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Show OUDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. ItDl. mm V hare III O sarb. Tb corporator asd lb .hart fc4d t--r earh are: V. H. unirvp; 1 SXEVKINa CIES fcKK . BEAT A WUJIAX. Wrurt.t. K T. Wrslit. n 15D? w-ir- .u F. L. Wright, j rur: J iK A. T. W fa H-- w. lm k. of ! J. in!.ad W'tighu Wnfiti. P. Officer. Xew Tue foMoviug ofUjert ef Iintia Iiv- I'm of A Raid and XaTUaiform Kink KoiLu of ' ArSewn Pjthiaa, a birh were elected ai the regI HoisrWwaUBjf-- Tl ular klre Bseeiing but Tbataday eight rnt far PoIjriMJ- will be installed tin evecing: , Captaia. IL C WaidWb: LiuV-awtA- - W. Herald. W. A. E. Thomtoo: of Mitcheli. bit spoiled a flnrw" street broa;i;ard, F.1L Laer: Sot nl, fruit who rooms on Twenty-fift- h C W, isUyer; Kourder, aUre the User saloon, bad relit un Treaaurer, L X. Fultoa. W.tlHdy; fc!aant eiMfieoo Sunday niibt. Sh 100 Pair Bias art. had been entertaining a viartor daring We atill bare a large stock ot blankeja ths evenina and about midnight croad Lb street to e chacjr fof a too doJuir to clue out at lea than coat. Wmr Call and exam note. On returning aba observed four hasjuateaanmeaoed. men standing at th foot of Lh stairs price. Jamaoti, Last A,Thomm. but thinking nothing wrong started to into co ov to bar room. Aa aba Bl'CKISti THE BLIZZARD. ta haU om of the brataa quickly clap-to mouth a band bar prevent A Few Pro ale who Were vr pad Caught In , aa outcry while another, with tba Old Boreaa. the of Arms of claaa bia chivalry for which bar The usual phenomenon of a genuine kickad vermin Doled, i ia tbaaida and back until aba fell blizzard waa vouchsafed to this comTba girl remained ia tbiaatatafor munity by the clerk of the weather yesnearly four hours, and. when aha raoov- - terday afternoon and evening. In the red, dragged herself with difficulty to language of the "Sweet Singer ot Michithe apartment of bar ctxua, who anew and it blew," for several and put bar to bed. Ia falling gan," it ia a Bianaer whicb would have an hours, bar bead atruck tba chair inflicting Dly cut OTer tba eye, and last aveoing done ample credit to the average Dakota unablato rise, or scarcely winter weather. Under the prevaling 'he waa atilltka Ka lltinpiM mj ,m 4fjm m mvi uim. iiuui a. i w viaK,Kaw wind tba aoow drifted badly and 'Tba robber rifled bar pocket, aeruring high triace found great difficulty ia pedes about 113.00 ia ailTar. Complaint waa making their way along the sidewalks. made to polio headquarter, but, owing The street cars bad a still worse time to the darkneaa of the night, the girl of it, and before the storm bad been ragof unable to wai give any deacriptioo ing aa hour there was practically a her assailants, and it m doubtful blockade on all lines. will be whether they ctptured. One party of eight gentlemen and two Uiies who were at the Hot (Springs A Bold Robbery. when the storm commenced in its fury One of the moat aucceeaful robberiea will be4ikely to "remember the day ana for sometime to come. Seeing that kv retaken place fcr a long time in datfc" tl.er wai liable to be a good deal aecuk place Sunday evening at the of snow, tl.ey took the first motor r. and Mrs. Thomas W. returning to the city the one which hai reaching at 2333 Jefferson avenue. a permanent engagement with the publia were spending the t start at 7 p. m. Owing to delay different; the likef menus in ine c uy, a wci caused by snow oa the track, it waa a 10 iub utmn, little past the regular sail ng hour when , cenpupiiosbeenanown j an niiwbave on the watch. In the motor reported for duty, and it left who fact, when all the facta are considered, about twenty minutes late. At this time the crooka the ( now was coming down not in flake, it aeema. mosti . probable that :. i icani ...11. nor in mere bandfula, but In auction. .iiu ciwb juivo uarmuu. Biuuieu They must have noted that there was Nevertheless, the crowd boarded the oar jewelry in the house, si that waa all and the little engine made a valiant start About four miles of the