:00 9:50 10:10 Train will begin Uanicf . aSnndaji. ' 8:C0 .VtlmiftiiiB: :mfi Iiiclkx . O 1 .U For sali nt the oflice of F, J. Kiesel A Co. and L, L. DaridKtu't cieiir store, ltx street. rat suit iff. vs. Was. Dwrer. Ilemand. t2MK I' tab The rmpleof Terntor. send gtaataatt : 10 wm. lwer, Ton ar berebt directed to auvear aad aaaaar befure lb Justice uf the I'eaee a bur aaejd, at bia otbr in Utfiea ( ity. la said County, to ooaaplaiat of said t'lainuff filed aerwa, witiua bt da. after attmr ea isa of Una Soaaaaa if errel ob yoe is fttrtea ity, witbia toe aaya if aersed out of eaid City but ia the t asaato la which this action is brouatht. and witiua twaata days If aerred elaea here. Tuts action is brought to recover of foe tb sum of S3.IO allearad to ba due i'laiatiff fraaa f ou aa follow : t or board and room reat f av. niabed yon by llauitiff at vuraparial tal and reuuest durloa iiasi. r or further fisrticular referene la aiade to HlaiutitTa complatnt now oa fli at my onica, in una act 100. And you ar hereby SMstifled that aniens vow do ao appear and answer aaid eomplaiat a aboe required, 1'lamUd will take judaaaaat-airuia- st you for the sum claimed by her. fc.UU, interest and cost of suit, To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber atalui County. Territory of Lull, (ireetinc: IkbI service and dne return nereof. (fives under mf band this 1th day af Isaaarp it; A. 1). 11. It. Tkiiw. J ut ire of the rear for tnd ( Intra i'reninctA Wiiitb, Attorneys for 1'laiuUff. Whiii - MARSHAL'S SALE. rnrsnsnt to an eiecution to me directed be the First Jndirinl IliMrict Court, of tlie lerri- of t'tah, I have this day toif upon mmI 1111II ensM at public Mil, at tbe front doi-of the County ( oiirt House, in tlie eitf of t idrn. County of W elyr aud Territory of Utah. on the IHIi iluy of January, at It o'cloek m. ell th riuht. tltU, rlnim and lutent i f Kuuaa Inrk ei.d UolaTt I ee Clark asf. ('aim. de rKSt iu end to the followuuz tlivcri'peil real estate, situnte, lyiinf and lieiiu; in thet oeot. of Weber and Territury of L'teh, aud pauicularly described aa follows, Comineucia; at a point on the east line of lot ten (IU), ia block fourteen till. 1'lat "A." Oxden City Harvey.. s feet uorth of the eaata-eaForty and corner of said lot, and running tbence Berth frj-one hundred end ebrht and Ifeaaca and a est one hundred and thirty-twaad to the west line of aaid Int. Uienoe eoatk one hundred and eixht and feet, wieai east one hundred and thirty-twand e fort of to the place bcirinnin;. To be sold as the pro'erty of Emma (lark. Oeorire ( lark and ftolx-r-t Lee I 'lark, at th aait at H. II. kolapp. T erms of sale. Cash. Hated Ogden. Utah, January Mb. Klus H. Vaskins, V. 8. Marahal. Ity B. A. Row m ah. Deputy U. o. Marshal. , t: three-tenth- st t. Isi-l- o o 84-l- tl. ALIAS SUMMONS.' Before Achilles Perrtn. Commissioner a Supreme Court of t'tah Territory. tb tir uiaui ir.itiiiniKi CtitKTT or Wnnaa. ( Thomas Maloney nnd John M. Perkins, aarfc- ners as a)nlony A Perkins, l'laiutills. vs. Hsr-t- ha Monroe, llefeudaut. Demand, friU.Ul. The reop!e of the Territory of Utah send greeting to Kertha Monroe, defendant: Vnu are hereby ilireeteil to