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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 15?1. ... OGDCN, UTAH. eonn u m. m. net " is 00 a par with the fcrst elia mtl tre H FEEaCABT TTOD1I OUR OUTSIVE AUJE&. Of it OM. tutirm Ij party Ia th political yplkLkie ia Ogdc d A'J fuoi ritiirc ought to tun th eve luaiifious Kil Lak Tiaw Ls No aauosters. scarry such teraiicala fou&d a at Ust on Lk-- h ran aLould L abova abrs um at fuuzwL of it putidfwu lavish it mboim . It ia a litue hard U V irti, aorid lln is! lc'.e&x-tBut ehal a it. While the LaUra! party is being fought but eh will ba able to bve thruu; Utaiulurd. 0,'iea eiUfaiiof rii-- g b a eombin-- ti That aUrnt as suited as politics ia 11ators becaua U the untrue alWUoa r gynlat iallnSiam'iard. r it m tha beet paprr tain do. that it is harboring a ricg, tne stUckiug LAX J liter . bariT m Xtti&t charad as beitf itsrl! hlt is a fart that not obly the Salt Lak It x- and most of shining th 00s bright Timet, but every othr Liberal ampSf of a political rii-- g ever knoata i ia th territory is taking very ail th has It thia city or territory. warm intert ia th poliural ooaipliea-tiuobrands and ear marks'of a thrifty tl in Ogdeo." It is a matter ia which and fully developed ring. Ves, all Liberals of Utah and all triaods of er aa if th King it really appears Drtroj th Liberal party thro lgboot th was a Ring itself ! Th Unto ar intensely aecluded It is a aelf appointed. ecrt, Lak th Timm appraciat affair, with a to Italia Salt Liberal a cf victory importaac grave hand. It is a brainy ring a sort cf at th eoming election, and it has enough ftftsee-malu lair is a of power ring, Utah's interest at heart to put ia all back offio. It is aa itrmly con"bard lieka" it can to help along to tba eoociliat cilia lory ring it desire to fight against th attempt to Ogdea an with Mormon esoaedieg great th th throw city back into th hands of desir. It i a vary iclusiv ring i t Mormon. th iU do to only invites its supporters Sh will b aU to lit through it" secret and imperial wilL and ah will ' acknowledge with Yea, Yes, let us tight th rings! thaaka every good word from outaid frieeda who at eooouraging in her THE DUTY OF THE HOUR. batU against th natural foe of th city's wsaL Ons of th most encouraging signs of th fact the political times in Ogden foramost of th Mknsoxiukb, that the would be disruption iata of the world's painters, ia dead. . Liberal party are unabl to agree among themselves. This small faction is already T dilatory tactic of eoegres would divided into a number of smaller factions naturally giv ris to th supposition and the present prospect indicate that that w have a lot of schoolboys at th ar long further division will sntue, and national capitoL that th result will be such a disintegration of forces a to render the The closing of th postoffio yesterday, "party" power leas to effect any of the by order of the president waa a fitting important results which it grandilo- tribut of respect ehown to the dead quently prophesied at the time of it in- chief of the treasury department Secreception. tary Windom. during the past few Development days, moreover, go to show that th LibIr so much corruption existed in the eral party ia th gainer by the disaffec- council aa is claimed by the twin ortion of th disaffected element that ia of fusion for mayor, th candidate gans to say, that many who recently decided why was not hi aldermanio vote beard to leave the Liberal party in thia cam- in clarion tones of rebuke paign and who have thus soon become dissatisfied with their new alliance have DoxT "knife" Ogden just as she is concluded to return to th fold and regetting a good start in her race for tint new their allegiance to th party which citier. plac in the list of has brought to the city of Ogden the In other words, dont work or vot unexampled prosperity experienced dur against the Liberal party. ing the past two years. The prediction ia her mad that beTaa Evening Telegraph, of Colorado fore election day comes it will be genern folio, is one of Springs, a ally conceded, as Th a Commercial haa the newest additions to the list of Coloaid from the atart, that there are only rado dailies. It will be worthy the two sides to the (olitical battle and beautiful city in which it is published. practically only two parties in