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Show Thursday, May 9, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS ' Page 7 CAMP FIRE GIRLS NEWS Granger-Hung- er Jessie Bringhurst, a long-Um- School Nevs res - e , ident of Bennion, celebrated her 75th birthday, with her children surprising her with a birthday dinner. All her children were present for the delicious dinner at the home of her son, Hugh. special p that day. am is t0 be Many Ladies from this area at- Delores Taveys group of Camp Dairy, went to Clarks Music ComFire Girls was hostess to other pany where they listened to an or groups for a tour of Wells Tannery. gan demonstration, had lunch and They were shown how to tan lea- saw a movie at the Wonder Bread ther, and it was enjoyed by all girls Hostess Lunch Room, had an hour lesson at the Fred Astaire Dane participating. Vera Huffman, Collen Redd, Mary Studio, and they heard a discussion Spies, and Barbara Sansoms groups on banking at the Beehive Saving were those accepting Mrs. Taveys and Thrift Company. To top things invitation to go along. It was a off, they also visited the Coca Cola large turnout of at least 75 Camn Bottling Plant, Jordan Park, and Fire Girls. The girls purchased Cottonwood Mall. scraps of leather and will use them They had a Council Fire at the to make their own mocassins. Methodist Church ' at which preRita Josefczyks group is working viously earned ranks were awarded on a top secret project for Moth- to Jolene Blocovich, Marlis Sabert, ers Day. Her girls will attend a and Marie Martinez. Field Mass on the 4th day of May This group took second place in. at 9:30 a.m. at the Salt Lake Coun- CCA on per capita turn in day. Winners were interviewed on KCPX ty Recreation Center. a 8 be there will May meeting and Mrs. Huffman represented the of the Camp Fire Leaders. It will be group. hel dat the Mid West Realty at 7:30 On April 27, the girls tried their p.m. The leaders will discuss Day skill at bowling at Rancho Lanes. Camp. Anyone interested in the During the month, the girls also Camp Fire Program may attend. (toured Temple Square. They took A very busy bunch of girls is the in the Museum, Assembly Hall and Tawasi Aowakiya Jr. Hi group. the Tabernacle. Thanks to an active leader, Vera Helen Salvins group celebrated Huffman, theyve had a busy month. National Library Week by donating They visited the Meadow Gold jthe Blue Bird Book to the Kearns Library. The girls went to the library in a group to donate the tended the Utah Congress of ParBennion Ward will hold their ents and Teachers Leadership Conmonthly fast meeting Sunday, May ference held at the University of 12 at 12:30. Everyone keep in mind Utah, May The theme was An Adventure this time. in Leadership General meeting began at 8:30 The Relief Society would like to a.m. with Mrs. James W Ure, preclosinvite all ward sisters to the siding she is president of Utah ing social to be held May 28, it P.T.A. Meetings were held in the will be a fashion show. Everyone WCITCS PIOWS Student Union Building. is invited to attend and wear their Reverend Fred C. - Venable, of to are then and urged they apron Congratulations to .1 e r r v fnd Christ Methodist Church gave the donate it to the relief social for Donna Orton, they moved Into thell invocation. and colors of Posting a bazaar. new home they completed recently. It looks very good and Jerry did pledge of allebiance, were by the orclubs Boy Scout Troop. The National Anare' being a lot of the work himself, Many them was sung by the congregation, area. Bennion the 4 in Any ganized directed be by John Owen, Civil Denew club wishing their news to The Bill Melloni and Max Matfense chairman, and accompanied published, pdease get in contact thews familys spent a few days in by Mrs. Hal Schultz. with me. Southern Utah recently. National Congress Representawere Mrs. George Headley tives the stake Ferris and Leone Smith, long-tim- e Everyone remember and Mrs. Fred L. Keeler. State condance this coming Saturday night residents of Bennion, will celebrate at the Stake Center. The dance is their 4Sth wedding anniversary May vention speakers were Sterling W. Sill, the keynote speaker, who emand 19. Congratulations. sponsored by the phasized the importance of living Explorers. 