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Show I V"i Local News : i B President Budge on Trip President H William Budge spent yesterday In H Shit Lake City, returning horae on the M evening, train, m H Another Strawberry dunce at Prov- JB jdence, Saturday June 21. Car leaves jtS Logan 8:45; returns after dance. ""Hf Usual admission. Advertisement J21 H H Prof. A. H. Saxer wag up from H Salt Lake City Thursday. lie reports H Mrs. Saxer as recovering rapidly H from the operation she recently un H derwent. H H Middle aged woman as housekeeper, H able to do plain cooking; good wages. H Apply D. P. RIter. Advertisement. J20. h H Loit Small Irish lace Jabot and H enameled English sixpence pin. lie- H turn to this office. Advertisement. j21 H H Will Hold Funeral Funeral serv- H tees will be held at the Seventh ward H meeting house at noon on Sunday ov- H er the remains of Andrew Mourltsen. H The young man died yesterday morn- H Ing. m H Will Lecture Dr. C. M. Jensen H will lecture to the Third ward Par- H ents class on Sunday morning June H 22. His' subject will be: "Trhlning of H the Boy." An Invitation Is extended to H H The demand for harvesting macb- H Ines has commenced. The Sidney S Stevens Implement Co., are kept H busy these days sending out Acme- H Hodge mowers nnd rakes and they H report quite a demand already for Hj Acme-Hodge headers. Advertise- H raent. tf H Rev. Jones Arrives The Rev. Paul H Jones nnd his bride of a week arrlv- H ed in the city last evening from San H Diego, California. They were greet- I ed at the depot by' the boy scouts of H this city who were dressed in full H uniform and served as a body guard, H and escorted the couple to the St. H John's Church on First Xortti street. 5 There were tbreo automobile loads "mf ft scouts In the company H Doctors and Dentists The doctors H and dentists held their annual outing H at the Johnson Grove yesterday. At H noon a Dutch luncheon was served. H In tbo afternoon the usual gamo of H ball was played with the result that H the doctors won the long end of the H score 19 to 11. A banquet was serv H ed at 5 o'clock and a danco was given H at tho Smart gymnasium in the eve- H nlng. Wanted One load of hlralfa hay. Call this 'office. Advertisement. Big Clearance Sale on clothing, and shoes. Star Clothing Store. Advertisement. Adver-tisement. J20 Young lady clerk can get a good position. Apply 16c Bazaar. Advertisement, Adver-tisement, jig Twin CoLtt J. Z. Stewatt Is the proud owner of twin colts which were born Thursday morning. Friendly Suit A friendly suit has been filed in tho -district court by Hans Dahle et al, against Allen Archibald Ar-chibald ct al, to quiet title to real estate es-tate in Clarkston. Newbold the Clothier, Is hhvlng a great bargain sale for one week. Now is your time to buy clothing, shoes and hats, for tho family. Everything goes, no reserve. Advertisement, tf Rltera on Visit W. W. niter of Salt Lake and B. F. inter of this city were on a visit yesterday to Frankllnand Preston inspecting their drug business at those places. Lost Bhy mare about 4 years old, slender built, Iue deep wire cut in front hoof. Liberal reward. Spandn Furniture Co. Advertisement. tf Band Concert The regular weekly band concert will be held as usua at the tabernacle grounds this evening. even-ing. The public Is showing its appreciation ap-preciation of the musical, which is encouraging to tho band master as well as the members of the new organization. or-ganization. 9 Rate Are Given The Oregon Short Lino company has nutlior.zeJ a two cent rate to and rrom Logan on Juno 24 for the Swedish celebration cele-bration which will hold at Johnson's Orove. Tho rates will extend to Cncho Junction, Wellsville and Richmond Rich-mond nnd Intermediate points, limited lim-ited to the one day. Tho street car company will also give a rate from Smlthfleld and Providence. Commits Suicide Christian Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, n shoe salesman for tho An-lderson An-lderson Shoo store In Ogden, committed commit-ted suicide Thursday night by drinking drink-ing about two ounces of carbolic acid. ac-id. Ho had been laid off for about ten days until business plctted up a little and through tho loss or his Job he became dlspondent. Cnrlstensen wns at ono time employed Dy Uio Howell Chrdon company of this city. Ho was 32 years of age. Frco band concert this evening. Auto tiro found. Enquire at this Qfflce. Band concert on tabcrnaclo squaro