the field the Liberal and the People'a parties. Taa mon who have gone into political Ogden's voters will simply have to conventions as delegates and have bolted choose between these two political factthe tickets nominated by the convention ors. of which they were a part have never Now, it d ee not requlro any labored yet set the world afire by their political argument nor specious reasoning to achievement - . show that a return to the People's party rule would be no less thon a death blow Kino worJa regarding the late Sesre-tar- y to Ogden. Any intelligent person outWindom come even from the demoside of the People's party will acknow- cratic The bitterest partisan press. ledge the truth of this assertion without opponent cannot nor will not attempt to the least effort at argument Late de- deny that he was a pure man and a comvelopments have conclusively shown petent official. that the only possible effect of a vote against the Liberal party would be a Qubf.x Linokolani, who succeeded to vote in favor of the Teople'e party. the Hawaiian throne upon the death of Thus the question is reduced to the her brother, Kulakaua, is marr lto a simplest possible form, and it is this: Boston man. The probabilities are that Shall the Liberald or the People'a party henceforth at least one royal table w ill rule the dostinies of the Queen City? be graced with baked beans every Sun It ought not to take true Liberals or day morning. true friends of Ogden the same thing long to decido upon the question at AjiONothe Utah cities with bright prospects is Corinne. Already the bene ficial results of the completion of the A number of influential papers are Bear River canal are being realized in enhanced values and construction of urging the appointment of Senator aa secretary of the treasury, to fill buildings. The city is splendidly located the vacancy caused by the death of Sec- and has a brilliant future and her retary Windoro. His competency and future is near at hand. fitness for the position are generally acknowledged. He is one of the most SUFFERING IN KANSAS. able and brilliant statesmen in this nation. Such an appointment would be Many Farmers Hare Neither Cloth-Ins- r Food nor Fuel. a fitting rebake to Kansas for its attempt to plow under the brightest and brainiest Kansas Cm, Feb. 2. W. S. Shrimp statesman whom that state has pro- of Myriad township, Rawlins county, duced. Kan., was in the tity today soliciting aid for the destitute farmers of his This office is in receipt of a letter from county. He says the people of that township are in a deplorably poor, conPark City inquiring when the Utah dition. Their crops have failed for three poultry Bhow wo to be held in Ogden. successive seasons, and many of them After many unsuccessful attempts to have neither clothing, food nor fuel. find someone who knew, a party was He says that they will be unable to withstand the rigors of the winter, and finally found who stated that it was to will freeze and starve to death without beheld on Wednesday, Thursday and assistance. Tbey were unable to raise Friday of this week. Had the managers any corn last summer, and their cattle, of th poultry ahow asked Phi Comme- pigs and chickens are dying from starvation. Many families have been obliged rcial to call attention to it, the request to burn their furniture for fuel Mr. would have been cheerfully complied Shrimp collected enough money here to with. This paper is always willing to buy a car Lad of flour,, which will b immediately to the suffering liberally aid any enterprise for tha bene- shipped the Rock Island railroad givipg people, of and Utah. should be fit It Ogden tt fre transportation, remembered, however, that reciprocal relations exist between newspapers and Warren and Griffin Hatched. Such th offloera of such institutions. XawOuJUxa, Feb. 1 A glove contest relations are that newspapers should between John Griffin and Tommy Warpublish notices when requested to before th Audubon ren, feather-weigh- t, and th officers should make tha request, Athletio association, for a purse of 2,000. if they want notices published. Their February 8, fir ounce glove, waa agree d failure to ask publication . ia often, and upon today. properly, construed to mean that they A Frisky Cyeloae, . , z.: do not want th assistance of th paper. 