4! Dale Smith is busy getting ready on a formula you know what you are out by what pou put A speedy recovery to Del Bjork, for his coming departure to his into getting a thing, whether it be in school he suffered a broken leg playing mission. His farewell will be May softball. We hope is 'feeling better 12 at the Bennion Ward at 6:30. or life as a whole. The banquet was Jack Adamson. soon. Everyone from both wards are in- speaker The South Pacific District Conan In effort to strengthen family vited to attend. Dale is the son of of the American Lutheran vention life in Utah the P.T.A gave major Everyone is encouraged to attend Donna and Carvel Smith. wil be held May 14 to 17 Church emphasis this year to: correlation meeting this coming A. Organizing parent discussion at Santa Monica, California. Thursday night at the Bennion Young marrieds will have a meetPastor Joseph A. Luthro, repreWard at 7 p.m. for all officers ing Friday, May 17, time and place smdy groups on a local unit basis, senting the Atonement Lutheran and 8 p.m. for all officers and teach- to be announced at a later date. Organizing family life confer- - Church in Granger is planning to ences. ers. This is a very important meetconvention. Ole Galge-ruthe attend Cooperating with appropriate Cerrelation meeting at the Ben- ing, the bishopric w'ould like all of100 West, an elect3261 South inlficers and teachers present, nion, May 16, 7 p.m. for all officers agencies in the promotion of ed delegate from the congregation, e and bishopric and 8 for all officers proved family life, will also attend. Working to improve the dis-t- o High school graduation will be and teachers. Evervone is invited The convention is a combined decrimination and tastes of viewing, (May 28 at the Granger High School. attend this meeting. votional, inspirational, and business a listening and reading habits of fam- - session and is an annual affair. Valley Jr. High will have graduation exercises May 27. There are many May 20 there will be a Cub pack ity members, Among the featured speakers will E. Conducting a safety program Confor both groups. proud parents meeting at the Bennion Ward at be Dr. Frederick A. Schiotz, presi7:30. designed to reduce in home acci- - dent of ALC, and Dr. Martin E. gratulations. dents. associate editor of the ChrisF. Developing recreational oppor- - Marty, The Walt Swains have left for Next Monday, May 13, at the tian Century Magazine. ' Detroit where they will pick up a Taylorsville Stake Center, will be tunities within family units with new camping bus, they took their the monthly stake priesthood meet-- ! such activities as family and family An area Luther League Rally will discussions. whole family and will vacation all ing at 7:30. 12 from 3 to 8 p.m. be held 4 The convention was well repre- at the MayCross Lutheran Church, the wray home. Sounds like fun. Holy it A new arrival finally arrived at sented. in Brigham City. The editor of P.T.A. magazine, The Max Knight family are look- the home of Marilyn and Barth Pastor Joseph A. Luthro and Eva a Dean anxious these months Grant, once said, "Too often seven youths from the Atonement a little Stone. After long wait (10 ing days. will be home shortly after two to be exact) it finally came. Clark parents start out by feeling they Lutheran Church of Granger will years on an EDS mission to Africa. Morrill, Denis Morrill, Cloyd Mor- - cant bear to deny a child any- - attend. Everyone in the whole ward is very rill, and Barth with half the neigh- thing, and find out by the time their The seven young people are Orrin in child is school child of the him. to their cant take porud borhood, finally got Haberman, president of the Atonefirst peek May 5 in the afternoon, bear to be denied anything. ment Luther League (Lutheran All mothers are invited to their at a new baby colt promptly named 'Serving children is the PTAs Youth Group), Vernon Collins, Steve chief objective, but that does not Luck, Carmen Gocke, Raymond special program to be held at the Blaze by the Stone children. include all the whims and demands Gocke, Kenneth Luthro, and Nelna Ward May 12 at 9:45. A gratulations. that students might make, Luthro. Youth is full of promise, parents and teachers have it in their power to help youth realize the full pow- Legion Auxiliary Dear Residents of Kearns: tience in behalf of the betterment er of human life. To Sponsor Boy, arent you the nice, patient of the community that someday we Fund-Raising Dance kind of people. As