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Show H Open Your H Account Today BBS -twwww' I A I Farmers 1 & I Merchants I Savings I Bank BBB www I Your Bank ) BB .iflBaHBk ... BBBBaSaSaSSi EEjBBaBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSaB -(w . I NOTICE ! Tho Hyrum Stake Ilellof Socfety conrerenco will convene at Hyfum on Wednesday Juno 25 nt 10 a. m. rnd 2 p. m. The public Is Invited. Relief Society Stake Presidency. w Logan, Hyde Park & Smlthfield Canal Can-al Co., Principal Place of Business Logan, Utah. Thero nro delinquent upon the to'-lowing to'-lowing described stock on account of an assessment levied on tho itth day of April, 1913 tho several amounts set opposlto the names of the respective respec-tive shareholders as follows: V. V, o o g o Name Q v. 5 s s 3 c n w c a a o l.orln A. Merrill .. 702 33$ 8.00 Goo. IJ. McCulloch 840 3 2.40 Geo. C. Nlolsen ..j 074 1, .80 J. V. Noiderhousor 812 1 .80 Anderr Nlolsen ... S42Jl2Vi; 10.00 Joseph G. Smith .. 530 25 20.00 Joseph G. Smith ,. 579 7 3.85 U. M. L. Corpn. 822 7-10 .50 Smlthfield City ... 102 200i 160.00 Smlthflold City, .. 420 3, 2.40 Smlthfield City .. 578 U2 89. CO Smlthfield City .... 8I8 l .8Q Edward G. Smith .. C31; . .' 8.80 And In accordance with law and an order ot tho board of directors mado on tho 14th day of Juno 1913 so many shares of chch parcel or such stock ns may be necossary will Mo sold at tho front door ot tho court house Logan, Lo-gan, Utah, on tho 11th day ot July, 1913, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to pay tho delinquent assessment thereon together with tho cost of advertising ad-vertising and expenses of tho sale. Dated June 18, 1913 at Logan, Utah. LARS C. PETERSEN, Secretary. Advertisement. July 10 JULY FOURTH RATES Via Oregon Short Line Railroad Very low special round trip rates be-tveon be-tveon local O. S. L. points and to certain points on connecting linos, with certain limitations. Tlpkcts on snlo July 3 and 4, limited to July 7. See agonts for further particulars J Advertisement. Jij The Important Thing To You Young Wage Earner . . - - WHEN you have worked hard ijn the bees. or else- I where; and have earned money enough to buy r3f That New Suit. The Question is: Where Shaii I Buy The importance of buying Good Clothes is more than worth your while, we would suggest Sam Peck Or Adamant Suits They are the best we can buy and so offer them to you. You may not know, but the strike in the factories have delayed de-layed shipments on Boys Clothing and the latest have but recently been received. The selling season is so short we Must Sacrifice the Price on Them and will place our entire stock, consisting of Norfolks, Double and Single Breasted. Buster and Blouse Suits on sale Commencing Saturday, June 21st, to July 3rd. 25 Per Cent Discount 25 Thatcher (Blothing (Bo. 27 Main Street. "Tireless Toilers For Trade" Logan, Utah. OLD FOLKS EXCURSION TO WANDAMERE JUNE 25 Via Oregon Short Line Special train leaves Logan at 7:30 a. m., returning, leaves Salt Lako 7 p. m. TIcketB ?2.E0. Limit returning return-ing Juno 20. Advertisement. J24 Band concert on tabernacle square from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. i NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Salt Lake City July 5 to 11, 1913 Excursions via Oregon Short Lino from nil points. Tickets on sale from Utah points, July G to 9, Inclusive, Inclus-ive, limited to July 15. From other points, July 4 to 8, Inclusive, limited to July 20. See agents for rates and further particulars. Advertisement. July 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HAY WANTED Tbhtcher's Livery. Logan. tf For saJo cheap, ono single buggle; good as now. Phono 407R. Advertisement, Adver-tisement, tf nEAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSUR-ance, INSUR-ance, abstracts and deeds. II. A. Pedorson and company, Logan. tf PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN on farms or good city security. Stewart Stew-art Real Estate & Loan Co. tt Going on a mission, I will sell 4 building lots on North Main very cheitn. They aro high and dry and very flno. Seo F. A. Neuburger. tt SEE HERB WE HAVE A NUM. ber of good farms and ranches to trade for Logan City property. 8tew-art 8tew-art Real Estate & Loan Co., tf A FIRST CLASS SECTION OF farming land in the Dlue Creek District Dis-trict 6.50 per acre. Terms. II. A. Pedorson and company, Logan. if TO TRADE for Cache Valley orchard orch-ard or farm land, 320 acres high grade lccern seed land near Holdon, East Bench, Millard county. When replying elvo full particulars. W. O. Van Uergen, 207 Kearns Dldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. J24 NATIONAL EDUCATION , ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Salt Lake City July S to 11, 1913 Excursions via Oregon Short Lino from nil points. Tickets on sale from Utah points, July 5 to 9, Indus-lve, Indus-lve, limited to July 15. From other points, July 4 to 8, Inclusive, limited to July 20. See agents for rates and further particulars. Advertisement. July 8 SWEDISH CELEBRATION jj LOGAN JUNE 24 VI.t Oregon Short Line Low rates from Richmond, Cache June tlon and Intermediate points, good returning re-turning Juno 24th. Advertisement 321 Dand concert on tabernacle square from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. Acme Mowers Binders Headers Rakes VI Noi Made by A Trust Most Efficient Line of Harvesting w Machinery in America. They are Winning Their Way Throughout the World. le STEVENS IMPLEMENT CO, Lt Western Agents , I 1 I I |