2. Feb. Wan Poiirr, Miss, Lest Ia thia instance, th notic ia given withvning a cyclon passed through th out having been requested. western part of Clay county, doing great damage to several plantations and "Ons swallow does not make a sum- fatally Injuring three negroes. . Several other people were slightly hurt mer," they say, and it ia but fair to as sert on the same plan of reasoning, that Nebraska and Dakota Suffering. . one blimrd does not make a winter. Omaha, Feb. 3. North Nebraska and We hail a blizzard for a few houra Sun South Dakota are enveloped in a terrifflc day night, but the weather since then st rm. At Deadwood it is 20 degrees hns been sufficiently Ogdenese to main below zero, st Lead City 30 below, and tain the reputation of our incomparable Galena 40 below. Many herds' of cattle are lost, and destitute settlers will suffer. climate. the THE COMMERCIAL. Og'-tmo- fr mi um4.aaa u4 I HI. IslAiK t M.4i 4 iu-'- Ura hxm, !.. inrtliM akart -- 11 tMBiiiintiaH Iwh 4 Co. aa crtj at ia 19 at W TMty Utu-MU- r cau pot MaLk. aWmM ha ruA attfca Blur. Wue, ti. Cart. iJMuirf trmil W OrW. I'tak. lor M thpl-aetio- TICKET. in cm tin. Twt Kiaaraar. THOMAS BIT Alt. Far CaJfactor, SIC HA ED T. BC M S. - Par TmNNT, W. V. HKLTRK H. Far J, W. MBTCiXF. HtnK utinncw, B. C. WatA-Ccaaril- awa Dr. M. X. Orataa. Tate Uaa an4 Hum. Jaatiaa.TaoamaafiUawald.. Ward-Caa- aril B. H. Bp tar it Jaatica, Gaoraa S. at Fiaak A. Cook WarOCaaariliaii 4 Makmt Baaw. Jaatiaa, A, C XawiU. i E. M. AQiaoa, Paarta Wf4-Caaa- cU aa4 1. B. KUiott. Jaatiea. Tal Girfana. : B A. Ba4 a4 Fifth War4-aaarilia Wav Haraoatba. JaaUea, T. A. Waalaa. THE SITUATION. Ia tba present municipal ooe teat thera ara practically but two parties, una ia tha straight Liberal party. Tba othar ia a fusion party composed of three distinct political organizations styling themselves, ratpactWsly, tha Citizens,' " and tha "People's" tas parties. By what name this unique and Anti-RiM- r" remarkable aggregation will be deaig-aate- d ia not yet generally known. It ia to rush upon a atsrtlod world. It will be blazoned in a burst of glory. If tha name belonging to tha most numerous faction should be given to thia illustrious aggregation,it would be called or Mormon party .because ?lfca"Paople's", estioute of the relative of thia Great Iteform More gives tha "People's" or Mormon of the entire memyarty bership. But whatever name may be given to the fusion party, two things are evident: first, that its suooesa (if by any mean it oould be successful) would be claimed aa a victory for the Mormon party; aeoond, that in such event, it tcould be victory for that party. What are the claims of the fusion party for support! It wants a "good crity government," and it "wants to d -stray the ring." What good citizen does mat want a good city government? Poict kirn out. Name him. Let him be held up to publio execration. Let him be sutpelled from the party he has dis honored and the city he ha i!iraeetl. But our friends of 1K jiiMtiou are much mistaken if they iliiuk nil bad men are in the Liberal p.irty, and all the good men in the fusien party. It would naturally be supposed from their frequent use of the "good government" phrase that auch was their clnariHcation f the good and bod citizens. Such an amaraption ia not only Pharisaical, but untrue. A oonaerv ative and impartial argument would be that the .largest proportion of men in each party sincerely desire ood government Thia ia true because it is to their interest, because the majority of citizens are honorable and upright. Since the Liberal party la numerically stronger than either of the factions opposed to it, the reasonable inference ia that it contains a greater number of those who desire good government than either of the opposing factions. Therefore, no faction can rightfully arrogate to itself a monopoly of the "good government" business. But it is time that the good sense and intelligence of this community frowned down auch cant and Pharisaism. Tha use of auch phrases has, it is true, tha aanction of hoary old age. The custom ia covered with moss. It has been used by all the "outa" from time immemorial .No new party waa ever organized without arrogating to itself stupendous reform proclivities. All auch movements were orgauizod to fill long-fel- t wants the time had arrived All were great purifiers startling