journey waa they took or seemed to want They pried open the front door with a covered when the engine died from chiael and proceeded to ransack the hunger and thirst. As no such unusual drawers and trunks for valuables. One conditions had been anticipated, no extra large, strong trunk was broken into, provision had been made in the way ot where some silverware was found, but fuel and water. The circumstances of the thieves were, apparently, scared the case had called for an enormous conaway before they completed tho work of sumption of fuel and steam, and the poor searching, as there was some silverware "iron horse" was at the end ot its rope. at th bottom that they overlooked. "Stuck?" asked oae passenger, anxBut they dumped the diamonds, iously. watches and other jewelry into their "Stuck!" answered another, gloomily. "Vbat are we going to do?" inquired a pockets and got well away with it, the haul amounting to about $300. There nervous individual, with an was no clue to the thieves that the police drawl. cared to give away. "Make the best of it!" responded a fat, man and the whole party spontaneously adopted the fat man's lne grana jury nveneu yesteruuy, idea, and from that moment the situa?wa snrorn and orcaidized and will con- - tion partook of the nature of a picnic. The engine had stopped opposite and tinne until it gets through its work. only a few yards from a houpc, in the Judge Miner will open court twain on window of which a cheer'ul liirht was Friday morning. He returned to Salt burning. The party abandoned the car Lake City yesterday to attend to and made a bee line for the "light in the supreme court business, the recess not window for we." Th9 house was found y to be the resilience of Mr. and Mrs. having been taken as expected. Alvord, who gave a most hospitable The most interesting piece ot court business come up before J udjje R. W. welcome to the fugitives from the blindCross, yesterday, as a United ' States ing storm and who made all of the strangers in that invading party feel 4 1 commissioner. Deputy Marshal J. B. MoLillan that the house had been built just for the brought in one Jens Rasraussen from them. Four hours were spent inmanMilton, Morgan county, on a charge of friendly haven in the pleasantest f unlawful cohabitation, which means that ner possible. There were several musicians in the party and an impromptu he is a polygamist i On preliminary arraignment before sacred concert was quickly organized, I Judge Cross Jens plead not guilty, the numbers of which would make a waived examination, and was held in very extended program. About midnight a whistle was heard, bonds of 11,000. The alleged plural or ""eacond wifo, who calls herself Mary A. and it was Boon discovered that the ; Jensen, was required to put up a bond management of the Hot Springs railway-hasent an engine and a crew of snow of C20J as a witness. Rosmussen is an old offender. About shovelors to the relief of the belated three years ago he was sent to tho peni train. The party regretfully took leave ,i tentiary, on conviction of being a polys of their kind host and hostess and omia t, for a year and a half, but was boarded the train for the city with dual I pardoned at the end of nine months. thanks to their kind entertainers and to ' Should he be convicted again it will be the managers of the road, who had enplain that neither federal law nor church terprise enough to overcome the work of the storm for the benefit of a few victims manifestos go with him. who were patronizing the Hot Springs Aches and pains while urinating indi- line. cate Kidney troubles that lead to Sprin? Embroideries Bright's disease. Oregon Kidney Tea Now on sale. S. J. Burt & Bros. will stop them. Sofrfl U . aia-robe- d ' ;ted &tl r t - good-nature- d ' f Le-ro- V - El Monte Commandry K. T. Oar Own Importations. We have a large and well selected liAe Special co Ave Wednesday evening. of white, black and colored embroideries, Feb. 4th. fk, order of the temple. Insertions, flouncings, etc, in transit, ' ' Per order