from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. Experienced Help Wanted at How. ell-Cardon Co. All applications must be made in person. Advertisement. J21 Mrs. C. M. Qroesbeck has returned return-ed from an extended visit In Salt Lake and other towns In the southern part of the state. Best chick feed 2c per pound; State Protector High Patent flour $1.20 for CO pounds. II, E. Perry & Co., phono 625J. Freo delivery. Advertisement. J21 Will Issue Programs Earl Goodwin Good-win and Lawrence Smith will issue the official program and souvenir of Logan's Fourth of July celebration and In connection therewltn, they will print the official race card of tho afternoon af-ternoon races. Children Have Outing Miss Lydla Fonnesbeck, who Is conducting a kindergarten kin-dergarten class at tho Woodruff school, took tho little tots for an outing out-ing yesterday morning, a ride was taken on the street car to Providence and upon returning a luncheon was enjoyed at the Johnson Grove. Stoney'a Fighters Loie In one ragged rag-ged gam0 of baseball, the Garlaftd Commercials took sweet revengo from Stoney's Logan Arms squad Wednesday Wednes-day at tho H. Y. campus, the score ending 17 to 14 In favor or the visitors. vis-itors. It was a swat-fast with tho honors nbout equally divided. Announce Marriage Cnrds nro out announcing the marrlago ot Miss Evn Willes of Mount Pleasant to Mr. David Da-vid Wangsguard. Tho mnrrlogo took placo In tho Salt Lako templo Juno 18. Mr. Wnngsgunnrd was u former graduate of the II. Y. College and was n favorlto of tho nthletcs there for a number of years. m $1000 Greenback In tho window of tho First National Bank today will be displayed n $1000 U. S. bill or greenback. green-back. It Isn't often that a bill of this denomination can bo seen, or nt least with tho limited oxperienco of ye scribe, this would be his best Judg ment. Any person wishing to know what a gold certificate of X1000 looks llko can satisfy his curiosity at the bank window today. i Morton Now Located J. R. Mor ton local ngont of the O. a. L. is now comfortably located with his family at his now homo on East 4th North street. Tho homo was recently recent-ly purchased from Olof Kelson and Is tho whito brick building Just east of the Egbert homo. It Is n new building build-ing nnd Is equipped with nil modern conveniences. Mr. Morton naturally natural-ly Is proud of his new residence. Presbyterian Church Sermon at 11 a. m. Sabbath. Tho evening service I will probablj be omitted as tho pastor pas-tor expects to participate in tent meet Ings to be held In Providence each 'evening during the next two weeks. A. C. Versus Smlthfleld Tho A. C. Summer School baseball team played the Smlthrield team on Tuesday Tues-day nt Smlthfleld and walloped them to tho tune of H to C. A return gamo will bo played on tho A. C. campus today. Geddet Returned Joseph Geddes of Preston, a former student of the B, Y. College, has returned from New York where he received his mas ter's degree at tho Columbia; Unlvor jBlty, his major subject being that of economics. Part of the week was spent in Logan. Off To Get Married Miss Emc JenBen of Mendon ami formerly secretary sec-retary of tho IT. A. C. student body left this week for Salt Lake where she was married to Mr. Alexander McQueen of Pocatello. The many friends of Miss Jensen nro somewhat disappointed ns she did this little stunt without a word of warning. I Hurt HU Foot Trueman Grecnhnlgn son of T A Greenhnlgh met with a painful accident yesterday morning by running n sharp pin Into nls foot. i Tho pin was broken off, lenWng about an Inch of the Btifno in the (leshy part of the foot, Tho wound was lanced In order to locate the pin. Tho young man has Just returned : from Ogden w hero ho has oeen laboring lab-oring for several weeks. Annual Encampment Tho annual encampment of tho Cacmo stake Daughters of the Pioneers was held at the Fourth ward amusement hall yesterday afternoon. A program wns rendered In the meeting house and an elaborate banquet was served to 400 members following tho meeting It was supposed that a change of o' fleers would be made at tho yestcr day encampment but as Mrs. Thatcher Thatch-er consented to servo another year as president of tho stako organization no election was held. Relief Society Conference The regular Relief Society conference of Cacho stako will be held on Thursday Juno 20 at 10 nnd 2 In the tabernacle Visitors -from tho genernl board will bo present nnd n good attendance Is desired. LUCY S. CARDON, President |