wrongs existed that mast be immedistely remedied! All discovered gross mismanagement had a mission they special to manage affairs just right! All maintain that tha "ina" were bold, bad men the pure and noble "outa" were ready at aos to sacrifice themselves on the altar of office! All learned with overwhelming sorrow and regret that the money of th dear people had been qnandered and stolenready-mad- e and fitted financiers stood ' ready to unaelfiahly take better care of tha money. , , Bat history tells that many of these Jarties who pursued such tactics ended heir careers in' disgrace. ' It tells that reform move-wen- ts soany of these that had overturned reliable parties by the use of cant phrases were themselves ousted from offices they had liypocritically gained and dishonorably Hlled by the use of true charges of wrong and corruption. The Tammany ?arty of New York is a case in paint. Tbeaooond pretense that the fusion party is almost consumed by an insatiable - seise to destroy that terrible monster, three-fourth- s 1 -- . n n PwHar.J.W.IUXCTT. Firt s iatw.d. CITY LIBERAL poa aocaciufaa lxt -- , br th' inter-mounta- in seven-colum- In-gal- ls - " ; ' AMUSEMENTS. GEAjtD OPERA HOUSE TV ae iicr" ! hstail is beyucg qurtkai a cop let and bo tS k PHILLIPS Lmm aa4 Mabam. is to a large ertect cornea hat of a sbos- kal burglar. NevertLeleat, aLatever ttroutfb his hasd cuu out th paifa Letter for Lb rsjcuti-t-, and bis operas ( and cau-ninar rtia!y britf LtLia "The Sea Kicg." latMt production, as gin- - at Ibe Grand last evening ! for a very good hotue. It is ia ti bands ut W01. J. Gilmora. and ia acetiie effect, mounting aod custunacg ia L- Sale of Seats Begins Thursday Morning- yood criticism. Tba music throughout is full cf hf and in aum parts First time her. Thnorelty of th eeaaon. A sacces unprecedented. Th grand opera. TL aoLa of Ua New lioraantic Opera Coaiiqu. loading Imiy star ar all of the eiool-lec- t, Utl Th of a ar thus th rok. duo and quartettes ar all good, and auao of them ar aaor thaa good. Th bbretto is very well written and fall of good point. Th eomio work i very good and not ao much overdone aa " is often th ease. Th choruses throughPseaented by out th otir opera ar full of harmony and good music. fUpacialiy good ar th choruses of th aeoood and third acta. Th tag grouping ia good. Several very pretty oaemUe ar introduced Wit th erifiaal (mMbm tad aaaacr that charartfwa it roa of U aicbta atH-Paiaaar very affectively. TL dancing ia all very rUrart incixW: atarS aauta, E. . Uraaaat, Eaua turn, Tko- - - TTf' F. A. Howard. KaU iiUbm Uao. U. Carr. Joe. Boterta. Btaaua CarM, Aacaat Huea. baft pretty and eojovabl. arcaastra atatdacta bf Uarataa ferial laa iMimd. Th opera is in th hand of aa .xcel-le- kaatoa. riKVENTY FfcOPLK. company. Miss EUe Warren, in tUiauar tlM, aad JOe. GaUar? Se. Praai Circle, LOO. Parquetw tUu, th part of Dolores, th leading lady. ha oo of th fratheet and sweetest Effects! of vote beard on th light opara stag for Comic-Operner 10 a bo ia lacking actios, but year The Largest Orpranization ever take besuuful clear voice make up for all Rockies- across taken the has only been on the stage is, bn Ih re' moo tha, and bar acting will im prove ia tin. Especially good were her aolo ia th first act and her duet with lb Be King ia the aeoond act Every, or almost every opera-goeknows Mark Smith. Hi rich baritone of it richness and hi ha lost non work ia "The Sea King" in th title role ia venr satisfactory. Th comedy inter est centers in It XL Graham, who haa th ridiculous part of Don Bamboula. Graham brought down th house but evening. His comedy work compares favorably with that of the best men in th profession and he certainly pleases whenever be undertakea to do so. The minor aolo roles were filled very acceptably by Mtss Kate Gilbert aa Its equal has not yet been produced. Itoaita, Miss Mamie Cerbi aa Donna Ol ios a, Frank T. . Howard aa Pedro and No prizes required to sell it. Thomas H. Persee aa Don Pedrilla a good baas roic snd Howard It is sold STRICTLY ON ITS OWN MERITS. displays it well in his solo, "Th Man who Fight and Runs Away." Persee haa a very fair tenor voic and sings It is OUR OWN MANUFACTURE and every can is witb Alias V arren in one or rleasantly absolutely guaranteed. The plot of "The Sea King" is simple, ret enough to