E, C. will few will in and a arrive days they T. T. Bryan, Roc.rder, include all the latest designs and effects for spring and summer wear. Buy early, "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. get your summer sewing done before hot weather begins. Sons of St. Georjre. Jennings, Last k Thomas. ; The increasing numbers of tho mem-i- t HATE INCORPORATED. imperative i to move to commodious berahip Sons of St George has rendered W, IL Wriffht & Sons Expanding; Suarters and in future the meetings of will be held in the A. O. U, W. Their Business Greatly. hall, Washington avenue. Salt Lake Times: W. H. Wright For Sale. Sons' company of Ogden have filed arThe three year lease of the Congress ticles of incorporation with Secretary hotel and saloon. Cheap for cash. LodgSells. The business of the company ing apartment and saloon will be sold . Yowkij. will be to establish, maintain and con- separate it desired. . duct a general merchandise and manu Ladies all recommend it What? facturing business in Ogden, and "Happy Home." nehee may be established . in other For good digestion, use "Happy Home" of the territory. The cemtal k of 1),000 is divided into 1,000 flour. . t SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, JAM FELL ROM THE THAIS. AEV Aim wt TiaFFl;'i. fHEt K XI JtBF-- U. -bK-k- W Fire It I'a a Varied EiivriVfif ia tLe Xaik- Hand of Ji'ba Si!uj"-"i- . A WEST BOl'SD TiHT.lT UKETS Tbe fur theUi If sxtooe to tows Las JoLn Sirafx.' WITH SIDHF.S BEATH. werk un Jnu v itwiwvl Mu total tJt Nn. 310 for til or ."7, tL cLauort fliaSLkl Fur the brrf full ek of the are that be unfortuaat to theesU-L- t W. F- - CaMlfaiaa of t au?I Found a UMKJtn tL-- ti,w fort!. of swwrwl ek (I rl"4: foe tli tiiird k Mr. feimpauo pre-.t- l IVrpj by the Track- - Snow r.Aei 1 a jr for the Utter ptrtot Saaday MxU--a to rhtvk raJi& ou ike January ere core income thau thuae Parisr. of Ui first k. nut aierdy trade but for fJT, signal -- A. IL Saaa A Co." end buaioeas many being rath drawn pavabie to John &uiiua, the The paBecgere oa the Southern IV-i-fi-c tmnanctiona.trailers, number U4cg 3MI A man abo aas The total tmU tor the mootb were slightly known to Madea iiif.jnued lain bound &itxier Xo. 2. abkb ia a good showing for a that tL party in qurtioo, Mr. Simpson, left Ogdea at 7 oVlotk Sunday night atM.sT?, w hirb time uf spcu-ia- i strinjrui-y-. It ia at the morkttd for Colooet Saaa. Mr. Mdru for San Francisco, miceed ooe of their rate of cearly 18,477 per day; eicluaive cached the check. aaaiber upoo reaching Battle Mountain, ot Sunday Later. Simpson brought another rhet k holiday. to Mr. Madea with a request that be Xev, and a careful search failed to rerash it. Ttie amount uf thi waa veal any trace of hi a hereabout. The SOME FIXE MISIC. i. It waa cashed. Shortly after last seen of him, be bad announced bia cashing tb Uat check Mr. Madea ioteattoo of going into the smoker to A l'Utiug nUhed Artut Suoa to Ap- noticed that it number was ZUi -- U. enjoy a cigar, abortiy after the tram left earn aa the first one. He thought that pear la Ogden. the Union depot in this city. The On Friday evening next the muaioal was a trifle queer, but be bad seen missing man i W. F. Caslieman, of Ontario, Canada, and bia brother who public of Ogden shall bareaaeppor-tunit- y queer thing before in bia life and concluded that it aa probably aa waa traveling with bim, at once teleof pteting aa hour or two of re- error. But it did aeem queer. only graphed back to headquarters ia this Along about midnight Mr. Simpson city asking that a look out be kept for fined enjoyment at the Xew West again appeared upon the scene and him. Academy ball, corner of Twwty-nft- b naked the acwoimodating Mr. Madea to Yesterday morning the dead body of a street and Adam avenue. Uerr Richard Ewers, ot the Royal cash another bill check. This Urn the well dreaaad, middle-age- d man waa found amount waa again fJtS, and a hat struck by the aide ot the railroad track near Opera at Munich, (Bavahal and an exToano station. He bad evidently