appear aad answer before the commissioner at his otlire In Oirden ;ity, in said Couuty, the complaint ef bid 1'laiutitVs filed heroin, witiita llvo deys after service on yon of this anmmoae if served on yon in (Hcn City; within tea dai if served out of said City but in the Couatf in which this action is brought, and within twenty dsj- - if served elsewhere. This action is bmuirut to reenver of ran thar enm of Fifi.UO aliened to be dun Plaiatitt fruaa you a follow : On an account for work and labor done for yon at your epecial instance and reus est by Plaintiffs as attorneys, between the first day of July, 10, and the first day of Heptember, AMU. For further particulars reference la aerator made to Plaintifla' eomplaiut now oa file at say office in this action. And yon are hereby notified that aniens yon do so appear and answer said complaint a above reuoired, l'laintiffs will take Judgment Maiiist. yon for the sum claimed by than, it, 9X1.00. Interest aad coat of suit. To the United State Uanbal of the Territory of Utah, or the iherill or any 'oaatabte af Weber County, emetine: Make learal orvic and da retara tliereof, tHvea nnder mjr baud' this 20th day at Jaa-na- rr, above-name- d, Tcrritary. t. .t ' tj - I - CanrpajunnV el - i fa ( AraiLt.M Pmanw. Suprsme Court f Utah MARSHAL'S SALE. BALTLAIEcTTT, ftT.MV TACinC COAST, aad aU north- - VULtLt, pOata. T1A ,. j ,. ,;,f aftLES UXltOU, LFA0TTU.E, APK , WOOD eplUSfiS Vaeqaallel. 11. ! iSsXlamaai TBmach rNilliaea . rDeaaera, aa 1 onrtst cars netaeaa Pen far aaa laaa rmaeoxsa. y atta-trMoaatatB! Threnaw Uie heart ef f be 1 W. J. Fowl, Plaintiff, WUlts BUisdtUaad hlinnUr. tU, hJ wtfa, efead'ta, ) radar aad by vtrta af aa order af sat aad. decree of foreelwor iasned t of ta arnrtrict ( imrt af tb First Jndiclal Disteict. of the tr-rtto-ry of Utah, on the Uia day uf Jaaaaer. loft. 1 JO t i i Vowlea, to abora aassed plalaU, obtalaod a Jadjrmeat aad oecrea sraiaae WIlLn aUaisoaU aaa anaai tatasieu. hia wtfe. defeadaata. oa ta Uth day of NaTeanber. MSB, 1 mi anaa-- .,i. Aaadedtoeell sll tXat certaia W. mm otlofiaad Mtaatad, Liu aad beta;, ia t&a of Weber and ferritoiT af 17 tad. and ta meat oortab, tba safest, aad ta OoaatT hnwaaed and particoiady deMcriavd as feOaw. (raadot of all rraatseonttaeatal rwata. r to wit: t CaQ as f' I'or rates, deacrlrtl" rmr.hlt, sia.. Bertaaiac at a poiat tWpJor asd Hiiny-tarar eddreea J. D. KfcNWOkl HI, general aaiwt, haadratrths ohaiaa north of the t lT. KanuFeRmrte, Halt r seava-wst eoraer of tha of qaaj-tnH. I OIXHtAXr asanacar, Celeradte action foartee (U), ia time kip I, aorta, af Ppriaaa, Colo. wast of the Halt Lake htstiHaa, United CHAS. . LF.K ceaeral najuagtr acat, 1 IkataB earvey, aad ranaiac tkeauw aorth five tsrarer, CaVa. hnadredtii (Sjf7 chains, tbenee sad siirr-eereaxt fonrteen aad fifteea haniAredtha (UJIir soath thence ahain. decree, went five , ' . ea I 4 aa O'Twin liasa rent il! tar bd 1W lOTfc'.j M,TEAHEN UOCSE AND PIGS PAINTING ALSO - PAPER HANGING HARD WOOD and FINISHING CALSOMINING. A SPECIALTY. ciitloniati Jm OOOO tirtuiiit or Wrata. (Viaunlseioaer of th BETWBBS Iie araj . ri.