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Show n M Page nack Grange? Mr. & 'M PACKARD Sat SERVICE RADIATOR 2506 WEST 3500 SOUTH Mrs. Cassidy, Proprietors I' - , "- - I Sumthins Cookin ACROSS FROM GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL 3663 South 3600 West by T. R. Brown ONION RINGS FISH & CHIPS Delicious $i HAMBURGERS 6 - Thursday, May 9, 19U THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS 2 h answers and the solution to thii believe there has never been p between our problem or our needs in education issue serious more ? SHRIMP the methods that are being used? elected public officials and the pub- by would be illogical for titty lic in general than the situation that Surely it RADIATOR or citizens of Utah to allow our Teacli? exists with our teachers and the CREAM ICE CHOCOLATE BRAKE SERVICE ers, Postman, Doctors, Firemen arid necessity to puruse good education- Policemen to force us to meet their al standards. (Cones or Bulk) demands for anything 298-196particular 2 Call No matter who you talk to, peo a a Pro1 s? u,on PICK-U- P CALL CY TAKE OUT ORDERS and DELIVERY pie from every walk of life, there is em effects s0 the seriously a growing alarm of what our actual of ievs individual ft? must every abil educational needs are, and the carefully weighed that we do rM ity of the taxpayer to meet the ourselves in a position th&$ needs and pressure that are being put will be constant dissentipa here or mail them with your Place your Want Ads by calling CY applied. That all needs will be met and any possibility of the breaks and consequences that are implied, remittance to P. O. Box 513, Kearns 18, Utah down of normal processes of law DEADLINE IS MONDAY at 8:30 p.m. if our duly elected officials are and order. forced to back down from the stand Classified Advertising: 15c per line, with a minimum of 45c per insertion But you as a reader, I as they have taken. It is surely dangerREAL ESTATE SERVICES FOR SALE ous in a nation that has survived writer know we owe in some meib because of law and order, and ure to the teachers who taught H HAVE HOMES IN THE KEARNS AND IRONING DONE. Call CY Western Auto. BENNETTS PAINTS GRANGER TRADE. SALE AREA FOR OR CY through our weaknesses personally in our formative years, more thkty Call CY Dean Baker. Galaxie GUARANTEED' SERVICE. Radio & T.V and colletcively, that we do not can be described in mere words. Home Realty. Service, Auto Radio Repairing. Valley TRASH BURNERS frsm Heavy Drums. Only meet our full responsibility as citi- Every man, woman and child oiiva T.V., 3995 W. 5400 So. CY $2.95. 5856 South Redwood Road. V ANTED 3 or 4 bedroom home with basezens and we find ourselves with an so much to the teachers. Their rec ment in Kearns area. Will buy equity. T.V. and RADIO ELECTRONIC Servicing USED WASHERS, Dryers, T.V.'s and Stoves almost unanswerable dilemma. ord of loyalty to their students 4140 West 5780 So. CY Call CY Terric values Western Auto in Kearns. Whether the demands made by their guarding, practicing and their CY GUARANTEED SERVICE Radio & T.V, our teachers USED CARS organization are right teaching of patriotism cannot jbe Service. Auto Radio Repairing. Valley FOR SALE 21 Shares of Utah and Canal Exc. are or T.V. wrong, they going to get the challenged. No single group of citi Cond. '60 5450 South 4220 West CY ton long wheel base Irrigation Water Stock. $100 a share. Chev. Low Good Truck. tires. zens m any profession so complete mileage. or AM Call CR our Carpet you can borrow Reel good. $1375.00 Packard Radiator. YES, ly hold the power to assure us of 4 Shampooer FREE to clean your carpets $40.00. REFRIGERATOR, USED GOOD SOIL MOUNTAIN worthwhile future, or whose rei Blue Lustre. with Western Kearns Auto, Mr. Davis. AM '57 CHEV. Sta Wgn "2" Sharp ... 