fallen ponent of ill latest operatic music of the amazed FJwood a extremely pecufrom the train while it was ia motion, Europe, ta stopping ia th oity en route liar waa tb fact tb number waa 34& and from the absence of any papers upon to San Francisco, and a chamber coo-5e- Hia suspicions were now fullv aroused. has been arranged in bis honor. "I lelier you signed these check bis person, and the fact that the body ill sing eunga ot Schu- yourself? " said Mr. Madea, aa the cheek Herr Ewer was found at about the place where bert, Schumann and other composers ot waa placed ia his hand. Caatlemaa left tba day- - coach for th "What do you mean, air?" asked th smoker, the remains are supposed to be nigh degree, and will be supported by thoa of the aliasing man. Tbebodywse tb best local talent in aongs and can-- , eatooiebed 8imon, with a dramatic ocloeed in a casket and ahipped to Sac- oerted piece. Tb aelection vill be of show of indignation. "I mean, replied th man who waa ramento, where they will be received by the highest order and all who are inthe brother of the deoeaaed. The on It terested in refined and cultivated musical weary of cashing check No ZU, "that I I theory of the manner of death ia that in programme will not fail to attend this think you're a crook Where did you tapping from one platform to the other interesting concert The music will be get that check" "Why, from Colonel Swan, of eourae." heloat hia balance and fell from the under the direction "t Mr. Chaa. A. "When did be give you the last ooe?" train, which at the time waa running at Fiaher and tickets may be obtained at "About fifteen minutes ago." the rate of forty miles an hour. Cattle- the Reed hotel drug store, at the rate of "How i it that he's up at this tims ot man, it is said, leaves a large estate in fifty cents, th night?" Canada. Omaha ia to have a new theatre with "Wed, he just got back from a sleigh-ride.- " seating capacity of 1.3M. The bouse is A Big Snow Slide. to be finished by Aug. 31, and will take "Where doe he live?" The fast mail over the Union Faritio rank with th beat theatres in the "On Spring street" "There is no Spring street in Ogden." due here at 3 a. m. yesterday did not ar- country. rive until 11 o'clock, eight hours late. The cause of the delay was an immense snow slide in Devils Gate, near Echo. The section men discovered the blockade in the shape ot several thousand tons ot the beautiful early in the night and a work train was immediately sent out from Evanston but owing to the severe blizzard which was raging at the time, all efforts to clear the track were useless as the wind which was blowing a gale contributed two car loads for each one taken away. When the storm abated a large force of men were put to shovelling but it was ten o'clock before the way was open for the passage gf train. The Union Pacific west bound "Fast Mail" did not leave in consequence of the delay until nearly noon. Tkty Ta-W- I s th away." i; up the - krt id -- Bbb-4rr- 4 ia bis fWtol Tiu2asd rj ttav Vea, r.A fHO: iXitX. iji ruta at aJ f-l- rt f fmu bc-Li- 1 rhyou to i- th oouct. CiJ -- I u.,, 1 ; Kit j h. j, I ant toam the tVi.ae aad I wit to are Lim sums, aod I mutil ou bo jk one of the party." "tjertaaJy: IHfowithyou."rr;tiJl the CukMnl'a Iium axtii 1 jarr i g boa, any a ay." iu r-.- r. aid hi 3V friend W au ay "up oa th hiil" a aocafortable-loucic- f ho m. r FwauoU t!jir U-f'J- .c a-- Mn4i um i wviiy uiira stmeta. "Ttia m our bocMi" remarknl the maa ot decka The lighu are oi I. and I guess theyir all goo H bwi l f aait bere and 111 go ia by tl trk jut door and oueoe and opea the fivAt for you, and call the Colonel." iln that be went around bark the house. Mr. Madea waited lutg t ugh for him to open a Bumber of bars and "rail" a larg aaaortiiient of ti ithout beanngaay report He tr.au tned,th backdoor in veat nation f r tia.