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Show DEMONSTRATORS FROM B J THE LOGAN COLLEGE B ' Tlie lust scsBlon of the Utah legislature linssed B n measure providing for farm and homo demonstrates demonstrat-es ors, ns follows: B ' "" -The hoard of trustees of the Uthh Agricultural Agricultur-al nl College is authorized and Is directed to place B practical farm and home demonstrators In various BB - parts ot tlio state of Utah. Theso demonstrhtors B shall fstudy comprehensively tho existing farm mm B ', home conditions within tho district assigned. They B ' dhall visit as far as possible from farm to farm and B i from homo to homo and shall present such facts B i dud principles and practices of modern agricultural BB and homo science, as may seem needed in the de-H de-H U'lopmont of tho districts assigned. They may BB asslbt In the Introduction of new crops, new meth-BB meth-BB ods of cultivation and new machinery; encouraging BB boys and girls farm and homo contests; in assisting BB cow icstlnp and similar organizations; In advanc-B advanc-B Ing county and lochl fairs and in promoting such B other ways ns may bo decided upon, 'tho ngrlcur-BB ngrlcur-BB tural and home Interests of the districts to which BB the ripmonstrntors are assigned. For tho purpose H of carrying Into effect tho provisions of this hill tho BB following moneys hnvo been appropriated from tho B state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, namely, B ' l'000 foi tho year 1913, with nn Increase of $2.".00 fl for each succeeding yodr until a total of $23,000 a B year Is reached." BB In rcsponso to this now law, tho Utah Agrlcul- BB turnl College hns named demonstrators to different BB counties rml Issued Mnnl Instructions. BB' Tills Is ono of tho most Important moves ever B; ninilo hv tho stnto of Utah, carrying ns it does, the B ' Invest knowledge of our agricultural college direct BB' to the 'arms and homes. B, The Idea Is not or glnnl with our legislators or BB educatois but Is borrowed from other states where B the system has worked to tho great benefit of the ftirmers ami others. Bl Prosldc-nt J. A. Wldtsoo of tho Logon educn- B ' tltlont.l Inttltutlon, nn authority on many ngricul- B I tural hiilijects, rejoices over tho broadened Held of BR l.ibcr which has been oiened to the Agricultural H , College, and Bays: m' ' 'Pclenco has grown erj" rapidly the last 100 B ' yenrs and tho application of science and tho needs B . of man l.avo multiplied rapidly tho last 2." years. Tho real noblem Is how to b-lng all of theso new B , 'acts to the people. This movement Is nn attempt B to put Into tho possession of the peoplo tho facts B. nnil principles that may bo npplled In making moro H pioflthble and moro desirable all phases of fnrm and lm:no life. It sceniB to mo to bo n necessary sup- B, plement to tho work already being done by tho ex- BB, j pcrltvcnt station nnd tho ngrlculturr.l collego. Its B results nro sure to bo of very great value to tho BB B,nte ' tbo beginning it may hnvo n few hard- BB, ships. Kxperlence will hnvo to bo gathered, but BB: lf the people will hnvo a little patience until the BB wo''- an bo brought well under way, It will show B lts'ir lo bo ono of tho most important movements B iver inaugurated in tho state." Ogden Standard. |