carry the part welL and Try it once and you will use no othe. ha been thoroughly gone over in these is one oolutnna Altogether, the opera of the best opera comiques which have been abown on the stage in late years. and will undoubtedly play to large bu si- Bess hare, aa it boa elsewhere. Ogden is earning a reputation, as an A 1 show town. Salt Lake City is fast 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. falling in the rear. "The Sea King" made of is seventy people up company and jumped from Denver to Ogden and to San Francisco, goes direct from here Salt Lake (Jity bei ng left out The opera ia well worth seeing and should command large houses. The orchestration by Prof, Kent's orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. Herman Perlet, was excellent and caUod tor loud praise loel evening. MONDAY Jnlll'llGMT TUESDAY WEDXESDXSTl UJllllin 9 L'? 0,.T. THE SEA KING ! THE W. J. GILMORE OPERA COMPANY. Aaa-iaal- a nt a, Two Special Cars r Scenery and THE LATEST SENSATION IS: fin Ming PortrJ UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. Troy Steam Lapdry, The Klrmtmt. a treat next Saturday evening and the following Tuesday, Feb. 7th and 10th in the magnificent home talent production of "The Kirmeea. The entertainment will be one well worth the price of admission and to add to the interest of the occasion it is given in the interest or the new rublio Library fund and should have the support and atten dance of every liberal minded citizen of Ugden. Ogden is to have GEO. A. CRAIG, Mge., 137 25th St.,TeIepl!onel07. "Ole Olscn." "Ole Olson" at the Grand Feb. 11th and 12th. This play has had wonderful suc- cees in the east and is coming here well advertised. The following is from The Minneapolis, Tribune, Wednesday, Nov. iy, isyu: The Buou Something like 7.000 peo ple have seen "Ule Ulson" at the liijou thus lar this week, which breaks the reo ord in this city of a three nights' busi nee. The sale for the balance of the week is extremely heavy, and shows that the audience will be fully as large. It would seem from this that Swedish dia lect characters are destined to become leading features in stage productions. Note. "Hazel Kirke" has once more come to the front in Aew lork after a rest of several seasons, and seems to have caught the people as in the past Ethe Easier and C. W. Couldock are plsying their original roies 01 iiazei ana uunsian. Theatrical business tbroughoot the country is generally good, although some places are complaining. Among them is bait Lt&ne. lheyseemto havo struck hard luck down there.' Ogded is holding her own sgamst many larger cities. Thia week New York is bIso having a revival of the over popular Two Orphans" with Kate Claxton and Kitty Blanch-ar- d in their original roles. After a limited season in Now York the eomnanv will make a tour playing through to the t'acino oocsu There is little wonder that Francis Wilson does not care to take "Th Merry Monarch" on the road and tlav the smaller cities when he can draw 960,000 on a five weeks' engagement he has Just done in rbuadelphia. There must be a tidy bit of profit going with this engagement r It haa been demontrated that German opera is a dismal financial failure in New York and now Manager Henry E. Abbej will try a season of theltalian article, at the Metropolitan Opera house, and it is to be hoped with better success than many like seasons of the past havs proved. Asa saooessful manager Mr. Abbey atands at the head of the list, and surely if Italian opera can be made to pay be ia the man to auoceod. Tbeatriral Nat "Goodwin gave. The Nominee" for the first time before a New enee last Monday evening. There seems to have been a diversity of opinion in regard to the merits of the play but all are agreed that Nat Goodwin has mode one of his biggist hit. The piece is an adaptation from the French and jectwa used some two years rco bv " un in ihs production of "The Candidate" in this country. Mr Goodwin will appear later at the Grand! Only Laundry using: soap especially made for wool goods. All wool goods washed by hand. the Ogden cracker co. (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS.. Factory in Rear of Central Hotel a 5th St. P. O.Box 268. THE OGDEN W. F. PRICE, Manager, CRACKER - CO., Ogden, Utah. Sill k R0BIS0I HARDWARE COMPANY. 2345 Washington Avenue. r ) V |