865.00 CHRIS RUSHTON sponsibility is the only real road 795.00 ROTOVATING With Large Machine. Any Trailer House 10 ft. '57 CHEV. SUck "8" Air Cond !: 1960 FLEETWOOD block to oblivian. J CY Phone Size Lot. Reasonable. CY 795.00 wide & 50 ft. long. Nothing down, take '58 MERCURY, 2 dr. Hd Tp ... 1095.00 or fertilized top soil. Special over payments. Can be seen at 1532 '60 CHEV. 4 dr. "6" Stick .. The honest needs of our teachers 1195.00 Calvo Dr. (Town & Country Trailer '61 FORD, Fairlane 500 Stick .. Redwood of west Located price. and educational needs in general Complete 495.00 Court), Granger, Ut. Across from Red- '55 CHEV. 4 dr., Clean Road. '58 OLDS, 2 dr. Hd Tp 995.00 should be the wholehearted obligal wood Drive Inn. BUICK, 4 dr. Hd Tp 995.00 '3 MARINE SERVICE tion of everyone, not just the elects 895.00 CLOTHES LINE POLES Swings, Porch '57 CHEV, 4 dr. Sta Wgn ed officials and school boards. W 795.00 .. Columns, Mail Box Stands, Ornamental '59 LARK, 4 dr. ''6 ' EstiFree the citizens will have to assume the Standards. GRANGER RENTALS Railing, Basketball REDWOOD AUTO SALES mate & Free Delivery. Phone CY responsibility and the results of our 3380 So. Redwood Road 3310 W. 3500 South CY neglect if the needs are only fulfilled through pressure and demands FOR RENT 1954 STUDE. 6 R. H. OD. Good condition. WILL TEND CY Child or so great they can no longer, be, in my home. Granger1 area. Mr, The needs are now, no, ignored. Davis. AM '54 FORD PICKUP. Real Clean, Lincoln LAWN MOWERS of Line Carries a next Complete AM year or even next month. This $500.00. Engine. LEAKY FAUCETS is so serious that it could changty repaired. $1.25, labor SAtES - SERVICE - RENTALS and materials included. Call EL 1950 TR. 3. Cleanest car in Town. Must the whole world that we live ini 5 After 5:00 P.M. se to apprciat - 8-88- I 11 VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 32 i ' 298-196- 75 WESTERN AUTO L GRANGER RENTALS CY 3310 W. 3500 South see to appreciate. Best offer takes. See at 1962 West 3500 So. Granger. '55 HUDSON HORNET, or will consider trading for furniture if interested. CY REAL ESTATE 2 EZDROOM HOME in Kearns. White Split $275.00 Rock Exterior 100 plus Storm Windows '55 BUICK $ 75.0 ar.d Doors, Awning on front, completely '51 MERC $250.00 fenced and gated, Landscaped, 12x30 ft. '54 FORD Station Wagon All cars excellent condition Patio. Carpeted thruout, Drapes & Verti-- i 3532 So. 295 West CY cie Blinds. Bedrooms and Living Room Wall Texed. All Trim recently painted, both inside and out. Very Clean. F.H.A. 4300 West or V.A. $11,000. CY 5730 South. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS W S NEED RFAL ESTATE LISTINGS. 2 OfNEW & USED fices to Serve You. 4080 West 5415 I MISCELLANEOUS Have the convenience of automatic washing in your home. Rent a washer for $3.00 per week and matching dryer for $5.00 per week. Western Auto In Kearns South 4775 Wwt, CY Westridge Realty. (LEARNS RESIDENTS, Want A New Home tn Granger or Magr.a? We take Kearns Homes on Trade Several Models to Choose From. Reed Davis Inc. CY 4345 CY WEDDINGS FLOWERS, BACKGROUNDS, Reasonable. Short Notice O.K. Oakeson Floral. 