(Ka iiw m.krs. A. B. HeywKd. Then. Schansenbnrh. Honrr Htiss, liiistam Mnhlenhatipt, Otto Keriter, Kred Crauivr, Henry KiM;l, X. Stfinfeldt, . V. far had Mrs. A. Richard, A. D. AJiTe 1:35 2:45 3:53 5:03 6:15 7:23 8:35 9:43 ?tl( 1891: cimirrTTKi: of-- rsviTATiox. . A. Leichter. B. Schwarti, Adam Griper, Otto Berser, Ans. Braua, L. L. Daridon. I. Mark. Felix Kcinbuld. t'OMHITTES Of KKCKPTION. A. R. MeywiMxl, K. Elbrini;. 3. II. . J. Kie-o- l, Kaho. K. lMieiuhnrt. I. Marks. Herninn Myers, Kd. Vuth. Albert W.ilier, L. L. Daridson, Sol. Fehrinrer. Meyer, Adolpli t'van rar Jastk of Us ' STANDARD GUAGE I 1:20 2:30 3:40 4:00 6:00 7:10 . 8:20 0:30 10:38 at Hmct. (Vin ItKKilUUI DKNTEK,(X)LOEAD06PKIN(IS it TVEMLO r. M r2:1012l23 1K SUMMONS. Before & Teroea. to-w- S-- t, CKXX00 Jaiyih-Coskli- srinsr COMMITTKfi'. . 10:10 11:20 tia-ile-n R. M. 5;f - ' CtHUmTJeOS AlMltTtXTS. Ehein-harThen. Schaneenbach, Otto Berber. A. R. Hej wood, Albert Kiesel. Dr. E. Tbiele, L. L. Darideon. Tk-U-te- M. OOIKO HtlTJTU. 11 OGOKN A. Tib 8:50 12:a5 1:15 2:25 3:35 4:45 5:55 7:05 8:15 9:25 A. M. Second . TIME TAB LIS Between inUnirltrii.wUI werk ia4a.tri.a7, rioliB r.Mplnym.Nl jit mf.M.tul rooB.r fnr my t Hot Springs R y & Ogden TJTAIX. OGDEX, Helfricli. k ad tawid E. . : c BURGITT. m-e- a POOLE, Reed Hotel Pcrncrn. Fina farm land: water; in tract to tmt. HAROAiV. Feed and erUt mill enmplote, on flS,!), t 14. a Xiiae bat aad see aa. f ua. Main fttrcau One mile from f. O. on Motor line. The bent pityint property in Orden for an.onnt invenk'd, lcaacd for ;i yeam. Por foot. 25 feet on Twenty-fourt- h Eataa. L. & DOBE, luL A aa JI ay a rniritr. f 500. lw a MunTaa Trw c a lota, X)mVT, to alley. atrect, Wxli". to alley, on 1 - & SO Brainard, Robinson & Co. at Lb Aarruurf lAMUot k a, Heal Estate Dealers. Small frnit farm !H mllm from Ctj hall, far smeary buaixieM, raaideuea or btuiiica prt)p-art-j. CoMJiiTTEK. VI offer for sole vhe following choioe property at these low prices : M. Dr. J. Armstrong has removed his Sixty acrea Ui section 18. overlooking the residence from 21T3 Adams to flour. LAFKENTZ erat. a f"M- - all in frnit. oa tM, brtwtwa and JcfTftrin.al.Vii. t'oroer ht in ktvrraida add., xliS faat, C 100. Lou in Univortitr Hihta add., KM) to KJM each, oa Mai paruienta and Ions tuua. 4Sxl Mader aa4 iVasa-lau- td taae-Uiir-d - ' Aunt Ki !405 Wiiisfioi fli Real Estate Dr Henley's English Dandelion Toni cures indigestion and constipation anr tones up tha entire system. i" the Quae of Pianos. L. .H. MITCHEL, ttawlat Meat, Poultry and Fisb I !! Working: Men, Attention. A grand indignation meeting will le held on Saturday evening, Fob. 7, 1891, i to take eome action on the proceedings of the late convention. All members of a. the different trades unions nnd all other workingmen are cordially invited to atExperience of th past three yean has taught tend, at the hall over Wagner's beer oa that aii property boacht well at this season of the year will brine at least SO per eent. profit halt, 2458 Washington avenue. Come one and all as all are ir.tatf wted. dnrlojr, the folio wins winter. avenue, ts A thorough knowledge of Sm4 Hatel Biuldisa. NOW IS THE TIME TO BCT 26 Twenty-thir- d street, (between Madison and Monroe.) Investments