-el- t and found, after arousing tie of the houae, that a family ty tb nam of Taylor reswled there, and tl-- . kr no Coloael Swan wa anywhere lea- ther and that the man Simp a by that time nrobablv a verv Lj r from there. It wa found. Lter. that the feiicw who railed himself Simpson bad aed half a dozen check the sameettn eg, and that they were all numbered At last account, Simpaoa was rtut a; d large, but detectives are after bin., ritaj-ulate- na little fa s hsn.Lun. ..1 offered by Elwood Mauea for ti e ap. re- nsoaton of in perpetralorof ebe .a .Nu. 34ii Ubrral Bally. Tliere will be a rally of the Libera! party at the Grand ofNra houae Friday, Feb. Cth at 7 A) n. tn. Klnntint nuUriL Good music T. rn out, Libert!. Exat'imvK CoMMintK Liukkai. I'tm. For fin wbita bread Home" flour. "Sohmer," tb Queen ot "lUppy Pin, MONARCH SHIRTS, ENDORSED THE TICKET. The "People's" Party Primaries Resolved for the "Citizens" Ticket. The People's or Mormon party held its primaries last niht, in the form of s sort of general meeting in each ward. A uniform Bet of resolutions was adopted, endorsiu-- ; the "Citizens" ticket in its entirety and pledging support. These reflations were very long and very wordy, but tho point to them is that the political duel that has been in process of hatching for two or three months was completed last night and all the extremely credulous voters who will, are asked to swallow the combination gracefully and.without winking. Correction by Mr. Ridsrcly. To the public and nil members of labor organizations: I wish to correct a statement made by mo in the Citizens' convention at the county court house in regard to the action of the Central Labor union of Ogden. The language I used was to the effect that the union had voted to act with and support the Citizens' party in the present city election. The correction and what I should have said is this: That a part of our committee, being members of the Labor union, stated to us that in their labor organizations and under thtir rules they did not take any political action, but that a large number of their members in a meeting as citizens hud canvassed the situation as to the pending city election and by almoet a unauimous vote they declared their approval ot our cause, and that as citizens they would support our ticket, but they did not nor has any one, at any time, pledged any number of votes. This correction I cheerfully make, in justice to all members of labor organizaE. R. RllXiRLY. tions. OoDFJt. Utih. At a special meeting of the Central Labor union, held Sunday, February 1st, it was resolved that we express to the public of Ogden the fact that we never endorsed any political ticket, or any political party; and, furthermore, as an organization, we never authorized any person or persons to do so. Ivan Williamson, Tres't. Joiin Ckaijieiw, Sec'ty pro tcra. Further, the only political notion taken by workingmen was at a meeting held January 19, 1891, when, as working-me- n and citizens (and not as members of Labor unions) it was resolved that we support the party known as the "Citizens' party," Jons Chalmers, Chairman.' .c. pHA. Oabdseh, Sec'ty. r Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos., This "celebrated brand is known to the .best trade throughout the United States as tlie most Xerfecfc fitting, and carefully made Shirt in tlie market. "We carry a complete line of the Monarch, ranging in price from SSl.OO to $2.50, and guarantee a perfect fit for 99 out of every lOO. The SBl.oO and SI. 75 grades are equal in quality to any SB2.00 and SB,.50 shirts put up on special orders from the various factories. "We are prepared to take SPECIAL ORDERS for shirts to be made at the Mammoth Shirt Factory of Cluett, Coon & Co., Troy, 1ST. Y. Our Big Discount Sale will continue for only a few days, longer. It will pay to buy while prices are subject to 20 per cent, discount. ' ATTERBUEY, DOBSON & COMPANY. - . SILVERWARE, v, v ,. ' ' ,:f,-'- : 306 Twentylif th Street. JEWELR Y, WATCHES Silver-mounte- d Grold Line Solid and Complete cSc S. G. RAINE COMPANY. 24:83 Spectacles Properly Fitted. DIAMONDS. Umbrellas Oden, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charg e. ' a Washington Ayeniie. - ' |