5250 So. 3200 West. CY FLOWERS CORSAGES, BOUQUETS, Plants, Cuts, Casket Sprays. $4.50 Up $15.00 Up. 5250 So. 3200 West, CY GRANGER RENTALS 3310 W. 3500 South CY WANTED RIDERS FROM KEARNS Monday through Friday, p.m. CY SERVICES I to Salt Lake, a.m. to 4:30 8 J VERN "Settle In The Modern West" SUNDOWN HOMES Dont Buy A New Home Before You See the Beautiful Maintenance Free Sundown Homes $14,100 to $19,400 4018 South 4300 West area call CHOICE HOME CY T.V. RADIO REPAIR W. 3500 So. FEMALE HELP PART-TIM- E Brook Waitress, over South GRANGER RADIATOR SERVICE, 4795 W. 3500 So. Cleaning, Recoring. All wcrk guaranteed. Free pick up and y. CY Cafe, 4197 WAITRESS WANTED. Must BILLIARDS. INSIDE LADY 1633 21. 130 Meadow West. be 21. BERT'S West 350 South. For McDougal's Frostop. No school girl.s CY 8:0.00 REWARD for any sewing machine and models. I can't repair. All make Work Guaranteed. Ernest Jackson, 4534 W. 5615 So. CY Move in for Closing Costs. LOST FOUND i Donna. Thieda Jean Tracy tfora S3. Mom 74 6-89- 43 43 8-48- 53 4153 5342 4534 4920 3965 W. So. So. So. So. Growth in Sales Reed Davis, Inc. REALTOR Needs Your Listings If You Plan To Sell and Live In the Kearns, Granger or Surrounding Area -- 00 :all A special price $3,001 VViG A I Dr. T. Chiepcs OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted Contact Len?e Oovaitoirs Kecrns Medico1 Phone CY " 51 Keams 4960 So. Redwood Road 3200 West 4015 West 6000 West Hunter-Magn- a Dutch, CY G.E.M. Music Studio REALTOR Investigate Our Summer Program Phone 298-359- 2700 West 3500 South ACCORDION - GUITAR and BAND INSTRUMENTS 1 PHONE 298-520- 2 IF YOU BUY UPHOLSTERY MATERIAL from 5666 SOUTH 4540 WEST ALL MAKES T. V. ond Hi FI Johnnie's Auto Repair We Will Upholster CALLS 8-22- 09 - $3.00 WELDING - GLASS INSTALLATION BODY & FENDER REPAIR Benrdon Keams Reed Davis , Inc. SUPERIOR UPHOLSTERY 11 1954 Published weekly by Valley Vew News Publishing Company at Salt Lake County, Utah Post Office Box 18313 - Kearns, Utah CY AM CY CY CY Due to Outstanding - Fast Service Phone CY CY 11 KEARNS AREA. Boy's 25 in. J. C Higgins Bicycle. White & Red, Combina tion Lock on Frame. Reward. CY KEARNS - GRANGER HUNTER - MAGNA JOSEPH L. SLOAN, Publisher Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah under the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year; Single Copy 5 cents Joyce Stout Arleen Morrill All Makes Repaired LOST. Valley Vieu HlwA ESTABLISHED Brimley T.V. Service Guaranteed Work Evenings CY i I LIST WITH WOODALL, 4681 West 5100 South, Newly carpeted, drapes and new paint, CLIFF LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE. MAN'S PRESCRIPTION Sun Glasses FRA Landscaped and well kept. Monfnly near Phone Booth. CY 4985 Free W. Fickup and Delivery in the Keams payments approx. $30.00. 4566 CY ar.d Granger area. Call LOST BEIGE & BROWN SIAMESE. Answers to Simon. Lost Sunday, Reward. I BENNETT'S Colorizer PAINTS 4983 CY daily, If you are looking for a new home, or i want to tiad in.o a better home. In the Granger-Hunte- r Dean Baker. GODWIN Free Tube Testing. Kearns CY MERRY TILLERS South, chil-dre- n Flat Tires Fixed . 4551 JOHNNIE i L MARTINEZ West 4925 South CY s FREE Call CY 8-66- 42 DR MAURICE I BENSON Chiropractor Nerve - Muscle Relaxing Tecnnique Receptor Tonus Method ) 4952 So. 4015 Wes KEARNS Call CY 8-51- 71 FOR APPOINTMENT t |