for a specialty. Houses and lots for sale in all parts of the city. J. A. McCulloch A, C4srioa gjeauid tad BUTCHERS. ment Broker. location and values enables me to make safe and profitable investments in either the fo4 shape of loans or purchase. Tv lor. aarruna ia Noh UIU. LakaTirv aad Addiuoaa. t'all aad axaaiia Piutpwl mtf tut. ynmny ia mil paru el Lb CiVI at bficw la auil fua. Goad a SUMMONS. fa tk Ksinrt t amn at tba rue Jans A. Laewa. w (a Jarea4 waiia a curfwrautia cmati aminjatiMC I t pauia at Ua lerritury aaTtaa aaar aa f etna r u iawaar u ataieuf 1 a jaaha A. Varna, tmfam aauL sinin at Maty kawn.a traasor. U tMt mtuneatta sua ai l'Mil awieirait to araaar ia am mm. Ibuaaaad autlara '$tv.mvtwrj sjuavda tt ta aatd Uraaa I ay iUuaaj ' Ua : fuUowiaa' Vat xi, piaAfctt . ia Uaa i fanes, lart at Xaa Pwa r lMMnrt at Uar lemiury aaf Ltaa. aaat a Aii aai ta eaiat aad anmmitf. veal pnaaial aad auaait. aadl aii aatanK. iwaia. fraarlifc , f way. awaueu, (earitaa at tarn Oa. aaf aartaeai afaar aba PEAU&S U Kl'Wl n-t as taraa aad aaitafhras, anin ua fam at Una) saaias if aiwajad amo aa una aad aaifMt of all aad eaaaat. ; ear. af aaaaiid aaat at amt aaaaaa. Wrawau. ewianu kaat la l ia lAatrart. anskia T kiad aaad. wa4 at arcaiid Bf at trail alasa: aaraaar- ha, at wawa aaail at aaf uaa awnaiirr ans wt as forty day at fmigmmm aw taSialt ae aniauad bp at and, earned, aeraiaad af tit ar n aaTaiasa yvai. miw aiaa aa ana brioa ta said ttgdiai City kaUway ta&aay. farar a aaai at an iaiat. ita lurraiiurs ar bu all aai lii a IvumsbmiM la atatatata pi a an sat at tki. uam eannaal ta I ' 1 laa aaar Uae haa at 1m raiiaay W tata u4 Laed. sBaaafarteiaa bf Try aae fm 1 aaa, ail IMBjaa. t HJ kallaay toau aay. wawnat mum at I reaaa Baa akat wil ia aalaaa aad fam anil aaear aaa aay ataar. ImraarW aniairvd. aad ahira lis of railway ate. at Oetmawt. aad aa at (aval Mad ardaea aad waalalia a apaoial eaai aww beciae at lis faar aareasas to at a aiieaad Plaurtdl lwaty-fi- a rad ansa a. Twaaaa-faan- a etnac uf Mid iArsaaaaat aad fur auuaia aad uaet, at a puiat aear tea l aiaa at . raaaiasr tliaaes amax akMaai4 rasas-U-M auiaaa Lksfaadaa at an ran "aat, lraea Twceif-eftfmrtiaer suitw tbat lWaiiaat aaaaaa aw- Uw is it aiUi 4. f. Fsraa. Aaaaiactoa aa laa. taaaeaitumaaa mabtmi to aa 0. brawaaw aa srr laal fas aarta aad aval ioat. Baoaauiajra. alua as psHuraaad a Use eaid I. IL aai H a.aiastoa eaeaee Us aaca aad tharan. AJaa anaaiearinaT at autnt a rauasat uf ta aaid Iafea4aat ssasakr a Iwaaty aasoad ateeas tatenaru eearui last aaua uf a kaadrad duMasa; iila said eiaiaa af aaa baearwd araaa; taeaee east to JeSmua aeeaa. Useae auatk ta 1 weatr-aft- a as euwt. 1I1 nam aas baa duly swiirasd to tna fuuaua1 (u a adla. u Tailor aaaaae ia kua Hul Additttw u aaad bas aamaiderauua. ! tafdaa aocta aa la.iur aseaas la fur fun W aad fuller particailacs 1 f a aa as ia "!. laao I BiTerMtf Plaea. aawcllaa any aad all Ua ut araay mamt to La auaapAaiat aa kU S 11 la raiiruad. arbeUMV cssswswd bf Aad .ua ar baiatai nastitasd that if sua Imd to aabie, eiactne ar utbe powar wtura aaa. awmaflav be appear aad anew tu said eeaaBiaiat a ana. traded, maiaiaiawd a avaraiad bf aatd