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Show Thursday, May 9, 19S3 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 8 Kearns Town Council News Granger Boy Presenfs Mother's Day Greetings The Kearns Town Council met Monday night for their regular semimonthly meeting. The main order of business centered arounl the cleaning and fixing up of Kearns. It was reported that four wrecks have been moved from the area, and that Council members plan to continue their efforts to remove cars from the Piano Recital Mothers this day belongs to you, no alternative but to hire some one, set back and take life easy. Have a nursery is fine for the tiny ones, breakfast in bed if possible, give but Scott and Mary Jane are going Over two hundred music lovers thanks for the lovely little gifts to school. We can either let the attended a piano recital at the your loved ones present you with, children run wild, until their father Granger High School Monday night and the many kinds things that are comes home or find some friendly and were treated to an exceptionalsaid about us in church. Also we neighbor to keep an eye on them. ly fine performance. must not forget the lovely bouquet Where then, does that leave securThe recital was presented by Mr. of flowers from our husband. ity? That which is most important Steven Weighall, son of Mr. and to our children. What a weve had. great day (Mrs. John Weighall of 3583' South streets. When the neighbor is away, But walk lets over to the mir3270 West, Granger. The area around are our children? Have we Kearns where the ror, lets take a long look at our Young Steven is only 15 years is as mothers ever had time to think being graded by selves, do we really deserve all old and is a student of Granger swimming pool the Salt Lake County Recreation the wonderful things our loved ones at what age juvenile delinquency High School and a pupil of Ricks in Department Starts, and that we may be pushing preparation for have given us? Knudson. He won his age division our children gently but surely in and Are is we the kind blacktopping of grass. Biding mother we in the Utah Music Teachers' Assofor direction. When we return that should contractors to be? Or in extend the open our hurrying merry ciation recital and will represent the cement home from work to a cluttered deck around the pool. The phrase called life, have group in the state finals sometime contract will be awarded next we and house dinner to cook, we realweek. forgotten what the word in August. ize how tired we are, being tired, It was announced that the Counmeans. 'His presentation of several diffiour nerveous system acts up, we is Clean-UThe p a first Trash we think ty of when backing thing cult piano numbers was warm and are we with the kids and with thismother is impatient say week, beginning child, and love. full of feeling. His stage appearance Campaign we continually holler our 6. These are The then exhusbands, area included will combined to home. was very creditable, especially this May Now can they do but and at what we from tend have a mother, a child or west of the Jordan Rivthem, "being his first public appearance. between parretalliate. Contention Steven has been studying music er, south to the county line, west children, love and a home. We acfor seven years and has been a pupil to State Highway 111, and north cept for granted that father' stands ents follow, disagreement is part of of Mr. Knudson for the past four to 4700 South. The dates were set at the head. These ingredients form Lucifers plan of breaking homes ' by Commissioner C. W. Buck a cooperation that spells security apart. How easily it is for him to years. to a child, however if anyone of tempt insecure children to. seek 'At the conclusion of his recital, Brady. The Town Council is still contin- these ingredients are left out, secur- means of escape, from what he feels he took three curtain calls and was is emotions he cant cope with. uing in their reapportionment com- ity becomes an uncertainty. called on for two encores. But in our world of high There are some homes where the plaint. It is an effort of the Town PROGRAM prices, mother and works that are well manluxurious to Council Beethoven SONATA in E Major, OP. 14 living, we are social-- y get fair legislative repsome children well taken care resentation for this area, and the ALLEGRO obligated to keep up with our aged, our is one like that we If home of. individuals named in the complaint neighbors any way we make ourALLEGRETTO f are not filing in their own behalf, selves believe, so one wage earner can be thankful and keep working, ALLEGRO COMMODO 2 but are representing the Town in a home is not enough, mother but if we are .listed among the Schumann OP. PAP1LLONS, ' has to go to work, a new home, two hundreds of working mothers who Council in this action. , .. Debussy The next meeting of the Council cars; new furniture, utilities, all to have these inserucities growing with La FiUe aux Cheveux de Lin be paid for. What to do with the our children, we can, take steps to La Cathedrae engloutie Debussy will be Monday, May 20. children? We turn to grandma, how- get our families together again in Debussy Golliwogg's Cake Walk ever she! too. is working. There is unity. The average woman can save PRELUDE in C Major, OP. 28 Chopin more by doing her own baking and 55 OP. NOCTURNE in F minor, ....Chopin meal RONDO CAPRICCIOSO, preparation than she makes PTA Officers in wages, but her biggest saving Mendelssohn OP. 14 is in the" knowledge that her child A dren are being taught as she knows Kearns boy; Ejected Kris Johnson, was struck by a car Dtivid they should be. Gourley on 5415 Then when Mothers Day arrives, South across Saturday the Kearns Jaycees are working diliElections of new PTA street can deceit the honor showered we from officers for the Kearns CenStake gently to- assemble their Records' ter. the coming school year wefe held ori us and realize true. motherhood and Recognitions scrapbooks which He was rushed to the Kearns at the last PTA meeting of the is ours. will be entered in competition at Medical David. School on April 23. the State Convention of the Utah ed for Center where he was treat- BecauseGourley the school will be on bruises, bumps and skin ' Jaycees on May 17, 18 and 19. Carl abrasions. double sessions again next year unNelson is in charge of the records At the latest report, the little til the new South Ridge School is and recognition program. During the land is Improving, and is being very completed,, two groups of officers year, the Jaycees have completed brave in spite of a good deal of were elected. 