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Show AUNT EMMA'S DAY OBSERVED Wellsvlllo, Juno 19. Aunt Emma's Day In romombranco of Emma B. Wolls was hold hero Wednesday, Juno 18, by tho Relief Society. Tho following program was rcnaored: 1. Singing 2. Prayer Sarah O. Parker 3. Singing 4. Opening Address. Elizabeth Owen 5. Biography of Emma B. Wells.. Jano B. Maughan G. Song Harriet Spenco 7. Recitation Emily Baugh 8. Piano Solo Magglo Allen 9 . Speech Nancy Bankhcad 10. Prepared Paper.... Jessio Brown 11. Song. .Mary J. Hendry and Co. 12. Reading Agnes MItton 13. Piano Solo.... Mrs. Jos. Oreen 14. Comic Renfdlng.... Agnes Price 15. Duet Coulo Brown, Mary Maughan 1G. Closing Remarks President Sarah Murray 17. Benediction .... Ann J. Haslam After tho program refreshments were served and playing of games. In tho ovenlng a picture show was given. Tho Junction boys camo up Wednesday Wed-nesday and crossed bats with our boys and oh, what a Joke. Tho score was 12 to 1 In favor of tho home team. A danco wob given In tho evening. |