rauairad. Lb aid idatalia' will taaa Urleat ity Kailaar t anpaa., IU aurwaauea at aaaai scalar .oa fur Uaaauaa at f- - .iAi, aad aa- a.i-aa- . aad all aad ataaiar. taw Uada. road-wa- tereaat and rust at ut. Citj Office, CWaa Market. CM Waahiatoa A traeaa, aupec .tractues, rails laid allow ttttaeaath Hoa. Jaaaa A. ataasr. jada. and ta aaal aa? laid, atduiara. luraoaia, Uarka. iiridM, aa.a OUDEK, UTAH. aad riathuuf war. cksrUte equiidtmata. daa-aautlie Distract Cwart aaf In W atrna, drvuia, SLabata. car kmaa. first Judicial District, laaad buiMitia-a- , fur tlx Twrttury at l:Laa. atructttraa, Inn and (af IX.) MAILSG OF.ELEXDS OF SAEAGE 1 aata,tatnwta, auetracu. rbue ia ar'. . raaav tiii Ota da. at Jaaaary, am brauaa-utaad BMta ur tb .oar uf our Lard aaa ntitre ids tu at uai ur iureml ur Omicami fur ttxMiaaad eiadtt naadrad aad SrECIALTT- Ut urpua of at la amuiartioa i!h tlar liaeuf 101 .HHMI. '. It. alii"Ll&E. Hark. radaa. of (tie aald Uvka I ujr iUtlaa. t ortbeuaiutmaieuroa-raii4N- i Rr - R Rest. IWutr t Wk. tlierauf. of V. AU order Sy mail or wire (Tree r or an. thaaaai it. abetbor part tltereuf, attenliiLkur, Attorney fur I'UiutiS. hall at aa. time hereafter or ai.x-nition. Tclrpbuoa til. V. U. Box prompt aatu Wayi Real Estate and Invest- non-residen- I Or SAtC. NOTICE aavruaca . TM a Aadi- - Csflish capital is cornice to OyvW. Jtw ties nam hnaa with hath ma.t St MM. Uarf.. iir.I IL MiteUL proauaMt ttil aa at Quae Wto broker of this ty, rata rood oo a Saturday lut from ahort bmln i trip UZS fast aa Twenty oaBth . A mm to Londoc, EngUod." Be Wt this city hanraia ..... nou fire vek mgo to Bteet party of ItmUH fast as Mediae amen. Goad hara-ai- C. II. Green well & Ires. LH.Mitchel, A. I siannETS. REAL ESTATE. JliGic att ; Ml, - SHOP One I43 MAIN ST. Joar Aorth of the Hontz Ulass Company. Oil and tout Borth-wsa- at rn3, ene-lia- hnndredtlui (5.T7I chains, aad eevent tbeao nono 't dearrees, west" fanrteen awn rwelv hnadredthe (U.13 niiains in tbe BhidiUe- bf the street to the piece of boajiania-- , eoataia-in- r aiaTbt acres more or leas. 2300 WatihinKton Atnu.-- r Torrther with all and simmlar the tenements, hereditament ami appHrtcoaitoee tliereunUi or in any wise appertaining. ' Elec- brlonfftss; Notice is hereby eiveo that on Moadoy. the th dsy of February. INM, at 13 o'clock, noon, of thu! day, in front of the County Court Hotwc ia tUecityof Oirden. couuty of Weber and Territory of Utah, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and drere of foreclosure, sell the aboveLocksmiths. Stencils Jamie, Eubbor Stumps described property, or so much thereof a may to ordvi. be nectarr to satisfy plaintiff's ju'lrmelit. aith inPTeet tliereon mid coste. to tiie hiidiest n.nl nawt lii'ldcr for c.i"h, in lawful munej'of the I oitfd States of America. Ei.ias H. I'asom, U. R. Mar.hsJ. Ky T). A. lion mas'. Deputy U. K. JJaithal. Ogdtm, Utah, Junnaiy 1'itli. Uwlils and Experimental Machinery to Order Novelty Worts! ' , Electric .Wirinjr' and tric Supplies of all Kinds IRON FENCING. All kinds of Novelty Kepuiriuij. Ijcugal Blanks of all kinds lor CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS the Commercial Office. E:ilo at , . |