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Show THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 10 Thursday, May 9, 1963 STEREO PHONOGRAPH FILL YOUR HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! EH0 DTI3 FM-A- M, STEREO PHONOGRAPH combiLowest price ever for an RCA Victor Stereo-FM-Anation. Two 8" and two ZWf speakers surround you with sparkling stereo sound. The powerful Dual Channel AmpliM fier gives you distinct sound separation more musical ded tail. The changer assures smooth, positive record Tuner changing, featherlight tracking. The deluxe has AFC to lock FM stations in tune. Come in. See and hear the most beautiful thing that ever happened to music RCA Victor Total Sound Stereo. four-spee- FM-A- M a ONLY WITH PURCHASE OF ANY STEREO CONSOLE "ADVENTURES IN STEREO" ALBUM TEN 12-IN- CH RECORDS BY FAMOUS ARTISTS OVER 100 SELECTIONS REDWOOD ROAD No Down Payment PHONE No Payment Til June 266-35- 86 |