long as you have could all be proud of. Why dont all the conveniences of life and no we all try hard to bear our vast The Auxiliary of the American APPEARING NIGHTLY interference in your mode of travel, growing pains gracefully, instead of Legion Post 132 will sponsor a IN PERSON but let one little bump get in your screaming like small, uneducated g dance on May 1 at (Except Sunday) I refer9 p.m. at the Post Home. The dance children who cant comprehend the way and do you holler. am will be for Legionaires, wives and ring to 4700 South along which a benefits these inconveniences will eSt 1 ih sewer is now being installed to give bring about. (Eugene friends. the residents of that street some Music will be provided for dancAs for the residents of 4700 of the conveniences they have gone South, wre are happy (cough) to bear "MUSIC IN THE ing by a band, and a light supper without all of their lives. But no, the inconvenience of rough, dusty will be served. In addition, there CONTINENTAL MANNER": will be a drawing for a nice gift. you couldnt let the contractors do roads in order to enjoy the blessings With CARLOS ARROYO a job that has no glory at all con- of life that you take so much for 'Reservations may be made in ad(Mexico's Gifted Guitarist) vance by calling Connie Wall, CY nected with it. Instead you have to granted (sewer, water and gas). rnaek their lives miserable and all or Edna Larson, CY Many, many citizens all over Salt the people that live there miserable Lake County are plagued by conor tickets may be purchased at the door. They will cost $1.50 per by your, complaining (thats a mild struction problems because of our ' i c term.) couple. I i extremely fast growth. But why You have made so much trouble make everyones life miserable by T . 4 that the contractors were forced to continual complaining which only ft Kearns High stop their work to fix the road as hampers work and makes the proHold Primaries smooth as glass so you could go gress slower in every respect. miles your uninterrupted way (75 Patience and understanding are Results of primary elections at i ra per hour). Im sure you havent great virtues, it would behoove us the Kearns Jr. High School were noticed that people live on this all to practice them more often. announced in an assembly last week street with small children, much An irate resident of at the school. the same as you have in Kearns. 4700 South Those who will compete in final In Teogra's Beautiful But Im sure that makes little difelections May 9 are Steven Brown Dining Room ference to you as long as you get and Randy Barker for president; where youre going with no time Vicki Foil and Chrystal Heath for lost. Becky Davis and Heaven help the innocent resiDonna Frisk for secretary; Linda dents of Kearns whose reputation is Busenbark and Patsy McMillen for ruined by the minority of inconsidhistorian; Leon Bills and Reed Minerate, selfish people who think only ster for Boys Association president; of themselves and their petty deBeverly Gardner and Julie Ferrin sires., ' v for Girls Association president. -Its about time you practice a These students are mostly from little and develop a the 8th grade and will be 9th grade small portion of your potential pa students next year. 3-- 4. ' Bennion Second 4-- H Mia-Mai- ds Church News ! i J d, j i ; j , j j i j i book. At their 8uesday meeting, the were busily making May baskets. Carolyn Tidwells and Jeannette Rolisons groups will get together for a ceremony at which awards will be presented for those which, earned them during the candy sale. They will sing songs and refreshments will be served. Sue Bess and Colleen Reids groups are busily working on Indian symbols, but took time out for a visit to Wells Tannery. girls j j s , DROP IN AND MEET Verden Heaton AT KEARNS REGAL SERVICE 4261 WEST 5415 SOUTH Con-Benni- I . i LETTER TO THE EDITOR i ! fund-raisin- j n K. 42-- , self-contr- ol . BARGAINS AND . SERVICES 89c With Every Oil Cha nge and This Ad OPEN 6 A.M. to II P.M. SUNDAY 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. vice-preside- i We will Restore your OLD CLOCK to Working Condition Don't Throw It Away! J Jr. CHECK THE CLASSIFIED ADS for LUBRICATION O Steadmaivs Jewelry o DIAMONDS JEWELRY - GIFTS . 4844 South State St. WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY AM REPAIRING 6-54- ! j i 72 I VIRGIL STEADMAN ' |