26 projects in 11 fields of activity. His pain. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs: D. Ray Gardner was elected Castillo Entered As Glade Johnson, are thankful that President of the David Gourley PTA; president Outstanding he was not hurt any more than he Edwin Castillo, president of the was. The with; Mrs; Oliver Venz, first full length of the' car Kearns Jaycees, has been entered was Mr, Daryl J. McCarty, reported to have passed over principal, (Formerly The Pizza Hut). t; by the Jaycees as outstanding local the boys body. It second certainly appears Mrs. Floyd Minster, third president. in state competition. The to have been a miracle. SERVING Mrs. Patrick McQuire, secrewinner will be named at the State Convention. tary; and Mrs. Cecil Otte, treasurer. " BREAKFAST Road-E-e Teen-AgThe Marriage Announced New South Ridge PTA officers LUNCH by Kearns and Granger JayCarolyn Brems, daughter of Mr. are Mrs. Cloyd Nerdin, president; cees, was run off smoothly May and Mrs. Allan Brems, was married Mrs.- Thomas DINNER t; Naylor, 4. Both Jaycee clubs were pleased Wednesday, May 8, in the Manti Principal (not yet named), when the judges chose as winners Temple. The bridegroom is Carl OPEN 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Mrs. Jack a teenager from Kearns, Leonard Sorensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl second t; Stevenson, third CLOSED SUNDAY Mrs Claycomb, and one from Granger, John Sorensen, Jr., of' Kaneohe, Ernest Wessman, 'Paul and and LaVar Smith secretary; Arlin Bryner. Oahu, Hawaii. Mr. Sorensen is art Mrs. Hugo Hullinger, treasurer. Mattson were LDS bishop there. 8-I- n. The new officers will assume Jaycee Membership Meeting Carolyn is employed at the LDS Tonight Church office. Carl served a mis- their new duties on June 1, 1963. PIZZA 'A membership meeting of the sion in Eastern Canada and attended Kearns Jaycees will be held tonight Brigham Young University for three at 8 p.m. at the Old Hickory Res- years. He is now serving in the taurant. United States Air Force at EllsWE NEED Family Picnic Enjoyed worth Air Base, South Dakota. n BONNIES" by Jaycees An open house for the newlyweds A family picnic was enjoyed by will be held Thursday from 7 to 9 IN KEARNS Jaycees, wives and families on May p.m. at the home of the brides 4 at Jordan Park. The picnic was parents, 1376 Alder Road. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday s arranged by the Kearns Jaycee-ette5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. WILL TRADE who prepared fried chicken as a treat. 47 parents and children at- County Recreation Dept. Busy in Area Grading was begun Wednesday, May 8, on the piece of fro Kearns mthe Jr. ground across High. 40-ac- re The Salt Lake County surveyor and crews from the Roads and Bridges Department, were out with heavy equipment to move soil and grade the land. It is expected taf take a few days to complete tha work, according to Charles Baugh, landscape architect from the Salt Lake County Recreation Department. The work being done at this tima will make it possible to construct a baseball diamond on the site. go-rou- - Bids are presently out on a con- tract to put a cement deck around the Kearns swimming pool. The contract is expected to be let next week.1 - Group Elects New Officers - . , Kearns Youth Struck by Car Kearns JC News at seven-year-ol- . - -- . The At a meeting held April 29, Shirley Buckley was elected president of the Alpha Kappa Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, International. 1 Serving with her for the coming year will be Anna Sapp, vice-preside- Betty Andrews, recording secretary; Narc Reed, corresponding secretary; Helen, Gass, treasurer; and Linda Sparks, educational di- rector. officers will be installed later in May. v 'Last Saturday, May- - 4, members of the sorority attended the Founders Day Luncheon at the University Club with other Salt Lake . Chapters. . The theme of the meeting was, Climb Every Mountain.- State Council President, Naomi Hughes from Milford, was present at the luncheon, and installed the new state council officers. Beverly" Glenn of the Alpha Kappa Chapter was elected president of the city council. vice-preside- vice-presiden- vice-preside- nt; O, first - vice-presiden- vice-presiden- t; Nov... 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU 4000 W. 5415 South Kearns Shopping Center vice-presiden- tended. Calabash Cousins Feature Guests Entertaining as special guests with the Calabash Cousins at a luau of the Kearns 14th Ward on Mrs. Jonah Pia May 4 were Mr. and of Maui. The Island Cockett of the Kay Cocketts, who are parents ofduets. two sang of Kearns, Harward the The audience also enjoyed Kekala movies and songs of Eddie Lehi IV, the raft, who was aboard Hawaiian the on its epic trip to New Member Jaycees Welcome welcomed Kearns Jaycees recently D. Egelund, new member Ronald to them 5340 South 4420 West, of Utah ranks. Ron is an employee He and Power St Light Company. four children. his wife, Ann.- have - JACK'S AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION and BUILD YOU A CUSTOM BUILT HOME OF YOUR CHOICE GARAGE 5.2950 Inspection Time Is Here Be Prepared! PHONE CY 12 8-17- YESTRIDGE 3481 SOUTH Phone REAL ESTATE NEEDS OFFICE: CY 42 Dorris CR 64 Toby CY Don CY 15 71 Jim Jamieson Glen Seel Dean Baker ... Larry Tackett CaroL Wilcox We Need Your Listings Taste CY CY CY ...CY AM Enjoy The Worlds Finest Bouibon since 1795 84107 05 C; 68 51 54 6 or - CY Wendell CY 2700 WEST 298-907- REALTY We handle all your GALAXIE REALTY 5446 SOUTH 4270 WEST (Behind Chuck's Chevron) FRONT & REAR SEALS and BAND ADJUSTMENT CALL CY and 4845 W. 4775 South |